4 Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) Configuration

Chapter 4, Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) Configuration, contains the procedures specific to configure the enhanced global title translation feature.


This chapter describes the procedures needed to add, remove, or change enhanced global title translation (EGTT) data in the database.

The items configured in this section are:

  • GTT selectors
  • GTT sets
  • Global title addresses.
  • GTT action sets
  • GTT action per-path measurements

The following items must also be configured for the Enhanced Global Title Translation feature. The procedures to configure these items are located in the Global Title Translation (GTT) Overview section.

  • Service modules
  • Translation type mapping
  • Concerned signaling point codes
  • Mate applications
  • Mated relay node groups
  • GT Conversion Table Entries for the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature.
  • Loopsets for the SCCP Loop Detection feature.
  • GT modification identifiers for the Advanced GT Modification feature.

The procedures shown in this chapter use a variety of commands. For more information on these commands, refer to Commands User's Guide.

  1. Before turning the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature on with the chg-feat:egtt=on command, make sure you have purchased this feature. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the EGTT feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.
  2. The GTT feature has to be turned on (chg-feat:gtt=on command) but not configured before the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature is enabled. If the GTT feature has been configured previously, enabling the EGTT feature will upgrade the GTT database. For more information on the upgrade process, refer to the Upgrading from Global Title Translation (GTT) to Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) section.
  3. The translation type (ent-/dlt-/rtrv-tt) and the GTT (ent-/dlt-/chg-/rtrv-gtt) commands can be executed when the EGTT feature is turned on, but will only produce CDGTA GTT sets and CDGTA GTT selectors. For more details on using these commands while the EGTT feature is turned on, refer to the Global Title Translation (GTT) Configuration section.

Adding a GTT Set

Use this procedure to add a global title translation (GTT) set to the database using the ent-gttset command. Subsequent global title selector (gttsel) or global title address (gta) commands may then be entered.

The ent-gttset command uses these parameters.

:gttsn – The GTT set name consisting of one alphabetic character and up to eight alphanumeric characters.

:netdom – The network domain of the global title translation set, either ANSI, ITU, or CROSS. The network domain CROSS can be specified only if the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature, part number 893012001, is enabled. The CROSS GTT set can be assigned to either an ANSI or ITU GTT selector.


The ITU domain does not distinguish between ITU-N (either ITU-N or ITU-N24) and ITU-I since the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) database does not yet distinguish ITU-National and ITU-International translations.

:ndgt – The number of digits contained in the global title translation.

:settype – The type of GTT set being added in this procedure shown in Table 4-1.

Table 4-1 GTT Set Types

SETTYPE Value Feature Requirements
CDGTA, CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, or OPC The Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled.
CDSSN or DPC The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on.
OPCODE The TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on.

The Global Title Translation (GTT) and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) features must be on before using this command. Use the rtrv-feat command to verify the settings. If the features are off, perform the Adding a Service Module procedure to turn these features on and to make sure that the correct hardware is installed to support these features.


Once the Global Title Translation (GTT) feature and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature are turned on with the chg-feat command, they cannot be turned off.

The GTT feature and the EGTT feature must be purchased before you turn these features on. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the GTT feature and/or the EGTT feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

The GTT set name (gttsn) may not already exist and must be specified with the domain. The GTT set table may not have more than 2000 entries.

If the Variable-length Global Title Translation Feature (VGTT) is on, shown by the entry VGTT = on in the rtrv-feat command output, or the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, the ndgt parameter cannot be specified with the ent-gttset command. If the VGTT feature is on, a GTT set can contain a maximum of 10 different length global title addresses. If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, a GTT set can contain a maximum of 16 different length global title addresses. The length of the global title address is determined when the global title address is entered with the ent-gta command. For more information on the VGTT feature and the length of global title addresses, refer to the Variable-length Global Title Translation Feature section and the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure.

The VGTT functionality is supported only for CDPA GTT sets (settype=cdgta) and CGPA GTT sets (settype=cggta).

Table 4-2 GTT Set Parameter Combinations - Only the EGTT feature is on

SCCP Conversion Not Enabled VGTT=off SCCP Conversion Not Enabled VGTT=on or Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT is Enabled and Turned On SCCP Conversion Enabled VGTT=off SCCP Conversion Enabled VGTT=on or Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT is Enabled and Turned On
Mandatory Parameters
Optional Parameter


SCCP Conversion refers to the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature - part number 893012001

VGTT refers to the Variable Global Title Translation feature

Parameter Values:

GTTSN = the GTT Set Name consisting of 1 to 9 alpha-numeric characters - the first character must be a letter, the remaining characters must be letters or numbers. The gttsn value cannot be the word none.

NDGT = the number of digits in the global title address - 1 to 21. The default value is 6.

Table 4-3 GTT Set Parameter Combinations - The OBSR Feature is Enabled, the FLOBR or the TOBR Features are Enabled or Turned On

SCCP Conversion Not Enabled VGTT=off SCCP Conversion Not Enabled VGTT=on or Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT is Enabled and Turned On (See Note 3) SCCP Conversion Enabled VGTT=off SCCP Conversion Enabled VGTT=on or Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT is Enabled and Turned On (See Note 3)
Mandatory Parameters
SETTYPE - the GTT set type shown in Table 4-1 (See Note 4) SETTYPE - the GTT set type shown in Table 4-1 (See Note 4) SETTYPE - the GTT set type shown in Table 4-1 (See Note 4) SETTYPE - the GTT set type shown in Table 4-1 (See Note 4)
Optional Parameter
NDGT (See Note 1)   NDGT (See Note 1)  


OBSR refers to the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature

FLOBR refers to the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature

TOBR refers to the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature

SCCP Conversion refers to the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature - part number 893012001

VGTT refers to the Variable Global Title Translation feature

Parameter Values:

GTTSN = the GTT Set Name consisting of 1 to 9 alpha-numeric characters - the first character must be a letter, the remaining characters must be letters or numbers. The gttsn value cannot be the word none.

NDGT = the number of digits in the global title address - 1 to 21.

1. The NDGT parameter can be specified only if the SETTYPE parameter value is either CDGTA or CGGTA. The default value is 6.

2. The NETDOM=CROSS parameter can be specified only if the SETTYPE parameter is CDGTA, and only if the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled.

3. VGTT functionality is supported only if the SETTYPE parameter value is either CDGTA or CGGTA.

4. If the GTT set name will be specified as the value for the BPARTYGTTSN parameter of either the chg-gsmsmsopts or chg-is41smsopts commands, the settype parameter value for this GTT set name must be cdgta.

  1. Display the GTT sets in the database by entering the rtrv-gttset command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    cdgtt1     ansi    CDGTA    6
    opcode1    ansi    OPCODE   -
    opcode2    ansi    OPCODE   -
    opcode3    ansi    OPCODE   -
    cdssn1     ansi    CDSSN    -
    cggta1     ansi    CGGTA    0
    cdgtt2     itu     CDGTA    0
    cgpc1      ansi    CGPC     -
    cgpc2      ansi    CGSSN    -
    cgssn2     ansi    CGSSN    -
    opc2       ansi    OPC      -
    opcode6    itu     OPCODE   -
    opcode7    itu     OPCODE   -
    cdssn6     itu     CDSSN    -
    cdssn7     itu     CDSSN    -
    GTT-SET table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.

    If GTT sets are shown in this step, or error message “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered” is not displayed, continue the procedure with 2.

    If error message is displayed, “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered,” the EGTT feature is not on. Perform the Adding a Service Module procedure to turn the EGTT feature on and to make sure that the correct hardware is installed and provisioned. After the Adding a Service Module procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. To specify any of these parameters or values for the GTT set, the feature that corresponds to the parameter or value must be shown as enabled, and turned on if required, in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output.
    Perform the procedure, shown in this list, that corresponds to the parameters and values that you wish to specify for the GTT set.
    • settype - one of these features shown in Table 4-4 must be enabled, and turned on if necessary. If the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output and you wish to use the settype parameter, one of the features shown in Table 4-4 must be enabled and turned on, if necessary. If the settype column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output in 1, the settype parameter must be specified with the ent-gttset command.

      Table 4-4 SETTYPE Feature Requirements

      SETTYPE Value Feature Requirements Procedure to Verify the Feature’s Status and to Enable, and Turn On the Feature
      CDGTA, CGGTA, CDSSN, CGPC, or OPC Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled. Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature – See the Note.
      CDSSN or DPC The Flexible Link set Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature – See the Note.
      OPCODE TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature – See the Note.
      Note: If the desired SETTYPE value is shown in the rtrv-gttset output for any GTT set, the required feature is enabled, and turned on if required. The procedure for activating the feature does not need to be performed.
    • netdom=cross - the ANSI/ITUANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature must be enabled. Perform the Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature procedure to verify the status of the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature and to enable the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature if necessary. If the CROSS value is shown in the NETDOM column of the rtrv-gttset output for any GTT set, the Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature procedure does not need to be performed.
    • The Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature must be enabled and turned on, if the GTT set will contain 11 to 16 different GTA lengths. Perform the Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature procedure to verify the status of the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature and to enable and turn on the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature if necessary. If GTT sets containing 11 to 16 different GTA lengths are shown in the rtrv-gttset, the Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature procedure does not need to be performed.
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is enabled and turned on or the Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature procedure was performed in this step, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is not enabled or turned on and the Activating the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT Feature procedure was not performed in this step, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the GTT set will contain two to 10 different GTA lengths, the VGTT feature must be turned on. if GTA sets containing two to 10 different GTA lengths are shown in the rtrv-gttset output, the VGTT feature is turned on. Continue the procedure with 5.
      • If the GTT set will contain two to 10 different GTA lengths, and no GTT sets are shown in the rtrv-gttset output that contain two to 10 different GTA lengths, continue the procedure with 3.
      • If the GTT set will contain GTAs that have only one length, continue the procedure with 5.
  3. Verify that the VGTT feature is on by entering the rtrv-feat command. If the VGTT feature is on, the VGTT field should be set to on.


    The rtrv-feat command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-feat command, see the rtrv-feat command description in Commands User's Guide.
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the VGTT feature is on, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the VGTT feature is off, continue the procedure with Oracle.
  4. Turn the VGTT feature on by entering this command.



    Once the Variable-length Global Title Translation (VGTT) feature is turned on with the chg-feat command, it cannot be turned off.

    The VGTT feature must be purchased before you turn this feature on. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the VGTT feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

    When the chg-feat command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
  5. Add the GTT sets to the database using the ent-gttset command.

    Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 shows the parameter combinations that can be used with the ent-gttset command.

    If only the EGTT feature is on for this example, enter these commands.




    If the Origin-Based SCCP routing feature is enabled for this example, enter these commands.




    If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on for this example, enter these commands.



    If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on for this example, enter these commands.



    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GTT-SET table is (24 of 2000) 1% full.
  6. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttset command with the gttsn parameter and value specified in 5.

    For this example, enter these commands.

    1. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=lidb

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      lidb      ansi    10
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    2. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=t800

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      t800      ansi    6
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    3. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=si000

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      si000     itu     15
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    4. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=cdgta1

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      cdgta1    ansi    CDGTA    10
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    5. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=cggta1

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      cggta1    ansi    CGGTA    6
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    6. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=cgpc1

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      cgpc1     itu     CGPC     -
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    7. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=cdssn1

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      cdssn1    ansi    CDSSN    -
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    8. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=dpc1

      rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
      dpc1      itu     DPC      -
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    9. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=opcode1

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      opcode1   ansi    OPCODE   -
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.
    10. rtrv-gttset:gttsn=opcode2

      rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
      opcode2   itu     OPCODE   -
      GTT-SET table is (25 of 2000) 1% full.

    Examples 1 through 3 are GTT sets that are provisioned when only the EGTT feature is on.

    Examples 4 through 6 are GTT sets that are provisioned when the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled.

    Examples 7 and 8 are GTT sets that are provisioned when the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.

    Examples 9 and 10 are GTT sets that are provisioned when the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.

  7. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-1 Add a GTT Set - Sheet 1 of 2


Figure 4-2 Add a GTT Set - Sheet 2 of 2


Removing a GTT Set

Use this procedure to remove a GTT Set from the database using the dlt-gttset command.

The dlt-gttset command uses this parameter.

:gttsn – The GTT set name.

The GTT set name (gttsn) must be specified and match an existing GTT set. Use the rtrv-gttset command to view the GTT set names.

