4 Point Code and CIC Translation Configuration

This chapter describes the procedures necessary to configure the Point Code and CIC Translation feature.


The Point Code and CIC Translation (PCT) feature allows the EAGLE to change the destination point code (DPC) and originating point code (OPC) of an MTP-routed MSU to previously configured values. This functionality allows external networks to continue using the old point codes by emulating and mapping them to the new real point codes within the networks. The feature can also be used to change the circuit identifier code (CIC) for the MSU.

24-bit ITU-N point codes, spare point codes, and private point codes are not supported by PCT entries.

Network nodes can send and receive traffic to and from the emulated point code (EPC) without knowing the real point code that is being emulated by the emulated point code. This ability allows the real point code to be changed transparently from the rest of the network, which can continue using the emulated point code to route traffic.

For each incoming MTP-routed MSU, a DPC lookup is performed if the PCT feature is applied either by using the global setting defined by the chg-stpopts command or using the setting for the incoming linkset defined by the chg-lsopts command. If a translation is found during the DPC lookup, then the DPC of the MSU is replaced by the real point code as the MSU is received by the EAGLE. If the matching translation also contains provisioning for CIC translations, then the CIC of the MSU is changed to the value from the real CIC range.

For each incoming MTP-routed MSU, a DPC lookup and an OPC lookup are performed. If a translation is found during the DPC lookup, then the DPC of the MSU is replaced by the real point code as the MSU is received by the EAGLE. If a real CIC was provisioned in the translation, then the CIC of the MSU is changed to the value from the real CIC range.

If no matching translation is found during the DPC lookup, the OPC lookup is performed. If a translation is found during the OPC lookup, then the OPC of the MSU is replaced by the emulated point code as the MSU leaves the EAGLE. If the matching translation also contains provisioning for CIC translations, then the CIC of the MSU is changed to the value from the emulated CIC range. The OPC lookup is also performed on MTP-routed MSUs which are processed by the service module after feature processing has completed but before the service module sends the MSUs to an outbound LIM for routing. The OPC lookup is performed only on MSUs whose OPC is not the EAGLE's point code, a capability point code, or a secondary point code.

If no matching translation is found during the DPC lookup, the OPC lookup is performed. If a translation is found during the OPC lookup, then the OPC of the MSU is replaced by the emulated point code as the MSU leaves the EAGLE. If an emulated CIC was provisioned in the translation, then the CIC of the MSU is changed to the value from the emulated CIC range. The OPC lookup is also performed on SCCP MSUs after the GTT feature processing has completed but before the service module sends the MSUs to an outbound LIM for routing. The OPC lookup is performed only on MSUs whose OPC is not the EAGLE's point code, a capability point code, or a secondary point code.

To provision the PCT feature, these procedures must be performed.

Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity

This procedure is used to increase the number of PCT (point code and CIC translations) entries that are allowed in the EAGLE. The EAGLE can contain a maximum of 1000 PCT entries.

The enable-ctrl-feat command enables the PCT quantity by specifying the part number for the PCT quantity and the PCT quantity’s feature access key with these parameters.

:fak – The feature access key supplied by Oracle. The feature access key contains 13 alphanumeric characters and is not case sensitive. If you do not have the feature access key for the PCT quantity you wish to enable, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

:partnum – The Oracle-issued part number for the PCT quantity shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 PCT Quantities and Part Numbers

Part Number PCT Quantity
893037201 25
893037202 50
893037203 75
893037204 100
893037205 150
893037206 200
893037207 250
893037208 1000

The enable-ctrl-feat command requires a valid serial number for the EAGLE to be configured in the database, and that this serial number is locked. This can be verified with the rtrv-serial-num command. The EAGLE is shipped with a serial number in the database, but the serial number is not locked. The serial number can be changed, if necessary, and locked once the EAGLE is on-site, by using the ent-serial-num command. The ent-serial-num command uses these parameters.

:serial – The serial number assigned to the EAGLE. The serial number is not case sensitive.

:lock – Specifies whether or not the serial number is locked. This parameter has only one value, yes, which locks the serial number. Once the serial number is locked, it cannot be changed.


To enter and lock the EAGLE’s serial number, the ent-serial-num command must be entered twice, once to add the correct serial number to the database with the serial parameter, then again with the serial and the lock=yes parameters to lock the serial number. You should verify that the serial number in the database is correct before locking the serial number. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).

