Order Editor Jeopardy Conditions Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Conditions tab to select the conditions under which the jeopardy should be raised. For example, you can raise a jeopardy when this order exceeds the expected or a given duration or when the order is received within a certain number of days. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Jeopardy Conditions tab.

Field Use

Order State

Select the state that the order must be in before the jeopardy notification is triggered: In Progress or Completed.

Raise a Jeopardy when the order is received within

This field is available only when you have selected In Progress in the Order State field. For orders that are in progress, you can raise a jeopardy if the order has been received and has exceeded the time interval defined in the adjacent field.

Raise a Jeopardy when the order is completed within

This field is available only when you have selected Completed in the Order State field. For orders that are completed, you can raise a jeopardy if the order has been completed and has exceeded the time interval defined in the adjacent field.

Raise a Jeopardy when Process Duration Exceeds

After selecting this field, select either Expected Duration or Given Duration to raise a jeopardy if the process to which the order is associated has exceeded the expected duration of the order (defined on the Order editor Details tab) or given duration, specified by the time interval defined in the adjacent field.