The GTT set name cannot be removed from the database if the name is referenced by any of these entities.
  • GTT Selectors - Use the rtrv-gttsel:gttsn=<GTT set name> command to view the GTT selectors using the specified GTT set name. If any GTT selectors are assigned to this GTT set name, perform the procedure Removing a GTT Selector to remove the selector from the database.
  • GTA entries - Use the rtrv-gta:gttsn=<GTT set name> command to view the global title address information using the specified GTT set name. If any GTAs are assigned to this GTT set name, perform the procedure Removing Global Title Address Information to remove the global title address information from the database.
  • The GTT set name cannot be shown in the rtrv-gsmsmsopts or rtrv-is41smsopts output as the BPARTYGTTSN value. Perform the procedure Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options or the procedure Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options to remove the GTT set name as the BPARTYGTTSN value.
  • The GTT set name cannot be shown in the rtrv-gsmsmsopts output as the IS41SMSCGTTSN value. Perform the procedures in IS41 GSM Migration User's Guide to remove the GTT set name as the IS41SMSCGTTSN value.

The examples in this procedure are used to remove the GTT set name t800 from the database.

  1. Display the existing GTT sets in the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    abcd1234   itu     CDGTA    3        12
    dpc1       itu     DPC      0        -
    gttset1    ansi    CDGTA    1        6
    gttset2    ansi    CGGTA    5        10
    gttset3    ansi    OPC      0        -
    gttset4    ansi    CGPC     2        -
    gttset5    itu     CGPC     2        -
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    3        15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    4        10
    si000      itu     CDGTA    3        15
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    13       10
    gttset6    ansi    CDSSN    1        -
    gttset7    itu     OPCODE   1        -
    GTT-SET table is (13 of 2000) 1% full.

    The SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output if the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled or the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing or TCAP Opcode Based Routing features are not enabled or turned on.

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled, the values CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, and OPC are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, the values CDSSN or DPC are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is not enabled, the value OPCODE is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the reference count of the GTT set that is being removed is 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 7. The reference count of the GTT set shows the number of database entities that reference the GTT set. The reference count value is shown in the REFCNT column of the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the reference count of the GTT set that is being removed is greater than 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Verify that no global title address information references the GTT set name being removed from the database.Use the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter specifying the GTT set name being removed from the database. If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    8005550000 8005551999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005552000 8005553999 dpc    gt     001-254-255
         SSN=0   CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005554000 8005555999 dpcngt gt     001-254-255
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset3
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005556000 8005557999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005558000 8005559999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=yes CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9195551212 9195551212 dpcssn ssn    008-001-001
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194600000 9194600000 dpc    gt     001-255-252
         SSN=0  CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194610000 9194680000 dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9762428487 9762428487 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9766423277 9766423277 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9769388928 9769388928 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 11 Entries

    If no global title address entries are shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 3.

    If global title address entries are shown in the rtrv-gta output, perform Removing Global Title Address Information to remove any global title address entries that are shown in the rtrv-gta command output. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If all the references to the GTT set have been removed, continue the procedure with 7.
    • If all the references to the GTT set have not been removed, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
  4. Display the GTT selectors in the database by entering the rtrv-gttsel command with the GTTSN value of the GTT set that is being removed.

    To specify of the GTTSN value of the GTT set, the parameters shown in Table 4-5 must be specified with the rtrv-gttsel command. The parameters that can be specified are dependent on the features that are enabled, shown in 3.

    Table 4-5 RTRV-GTTSEL Parameters

    Feature that is Enabled Parameter that must be Specified for the TTN Value
    Neither the Origin Based SCCP Routing nor the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing, shown as Flex Lset Optnl Based Rtg in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, is enabled. gttsn
    Origin Based SCCP Routing cdgtasn, cggtasn
    Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing cdgttsn, cggttsn

    For this example, enter this command if the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled or turned on.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 07-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 37.0.0
    GTIA  TT   NP       NAI   GTTSN
    2     10   --       ---   t800

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled for this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    10  --      ---  --- none  any        t800     (cdgta) -----    (--- )

    If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on for this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    10  --      ---  any none  any        t800     (cdgta) -----    (--- )


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    11  --      ---  any none  any        -----    (--- )  t800    (cggta )
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If no GTT selectors are shown in this step, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If GTT selectors are shown in this step, perform Removing a GTT Selector to remove the GTT selectors that are shown in this step. After the GTT selectors have been removed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If all the references to the GTT set have been removed, continue the procedure with 7.
      • If all the references to the GTT set have not been removed, continue the procedure with 5.
  5. Enter the rtrv-gsmsmsopts command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-04-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0


    The rtrv-gsmsmsopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-gsmsmsopts command, refer to the rtrv-gsmsmsopts command description in Commands User's Guide.

    If the BPARTYGTTSN value contains a GTT set name, perform Configuring the GSM MO SMS B-Party Routing Options to change the BPARTYGTTSN value to NONE.

    If the IS41SMSCGTTSN value contains a GTT set name, perform the procedures in IS41 GSM Migration User's Guide to change the IS41SMSCGTTSN value to NONE.

    After the BPARTYGTTSN or IS41SMSCGTTSNvalues have been changed, or if the BPARTYGTTSN or IS41SMSCGTTSN values shown in the rtrv-gsmsmsopts output are NONE, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If all the references to the GTT set have been removed, continue the procedure with 7.
    • If all the references to the GTT set have not been removed, continue the procedure with 6.
  6. Enter the rtrv-is41smsopts command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-09-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0


    The rtrv-is41smsopts command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-is41smsopts command, refer to the rtrv-is41smsopts command description in Commands User's Guide.

    If the BPARTYGTTSN value contains a GTT set name, perform Configuring the IS-41 MO SMS B-Party Routing Options to change the BPARTYGTTSN value to NONE.

    After the BPARTYGTTSN value has been changed, or if the BPARTYGTTSN value shown in the rtrv-is41smsopts output is NONE, continue the procedure with 7.

  7. Remove the GTT set from the database using the dlt-gttset command with the gttsn parameter specifying the GTT set name being removed from the database.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the command has successfully completed, this message should appear:

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GTT-SET table is (11 of 2000) 1% full.
  8. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttset command with the gttsn parameter and GTT set name specified in 7.

    The following message is displayed.

    E3561 Cmd Rej: GTT Set specified by GTT Set Name/index does not exist
  9. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-3 Remove a GTT Set - Sheet 1 of 2


Figure 4-4 Remove a GTT Set - Sheet 2 of 2


Changing a GTT Set

Use this procedure to change the number of digits assigned to a global title translation (GTT) set, change the network domain of the GTT set to CROSS, or change the GTT set name using the chg-gttset command.

The chg-gttset command uses these parameters:

:gttsn – The GTT set name. The GTT set name (gttsn) specifies the GTT set being changed and must be shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

:ngttsn – The new GTT set name consisting of one alphabetic character and up to eight alphanumeric characters.

:netdom=cross – The CROSS network domain of the global title translation set. The network domain CROSS can be specified only if the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature, part number 893012001, is enabled, and if the GTT set is a CDGTA GTT set. If the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, all the GTT sets are CDGTA GTT sets. The CROSS GTT set can be assigned to either an ANSI or ITU GTT selector. For more information, refer to the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature section.

:gttsetmeasrqd - GTTSET Measurement required. This parameter specifies whether to perform per GTTSET measurements.

:ndgt – The number of digits contained in the global title translation. The ndgt parameter cannot be specified:

  • If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled, the SETTYPE value of the GTT set is CGSSN, CGPC, or OPC.
  • If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, the SETTYPE value of the GTT set is CDSSN or DPC.
  • If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, the SETTYPE value of the GTT set is OPCODE.
  • If GTAs are assigned to the GTT set. This can be verified with the rtrv-gta command and the GTT set name being changed in this procedure.
  • If the VGTT feature is on, shown by the entry VGTT = on in the rtrv-feat command output. The length of the global title address is determined when the global title address is entered with the ent-gta command. For more information on the VGTT feature and the length of global title addresses, see the Variable-length Global Title Translation Feature section and the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure.

    If the Variable-length Global Title Translation Feature (VGTT) is on, the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset command shows the different lengths of global title addresses assigned to a GTT set name, as shown in the following example.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    lidb      ansi    3, 7, 10
    t800      ansi    6
    si000     itu     15
    imsi      itu     15
    abcd1234  itu     12
    GTT-SET table is (5 of 2000) 1% full.

    In this example of the rtrv-gttset command output, the GTT set lidb contains three different length global title addresses; global title addresses containing three digits, seven digits, and 10 digits.


    If the VGTT feature is on and the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not enabled, this procedure cannot be performed.
:sxudt - Segmented XUDT. This parameter specifies whether TOBR will support the processing of segmented XUDT message.


The SXUDT parameter must be specified with the OPCODE GTT set type only.
  1. Display the existing GTT sets in the database by entering the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    abcd1234   itu     CDGTA    12
    dpc1       itu     DPC      -
    gttset1    ansi    CDGTA    6
    gttset2    ansi    CGGTA    10
    gttset3    ansi    OPC      -
    gttset4    ansi    CGPC     -
    gttset5    itu     CGPC     -
    imsi       ansi    CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    si000      itu     CDGTA    15
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    gttset6    ansi    CDSSN    -
    gttset7    itu     OPCODE   -
    GTT-SET table is (13 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, all the GTT sets are CDGTA GTT sets.

    If the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, and the SETTYPE value for the GTT set is CGPC, CGSSN, OPC, CDSSN, OPCODE, DPC, only the name of the GTT set can be changed.

    If any GTT sets contain multiple entries in the NDGT column, the VGTT feature is on. The ndgt parameter cannot be specified with the chg-gttset command. The NETDOM value can be changed to CROSS only for a CDGTA GTT set. The name of the GTT set can be changed for any type of GTT set. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If you do not wish to change the NETDOM value to CROSS for a CDGTA GTT set, or if you wish to only change the name of any type of GTT set, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If you wish to change the NETDOM value to CROSS for a CDGTA GTT set, continue this procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If any CDGTA GTT sets contain the value CROSS in the NETDOM column, continue the procedure with 5.
      • If the value CROSS does not appear in the NETDOM column for all the CDGTA GTT sets, continue the procedure with 3.

    If all the GTT sets contain only one entry in the NDGT column, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Verify whether or not either the VGTT feature is on by entering the rtrv-feat command.

    The entry VGTT = on is shown if the VGTT feature is on.


    The rtrv-feat command output contains other fields that are not used by this procedure. If you wish to see all the fields displayed by the rtrv-feat command, see the rtrv-feat command description in the Commands Manual.

    If the VGTT feature is on, the ndgt parameter cannot be specified with the chg-gttset command.

    If the VGTT feature is off, the ndgt parameter value can be changed under these conditions.
    • If the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output in 1.
    • If the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output and the SETTYPE value for the GTT set is CDGTA or CGGTA.
    If the NDGT value cannot be changed or you do not wish to change the NDGT value, the only action that can be performed on a GTT set is to change the NETDOM value to CROSS for a CDGTA GTT set. If you do not wish to change the NETDOM value to CROSS for a CDGTA GTT set, this procedure cannot be performed. If you wish to change the NETDOM value to CROSS for a CDGTA GTT set, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If any CDGTA GTT sets contain the value CROSS in the NETDOM column, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the ndgt parameter value will be changed, continue the procedure with 4.
      • If the ndgt parameter value will not be changed, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the value CROSS does not appear in the NETDOM column for all CDGTA GTT sets, continue the procedure with 3.

    If you wish to change the ndgt parameter value and do not wish to change the NETDOM value to CROSS, continue the procedure with 4.

  3. Display the status of the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature by entering this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 07-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 37.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    SCCP Conversion           893012001  on      ----
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
    If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the ndgt parameter value will be changed, continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the ndgt parameter value will not be changed, continue the procedure with 5.

    If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not enabled, the netdom=cross parameter cannot be specified with the chg-gttset command. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not enabled and the VGTT feature is on, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is not enabled, perform the Activating the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Feature procedure to enable the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature. After the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion is enabled, continue the procedure with 4.

  4. Verify that no global title address information references the GTT set name being changed in this procedure.

    Use the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter specifying the GTT set name being removed from the database. If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    imsi       ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    8005550000 8005551999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
     8005552000 8005553999 dpc    gt     001-254-255
         SSN=0   CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005554000 8005555999 dpcngt gt     001-254-255
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset3
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005556000 8005557999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005558000 8005559999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=yes CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9195551212 9195551212 dpcssn ssn    008-001-001
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194600000 9194600000 dpc    gt     001-255-252
         SSN=0  CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194610000 9194680000 dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9762428487 9762428487 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9766423277 9766423277 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9769388928 9769388928 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 11 Entries

    If no global title address entries are shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 5.