Once the PCT quantity is enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command, the PCT quantity is also turned on. The chg-ctrl-feat command is not necessary to turn on the PCT quantity.

  1. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101  on      4000000
    XMAP Table Expansion      893007710  on      3000
    Large System # Links      893005901  on      1500
    Routesets                 893006401  on      6000
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If a PCT quantity is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, and the enabled quantity is 1000, this procedure cannot be performed. The EAGLE can contain a maximum of 1000 PCT entries.

    If a PCT quantity is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, and the enabled quantity is less than 1000, continue the procedure with Oracle.

    If a PCT quantity is not shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output in 1 shows any controlled features, continue the procedure with Oracle.
    • If the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows only the HC-MIM SLK Capacity feature with a quantity of 64, 2 through 5 must be performed. Continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Display the serial number in the database with the rtrv-serial-num command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    System serial number = nt00001231
    System serial number is not locked.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Command Completed


    If the serial number is correct and locked, continue the procedure withOracle. If the serial number is correct but not locked, continue the procedure with5. If the serial number is not correct, but is locked, a PCT quantity cannot be enabled and the remainder of this procedure cannot be performed. Contact the Customer Care Center to get an incorrect and locked serial number changed. Refer to theMy Oracle Support (MOS)section for the contact information. The serial number can be found on a label affixed to the control shelf (shelf 1100).
  3. Enter the correct serial number into the database using the ent-serial-num command with the serial parameter.

    For this example, enter this command.

    ent-serial-num:serial=<EAGLE’s correct serial number>

    When this command has successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
  4. Verify that the serial number entered into 3 was entered correctly using the rtrv-serial-num command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    System serial number = nt00001231
    System serial number is not locked.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Command Completed

    If the serial number was not entered correctly, repeat 3 and 4 and re-enter the correct serial number.

  5. Lock the serial number in the database by entering the ent-serial-num command with the serial number shown in 2, if the serial number shown in 2 is correct, or with the serial number shown in 4, if the serial number was changed in 3, and with the lock=yes parameter.

    For this example, enter this command.

    ent-serial-num:serial=<EAGLE’s serial number>:lock=yes

    When this command has successfully completed, the following message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
  6. Enable a PCT quantity with the enable-ctrl-feat command specifying the part number for the point code, shown in Table 4-1, and CIC translation quantity and the feature access key.

    For this example, enter this command.

    enable-ctrl-feat:partnum=893037203:fak=<feature access key for 75 PCT entries>


    A temporary feature access key cannot be specified to enable the routeset quantity.


    The values for the feature access key (thefakparameter) are provided by Oracle. If you do not have the feature access key for the PCT quantity you wish to enable, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

    When the enable-ctrl-feat command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
  7. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand with the PCT quantity part number specified in Oracle.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    PC & CIC Translation      893037203  on      75
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
  8. Back up the new changes, using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear; the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-1 Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity

Sheet 1 of 2

Sheet 2 of 2

Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

This procedure is used to add a PCT (point code and CIC translation) entry to the database, using the ent-pct command.

The ent-pct command uses the parameters shown in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 ENT-PCT Parameters

Parameter Range of Values Type of Parameter Default Values Description



ANSI, ITU-I, or 14-bit ITU-N Point Code Mandatory N/A Emulated point code. See Notes 1 through 8.



ANSI, ITU-I, or 14-bit ITU-N Point Code Mandatory N/A Real point code. See Notes 1 through 9.



ANSI, ITU-I, 14-bit ITU-N Point Code, or wildcard (*) Optional wildcard (*) Filter point code. See Notes 2 through 5, 8 through 11, and 25.
SI 0 (Network Management)


4 (TUP)

5 (ISUP)


wildcard (*)

