6 Maintenance

This chapter describes the maintenance information available from the EAGLE for the G-Port feature. The information includes status, alarms (UAMs), and information messages (UIMs).

6.1 G-Port Related Alarms

Refer to Unsolicited Alarm and Information Messages Reference for a complete description and the associated corrective procedure for all EAGLE-related alarms (UAMs). Refer to Alarms and Maintenance Guide for EPAP for the descriptions and corrective procedures for MPS-related alarms.

G-Port Subsystem Alarms

The same alarms that are output for an SCCP subsystem are output for the G-Port functions, including G-Port traffic.

Table 6-1 G-Port Subsystem Alarms

UAM # Severity Message Text Output Group (UI Output Direction)



SCCP is available




SCCP capacity normal, card(s) abnormal




SCCP TPS Threshold exceeded




SCCP is not available




SCCP is removed




LIM(s) have been denied SCCP service




Service is available




Service abnormal




Service is not available




Service is disabled




Service is removed


*GPORT is displayed in the text of the message if the G-Port feature is enabled without the additional features of A-Port or IGM being enabled. If the A-Port and/or IGM features are enabled, the text GPORT will be replaced with the text MNP.

6.2 G-Port Related UIMs

G-Port UIM formats for the EGTT feature support GTT requirements.

Unsolicited Alarm and Information Messages Reference contains a complete description of all UIM text and formats. Table 6-2 lists UIMs used to support the G-Port feature.

Table 6-2 G-Port UIMs

UIM Text Description Action


SCCP rsp did not route - invalid GTI.

The SCCP response did not route due to an invalid GTI.

Use a valid GTI in the CGPA part of the query.


SCCP rsp did not route - invalid TT.

The SCCP response did not route due to an invalid TT.

Provision the CGPATT in the GTT TT table.


SCCP rsp did not route - bad Xlation

The SCCP response did not route due to a bad translation

Provision the CGPAGTA address in the GTT database.


SCCP rsp did not route - SSP not True PC.

The SCCP response did not route because SSP is not true point code.

Use the true point code in the CGPA point code or OPC of the query.


SCCP rsp did not route - bad Selectors

The SCCP response did not route due to invalid selectors.

Provision the CGPAGTI, TT, NP, and NAI in the EGTT selector table.


SCCP rcvd inv TCAP portion

This indicates that SCCP discarded a message because the TCAP provided in the called party address is invalid in the EAGLE.

No action is necessary.


SCCP did not route - DPC not in MAP tbl

This message indicates that SCCP did not route a message because the destination point code was not in the mated application (MAP) table. The message was discarded.

If the DPC indicated in the message should not be routed to, no further action is necessary.


SCCP did not route - SS not in MAP tbl

This message indicates that SCCP did not route a message because the destination subsystem was not in the Mated Application (MAP) table. The message was discarded.

No action is necessary.


Conv to intl num - Dflt CC not found

Conversion to international number failed because default CC was not found.

Define the default CC with chg-stpopts :defcc=xxx.


Conv to intl num - Dflt NC not found

Conversion to international number failed because default NC was not found.

Define the default NDC with chg-stpopts :defndc=xxxxx.


Invalid length of conditioned digits

Length of conditioned international number is less than 5 or greater than 15 (invalid length of conditioned digits ).

Use an international number with length in the acceptable range.


MNP Circular Route Detected

This message indicates the network has incorrect number portability data for a subscriber.

Verify and update number portability data.


Invalid digits in MAPMSISDN parameter

No digits are found in MAP MSISDN parameter.

Specify valid digits in the MSISDN.


Translation PC is EAGLE’s

PC translation is invalid because it is one of EAGLE PCs.

Change the point code.


Translation PC type is ANSI

PC translation is invalid because it is an ANSI point code.

Change the point code.


Invalid length of prefix/suffix digits

Attempted digit action of prefixing entity ID is invalid because combined length of entity ID and GT digits was greater than 21 digits.

Change the attempted digit action or decrease the length of the entity ID and/or GT digits.


SMS NP destination address decode failed

An error was detected during decode of SMS message destination address.

The message should be analyzed to determine the error, and the originating node should be contacted to send corrected message.


SMS NP failed to modify TCAP message

The formatted outbound digit string length generated by SMS NP for encoding the TCAP message exceeded system limits.