    If global title address entries are shown in the rtrv-gta output, perform Removing Global Title Address Information to remove any global title address entries that are shown in the rtrv-gta command output. After the global title address entries have been removed, continue the procedure with 5.

  5. Change the GTT set using the chg-gttset command.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The netdom=cross parameter can be specified only if the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, the netdom=cross parameter can be specified only for a CDGTA GTT set.

    The ndgt parameter can be specified only if the VGTT feature is off. If the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, the ndgt parameter can be specified only for a CDGTA or CGGTA GTT set.

    The ngttsn value cannot be none.

    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GTT-SET table is (12 of 2000) 1% full.
  6. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttset command with the gttsn parameter and value specified in 5.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    imsi       cross   CDGTA    10
    GTT-SET table is (12 of 2000) 1% full.
  7. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-5 Change a GTT Set - Sheet 1 of 3


Figure 4-6 Change a GTT Set - Sheet 2 of 3


Figure 4-7 Change a GTT Set - Sheet 3 of 3


Adding a GTT Selector

Use the following procedure to specify the applicable GTT selectors for a global title entry using the ent-gttsel command.

The ent-gttsel command uses these parameters:

:gti/gtia/gtii/gtiis/gtin/gtins/gtin24 – The global title indicator. The GTI defines the domain as shown in this list.

  • gti and gtia - ANSI global title indicator with the values 0 or 2
  • gtii - ITU international (ITU-I) global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtiis - ITU international (ITU-I) spare global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtin - ITU national (ITU-N) global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtins - ITU national (ITU-N)spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtin24 - ITU-N24 spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.

:tt – The global title translation type, (0-255). The same translation type value can be specified for multiple GTI values. For example, the translation type value 10 can be assigned to an ANSI GTI, an ITU-I GTI, an ITU-I spare GTI, an ITU-N GTI, an ITU-N spare GTI, and an ITU-N24 GTI.

:nai – The nature of address indicator.

:naiv – The nature of address indicator value. (0-127) (Refer to Table 4-6 for NAI/NAIV mapping)


The nature of address indicator parameters (naiv or nai) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the naiv or nai parameter. Table 4-6 shows the mapping between the naiv and the nai parameters.

Table 4-6 NAIV/NAI Mapping

NAIV NAI Description
0 --- Unknown
1 Sub Subscriber Number
2 Rsvd Reserved for national use
3 Natl National significant number
4 Intl International number
5-127 --- Spare

:np – The numbering plan.

:npv – The numbering plan value. (0-15) (Refer to Table 4-7 for NP/NPV mapping)


The numbering plan parameters (npv or np) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the npv or np parameter. Table 4-7 shows the mapping between the npv and the np parameters.

Table 4-7 NPV/NP Mapping

NPV NP Description
0 --- Unknown
1 E164 ISDN/telephony numbering plan
2 Generic Generic numbering plan
3 X121 Data numbering plan
4 F69 Telex numbering plan
5 E210 Maritime mobile numbering plan
6 E212 Land mobile numbering plan
7 E214 ISDN/mobile numbering plan
8 Private Private network or network-specific numbering plan
9-15 --- Spare

:gttsn – the GTT set name.

:cdgtasn – The CDGTA GTT set name.

:cggtasn – The CGGTA GTT set name.

:cgpcsn – The CGPC GTT set name.

:cgssn – The CGPA SSN.

:selid – The selector ID.

:cdgttsn – The CDGTA GTT set name.

:cggttsn – The CGGTA GTT set name.

:eaglegen – Indicates whether the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE. If the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE, the entry Eagle-Gen is shown in the LSN column of the rtrv-gttsel output.

:lsn – The name of the linkset that is assigned to the GTT selector.

The Global Title Translation (GTT) feature and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) features must be on before using this command. Use the rtrv-feat command to verify the settings. If the features are off, turn them on using the chg-feat:gtt=on:egtt=on command.


Once the Global Title Translation (GTT) feature and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature are turned on with the chg-feat command, they cannot be turned off.

The GTT feature and the EGTT feature must be purchased before you turn these features on. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the GTT feature and/or the EGTT feature, contact your Sales Representative or Account Representative.

The GTT selector table may not have more than 100,000 GTT selectors.

For the gtii=4, gtin=4, or gtin24=4 parameter, the entry dflt may appear in the rtrv-gttsel output. The value dflt cannot be specified as value for the np or nai parameters when you specify the ent-gttsel command. If you enter a new GTT selector that matches an existing GTT selector’s gti and tt and the existing selector has dflt as value for the np or nai parameters, a new entry is created with the new np or nai parameter values. The existing GTT selector entry with the dflt value is also retained. Use the chg-gttsel or dlt-gttsel commands to change or delete the dflt value. The parameter combination npv/naiv cannot be specified if gtin=2 (or gtin24=2) or gtii=2. The gtia=4 parameter is not supported.

These tables shows the parameter combinations and the rules for the parameters of the ent-gttsel command.
  1. Display the GTT selectors in the database by entering the rtrv-gttsel command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    75  --      ---  --- 55    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    100 --      ---  --- 56    any        t800     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    150 --      ---  --- 57    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    0   --      ---  --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    87  --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    100 --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    0   dflt    dflt --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    0   e164    intl --- none  any        -----    (---  ) s2000    (cggta)
    4    97  e210    5    100 100   any        abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    101 e210    5    101 101   lsni1      imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    150 e210    5    --- none  Eagle-Gen  abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   20  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   21  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   21  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  24    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   26  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    NATL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    N24  TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    if the desired GTT set for the new GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the GTTSN column is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, only the EGTT feature is turned on. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the new GTT selector will be provisioned for these features, perform these procedures to verify the status of these features and to enable, and turn on these features.
        • Origin-Based SCCP Routing - Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature
        • Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing - Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature
        • TCAP Opcode Based Routing - Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature
          After the applicable features have been verified, and enabled and turned on if required, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
          • If the lsn parameter will not be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure with 5.
          • If the lsn parameter will be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
            • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 5.
            • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 4.
      • If the new GTT selector will be provisioned for only the EGTT feature, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET columns are shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the with 3.

    if the desired GTT set for the new GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the GTT sets in the database using the rtrv-gttset command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    abcd1234   itu     CGGTA    12
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    t800       ansi    CGGTA    6
    s1000      itu     CDGTA    15
    s2000      itu     CGPC     -
    GTT-SET table is (6 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the desired GTT set name is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, perform Adding a GTT Set to add the required GTT set.

    After the GTT set has been added, or if the desired GTT set name is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the GTTSN column is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, only the EGTT feature is turned on. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the new GTT selector will be provisioned for these features, perform these procedures to verify the status of these features and to enable, and turn on these features.
        • Origin-Based SCCP Routing - Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature
        • Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing - Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature
        • TCAP Opcode Based Routing - Activating the TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature
          After the applicable features have been verified, and enabled and turned on if required, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
          • If the lsn parameter will not be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure with 5.
          • If the lsn parameter will be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
            • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 5.
            • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 4.
      • If the new GTT selector will be provisioned for only the EGTT feature, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET columns are shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the with 3.
  3. Display the features that are enabled, and turned on if necessary, by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    SCCP Loop Detection       893016501 on     ----
    SCCP Conversion           893012001 off    ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707 on     64
    Origin Based SCCP Routing 893014301 on     ----
    TCAP Opcode Based Routing 893027801 on     ----
    Flex Lset Optnl Based Rtg 893027701 on     ----
    VGTT with 16 GTT lengths  893024801 on     ----
    TOBR Opcode Quantity      893027907 on     1000000
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity   Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
    If you wish to provision the GTT selector according for these features and any of these features are not enabled, or turned on if required, perform these procedures as needed to enable, and turn on these features.
    After the features have been enabled, and turned on if necessary, or if you wish to provision the GTT selector according to the features that are enabled, and turned on, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the lsn parameter will not be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the lsn parameter will be specified for the GTT selector, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 5.
      • If the name of the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output in 1, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Display the linksets in the database by entering the rtrv-ls command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    lsn1          001-001-002   none 1   1   no  A   3    off off off no    off
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    lsni1         2-002-2       none 1   2   no  A   3    off off off no    off
    lsni2         2-002-3       none 1   2   no  A   4    off off off no    off
                                     L3T SLT              GWS GWS GWS
    lsnn1         00002         none 1   2   no  A   2    off off off no    off
    lsnn2         00003         none 1   2   no  A   1    off off off no    off
    Link set table is (5 of 1024) 1% full.

    If the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-ls output, perform the "Adding an SS7 Linkset" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the linkset.

    After the linkset has been added, or if the linkset that you wish to assign to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-ls output, continue the procedure with 5.

  5. Add the GTT selector to the database with the ent-gttsel command.
    These tables shows the parameter combinations and the rules for the parameters of the ent-gttsel command.

    Table 4-8 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - EGTT Only

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    GTTSN = <the GTT set name, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Note 3) TT = < the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = < translation type - 0 to 255>
      GTTSN = <the GTT set name, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Note 3) GTTSN = <the GTT set name, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Note 3)

    NP = <numbering plan> (See Notes 1 and 2) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 1 and 2)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 1 and 2) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 1 and 2)

    Optional Parameter
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534>


    1. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it.
    2. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    Table 4-9 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled Only

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    CDGTASN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output>(See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8) TT = <the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = <translation type - 0 to 255>
    CGGTASN = <the CGGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) CDGTASN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output>(See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8) CDGTASN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8)
    CGPCSN = <the CGPC GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) CGGTASN = <the CGGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) CGGTASN = <the CGGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)
      CGPCSN = <the CGPC GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) CGPCSN = <the CGPC GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8)

    NP=<numbering plan> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 2 and 9)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 2 and 9)

    Optional Parameters
    CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 5 and 7) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 5 and 7) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 5 and 7)
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 5 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 5 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 5 and 7)


    1. CDGTA GTT sets are shown in the CDPA GTTSET column of the rtrv-gttsel output. CGGTA and CGPC GTT sets are shown in the CGPA GTTSET column of the rtrv-gttsel output.

    2. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19 for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it. The TT, NP (NPV), and NAI, (NAIV) combination can have more than five entries as long as different CGSSN and SELID values are assigned to each entry.

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    4. A GTT selector can contain the following combinations of GTT set name parameters.
    • CDGTASN only
    • CGGTASN only
    • CGPCSN only

    5. If either the cgssn or selid parameters, or both parameters, are specified with the ent-gttsel command, either the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameters must be specified with the ent-gttsel command. The cgssn parameter cannot be specified with the cdgtasn parameter.

    6. If a CGGTA or CGPC GTT set is specified for a selector that has a CDGTA GTT set assigned to it, the selector will have the CGGTA or CGPC GTT set and the CDGTA GTT set assigned to it.

    7. Multiple entries can be assigned to a selector only if the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameters are specified for the selector. The cgssn and selid parameter values must be different for each entry that has the same cggtasn or cgpcsn parameter value. The first time a selector is added, the cdgtasn and either the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameters can be specified. If additional entries are added to the selector, only the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameters can be specified. All of these entries will contain the cdgtasn parameter value and either the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameter values.

    8. If the selector contains multiple entries containing only the cggtasn or cgpcsn parameter values, and the cdgtasn parameter is specified for one of the entries of the selector, the cdgtasn parameter value is added to all the entries of the selector.

    9. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    Table 4-10 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5) TT = <the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = <translation type - 0 to 255>
    CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7) CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5) CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5)
      CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7) CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7)

    NP=<numbering plan> (See Notes 2 and 8) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 2 and 8)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 2 and 8) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 2 and 8)

    Optional Parameters
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7)
    LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7)
      EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7) EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7)


    1. The SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, so all the GTT sets are CDGTA GTT sets.

    2. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it. The TT, NP (NPV), and NAI, (NAIV) combination can have more than five entries as long as different CGSSN and SELID values are assigned to each entry.

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    4. Multiple entries can be assigned to a selector only if the selid or lsn parameter values are different for each entry.

    5. If the GTT selector contains one GTT set, another GTT set can be added to the GTT selector. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CDPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cggttsn parameter. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cdgttsn parameter.

    6. The domain of the linkset, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, or ITU-N24, must be the same as the domain of the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter.

    7. If the eaglegen=yes parameter is specified for the GTT selector, the cggttsn, selid, and lsn parameters cannot be specified for the GTT selector.