Optional wildcard (*) Service indicator value. See Notes 24 and 25.
ECICS See Note 12 Optional wildcard (*) Start value of a range of emulated CIC values. See Notes 13, 19, 20, and 25.
ECICE See Note 12 Optional wildcard (*) End value of a range of emulated CIC values. See Notes 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, and 25.
RCICS See Note 12 Optional wildcard (*) Start value of a range of real CIC values. See Notes 13, 15, 19, 20, and 25.
RCICE See Note 12 Optional wildcard (*) End value of a range of real CIC values. See Notes 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, and 25.
RELCAUSE 0 - 127 Optional 0 Release cause value. See Notes 21 and 22.
SSN 0 - 255 or wildcard (*) Optional wildcard (*) Subsystem number. See Notes 23 and 25.
  1. The ANSI point code value must be a full point code and not a cluster point code or a network routing point code.
  2. The point code value cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid output.
  3. ITU-I and 14-bit ITU-N point code values cannot be a spare point code. None of the point code values can be a private point code.
  4. The network type of the emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code (if specified) values must be the same.
  5. The group code of the 14-bit ITU-N emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code (if specified) values must be the same.
  6. There can be a maximum of 100 PCT entries that use the same emulated point code value. There can be a maximum of 100 PCT entries that use the same real point code value.
  7. A maximum of 250 different emulated point code values can be used in all the PCT entries that are provisioned. A maximum of 250 different real point code values can be used in all the PCT entries that are provisioned.
  8. Duplicate entries with these key combinations are not allowed.
    • emulated point code + filter point code + service indicator + subsystem number/(range of emulated CIC values)
    • real point code + filter point code + service indicator + subsystem number/(range of real CIC values)
  9. The real point code and filter point code value must be shown in the DPC column of the rtrv-rte output. There must be at least one route assigned the DPC value.
  10. The ANSI filter point code values can be a full point code, a cluster point code, or a network routing point code.
  11. Only one filter point code value can be specified with the PCT entry, either an ANSI filter point code (filtpc/filtpca), an ITU-I filter point code (filtpci), or a 14-bit ITU-N filter point code (filtpcn).
  12. These are the values for the ECICS, ECICE, RCICS, and RCICE parameter values.
    • Service indicator value 4 - 0 to 4095 or wildcard (*).
    • Service indicator value 5 (with an ITU point code) - 0 to 4095 or wildcard (*).
    • Service indicator value 5 (with an ANSI point code) - 0 to 16383 or wildcard (*).
    • Service indicator value 13 - 0 to 4294967295 or wildcard (*).
  13. The service indicator parameter with a value of 4, 5, or 13 must be specified.
  14. If the ECICE parameter is specified, the ECICS parameter must be specified. If the RCICE parameter is specified, the RCICS parameter must be specified.
  15. If the RCICS parameter is specified, the ECICS parameter must be specified.
  16. If the ECICS, ECICE, and RCICS parameters are specified, the RCICE parameter must be specified.
  17. If the ECICS, RCICS, and RCICE parameters are specified, the ECICE parameter must be specified.
  18. The value of the ECICE parameter must be greater or equal to the ECICS parameter value. The value of the RCICE parameter must be greater or equal to the RCICS parameter value.
  19. If a range of emulated CIC and real CIC values are specified, the difference between the ECICS and ECICE values must be the same as the difference between the RCICS and RCICE values. Where CIC translations are not applied uniformly across a trunk group, it is recommended that the CIC should be provisioned in ranges such that a trunk is not split across PCT translations.
  20. If the epc/epca/epci/epcn parameter value is equal to the realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn parameter value, the range of emulated CIC values cannot be the same as the range of real CIC values.
  21. The service indicator parameter value must be either 5 or 13.
  22. The ECICS parameter must be specified.
  23. The service indicator parameter value must be 3.
  24. If the service indicator value is 0 or wildcard (*), only the emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code parameters can be specified.
  25. The wildcard (*) value indicates that the parameter is not part of the key to find the matching translation.

To add a PCT entry, a PCT quantity must be enabled. Adding the new PCT entry cannot exceed the enabled PCT quantity. The enabled PCT quantity is shown in the rtrv-pct output. The EAGLE can contain a maximum of 1000 PCT entries. Perform the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure to enable the required PCT quantity if adding the new PCT entry will exceed the enabled PCT quantity and the current PCT quantity is less than 1000.

Canceling the RTRV-RTE Command

Because the rtrv-rte command used in this procedure can output information for a long period of time, the rtrv-rte command can be canceled and the output to the terminal stopped. There are three ways that the rtrv-rte command can be canceled.

  • Press the F9 function key on the keyboard at the terminal where the rtrv-rte command was entered
  • Enter the canc-cmd without the trm parameter at the terminal where the rtrv-rte command was entered
  • Enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx>, where <xx> is the terminal where the rtrv-rte command was entered, from another terminal other than the terminal where the rtrv-rte command was entered. To enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx> command, the terminal must allow Security Administration commands to be entered from it and the user must be allowed to enter Security Administration commands. The terminal’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-secu-trm command. The user’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-user or rtrv-secu-user commands.