The message and outbound digits formatting options should be analyzed to determine the error and the originating node or the requested outbound digit formatting option should be modified to correct the encoding error.


SMS NP outbound digits leng exceed limit

During processing of SMS message, the formatted outbound digit string length exceeded limit for number of digits.

The message and the digit format provisioning should be analyzed to determine the error and the originating node or the requested outbound digit formatting option should be modified to correct the encoding error.

1426 S-Port: Missing GRN for srvc prtd subs Service Portability is to be applied; GRN is required, but is not provisioned for the DN. Provision the GRN for the DN.

6.3 Maintenance Commands

The following commands can be used for maintenance when an EPAP-related feature is on.

Refer to Commands User's Guide for complete descriptions of the commands, including parameters, valid parameter values, rules for using the commands, and output examples.

Table 6-3 Maintenance Commands

Command Description
rept-stat-sys Reports the status of system entities, including cards. The output includes the number of Service Module cards that are in service (IS-NR) and how many are in another state (IS-ANR, OOS-MT, OOS-MT-DSBLD).
rept-stat-sccp Reports operating status of services and subsystems, CPU usage, and Service Module card status. When the loc parameter is specified, the command displays detailed card traffic statistics, including cards that are denied SCCP service. See the section in this manual that describes the use of the rept-stat-sccp command.
rept-stat-mps Displays the overall status of the EPAP application running on the MPS (multi-purpose server). Command output for the various reports of this command include overall MPS alarm status and card status, and status for a specific Service Module card when a feature is on.
rept-stat-trbl Includes a summary of any trouble notifications (UAMs) for local subsystems, cards, and linksets. The severity of each alarm is indicated in the output report.
rept-stat-alm Displays the alarm counts and totals for local subsystems and Service Module card/EPAP IP links.
rept-stat-db Displays the status information for the EAGLE databases. This includes the level information for each Service Module card, and for the active and standby EPAP RTDB. The command reports database exception status such as corrupted, incoherent, or inconsistent, as well as providing the birth dates and levels. It shows the status of each PDB and RTDB when an EPAP-related feature is enabled.
rtrv-tbl capacity Retrieves table use capacity summary information. For each table listed, the number of table entry elements in use and the total allowed number of table elements is presented, along with a percent (%) full value. Information is shown for some tables only if the feature that uses the table is enabled.

The inh-card command is used to change the operating state of the card from In-Service Normal (IS-NR) to Out-of-Service Maintenance-Disabled (OOS-MT-DSBLD). A craftsperson then can test the card or physically remove it from the shelf.

The alw-card command is used to change the card from OOS-MT-DSBLD (Out-of-Service Maintenance-Disabled) to IS-NR (In-Service Normal) if card loading is successful.

inh-alm/unhb-alm Used to allow and inhibit reporting of alarms for a given device, including the Service Module card ports. The commands allow both Port A and Port B to be specified. Inhibited alarms will not generate UAMs or cause alarm indicators to be turned on. All rept-stat-xxx commands continue to display the alarms with an indication that the device has its alarms inhibited.

Retrieves Entity data, DN data, IMEI data, IMSI data, TN data, NPANXX data, and LRN data from the RTDB on an active Service Module card.

If the loc parameter is specified and the target card is an active Service Module card, the RTDB data is retrieved from that card.

If the loc parameter is not specified, the RTDB data is retrieved on the active Service Module card that has the lowest IMT address.

The RTDB status on the active Service Module card can be coherent or incoherent.

6.3.1 rept-stat-sccp

The rept-stat-sccp command provides statistics for Service Module cards and for the services that execute on the cards. The statistics can be displayed for all Service Module cards or for a specified card.

Refer to Commands User's Guide for a description of the rept-stat-sccp command, including parameter names, valid parameter values, rules for using the command, and output examples.

The rept-stat-sccp command reports current MNP statistics. An MSU is considered to be a G-Port MSU after service selection.

6.4 Debug Commands

Commands User's Guide contains descriptions of debug commands that can be used in assessing and modifying system status and operation. Most debug commands are used only under the direction of Oracle support personnel. Refer to Commands User's Guide for a complete description of the debug commands, including the ent-trace command.

G-Port uses the ent-trace command to provide a trap-and-trace function for MSUs on the Service Module cards. G-Port also includes a trigger so that the user can trigger on DN and IMSI.