    8. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    Table 4-11 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - OBSR Enabled and FLOBR Enabled and Turned On

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8) TT = <the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = <translation type - 0 to 255>
    CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8) CDGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8)
      CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) CGGTTSN = <the CDGTA GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8)

    NP=<numbering plan> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 2 and 9)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 2 and 9)

    Optional Parameters
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7)
    CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 7 and 8) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 7 and 8) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 7 and 8)
    LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7)
      EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7) EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7)

    OBSR - the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature

    FLOBR - the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature


    1. The SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output. These GTT sets can provisioned in the database and assigned to a GTT selector with either the cdgttsn or cggttsn parameters.
    • CDGTA GTT sets
    • CGGTA GTT sets
    • CGPC GTT sets
    • CGSSN GTT sets
    • OPC GTT sets
    • CDSSN GTT sets
    • DPC GTT sets
    2. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it. The TT, NP (NPV), and NAI, (NAIV) combination can have more than five entries as long as different CGSSN and SELID values are assigned to each entry.

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    4. Multiple entries can be assigned to a selector only if the selid or lsn parameter values are different for each entry.

    5. If the GTT selector contains one GTT set, another GTT set can be added to the GTT selector. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CDPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cggttsn parameter. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cdgttsn parameter.If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column and the GTT selector contains a cgssn value, the cdgttsn parameter cannot be specified.

    6. The domain of the linkset, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, or ITU-N24, must be the same as the domain of the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter.

    7. If the eaglegen=yes parameter is specified for the GTT selector, the cggttsn, cgssn, selid, and lsn parameters cannot be specified for the GTT selector.

    8. The cgssn parameter can be specified only if the cggttsn parameter is specified and without the cdgttsn parameter.

    9. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    Table 4-12 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - FLOBR and TOBR Enabled and Turned On Only

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5) TT = <the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = <translation type - 0 to 255>
    CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7) CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5) CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, and 5)
      CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7) CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 7)

    NP=<numbering plan> (See Notes 2 and 8) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 2 and 8)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 2 and 8) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 2 and 8)

    Optional Parameters
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7)
    LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7)
      EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7) EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7)

    FLOBR - the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature

    TOBR - the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature


    1. The SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output. These GTT sets can provisioned in the database and assigned to a GTT selector with either the cdgttsn or cggttsn parameters.
    • CDGTA GTT sets
    • CDSSN GTT sets
    • DPC GTT sets
    • OPCODE GTT sets
    2. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it. The TT, NP (NPV), and NAI, (NAIV) combination can have more than five entries as long as different CGSSN and SELID values are assigned to each entry.

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    4. Multiple entries can be assigned to a selector only if the selid or lsn parameter values are different for each entry.

    5. If the GTT selector contains one GTT set, another GTT set can be added to the GTT selector. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CDPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cggttsn parameter. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cdgttsn parameter.

    6. The domain of the linkset, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, or ITU-N24, must be the same as the domain of the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter.

    7. If the eaglegen=yes parameter is specified for the GTT selector, the cggttsn, selid, and lsn parameters cannot be specified for the GTT selector.

    8. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    Table 4-13 Add GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - OBSR Enabled, and FLOBR and TOBR Enabled and Turned On

    Mandatory Parameters



    GTIN24 = 0 (See Note 3)



    GTIN24 = 2 (See Note 3)


    GTIN24 = 4 (See Note 3)

    CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8) TT = <the translation type - 0 to 255> TT = <translation type - 0 to 255>
    CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8) CDGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, and 8)
      CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) CGGTTSN = <the GTT set name>, from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-gttset output> (See Notes 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8)

    NP=<numbering plan> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NPV = <numbering plan value> (See Notes 2 and 9)


    NAI = <nature of address indicator> (See Notes 2 and 9) or

    NAIV = <nature of address indicator value> (See Notes 2 and 9)

    Optional Parameters
    SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7) SELID = <SELID value - 0 to 65534> (See Notes 4 and 7)
    CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes7 and 8) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes7 and 8) CGSSN = <CGSSN value - 0 to 255> (See Notes 7 and 8)
    LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7) LSN = The name of the linkset from other GTT selectors or the rtrv-ls output> (See Notes 4, 6, and 7)
      EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7) EAGLEGEN=YES (See Note 7)

    OBSR - the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature

    FLOBR - the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature

    TOBR - the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature


    1. The SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output. These GTT sets can provisioned in the database and assigned to a GTT selector with either the cdgttsn or cggttsn parameters.
    • CDGTA GTT sets
    • CGGTA GTT sets
    • CGPC GTT sets
    • CGSSN GTT sets
    • OPC GTT sets
    • CDSSN GTT sets
    • DPC GTT sets
    • OPCODE GTT sets
    2. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19for the np and npv parameter values.
    • The value dflt cannot be specified for the np/npv or nai/naiv parameters.
    • Each translation type (TT) and NP (NPV) combination can have a maximum of five different NAI (NAIV) assigned to it. The TT, NP (NPV), and NAI, (NAIV) combination can have more than five entries as long as different CGSSN and SELID values are assigned to each entry.

    3. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    4. Multiple entries can be assigned to a selector only if the selid, lsn, or cgssn parameter values are different for each entry.

    5. If the GTT selector contains one GTT set, another GTT set can be added to the GTT selector. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CDPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cggttsn parameter. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column, the other GTT set is added by specifying the cdgttsn parameter. If the GTT selector contains an entry in the CGPA GTTSET column and the GTT selector contains a cgssn value, the cdgttsn parameter cannot be specified.

    6. The domain of the linkset, ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-N, or ITU-N24, must be the same as the domain of the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter.

    7. If the eaglegen=yes parameter is specified for the GTT selector, the cggttsn, selid, cgssn, and lsn parameters cannot be specified for the GTT selector.

    8. The cgssn parameter can be specified only if the cggttsn parameter is specified and without the cdgttsn parameter.

    9. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the ent-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    For this example, enter these commands.

    ent-gttsel:gtii=4:tt=0:cdgttsn=cdgtt2:selid=50:lsn=lsni1:cggttsn=opcode6 :np=e164:nai=intl

    ent-gttsel:gtii=4:tt=0:selid=50:lsn=lsni1:cggttsn=cggta10:np=e164 :nai=intl:cgssn=25

    When these commands have successfully completed, this message appears.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
  6. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttse1 command with the gti, tt, and either the gttsn, cdgtasn, cggtasn, cgpcsn, cdgttsn, or cggttsn parameters and values specified in 5.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    4    0   e164    intl any 50    lsni1      cdgtt2   (cdgta) opcode6  (opcde)


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    4    0   e164    intl 25  50    lsni1      -----    (---  ) cggta10  (cggta)
  7. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-8 Add a GTT Selector - Sheet 1 of 2


Figure 4-9 Add a GTT Selector - Sheet 2 of 2


Removing a GTT Selector

Use the following procedure to delete the global title selector using the dlt-gttsel command.

The dlt-gttsel command uses these parameters.

:gti/gtia/gtii/gtiis/gtin/gtins/gtin24 – The global title indicator. The GTI defines the domain as shown in this list.

  • gti and gtia - ANSI global title indicator with the values 0 or 2
  • gtii - ITU international (ITU-I) global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtiis - ITU international (ITU-I) spare global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtin - ITU national (ITU-N) global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtins - ITU national (ITU-N)spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtin24 - ITU-N24 spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.

:cgssn – The CgPA subsystem number that is assigned to the GTT selector.

:eaglegen – Indicates whether the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE. If the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE, the entry Eagle-Gen is shown in the LSN column of the rtrv-gttsel output.

:lsn – The name of the linkset that is assigned to the GTT selector.

:selid – The selector ID that is assigned to the GTT selector.

:tt – The global title translation type. (0-255)

:nai – The nature of address indicator.

:naiv – The nature of address indicator value. (0-127) (See Removing a GTT Selector for NAI/NAIV mapping)


The nature of address indicator parameters (naiv or nai) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the naiv or nai parameter. Removing a GTT Selector shows the mapping between the naiv and the nai parameters.

Table 4-14 NAIV/NAI Mapping

NAIV NAI Description
0 --- Unknown
1 Sub Subscriber Number
2 Rsvd Reserved for national use
3 Natl National significant number
4 Intl International number
5-127 --- Spare

:np – The numbering plan.

:npv – The numbering plan value. (0-15) (See Removing a GTT Selector for NP/NPV mapping)


The numbering plan parameters (npv or np) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the npv or np parameter. Removing a GTT Selector shows the mapping between the npv and the np parameters.

Table 4-15 NPV/NP Mapping

NPV NP Description
0 --- Unknown
1 E164 ISDN/telephony numbering plan
2 Generic Generic numbering plan
3 X121 Data numbering plan
4 F69 Telex numbering plan
5 E210 Maritime mobile numbering plan
6 E212 Land mobile numbering plan
7 E214 ISDN/mobile numbering plan
8 Private Private network or network-specific numbering plan
9-15 --- Spare
  1. Display the GTT selectors assigned to a specified domain using the rtrv-gttsel command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
     2   75  --      ---  --- 55    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     2   100 --      ---  --- 56    any        t800     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     2   150 --      ---  --- 57    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INT  TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
     2   0   --      ---  --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     2   87  --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     2   100 --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   0   dflt    dflt --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   0   e164    intl --- none  any        -----    (---  ) s2000    (cggta)
     4   97  e210    5    100 100   any        abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   101 e210    5    101 101   lsni1      imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   150 e210    5    --- none  Eagle-Gen  abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   20  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   21  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   21  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   23  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   23  24    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   23  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
     4   219 e210    11   26  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    NAT  TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    N24  TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTS TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
     2   20  --      ---  --- none  any        setint075(cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    NATS TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
     2   20  --      ---  --- none  any        setint075(cdgta) -----    (---  )

    If the Origin-based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, the CGSSN, LSN, CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET columns are not shown. The GTTSN column is shown in place of the CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET columns. The GTI ANSI, GTI INT, GTI INTS, GTI NAT, GTI NATSand GTI N24 are replaced by the GTIA, GTII, GTIIS, GTIN, GTINS, GTIN24 columns.

  2. Delete the GTT selector from the database using the dlt-gttsel command.

    Table 4-16 and Table 4-17 shows the parameter combinations that can be used with the dlt-gttsel command.

    Table 4-16 Remove GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - GTI=2 or GTI=4

    GTT Set Name Column Header in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output - GTTSN GTT Set Column Header in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output - CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET






















    :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1) :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1) :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1) :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1) :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1) :tt=<the translation type assigned to the GTT selector> (See Note 1)
    :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2) :nai/naiv=<the NAI value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 5) :cgssn=<the CGSSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2) :eaglegen=yes (See Note 3) :nai/naiv=<the NAI value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, 4, and 5) :nai/naiv=<the NAI value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, 4, and 5)
      :np/npv=<the NP value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 5) :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2)   :np/npv=<the NP value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, 4, and 5) :np/npv=<the NP value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, 4, and 5)
      :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 4) :lsn<the LSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)   :cgssn<the CGSSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 4) :eaglegen=yes (See Notes 3 and 4)
            :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, and 4)  
            :lsn<the LSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1, 2, 3, and 4)  
    1. The values for these parameters must be entered as shown in the rtrv-gttsel output for the GTT selector that is being removed, except for the nai/naiv and np/npv parameters. Refer to Removing a GTT Selector and Removing a GTT Selector for the values that can be used.
    2. If dashes, the value any, or the value none are shown for this value in the GTT selector, this parameter cannot be specified with the dlt-gttsel command.
    3. A GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE if the value Eagle-Gen is shown in the LSN column for the GTT selector. For this GTT selector, the eaglegen=yes parameter must be specified with the dlt-gttsel command.
    4. If the GTT selector contains the value DFLT in the NP and NAI columns of the rtrv-gttsel output, the cgssn, selid, lsn, and eaglegen=yes parameters cannot be specified with the dlt-gttsel command.
    5. The nai/naiv and np/npv parameters can be specified in these combinations.
      • np - nai
      • np - naiv
      • npv - nai
      • npv - naiv

    Table 4-17 Remove GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - GTI=0

    GTT Set Name Column Header in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output - GTTSN GTT Set Column Header in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output - CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET
    :gti/gtia/gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24=0 :gti/gtia/gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24=0
    :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2) :selid<the SELID value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2)
      :cgssn=<the CGSSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2)
      :lsn<the LSN value assigned to the GTT selector> (See Notes 1 and 2)
    1. The values for these parameters must be entered as shown in the rtrv-gttsel output for the GTT selector that is being remove.
    2. If dashes, the value any, or the value none are shown for this value in the GTT selector, this parameter cannot be specified with the dlt-gttsel command.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the command has successfully completed, this message should appear:

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
  3. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttsel command with the gti/gtia/gtii/gtiis/gtin/gtins/gtin24 and tt parameters and values specified in 2.