For more information about the canc-cmd command, refer to Commands User's Guide.

  1. Display the current PCT entries by entering the rtrv-pct command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
        EPCA             FILTPCA          REALPCA      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        001-001-001      *                002-002-002   5  ---   10
        ECICS = 10          ECICE = 20
        RCICS = 30          RCICE = 40
        EPCI             FILTPCI          REALPCI      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        1-001-2          2-002-2          2-002-2       3   10  ---
        ECICS = ----------  ECICE = ----------
        RCICS = ----------  RCICE = ----------
        EPCN             FILTPCN          REALPCN      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        04-11-0-fr       *                0-6-4-0-fr    *  ---  ---
        ECICS = ----------  ECICE = ----------
        RCICS = ----------  RCICE = ----------
     Unique EPC    is 3 of 250
     Unique RealPC is 3 of 250
     PCT table is (3 of 1000) 1% full.

    If adding the PCT entry will exceed the enabled PCT quantity and the enabled PCT quantity is 1000, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If adding the PCT entry will exceed the enabled PCT quantity and the enabled PCT quantity is less than 1000, perform the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure to enable the new PCT quantity. The new quantity must be greater than the current enabled quantity.

    If adding the PCT entry will not exceed the enabled PCT quantity, or the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure has been performed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If no entries are displayed in the rtrv-pct output, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If entries are displayed in the rtrv-pct output, continue the procedure with 2.
  2. There can be a maximum of 100 PCT entries that use the same emulated point code value. There can be a maximum of 100 PCT entries that use the same real point code value.

    The EAGLE contain a maximum of 250 unique emulated point code values and 250 unique real point code values.

    If adding the new PCT entry will not exceed these maximum quantities, continue the procedure with 3.

    If adding the new PCT entry will exceed these maximum quantities, the new PCT entry must contain one or more of these point code values, depending on the quantity that will be exceeded.
    • If the EAGLE contains 100 PCT entries that use the same emulated point code value, a different emulated point code value must be used for the new PCT entry.
    • If the EAGLE contains 100 PCT entries that use the same real point code value, a different real point code value must be used for the new PCT entry.
    • If the EAGLE contains a maximum of 250 unique emulated point code values, the new entry must contain one of these emulated point code values.
    • If the EAGLE contains a maximum of 250 unique real point code values, the new entry must contain one of these real point code values.
    • Continue the procedure with 3
  3. Display the self-identification of the EAGLE using the rtrv-sid command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
       PCA             PCI          PCN                CLLI              PCTYPE
       100-100-100     3-75-7       7-9-8-1-fr         rlghncxa03w       OTHER
       102-002-002       102-002-003       102-002-004      102-002-005
       102-002-006       102-002-007       102-002-008      102-002-009
       004-002-001       004-003-003       050-060-070
       CPCA (LNP)
       005-005-002       005-005-004       005-005-005
       1-002-1           1-002-2           1-002-3          1-002-4
       2-001-1           7-222-7
       0-1-9-0-fr        0-1-11-2-fr       0-1-14-0-fr      0-2-0-2-fr
       0-3-2-0=fr        0-3-7-0-fr        0-3-12-0-fr

    The emulated point code, real point code, or filter point code values cannot be shown in the rtrv-sid output.

  4. Display the current secondary point codes, using the rtrv-spc command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    SPC (Secondary Point Codes)
    Secondary Point Code table is (8 of 40) 20% full

    The emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code values cannot be shown in the rtrv-spc output.

  5. Display the current route configuration using the rtrv-rte command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       140-012-004    1-111-1    10-13-12-1-fr ls000001   10    240-012-002
                                               ls000002   10    240-012-002
                                               ls000003   20    240-012-002
                                               ls000004   30    240-012-002
                                               ls000005   40    240-012-002
                                               ls000006   50    240-012-002
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=dp1
       140-012-005 1-111-2       10-13-12-2-fr ls000001   10    240-012-002
                                               ls000002   10    240-012-002
                                               ls000003   20    240-012-002
                                               ls000004   30    240-012-002
                                               ls000005   40    240-012-002
                                               ls000006   50    240-012-002
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=dp2
       DPCI       ALIASN/N24       ALIASA      LSN        RC    APC
       2-234-5    11-13-3-3-fr     240-111-111  ls100001   10    1-234-5
                                               ls100002   10    1-234-6
                                               ls100003   20    1-234-7
                                               ls100004   30    1-234-1
                                               ls100005   40    1-234-2
                                               ls100006   50    1-234-3
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=idp1
       DPCN             ALIASA         ALIASI  LSN        RC    APC
       12-12-13-3-fr    011-222-111    0-001-1 ls200001   10    10-13-9-3
                                               ls200002   10    10-13-10-0
                                               ls200003   20    10-13-10-1
                                               ls200004   30    10-13-10-2
                                               ls200005   40    10-13-10-3
                                               ls200006   50    10-13-11-0
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ndp1
       DPCN24           ALIASA         ALIASI  LSN        RC    APC