The user can create an MSU trigger on the Service Module card on one or more criteria (both old and new) defined in the following using the ent-tracecommand. When multiple trigger criteria are entered, the MSU is trapped when any one of the criteria is satisfied.


As with other debug commands, the ent-trace command can cause OAM to reset if too many MSUs are trapped.
  • RN or SP address (Entity ID) - Use this new criterion to trap messages immediately after performing the RTDB lookup. If the RN or SP obtained from the database lookup matches the Entity ID provisioned in the command, the message is trapped. This parameter supports a variable number of hexadecimal digits from 1 to 15 digits, and the Entity ID specified must be the one stored in the RTDB.

  • E.164 MSISDN number (DN) – Use this criterion to trap messages immediately before performing a G-Port search based on the MSISDN numbers defined in the RTDB. This parameter accepts a range of digits, from 5 to 15. The number specified must be an International E.164 number (MSISDN or Entity Number).

  • Global Title digits (GT) – Use this criterion to trap messages based on CdPA Global Title Address (either MSISDN (+ST) number or RN + MSISDN (+ST)) present in the SCCP part of the message.

  • Origination point code SSPI/SSPN) – Use this criterion to trap messages based on CgPASPC present in the SCCP part of the message. If no point code is present in the CgPA SPC, the criteria is matched with the OPC present in the MTP part of the message.

A trace must be set on all Service Module cards; specify card=sccp-all. Use a repetition parameter (rep) to control the number of MSUs that are trapped.

MSUs that satisfy any trigger criteria are trapped on the Service Module cards, are forwarded to OAM, and are displayed. Refer to Commands User's Guide for a complete description of the ent-trace command, including parameters, valid parameter values, rules for using the command, and output examples.

6.5 Status Reporting and Problem Identification

EAGLE commands can be used to obtain status and statistics for the EAGLE system, the EPAP systems, system devices including Service Module cards, EPAP-related features, local subsystems, and SCCP services.

Refer to Commands User's Guide for complete descriptions of the commands, including parameters and valid values, rules for using the commands correctly, and output examples.

Refer to Unsolicited Alarm and Information Messages Reference for descriptions and recovery procedures for UAMs and UIMs.

Refer to Administration Guide for EPAP for descriptions of EPAP functions and operation.

Refer to Alarms and Maintenance Guide for descriptions and recovery procedures for EPAP alarms.

Refer to the appropriate feature User's Guide for information about the functions and operation of EPAP-related features.

Table 6-4 Status Reporting for EPAP-Related Features

Reports, Status, and Statistics Command


Maintenance Status Report - indicates whether Maintenance, Routing, and SCCP Baselines have been established.


Alarms and operating state for system devices, including Service Module ( "SCCP") cards.


Unsolicited Alarm Messages (UAMs) and Unsolicited Information Messages (UIMs)



EPAP/MPS (from the EAGLE)

EPAP code version and operating state for each EPAP.


MPS hexadecimal alarm strings for the active and standby EPAPs.


Operating state and alarm status of equipped Service Module cards and their DSM ports and IP connections.


rept-stat-mps:loc=<Service Module card location>

Amount of memory used by the RTDB on the specified card, as a percent of available Service Module card memory.

rept-stat-mps:loc=<Service Module card location>

EPAP Provisioning Database (PDB), EPAP Real Time Database (RTDB), and Service Module card RTDB status information - Coherent, birthdate (date and time of creation), and exception (condition when a problem was detected).



Service Module Cards, EPAP-Related Features, Services, Local Subsystems

Status of the Service Module cards, and the services executing on the cards for EPAP-related features that are turned on. Includes Service Report, Subsystem Report, and Alarm Status; Total Service Statistics.


Operating state and alarm status of equipped Service Module cards and their DSM ports and IP connections; EPAP-related feature status per card.

rept-stat-mps:loc=<Service Module card location>

Alarms and operating state for Service Module ( "SCCP") cards.



Any cards that are denied SCCP service.


Detailed view of the status of SCCP services provided by the specified Service Module card. Includes Card Alarm Status, Card Service Statistics

rept-stat-sccp:loc=<Service Module card location>

General SCCP traffic performance for Service Module cards. Message rates for TVG performance.