    For this procedure, enter the following command.



    If the global title indicator value is 0, the tt parameter cannot be specified with the rtrv-gttsel command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    4    0   dflt    dflt --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
  4. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-10 Remove a GTT Selector


Changing a GTT Selector

Use the following procedure to change the GTT set assigned to a selector using the chg-gttsel command.

The chg-gttsel command uses these parameters.

:gti/gtia/gtii/gtiis/gtin/gtins/gtin24 – The global title indicator. The GTI defines the domain as shown in this list.

  • gti and gtia - ANSI global title indicator with the values 0 or 2
  • gtii - ITU international (ITU-I) global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtiis - ITU international (ITU-I) spare global title indicator with the values, 0, 2, or 4
  • gtin - ITU national (ITU-N) global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtins - ITU national (ITU-N)spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.
  • gtin24 - ITU-N24 spare global title indicator with the values 0, 2, or 4.

:tt – The global title translation type, (0-255). The same translation type value can be specified for multiple GTI values. For example, the translation type value 10 can be assigned to an ANSI GTI, an ITU-I GTI, an ITU-I spare GTI, an ITU-N GTI, an ITU-N spare GTI, and an ITU-N24 GTI.

:msgtype – The SCCP message type. This parameter allows one or more SCCP message types (UDT/UDTS/XUDT/XUDTS) for every GTT Selector entry. This will help in screening different message types differently.

:nai – The nature of address indicator.

:naiv – The nature of address indicator value. (0-127) (See Table 4-18 for NAI/NAIV mapping)


The nature of address indicator parameters (naiv or nai) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the naiv or nai parameter. Table 4-18 shows the mapping between the naiv and the nai parameters.

:np – The numbering plan.

:npv – The numbering plan value. (0-15) (See Table 4-19 for NP/NPV mapping)


The numbering plan parameters (npv or np) can be specified by supplying either a mnemonic or an explicit value. At no time may both the mnemonic and the explicit value be specified at the same time for the same parameter. You can specify either the npv or np parameter. Table 4-19 shows the mapping between the npv and the np parameters.

:gttsn – the GTT set name.

:cdgtasn – The CDGTA GTT set name or the value none.

:cggtasn – The CGGTA GTT set name or the value none.

:cgpcsn – The CGPC GTT set name or the value none.

:cgssn – The CGPA SSN.

:selid – The selector ID.

:cdgttsn – The CDGTA GTT set name or the value none.

:cggttsn – The CGGTA GTT set name or the value none.

:eaglegen – Indicates whether the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE. If the GTT selector is used by messages generated by the EAGLE, the entry Eagle-Gen is shown in the LSN column of the rtrv-gttsel output.

:lsn – The name of the linkset that is assigned to the GTT selector.

These tables show the parameter combinations that can be used in this procedure.

Table 4-18 NAIV/NAI Mapping

NAIV NAI Description
0 --- Unknown
1 Sub Subscriber Number
2 Rsvd Reserved for national use
3 Natl National significant number
4 Intl International number
5-127 --- Spare

Table 4-19 NPV/NP Mapping

NPV NP Description
0 --- Unknown
1 E164 ISDN/telephony numbering plan
2 Generic Generic numbering plan
3 X121 Data numbering plan
4 F69 Telex numbering plan
5 E210 Maritime mobile numbering plan
6 E212 Land mobile numbering plan
7 E214 ISDN/mobile numbering plan
8 Private Private network or network-specific numbering plan
9-15 --- Spare
  1. Display the GTT selectors in the database by entering the rtrv-gttsel command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    ANSI TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    75  --      ---  --- 55    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    100 --      ---  --- 56    any        t800     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    150 --      ---  --- 57    any        lidb     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    2    0   --      ---  --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    87  --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    2    100 --      ---  --- none  any        imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    0   dflt    dflt --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    0   e164    intl --- none  any        -----    (---  ) s2000    (cggta)
    4    97  e210    5    100 100   any        abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    101 e210    5    101 101   lsni1      imsi     (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    150 e210    5    --- none  Eagle-Gen  abcd1234 (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   20  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   21  20    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   21  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  22    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  24    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   23  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    4    219 e210    11   26  25    any        gttset9  (cdgta) -----    (---  )
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    NATL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    N24  TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    If the GTTSN column is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, only the EGTT feature is turned on. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the new GTT set that will be assigned to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the new GTT set that will be assigned to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 3.

    If the CDPA GTTSET and CGPA GTTSET columns are shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    SCCP Loop Detection       893016501 on     ----
    SCCP Conversion           893012001 off    ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707 on     64
    Origin Based SCCP Routing 893014301 on     ----
    TCAP Opcode Based Routing 893027801 on     ----
    Flex Lset Optnl Based Rtg 893027701 on     ----
    VGTT with 16 GTT lengths  893024801 on     ----
    TOBR Opcode Quantity      893027907 on     1000000
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity   Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the new GTT set that will be assigned to the GTT selector is shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the new GTT set that will be assigned to the GTT selector is not shown in the rtrv-gttsel output, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. Display the GTT set names in the database using the rtrv-gttset command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    abcd1234  itu     12
    imsi      itu     15
    lidb      ansi    10
    t800      ansi    10
    si000     itu     15
    GTT-SET table is (5 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled, or if the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, the SETTYPE column is shown in the rtrv-gttset output as shown in the following example.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    abcd1234   itu     CGGTA    12
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    t800       ansi    CGGTA    6
    s1000      itu     CDGTA    15
    s2000      itu     CGPC     -
    GTT-SET table is (6 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the desired GTT set name is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, continue the procedure with 4.

    If the desired GTT set name is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, perform Adding a GTT Set to add the desired GTT set. After the GTT set has been added, continue the procedure with 4.

  4. Change the selector using the chg-gttsel command.
    These tables show the parameter combinations that can be used in this procedure, based on the features that are turned on, enabled, or enabled and turned on, shown in 1 and 2.

    Table 4-20 Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - EGTT Only

    SELID = <the current SELID value> (See Note 3) TT = < current translation type> TT = < current translation type>
    GTTSN = <the new GTT set name> (See Note 2) GTTSN = <the new GTT set name> (See Note 2) GTTSN = <the new GTT set name> (See Note 2)
      SELID = <the current SELID value> (See Note 3)

    NP = <current numbering plan> (See Note 1) or

    NPV = <current numbering plan value> (See Note 1)


    NAI = <current nature of address indicator> (See Note 1) or

    NAIV = <current nature of address indicator value> (See Note 1)

        SELID = <the current SELID value> (See Note 3)


    1. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19 for the np and npv parameter values. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the chg-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    2. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    3. If the value none is shown in the SELID column of the rtrv-gttsel output, the selid parameter cannot be specified.

    Table 4-21 Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled Only

    CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Note 4) TT = < current translation type> TT = < current translation type>
    SELID = <current SELID value> (See Note 4) CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Note 4) CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Note 4)
    CDGTASN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7) SELID = <current SELID value> (See Note 4) SELID = <current SELID value> (See Note 4)
    CGGTASN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7) CDGTASN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7)

    NP=<current numbering plan> (See Note 5) or

    NPV = <current numbering plan value> (See Note 5)

    CGPCSN = <the new CGPC GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7) CGGTASN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7)

    NAI = <current nature of address indicator> (See Note 5) or

    NAIV = <current nature of address indicator value> (See Note 5)

      CGPCSN = <the new CGPC GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7) CDGTASN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7)
        CGGTASN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7)
        CGPCSN = <the new CGPC GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7)


    1. If there are two GTT sets assigned to the GTT selector, the value none can be specified for the cdgtasn, cggtasn, or cgpcsn parameters. This will remove the GTT set from the GTT selector. The GTT selector must contain one GTT set.

    2. If only a single entry exists for the selector, only the GTT set name can be changed. The value none cannot be specified for the cdgtasn, cggtasn, or cgpcsn parameters.

    3. CDGTA GTT sets are shown in the CDPA GTTSET column of the rtrv-gttsel output. CGGTA and CGPC GTT sets are shown in the CGPA GTTSET column of the rtrv-gttsel output.

    4. If dashes or the values any or none are shown in the NP, NAI, CGSSN, SELID, or LSN columns of the rtrv-gttsel output, the parameter corresponding to that column cannot be specified.

    5. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19 for the np and npv parameter values. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the chg-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    6. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    7. A GTT selector can contain the following combinations of GTT set name parameters.
    • CDGTASN only
    • CGGTASN only
    • CGPCSN only

    Table 4-22 Change GTT Selector Parameter Combinations - CDGTTSN and CGGTTSN Columns Shown in the RTRV-GTTSEL Output

    CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Notes 3, 4, and 7) TT = < current translation type> TT = < current translation type>
    SELID = <current SELID value> (See Notes 3 and 4) CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Notes 3, 4, and 7) CGSSN = <current CGSSN value> (See Notes 3, 4, and 7)
    LSN = <current LSN value> (see Notes 3 and 4) SELID = <current SELID value> (See Notes 3 and 4) SELID = <current SELID value> (See Notes 3 and 4)
    CDGTTSN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) LSN = <current LSN value> (see Notes 3 and 4) LSN = <current LSN value> (see Notes 3 and 4)
    CGGTTSN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 10) EAGLEGEN = YES (see Note 3) EAGLEGEN = YES (see Note 3)
      CDGTTSN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)

    NP = <current numbering plan> (See Note 5) or

    NPV = <current numbering plan value> (See Note 5)

      CGGTTSN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 10)

    NAI = <current nature of address indicator> (See Note 5) or

    NAIV = <current nature of address indicator value> (See Note 5)

        CDGTTSN = <the new CDGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10)
        CGGTTSN = <the new CGGTA GTT set name> or the value none (See Notes 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 10)


    1. If there are two GTT sets assigned to the GTT selector, the value none can be specified for the cdgttsn or cggttsn parameters. This will remove the GTT set from the GTT selector. The GTT selector must contain one GTT set.

    2. If only a single entry exists for the selector, only the GTT set name can be changed. The value none cannot be specified for the cdgttsn or cggttsn parameters.

    3. If the LSN column contains the value Eagle-Gen, the eaglegen=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-gttsel command. The cggttsn, cgssn, selid, and lsn parameters cannot be specified with the chg-gttsel command. The new GTT set for this GTT selector must be a CDGTA GTT set and can be specified only with the cdgttsn parameter.

    4. If dashes or the values any or none are shown in the NP, NAI, CGSSN, SELID, or LSN columns of the rtrv-gttsel output, the parameter corresponding to that column cannot be specified.

    5. Refer to Table 4-18 for the nai and naiv parameter values. Refer to Table 4-19 for the np and npv parameter values. These combinations of the np, npv, nai, and naiv parameters can be specified together in the chg-gttsel command.
    • np - nai
    • np - naiv
    • npv - nai
    • npv - naiv

    6. If the gti/gtia parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ANSI. If the gtii/gtin/gtiis/gtins/gtin24 parameter is specified, the domain of the new GTT set must be ITU. The domain of the GTT set can be CROSS, regardless of the value of the gti parameter.

    7. If the GTT selector contains a CGSSN value, the CDGTTSN parameter cannot be specified for the GTT selector. The CGSSN parameter cannot be specified with the CDGTTSN parameter. The CGSSN parameter can be specified only if the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled.

    8. If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, CDGTA, CDSSN, DPC, and OPCODE GTT sets, shown with the entries CDGTA, CDSSN, DPC, and OPCODE in the SETTYPE column in the rtrv-gttset output, can be assigned to the GTT selector.

    9. If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled, CDGTA, CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, and OPC GTT sets, shown with the entries CDGTA, CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, and OPC in the rtrv-gttset output, can be assigned to the GTT selector.

    10. If only the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, CDGTA, CDSSN, and DPC GTT sets, shown with the entries CDGTA, CDSSN, and DPC in the SETTYPE column in the rtrv-gttset output, can be assigned to the GTT selector.

    For this example, enter this command.