    The real point code value, and the filter point code value if a point code value is specified for the filter point code parameter, must be the DPC of a routeset that contains at least one route.

    The real point code value must be a full point code and cannot be a spare point code, a private point code, or a 24-bit ITU-N point code.

    The filter point code value can be a full point code, a cluster point code, or a network routing point code. The filter point code value cannot be a spare point code, a private point code, or a 24-bit ITU-N point code.

    The emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code values must be the same network type, either ANSI, ITU-I, or a 14-bit ITU-N point codes.

    If the 14-bit ITU-N point codes contain group codes, the group codes of the emulated point code, real point code, and filter point code values must be the same.

    If the required point codes for the PCT entry are not shown in the rtrv-rte output, perform one of these procedures to add the routes with the required point code values.

    If the required point codes for the PCT entry are shown in the rtrv-rte output, or one of the Adding a Route procedures was performed, continue the procedure with 6.

  6. Add the PCT entry by entering the ent-pct command.

    The epc/epca/epci/epcn and realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn must be specified with the ent-pct command. All other parameters are optional.

    The values for the ent-pct parameters and the rules for specifying these parameters are shown in Table 4-2.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    ent-pct:epca=007-007-007:realpca=008-008-008:filtpca=010-010-010:si=5 :ecics=200:ecice=224:rcics=300:rcice=324:relcause=50

    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 15:35:05 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
  7. Verify the changes using the rtrv-pct command with the parameters and values that were entered in 6.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
        EPCA             FILTPCA          REALPCA      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        007-007-007      009-009-009      008-008-008   3  135  ---
        ECICS = ----------  ECICE = ----------
        RCICS = ----------  RCICE = ----------
     Unique EPC    is 4 of 250
     Unique RealPC is 4 of 250
     PCT table is (5 of 1000) 1% full.

    rtrv-pct:epca=007-007-007:realpca=008-008-008:filtpca=010-010-010:si=5 :ecics=200:ecice=224:rcics=200:rcice=224:relcause=50

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
        EPCA             FILTPCA          REALPCA      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        007-007-007      010-010-010      008-008-008   5  ---   50
        ECICS = 200         ECICE = 224
        RCICS = 300         RCICE = 324
     Unique EPC    is 4 of 250
     Unique RealPC is 4 of 250
     PCT table is (5 of 1000) 1% full.
  8. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear; the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-2 Adding a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

Sheet 1 of 3

Sheet 2 of 3

Sheet 3 of 3

Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

This procedure is used to remove a PCT (point code and CIC translation) entry from the database, using the dlt-pct command.

The dlt-pct command uses these parameters.

:epc/epca/epci/epcn – The emulated point code of the PCT entry shown in the EPCA, EPCI or EPCN columns.

:realpc/realpca/realpci/realpcn – The real point code of the PCT entry shown in the REALPCA, REALPCI or REALPCN columns.

:filtpc/filtpca/filtpci/filtpcn – The filter point code of the PCT entry shown in the FILTPCA, FILTPCI or FILTPCN columns.

:si – The service indicator value of the PCT entry shown in the SI column.

:ssn – The subsystem number value of the PCT entry shown in the SSN column.

:ecics – The emulated CIC start value of the PCT entry shown in the ECICS field.

:ecice – The emulated CIC end value of the PCT entry shown in the ECICE field.

:rcics – The real CIC start value of the PCT entry shown in the RCICS field.

:rcice – The real CIC end value of the PCT entry shown in the RCICE field.

The PCT entry that is being removed must exist in the database. The values for the parameters of the PCT entry must be entered as shown in the rtrv-pct output. If dashes are shown in a field or column, the field or column has no value and the parameter that corresponds to that field or column cannot be specified with the dlt-pct command.