Statistics for EPAP-related feature local subsystems - Subsystem Report


Statistics for EPAP-related features


6.5.1 EPAP Status and Alarm Reporting

Because EPAP has no direct means of accepting user input or displaying output messages on EAGLE terminals, EPAP maintenance, measurements, and status information are routed through a Service Module card. EPAP sends two types of messages to the Service Module card: EPAP Maintenance Blocks and DSM Status Requests and DSM Status Messages. Each message type is discussed in the following sections.

EPAP Maintenance Blocks

The EPAP forwards all status and error messages to the Service Module cards in maintenance blocks. Maintenance blocks are asynchronously sent whenever the EPAP has something to report. The status information that is displayed when a rept-stat-mps command is issued includes information that came from the maintenance blocks.

The active EPAP generates and sends maintenance blocks to the primary Service Module card. One maintenance block is sent as soon as the IP link is established between the active EPAP and the primary Service Module card. Additional maintenance blocks are sent whenever the EPAP needs to report any change in status or error conditions. The information returned in maintenance blocks is included in the output of the rept-stat-mps and rept-stat-sccp commands.

The EPAP sends maintenance blocks that contain at least the following information:

  • Status of EPAP A - actual states are active, standby, and down (inoperative). Maintenance blocks include a field for this information so that it can be available for the output of the rept-stat-mps command.

  • Status of EPAP B - actual states are active, standby, and down (inoperative). Maintenance blocks include a field for this information so that it can be available for the output of the rept-stat-mps command.

  • Identification of Active EPAP - a field to identify the active EPAP.

  • Congestion Indicator - an indicator showing provisioning link congestion. The link between the EPAPs and the external source of provisioning data can become congested in high-provisioning traffic situations. When this occurs and subsequently as the congestion clears, the EPAP sends maintenance blocks to the Service Module card.

  • Alarm Conditions - an error code field. If the EPAP needs to report an alarm condition, it puts an appropriate UAM identifier in this field.

  • Current MPS Database Size - a field indicating the current RTDB size. The Service Module card uses this information to calculate the percentage of memory used by the RTDB.

DSM Status Requests and DSM Status Messages

When the EPAP needs to know the status of a Service Module card, the EPAP sends a DSM Status Request to all Service Module cards, and each Service Module card returns its status to the EPAP.

Service Module cards send a DSM Status Message to the EPAP when any the following events occur in the Service Module card:

  • The Service Module card is booted.

  • The Service Module card receives a DSM Status Request message from the EPAP.

  • The Service Module card determines that it needs to download the entire RTDB; for example, the Service Module card determines that the RTDB needs to be downloaded because it is totally corrupted, or a user requests that the RTDB be reloaded. The Service Module card sends a Full Download Request message to the EPAP

  • The Service Module card starts receiving RTDB downloads or updates. When a Service Module card starts downloading the RTDB or accepting updates, the Service Module card sends a DSM Status Message informing the EPAP of the first record received. This helps the EPAP keep track of downloads in progress.

The DSM Status Message provides the following information to the EPAP:
  • DSM Memory Size. When the Service Module card is initialized, it determines the amount of memory present. The EPAP uses the value to determine if the Service Module card has enough memory to hold the RTDB.

  • Load Mode Status. This indicator indicates whether or not a sufficient number of the IS-NR (In-Service Normal) LIMs have access to SCCP services.

6.5.2 Hourly Maintenance Report

The Hourly Maintenance Report, generated automatically, includes the alarm totals of the INP/AINPQ subsystem and Service Module card /EPAP IP links. A sample follows.

    eagle10506 99-10-10 16:00:01 EST EAGLE 41.0.0
    5072.0000 REPT COND GSM SS
    "GSM SS :0440,MTCEINT-0,SA,99-10-10,16:00:01,,,,*C"
    eagle10506 99-10-10 16:00:01 EST EAGLE 41.0.0
    5073.0000 REPT COND INP SS
    "INP SS :0440,MTCEINT-0,SA,99-10-10,16:20:01,,,,*C"
    eagle10506 99-10-10 16:00:01 EST EAGLE 41.0.0
    5077.0000 REPT COND EPAPDSM
    "EPAPDSM :0084,MTCEINT-0,SA,99-10-10,16:00:01,,,,**"
    eagle10506 99-10-10 16:00:01 EST EAGLE 41.0.0
    5007.0000 REPT COND CARD
    "CARD 1102:0422,SCMMA,SA,99-10-10,16:00:01,,,,**"
    eagle10506 99-09-13 16:00:01 EST EAGLE 41.0.0