    After the successful completion of this command, this message appears:.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
  5. Verify the changes by entering the rtrv-gttsel command with these parameters and values that were specified in 4.
    • gti/gtia/gtii/gtiis/gtin/gtins/gtin24
    • tt
    • np/npv
    • nai/naiv
    • selid
    • cgssn
    • lsn
    • eaglegen=yes

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-02 13:54:39 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    GTI                   CG                   CDPA             CGPA
    INTL TT  NP      NAI  SSN SELID LSN        GTTSET           GTTSET
    4    0   e164    4    --- none  any        s1000    (cdgta) abcd1234    (cggta)
  6. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-11 Change a GTT Selector


Adding Global Title Address Information

This procedure is used to add global title address (GTA) information for applicable global title selectors required to specify a global title entry. This command adds the routing object (a destination address and a subsystem number) for messages requiring global title translation. The translation is performed on the basis of the GTA, global title indicator (GTI), numbering plan (NP), nature of address indicator (NAI), and translation type (TT) of each SS7 SCCP message directed to the STP with a routing indicator of 0, indicating that global title translation is required.

The ent-gta command uses these parameters:

:gttsn – The GTT set name

:gta – The global title address or the beginning value of a range of global title addresses

:egta – The end of global title address

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 – The translated point code

:ssn – The translated subsystem number

:ri – The routing indicator

:xlat – The translate indicator

:ccgt – The cancel called global title indicator

:force – The check mated application override

:actsn – The name of the GTT action set that will be assigned to the GTA entry as shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

:gtmodid – The name of the GT modification identifier that will be assigned to the GTA entry as shown in the rtrv-gtmod output and provisioned in the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure. The GT modification identifier contains the information to modify the numbering plan, nature of address indicator, and the prefix or suffix digits in the called party address or calling party address portion of outbound MSUs.

:ppmeasreqd – This parameter specifies whether per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry.

:mrnset – The MRN set ID, shown in the rtrv-mrn output. This parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and if the ri=gt parameter is specified with the ent-gta command. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the point code specified with the ent-gta command must be assigned to the MRN set specified by this parameter. The status of the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. To enable the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature, performActivating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature.

:mapset – The MAP set ID, shown in the rtrv-map output. This parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and if the ri=ssn parameter is specified with the ent-gta command. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the point code and SSN specified with the ent-gta command must be assigned to the MAP set specified by this parameter. The status of the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. To enable the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature, perform Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature.

:optsn – The optional GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output. Table 4-23 shows the types of GTT sets that can be specified for the optsn parameter based on the type of GTT set that is specified for the gttsn parameter and the features that are enabled and turned on.

Table 4-23 GTTSN and OPTSN Combinations

GTTSN Set Type OPTSN Set Type
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature Enabled Only


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

CGSSN The optsn parameter cannot be specified.
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled and Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing and TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature Enabled and Turned On Only
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled, Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing and TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature Enabled and Turned On


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDSSN GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with an OPCODE GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a DPC GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

:opcsn – The OPC GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

:cgssn – The CgPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CgPA subsystem numbers

:ecgssn – The end value of a range of CgPA subsystem numbers

:cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 – The CgPA point code

:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 – The originating point code

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 – The destination point code

:cdssn – The CdPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CdPA subsystem numbers

:ecdssn – The end value of a range of CdPA subsystem numbers

:cgselid – The CgPA selector ID

:cdselid – The CdPA selector ID

:fallback – The action to be taken when the final translation does not match while performing global title translation using a FLOBR-specific GTT mode.

:testmode – This parameter invokes a field-safe test tool to debug the rules used for the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing or TCAP Opcode Based Routing features.

:transmeasrqd - GTT Translation Measurement Required. This parameter specifies whether to perform per GTT Translation Measurements.

:cgcnvsn – The CgPA conversion set name

:family – The ANSI TCAP family field in the incoming message

:opcode – The TCAP opcode field in the incoming message

:pkgtype – The TCAP package type. Table 4-31 shows the ANSI and ITU TCAP package types.

:acn – The application context name (ACN) field in the ITU TCAP message

:loopset - The value of this parameter is the name of the loopset that is assigned to the GTA. This parameter can be specified only if the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled. Enter the rtrv-loopset command to verify that the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled. By default, the value of the loopset parameter is “none” because no loopset is assigned to the GTA.

:cggtmod - The calling party GT modification indicator. This parameter specifies whether or not calling party global title modification is required. The values for this parameter are yes (calling party global title modification is required) or no (calling party global title modification is not required). This parameter can be specified only if the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that either the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled.


The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the parameters and values specified with the ent-gta command are too long to fit on the ent-gta command line, perform Changing Global Title Address Information to complete adding the GTA entry.

The Global Title Translation (GTT) feature and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature must be on before using this command. Use the rtrv-feat command to verify the settings. If the features are off, turn them on using the chg-feat:gtt=on:egtt=on command.


Once the Global Title Translation (GTT) feature and the Enhanced Global Title Translation (EGTT) feature are turned on with the chg-feat command, they cannot be turned off.

The GTT feature and the EGTT feature must be purchased before you turn these features on. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the GTT feature and/or the EGTT feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

If the Variable-Length Global Title Translation (VGTT) feature is off, shown the entry VGTT = off, the global title address length must be equal to the number of digits specified by the given GTT set name. The length of the global title address can be verified with the rtrv-gttset command.

If the Variable-Length Global Title Translation (VGTT) feature is on, shown the entry VGTT = on, up to 10 different length global title addresses can be assigned to a GTT set. If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, up to 16 different length global title addresses can be assigned to a GTT set. The length of the global title address is only limited by the range of values for the gta and egta parameters, one to 21 digits, and by the global title addresses already assigned to the GTT set name. The ndgt parameter of the ent-gttset command has no effect on the length of the global title address. As global title addresses of different lengths are assigned to a specific translation type, these lengths are displayed in the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset command output, as shown in the following example.

rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0

lidb      ansi    3, 7, 10
t800      ansi    6
si000     itu     15
imsi      itu     15
abcd1234  itu     12

GTT-SET table is (5 of 2000) 1% full.

In this example of the rtrv-gttset command output, the GTT set lidb contains three different length global title addresses; global title addresses containing three digits, seven digits, and 10 digits.

If the GTT set contains the maximum number of different length global title addresses, and another global title address is specified for the GTT set name, the length of the global title address being added to the GTT set name must be the same as one of the lengths already assigned to the GTT set name. If the length of the global title address does not match one of the lengths already assigned to the GTT set name, the ent-gta command is rejected with this message

E4008 Cmd Rej: Exceeding max GTA Lengths supported per GTTSET

If the GTT set name has less than the maximum number of different length global title addresses assigned to it, and another global title address is specified for the GTT set name, the length of the global title address can be from one to 21 digits and does not have to match the length of the other global title addresses assigned to the GTT set name.

Refer to Variable-length Global Title Translation Feature for more information about this feature.

The range, as specified by the start and end global title addresses, cannot already exist in the global title translation data for the specified translation type. If the ranges overlap, the range of global title addresses cannot be split and the ent-gta command is rejected with this message.

E2401 Cmd Rej:GTA range overlaps a current range

Along with error message 2401, a list of the overlapped global title addresses is displayed as shown in the following example.

rlghncxa03w 06-10-24 08:29:15 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
The following GTA ranges overlap the input GTA range

START GTA               END GTA
8005550000              8005551999
8005552000              8005553999
8005554000              8005555999

ENT-GTA: MASP A - Command Aborted

The translate indicator (xlat) must be DPCSSN if the SSN parameter is specified. If the translate indicator is set to DPCNGT, the value of the RI parameter must be GT.

If a point code is the STP’s True PC, then the value of the XLAT parameter must be set to DPCSSN and the value of the RI parameter must be set to SSN. If the SSN parameter is specified and a point code is the STP’s True PC, then the subsystem number specified must exist in the SS-APPL table. This can be verified with the rtrv-ss-appl command. To execute the rtrv-ss-appl command, these features must be enabled, and turned on if necessary.
  • LNP - shown by the entry LNP TNs with a quantity greater than zero in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output
  • ATINP - shown by the entry ATINP in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on
  • EIR - shown by the entry EIR in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output as being permanently or temporarily enabled and with the status set to on.
  • INP - shown by the entry INP in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • V-FLEX - shown by the entry VFLEX in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • ANSI-41 INP Query - shown by the entry ANSI-41 INP Query in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • ANSI41 AIQ - shown by the entry ANSI41 AIQ in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output.


The Local Number Portability (LNP), Equipment Identity Register (EIR), INAP Number Portability (INP), V-Flex, ATINP, ANSI41 AIQ, or ANSI-41 INP Query features must be purchased before you can enable the LNP, ATINP, or ANSI41 AIQ features, or enable and turn on the EIR, INP, V-Flex, or ANSI-41 INP Query features. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the LNP, EIR, or INP, V-Flex, ATINP, or ANSI-41 INP Query feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

Once the LNP, ATINP, or ANSI41 AIQ feature is enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command, or the EIR, INP, V-Flex, and ANSI-41 INP Query features are turned on with the chg-ctrl-feat command, they cannot be turned off or disabled.

A point code must exist as a destination in the route table or reside in a cluster that exists as a destination in the route table (for global title routing) unless the point code is the STP’s true point code.

If a final GTT is specified (ri=ssn) with the xlat=dpc parameter, and the value of the force parameter is no, the point code must be in the Remote Point Code/Mated Application table. Verify this by entering the rtrv-map command. If this point code and subsystem number is not defined as a mated application, perform one of these procedures to add the point code and subsystem number to the database as a mated application:

The point code and subsystem number do not have to be in the mated application table when the ent-gta command is executed when these parameters are specified with the ent-gta command.

  • ri=gt
  • xlat=dpcssn and ri=ssn (provided the point code value is not the STP’s true point code)

If the point code and subsystem are not in the mated application table when either of these parameters are specified with the ent-gta command, the EAGLE creates a solitary mated application in the mated application table using the point code and subsystem values specified in the ent-gta command.

If the xlat=none parameter is specified for a global title translation, the global title translation entry can contain any data except for the routing data defined by these parameters.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

The GTA Entries with the XLAT=NONE Parameter part of the GTT Actions section described the behavior of the xlat=none parameter.

These tables show the valid parameter combinations that can be used with the ent-gta command.

The EAGLE can contain 269,999, 400,000, or 1,000,000 global title addresses. The system default is 269,999 global title addresses. This quantity can be increased to 400,000 by enabling the feature access key for part number 893-0061-01, or to 1,000,000 by enabling the feature access key for part number 893-0061-10. For more information on enabling these feature access keys, refer to Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature.

Canceling the RTRV-GTA Command

Because the rtrv-gta command used in this procedure can output information for a long period of time, the rtrv-gta command can be canceled and the output to the terminal stopped. There are three ways that the rtrv-gta command can be canceled.

  • Press the F9 function key on the keyboard at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd without the trm parameter at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx>, where <xx> is the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered, from another terminal other that the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered. To enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx> command, the terminal must allow Security Administration commands to be entered from it and the user must be allowed to enter Security Administration commands. The terminal’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-secu-trm command. The user’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-user or rtrv-secu-user commands.

For more information about the canc-cmd command, go to Commands User's Guide.

Table 4-24 GTA Parameter Combinations - No SETTYPE Column in RTRV-GTTSET Output

Mandatory Parameters


PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)


PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)


PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)


PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)


PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)

GTA (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 7) GTA (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 7) GTA (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 7) GTA (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 7) GTA (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 7)
  SSN   SSN  

If only the EGTT feature is on, the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters.

Parameter Values:

GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output.

GTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits

PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 – See Note 1

SSN – 0 - 255


  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes to the global title address (GTA).
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes.
  3. If the VGTT feature is on, shown by the VGTT = on entry in the rtrv-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 10 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

    If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, shown by the VGTT with 16 GTT lengths entry in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 16 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

  4. If the GTT set name contains less than the maximum number of different length GTAs, the length of the GTA can be from 1 to 21 digits.
  5. If the VGTT feature is off, the length of the GTA must contain the number of digits defined by the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset output.
  6. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  7. Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the gta or egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

Table 4-25 GTTSN = CDGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDGTA in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDGTA in the SETTYPE column.
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 6, 7, 8, and 9) GTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 10)
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)  
GTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 10)  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 9)

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits. (See Note 10)

Default = same as the GTA value.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value. These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column. Default value – no OPC GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters.
  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes to the global title address (GTA).
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the VGTT feature is on, shown by the VGTT = on entry in the rtrv-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 10 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

    If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, shown by the VGTT with 16 GTT lengths entry in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 16 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

  4. If the GTT set name contains less than the maximum number of different length GTAs, the length of the GTA can be from 1 to 21 digits.
  5. If the VGTT feature is off, the length of the GTA must contain the number of digits defined by the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset output.
  6. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  7. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  8. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  9. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.
  10. Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the gta or egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

Table 4-26 GTTSN = CGGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGGTA in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGGTA in the SETTYPE column.
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 6, 7, 8, and 9) GTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 10)
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 6)  
GTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 10)  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 9)

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits. (See Note 10)

Default = same as the GTA value.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value. These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters.