  1. Display the PCT entries by entering the rtrv-pct command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
        EPCA             FILTPCA          REALPCA      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        001-001-001      *                002-002-002   5  ---   10
        ECICS = 10          ECICE = 20
        RCICS = 30          RCICE = 40
        EPCI             FILTPCI          REALPCI      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        1-001-2          2-002-2          2-002-2       3   10  ---
        ECICS = ----------  ECICE = ----------
        RCICS = ----------  RCICE = ----------
        EPCN             FILTPCN          REALPCN      SI  SSN  RELCAUSE
        00300            *                00200         *  ---  ---
        ECICS = ----------  ECICE = ----------
        RCICS = ----------  RCICE = ----------
     Unique EPC    is 3 of 250
     Unique RealPC is 3 of 250
    PCT table is (3 of 1000) 1% full.

    If no entries are shown in the rtrv-pct output, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If entries are shown in the rtrv-pct output, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Remove the PCT entry from the database using the dlt-pct command with the values shown in the columns and fields of the PCT entry, shown in 1, that is being removed. For this example, enter this command.

    dlt-pct:epca=001-001-001:realpca=002-002-002:filtpca=*:si=5:ecics=10 :ecice=20:rcics=30:rcice=40

    When the dlt-pct command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 15:35:05 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
  3. Verify the changes using the rtrv-pct command with the parameters and values specified in 2. For this example, enter this command.

    rtrv-pct:epca=001-001-001:realpca=002-002-002:filtpca=*:si=5:ecics=10 :ecice=20:rcics=30:rcice=40

    This message should appear.

    E5401 Cmd Rej: Single translation entry not found
  4. Back up the new changes, using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear; the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-3 Removing a Point Code and CIC Translation Entry

Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option

This procedure is used to configure the STP option for the PCT (Point Code and CIC Translation) feature using the chg-stpopts command with the pct parameter. The pct parameter has three values.

  • on – The PCT feature is applied to all MSUs.
  • off – The PCT feature is not applied to any MSUs.
  • lset – The PCT feature is applied to incoming MSUs or outgoing MSUs on a linkset whose PCT option value is on.

The default value for the pct parameter is off.

The value of the pct parameter is shown in the PCT field of the rtrv-stpopts output. The PCT field of the rtrv-stpopts is shown only if a PCT quantity is enabled.

  1. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101  on      4000000
    XMAP Table Expansion      893007710  on      3000
    Large System # Links      893005901  on      1500
    Routesets                 893006401  on      6000
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If a PCT quantity is not enabled, perform the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure to enable a PCT quantity. The value of the PCT field in the rtrv-stpopts output is set to the default value off. After the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 3.

    If a PCT quantity is enabled, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the existing value for the pct parameter by entering the rtrv-stpopts command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    STP OPTIONS         
    PCT                     off


    The rtrv-stpopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-stpopts command, see the rtrv-stpopts command description in theCommands Manual.
  3. Change the value of the pct parameter. Enter one of these commands.
    1. To change the pct parameter value to off, enter this command.
    2. To change the pct parameter value to on, enter this command.
    3. To change the pct parameter value to lset, enter this command.

    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
  4. Verify the changes using the rtrv-stpopts command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    STP OPTIONS         
    PCT                    lset


    The rtrv-stpopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-stpopts command, see the rtrv-stpopts command description in the Commands Manual.
  5. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-4 Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation STP Option

Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option

This procedure is used to configure the PCT (point code and CIC translation) option for a linkset using the chg-lsopts command with the pct and lsn parameters.

The pct parameter has two values.
  • on – The PCT feature is applied to incoming MSUs or outgoing MSUs on a linkset.
  • off – The PCT feature is not applied to incoming MSUs or outgoing MSUs on a linkset.

The default value for the pct parameter is off.

The lsn parameter value is the name of the linkset that is being changed. The lsn value is shown in the LSN column of the rtrv-ls output.

The value of the pct parameter of the linkset can be changed only if a PCT quantity is enabled. The pct parameter value the linkset will effect the linkset's traffic only if the PCT value in the rtrv-stpopts output is lset. The PCT field of the rtrv-stpopts is shown only if a PCT quantity is enabled.

The value of the pct parameter of the linkset is shown when an individual linkset is displayed by entering the rtrv-ls:lsn=<linkset name> command. The pct parameter value is shown in the PCT column.

Canceling the RTRV-LS Command

Because the rtrv-ls command used in this procedure can output information for a long period of time, the rtrv-ls command can be canceled and the output to the terminal stopped. There are three ways that the rtrv-ls command can be canceled.

  • Press the F9 function key on the keyboard at the terminal where the rtrv-ls command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd without the trm parameter at the terminal where the rtrv-ls command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx>, where <xx> is the terminal where the rtrv-ls command was entered, from another terminal other that the terminal where the rtrv-ls command was entered. To enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx> command, the terminal must allow Security Administration commands to be entered from it and the user must be allowed to enter Security Administration commands. The terminal’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-secu-trm command. The user’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-user or rtrv-secu-user commands.

For more information about the canc-cmd command, go to the Commands Manual.

  1. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-featcommand.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101  on      4000000
    XMAP Table Expansion      893007710  on      3000
    Large System # Links      893005901  on      1500
    Routesets                 893006401  on      6000
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If a PCT quantity is not enabled, perform the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure to enable a PCT quantity. The PCT value for all linksets is set to the default value off and the value of the PCT field in the rtrv-stpopts output is set to the default value off. After the Changing the Point Code and CIC Translation Quantity procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 2.

    If a PCT quantity is enabled, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the linksets in the database by entering the rtrv-ls command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    e1e2         001-207-000   none  1   1   no  B   6    off off off no    off
    ls05         002-009-003   scr2  1   1   no  C   4    on  off on  no    off
    ls1305       000-005-000   none  1   1   no  A   1    off off off no    off
    ls1307       000-007-000   none  1   1   no  A   1    off off off no    off
    e1m1s1       001-001-001   none  1   1   no  A   7    off off off no    off
    e1m1s2       001-001-002   none  1   1   no  A   7    off off off no    off
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    e1e2i        1-207-0       none  1   1   no  B   4    off off off ---   on
    ls1315       0-015-0       none  1   1   no  A   1    off off off ---   off
    ls1317       0-017-0       none  1   1   no  A   1    off off off ---   on
    e1m2s1       1-011-1       none  1   1   no  A   7    off off off ---   off
    e1m2s2       1-011-2       none  1   1   no  A   7    off off off ---   off
    Link set table is (11 of 1024) 1% full.
  3. Display the attributes of the linkset that is being changed by entering the rtrv-ls command with the name of the linkset shown in 2. For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    ls05          002-009-003   scr2 1   1   no  C   4    on  off on  no    off
                  SPCA          CLLI         TFATCABMLQ MTPRSE ASL8
               ---------------- -----------  2          ---    no
               IPSG  IPGWAPC  GTTMODE           CGGTMOD    PCT
               no    no       CdPA                no       off
                                      L2T               PCR  PCR 
              LOC   LINK SLC TYPE     SET  BPS    ECM   N1   N2
              1205  b    0   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1213  b    1   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1211  a    2   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1207  b    3   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
    Link set table is ( 24 of 1024)  2% full
  4. Change the PCT value of the linkset by entering one of these commands. The new PCT value of the linkset must be different from the current value.
    1. To change the pct parameter value to off, enter this command.
    2. To change the pct parameter value to on, enter this command.

    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-07 00:22:57 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Link set table is (24 of 1024) 2% full.
  5. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-ls command with the name of the linkset that was specified in 4. For this example, enter this command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    ls05          002-009-003   scr2 1   1   no  C   4    on  off on  no    off
                  SPCA          CLLI         TFATCABMLQ MTPRSE ASL8
               ---------------- -----------  2          ---    no
               IPSG  IPGWAPC  GTTMODE           CGGTMOD    PCT
               no    no       CdPA                no       on
                                      L2T               PCR  PCR 
              LOC   LINK SLC TYPE     SET  BPS    ECM   N1   N2
              1205  b    0   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1213  b    1   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1211  a    2   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
              1207  b    3   LIMDS0   1    56000  BASIC ---  -----
    Link set table is ( 24 of 1024)  2% full

    The PCT value of the linkset will have no effect on the linkset's traffic unless the PCT value shown in the rtrv-stpopts output (6) is lset.

  6. Display the existing value for the pct parameter by entering the rtrv-stpopts command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 43.0.0
    STP OPTIONS         
    PCT                    lset


    The rtrv-stpopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-stpopts command, see the rtrv-stpopts command description in the Commands Manual.

    If the PCT value is is lset, continue the procedure with 7.

    If the PCT value is either on or off, perform one of these actions.
  7. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-5 Configuring the Point Code and CIC Translation Linkset Option