  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes to the global title address (GTA).
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. TheCROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the VGTT feature is on, shown by the VGTT = on entry in the rtrv-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 10 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

    If the Support for 16 GTT Lengths for VGTT feature is enabled and turned on, shown by the VGTT with 16 GTT lengths entry in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output, and the GTT set name contains 16 different length GTAs, the length of the GTA must match any existing GTA assigned to the GTT set name.

  4. If the GTT set name contains less than the maximum number of different length GTAs, the length of the GTA can be from 1 to 21 digits.
  5. If the VGTT feature is off, the length of the GTA must contain the number of digits defined by the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset output.
  6. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  7. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  8. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  9. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.
  10. Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the gta or egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

Table 4-27 GTTSN = CGPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGPC in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGPC in the SETTYPE column.
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) CGPC/CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
CGPC/CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)
These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code. The cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the CGPC parameter values.
    • pc/pca and cgpc/cgpca = ANSI point code
    • pci and cgpci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn and cgpcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 and cgpcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.

Table 4-28 GTTSN = CGSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGSSN in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGSSN in the SETTYPE column.
RI = GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) CGSSN – 0 - 255
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
CGSSN – 0 - 255  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)

ECGSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECGSSN value is specified. The ECGSSN value must be greater than the CGSSN value.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
ECGSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECGSSN value is specified. The ECGSSN value must be greater than the CGSSN value.  
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code.
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.

Table 4-29 GTTSN = OPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column.
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) OPC/OPCA/OPCI/OPCN/OPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
OPC/OPCA/OPCI/OPCN/OPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)
These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code. the opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the OPC parameter values.
    • pc/pca and opc/opca = ANSI point code
    • pci and opci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn and opcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 and opcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.

Table 4-30 GTTSN = CDSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDSSN in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDSSN in the SETTYPE column.
RI = GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) CDSSN – 0 - 255
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  
CDSSN – 0 - 255  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)

ECDSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECDSSN value is specified. The ECDSSN value must be greater than the CDSSN value.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
ECDSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECDSSN value is specified. The ECDSSN value must be greater than the CDSSN value.  
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  
OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column. Default value – no OPC GTT set is specified.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code.
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. the force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.

Table 4-31 GTTSN = OPCODE GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column.
RI = GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) OPCODE – 0 - 255, *, none
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3) ANSI TCAP Translation ITU TCAP Translation
OPCODE – See Notes 7, 10, and 11 FAMILY – See Notes 8, 10, and 11 ACN – The application context name – See Notes 9 and 10
ANSI TCAP Translation ITU TCAP Translation PKGTYPE – ansiabort, ansiumi, any, cwop, cwp, qwop, qwp, resp PKGTYPE – any, bgn, cnt, end, ituabort, ituumi
FAMILY – See Notes 8, 10, and 11 ACN – The application context name – See Notes 9 and 10  
PKGTYPE – ansiabort, ansiumi, any, cwop, cwp, qwop, qwp, resp PKGTYPE – any, bgn, cnt, end, ituabort, ituumi  
Optional Parameters
SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)
These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.  

OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column. Default value – no OPC GTT set is specified.


There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code.
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. The force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. The ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.
  7. The opcode parameter value is one of these values.
    • the number 0 to 255
    • * - any valid value in the TCAP OPCODE field in the incoming MSU
    • none - there is no value in the TCAP OPCODE field in the incoming MSU
  8. The family parameter value is one of these values.
    • The number 0 to 255
    • * - any valid value in the ANSI TCAP FAMILY field in the incoming MSU
    • none - there is no value in the ANSI TCAP FAMILY field in the incoming MSU
  9. The acn parameter value is one of these values.
    • a maximum of 7 subfields containing the numbers 0 to 255 separated by dash (for example, 1-202-33-104-54-26-007)
    • * - any valid value in the ITU TCAP ACN field in the incoming MSU
    • none - there is no value in the ITU TCAP ACN field in the incoming MSU
  10. If the pkgtype=ituabort parameter is specified, the value none must be specified for the acn andopcode parameters. If the pkgtype=ansiabort parameter is specified, the value none must be specified for the family andopcode parameters.
  11. If the value none is specified for either the family or opcode parameters, the value none must be specified for both parameters.

Table 4-32 GTTSN = DPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value DPC in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value DPC in the SETTYPE column.
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 5, and 6) DPC/DPCA/DPCI/DPCN/DPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)  

DPC/DPCA/DPCI/DPCN/DPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)

Optional Parameters

SSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no SSN value is specified. (See Note 3)

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output. Refer to Table 4-23 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified. Default value – no GTT set is specified.


There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-33 for these parameters. The EGTA parameter cannot be specified with this entry.


  1. the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the translated point code. the dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the DPC parameter values.
    • pc/pca and dpc/dpca = ANSI point code
    • pci and dpci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn and dpcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 and dpcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The GTT sets can be specified with the gttsn, optsn, or opcsn parameters. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes, but can be specified only with the gttsn parameter.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must be dpcssn and the ri parameter value must be ssn.
  4. the force parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter is ssn and the xlat parameter value is dpc. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
  5. If the ri parameter value is gt, the xlat parameter value can be dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc. If the ri parameter value is ssn, the xlat parameter value can be dpcssn or dpc.
  6. the ssn parameter can be specified, and must be specified, only if the xlat parameter is dpcssn.

Table 4-33 Optional GTA Parameters

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits. Default = same as the GTA value. Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameter only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.
MRNSET – MRN set ID from the rtrv-mrn output. The mrnset parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled.
LOOPSET – Loopset name from the rtrv-loopset output. The loopset parameter can be specified only if the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled.
CGGTMOD – yes, no. Default = no. The cggtmod parameter can be specified only if the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled.
CCGT – yes, no. Default = no. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the value of the ccgt parameter must be set to no.
MAPSET – MAP set ID from the rtrv-map output. The mapset parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled.
FORCE – yes, no. Default = no. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command.
TESTMODE – on, off. Default = off.
FALLBACK – sysdflt, yes, no. Default = sysdflt. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter.
CGSELID – 0 - 65534. Default = no CGSELID value is specified. The Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled or the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter.
CDSELID – 0 - 65534. Default = no CDSELID value is specified. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter
CGCNVSN – GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output. Default = no CGCNVSN value is specified. The ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature must be enabled, and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter.
ACTSN – The name of the GTT action set name shown in the rtrv-gttaset output. Default = no ACTSN value is specified. The actsn parameter can be specified only if the GTT Action - DISCARD, GTT Action - DUPLICATE, GTT Action - FORWARD feature is enabled.
GTMODID – The name of the GT modification identifier shown in the rtrv-gtmod output. Default = no GTMODID value is specified. If the NGTI value in the global title modification entry is 4, the point code that will be assigned to the GTA entry must be an ITU point code.
PPMEASREQD – This parameter specifies whether per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry. This parameter has two values.
  • yes - per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry.
  • no - per-path measurements are not required for the GTA entry.
  1. Display the existing GTT sets in the database using the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    abcd1234   itu     CGGTA    12
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    t800       ansi    CGGTA    6
    s1000      itu     CDGTA    15
    s2000      itu     CGPC     -
    GTT-SET table is (6 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the desired GTT set name is shown in the rtrv-gttset output, continue the procedure with 2.

    If the desired GTT set name is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, perform Adding a GTT Set to add the required GTT set. After the GTT set has been added, continue the procedure with 3. If the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output and you wish to provision the GTA entry for any of these features, Origin-Based SCCP Routing, Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing, or TCAP Opcode Based Routing, make sure the appropriate feature is enabled, and turned on if necessary, when adding the GTT set. After the GTT set has been added, continue the procedure with 3.

  2. Display the global title address information for the GTT set that the global title address information will be added to using the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value shown in the output of 1.

    If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    8005550000 8005551999 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=gttset7   CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005552000 8005553999 DPC    GT     001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=gttset7   CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005554000 8005555999 DPCNGT GT     001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005556000 8005557999 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset6
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005558000 8005559999 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=yes CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9195551212 9195551212 DPCSSN SSN    008-001-001
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9762428487 9762428487 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9766423277 9766423277 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9769388928 9769388928 DPCSSN SSN    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=gttset9   CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 9 Entries
  3. The global title address entry cannot be added to the database if the database contains the maximum number of global title addresses the EAGLE is allowed to have. The maximum number of global title addresses is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101 on     400000
    IPGWx Signaling TPS       893012814 on     20000
    ISUP Normalization        893000201 on     ----
    Command Class Management  893005801 on     ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601 on     ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901 on     ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707 on     64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.


    If the entryXGTT Table Expansion is not shown in thertrv-ctrl-feat output, the maximum number of global title addresses that the database can contain is 269,999.

    If the current number of global title translations that can be provisioned is 400,000, and the global title translation being added increases the number beyond 400,000 (the current number of global title translations that are provisioned is shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2), perform Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature to enable XGTT Table Expansion feature for 1,000,000 global title translations.

    If the current number of global title translations that can be provisioned is 269,999, and the global title translations being added increases the number beyond 269,999 (the current number of global title translations that are provisioned is shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2), perform Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature to enable XGTT Table Expansion feature for 400,000 global title translations.

    If the maximum number of global title is either 269,999 or 400,000, and the global title translation being added will not increase the number beyond the maximum number of global title translations (shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2), the maximum number of global title translations does not need to be increased. If the maximum number of global title translations is 1,000,000, the maximum number of global title translations cannot be increased.

  4. Some parameters of the ent-gta command can be specified only when certain features are enabled, and turned on if necessary. Table 4-34 shows the feature requirements for these parameters.

    Table 4-34 Feature Requirements for ENT-GTA Parameters

    Required Feature Parameters or Values
    Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled GTTSN - specifying CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, or OPC GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying CGGTA, CGPC, or CGSSN GTT sets
    Flexible GTT Load Sharing Enabled MAPSET
    Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On GTTSN - specifying CDSSN or DPC GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying CDSSN or DPC GTT sets
    ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Enabled and Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On CGCNVSN
    TCAP Opcode Based Routing Enabled and Turned On GTTSN - specifying OPCODE GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying OPCODE GTT sets
    TOBR Quantity Enabled ACN
    SCCP Loop Detection Enabled LOOPSET
    Advanced GT Modification (AMGTT) or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade Enabled CGGTMOD
    ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Enabled The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and the GTT set that will be assigned to the GTA entry will be different.
    Hex Digit Support for GTT Enabled Hexadecimal digits will be specified for the gta or egta parameter values.
    GTT Action - DISCARD, GTT Action - DUPLICATE, GTT Action - FORWARD Enabled ACTSN
    To enable, and turn on if necessary, any of these features, perform these procedures.

    If the required feature is enabled, and turned on if required, shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output in 3, the procedure for that feature does not need to be performed.

  5. To use either the mrnset parameter (if the routing indicator value for the global title translation is GT) or mapset parameter (if the routing indicator value for the global title translation is SSN), the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature must be enabled. See 4. The mrnset and mapset parameters can be specified if the xlat=none parameter is specified for the GTA entry.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, either the mrnset or mapset parameters, depending on the routing indicator value for the global title translation being added in this procedure, must be specified with the ent-gta command.

    If the routing indicator for the global title translation being added is GT, there are two actions that can be taken:

    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with 7.
    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, continue the procedure with 6.

    If the routing indicator for the global title translation being added is SSN, there are two actions that can be taken:

    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with one of these steps.
      • If the point code value is the EAGLE’s point code, continue the procedure with 10.
      • If the point code value is a value other than the EAGLE’s point code, the ri parameter value will be ssn, and the xlat parameter value will be dpc, continue the procedure with 11.
      • If the point code value is a value other than the EAGLE’s point code, the ri parameter value will be ssn, and the xlat parameter value will be dpcssn when this procedure is completed, continue the procedure with 12.
    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, perform one of these steps.
      • If the point code value is the EAGLE’s point code continue the procedure with 10.
      • If the point code value is a value other than the EAGLE’s point code, or the xlat parameter value will be dpc, continue the procedure with 11.

    If the xlat=none parameter will be specified and the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with 16.

    If the xlat=none parameter will be specified and the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps. Both the mrnset and mapset parameters can be specified for the GTA entry.

    • If the mrnset parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 6.
    • If the mapset parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 11.
  6. The point code and MRN set ID specified for the global title translation must be shown in the rtrv-mrn command output. The point code must be assigned to the MRN set that will be specified with the ent-gta command.

    Enter the rtrv-mrn command to verify that the required MRN set is configured in the database, and that the required point code is assigned to the MRN set. The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    DFLT     001-001-001    10
             001-001-002    20
             001-001-003    30
             001-254-255    40
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    110      001-001-001    10
             001-001-005    20
             001-001-006    30
             001-001-003    40
             001-001-008    50
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    111      001-001-001    30
             001-001-005    30
             001-001-006    30
             001-001-003    30
             001-001-008    30
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    112      001-003-001    10
             001-003-002    10
             001-003-003    30
             001-003-004    30
             001-003-006    60
             001-003-007    60
             001-003-008    80
             001-003-009    80
    MRNSET   PCN               RC
    113      s-1-1-1-0123-aa   1
             s-1-1-1-0235-aa   2
             s-1-1-1-0235-aa   3


    If the Weighted GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, theWT,%WT, andTHR columns are shown in thertrv-mrn output

    If the required MRN set is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output, provision the required MRN set by performing the Provisioning MRN Entries procedure.

    If the required MRN set is shown in the rtrv-mrn output, or the Provisioning MRN Entries procedure has been performed. continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the ri=gt parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 16.
    • If the xlat=none parameter will be specified, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the mapset parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 11.
      • If the mapset parameter will not be specified, continue the procedure with 16.
  7. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI  ALIASI       ALIASN         DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI  ALIASI       ALIASN         DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       DPCN          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA          ALIASI        DMN
       DPCN24        CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA          ALIASI        DMN
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code. After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 5.

    If the required point code is shown in the rtrv-dstn output, continue the procedure with 8.

  8. Display the point code that will be assigned to the GTA entry by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24     DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------    SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      none   off   none     no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in the previous step and repeat this step.

    If a proxy point code is not assigned to the point code, continue the procedure with 9.

  9. The point code specified with the ent-gta command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code. Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the ent-gta command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route. For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-100 ---------- --------------   ls03       10    001-255-100
                                               ls02       30    150-150-150
                                               lsa2       50    200-200-200
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls03clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-252 ---------- --------------   ls07       10    001-255-252
                                               ls08       30    025-025-150
                                               lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 36.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-001 ---------- --------------   ls05       10    001-255-001
                                               ls15       30    089-047-123
                                               lsa8       50    077-056-000
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls05clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, the point code is not the DPC of a route. Perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required route to the database.

    If the point code is shown in the rtrv-rte output, or if a new route was added, continue the procedure with 16.

  10. If the ri=ssn and xlat=dpcssn parameters are specified with the ent-gta command, and you wish to use the EAGLE’s point code for the value of the pc parameter of the ent-gta command, the point code value must be in the EAGLE’s self ID table. Display the EAGLE self-identification, using the rtrv-sid command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
       PCA             PCI          PCN                CLLI              PCTYPE
       010-020-030     1-023-1      12-0-14-1          rlghncxa03w       OTHER
                     s-1-023-1    s-12-0-14-1
       002-002-002       002-002-003       002-002-004      002-002-005
       002-002-006       002-002-007       002-002-008      002-002-009
       004-002-001       004-003-003       050-060-070
       1-001-1           1-001-2           1-001-3          1-001-4
       1-002-1           1-002-2           1-002-3          1-002-4
       2-001-1           7-222-7
       2-0-10-3          2-0-11-0          2-0-11-2          2-0-12-1
       2-2-3-3           2-2-4-0           10-14-10-1
  11. Enter the rtrv-map command with the pc parameter specifying the required point code to verify that the required data is in the mated application table.

    For this example enter this command.


    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    001-255-001                55  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                 001-001-002   15 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-003   25 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-002   40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
    001-255-001                50  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                 001-001-002   10 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-003   20 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-002   40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
    001-255-001                 5 10  SOL *Y  *Y  -------- OFF
    MAP TABLE IS  (12 of 36000)  1 % FULL


    If the Weighted GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, theWT,%WT, andTHR columns are shown in thertrv-map output

    If the ri=ssn and xlat=dpc parameters are being specified with the ent-gta command, the point code must be in the mated application table. If the point code is not in the mated application table when the ent-gta command is executed, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the ent-gta command. If the force=yes parameters will be specified with the ent-gta command, continue the procedure with 12.

    If the EAGLE’s true point code and the EAGLE’s subsystem number, along with the ri=ssn and xlat=dpcssn parameters are being specified with the ent-gta command, the EAGLE’s true point code and the EAGLE’s subsystem number must be in the mated application table.

    If the required point code, subsystem number, or MAP set ID is not shown in the rtrv-map output, perform one of these procedures to add the required information to the mated application table.
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the ri=ssn parameter will be specified, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • if the EAGLE's point code and subsystem number will be specified with the ent-gta command, continue the procedure with 15.
      • if the EAGLE's point code and subsystem number will not be specified with the ent-gta command, and the xlat=dpcssn and ri=ssn parameters will be specified with the ent-gta command, continue the procedure with 16.
      • if the xlat=dpc and ri=ssn parameters will be specified with the ent-gta command, without the force=yes parameter, continue the procedure with 16.
    • If the xlat=none parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 16.
  12. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI  ALIASI       ALIASN         DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI  ALIASI       ALIASN         DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  ---   -------      -----------    SS7
       DPCN          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA          ALIASI        DMN
       DPCN24        CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA          ALIASI        DMN
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code. After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 16.

    If the required point code is shown in the rtrv-dstn output, continue the procedure with 13.

  13. Display the point code that will be assigned to the mated application by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24     DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------    SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      none   off   none     no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in the previous step and repeat this step.

    If a proxy point code is not assigned to the point code, continue the procedure with 14.

  14. The point code specified with the ent-gta command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code. Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the ent-gta command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route. For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-100 ---------- --------------   ls03       10    001-255-100
                                               ls02       30    150-150-150
                                               lsa2       50    200-200-200
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls03clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-252 ---------- --------------   ls07       10    001-255-252
                                               ls08       30    025-025-150
                                               lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-001 ---------- --------------   ls05       10    001-255-001
                                               ls15       30    089-047-123
                                               lsa8       50    077-056-000
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls05clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, the point code is not the DPC of a route. Perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required route to the database.

    If the point code is shown in the rtrv-rte output, or if a new route was added, continue the procedure with 16.

  15. Enter the rtrv-ss-appl command to verify that either the LNP, EIR, V-Flex, ATINPQ, AIQ, or INP subsystem number (depending on which feature is on) is in the subsystem application table.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 14:42:38 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    APPL       SSN       STAT
    LNP        254       ONLINE
    SS-APPL table is 20% FULL (1 of 5)

    If the subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, continue the procedure with 11. If no subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, or if the rtrv-ss-appl command is rejected, go to one of these user's guides, depending on the type of subsystem you wish to use, to enable and turn on the feature as necessary, and add the subsystem to the subsystem application table.

    • EIR subsystem – go to EIR User's Guide User's Guide.
    • INP subsystem – go to INP/AINPQ User's Guide.
    • LNP subsystem – go to ELAP Administration and LNP Feature Activation User's Guide.
    • V-Flex subsystem – go to V-Flex User's Guide.
    • ATINPQ subsystem – go to ATINP User's Guide.
    • AIQ subsystem – go to Analyzed Information Features User's Guide.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, shown in 3, a MAP set ID must be specified for the final global title translation. The point code and SSN specified for the final global title translation being added in this procedure must be assigned to the MAP set ID that will be assigned to the final global title translation. Perform 11 to verify that the required MAP set is configured in the database.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, and the ri=ssn and xlat=dpc parameters are not being specified with the ent-gta command, or if the EAGLE’s true point code and the EAGLE’s subsystem number, along with the ri=ssn and xlat=dpcssn parameters, are not being specified with the ent-gta command, continue the procedure with 16.

  16. Continue the procedure by performing one or more of these steps depending on the parameters that will be specified with the ent-gta command.

    If the loopset parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired LOOPSET value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 17.

    If the gtmodid parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired GTMODID value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 19.

    If the loopset. gtmodid, and actsn parameters will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 20.

  17. Display all the loopsets in the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    LoopSet    Mode     Point Codes
    cary2     notify     005-015-005       007-007-007      (ANSI)
                         033-004-003       033-007-003
                         005-027-005       007-004-007
    cary4     notify     005-012-005       007-026-007      (ANSI)
                         003-049-003       033-002-003
                         005-008-055       007-014-007
    apex3     discard    005-017-008       007-017-009      (ANSI)
                         033-005-043       005-014-005
                         005-017-005       007-014-007
                         033-002-043       005-038-005
                         007-009-027       033-003-043
                         005-012-005       007-002-027
    apex4     discard    005-007-008       027-007-009      (ANSI)
                         033-005-003       005-004-055
                         027-001-007       033-008-003
                         033-007-003       005-003-055
    ral5      notify     005-005-005       007-007-007      (ANSI)
                         003-004-003       003-001-003
                         005-007-005       007-004-007
                         003-002-003       005-008-005
                         007-009-007       003-003-003
                         005-002-005       007-002-007
    ral6      notify     005-007-008       007-007-009      (ANSI)
                         003-005-003       003-007-003
    dunn1     discard    005-002-055       007-051-007      (ANSI)
    rtp9      discard    005-002-005       007-001-007      (ANSI)
                         003-008-003       003-007-003
                         005-003-005       007-008-007
    rtp5      discard    005-007-008       007-007-009      (ANSI)
    rtp1      discard    005-005-005       007-007-007      (ANSI)
                         003-004-003       003-007-003
                         005-007-005       007-004-007
    rtp2      notify     005-007-008       007-007-009      (ANSI)
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    LOOPSET table is (11 of 1000) 1% full 


    If thertrv-loopset command is entered with no other parameters specified, a maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To display more than 50 entries, theforce=yes parameter must be specified with thertrv-loopset command and thenum parameter value must be greater than 50. Since there can be a maximum of 1000 loopsets in the database, to display all the loopsets in the database, theforce=yes andnum=1000 parameters must be specified with thertrv-loopset command.

    If the required loopset is not shown in the rtrv-loopset output, perform Adding a Loopset to add the required loopset.

    if the required loopset is shown in the rtrv-loopset output, or if a new loopset was added, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the gtmodid parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired GTMODID value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 18.
    • If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 19.
    • If the gtmodid and actsn parameters will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 20.
  18. Display the GT modification information in the database using the rtrv-gtmod command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    modid2     --     2       ON   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid5     --     2      OFF   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid6     --     4       ON    4     5     3     3    SFX       --
          NPDS=123                    NSDS=456
    modid10    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid11    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    GTMOD table is (5 of 100000) 1% full.

    If the desired GT modification entry is not displayed, perform the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure was performed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 19.
    • If the actsn parameter will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 20.
  19. Display the GTT action sets in the database using the rtrv-gttaset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act1       off   action1   (DUP),action4   (DUP),action25  (FWD),
    act10      on    action20  (DUP),action4   (DUP),action21  (DUP),
                     action25  (FWD),------,------
    act3       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act5       on    action1   (DUP),action3   (DUP),action4   (DUP),
                     action20  (DUP),action21  (DUP),action17  (TCAPERR)
    act11      off   action10  (UDTS),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (5 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the desired GTT action set is not displayed, perform the Adding a GTT Action Set procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding a GTT Action Set procedure was performed, continue the procedure with 20.

  20. Add the global title address to a GTT set using the ent-gta command. Use these tables as a guide for the parameters that can be used with the ent-gta command.


    The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the parameters and values specified with theent-gta command are too long to fit on theent-gta command line, performChanging Global Title Address Informationto complete adding the GTA entry.

    For this example, enter these commands.

    ent-gta:gttsn=t800:gta=9194605555:xlat=dpcngt:ri=gt:pc=001-255-100:mrnset=114 :opcsn=gttset12:cggtmod=yes:gtmodid=modid2

    ent-gta:gttsn=t800:gta=9194610000:egta=9194689999:xlat=dpcssn:ri=ssn :pc=001-255-252:ssn=254:mapset=3:opcsn=gttset12:selid=12:actsn=act5

    ent-gta:gttsn=t800:gta=3365840000:egta=3365849999:xlat=dpc :ri=ssn:pc=001-255-001:mapset=1:optsn=gttset3

    When each of these commands has successfully completed, this message appears.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
  21. Verify the changes to the GTT set using the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value specified in 20 and one of the following parameters and values specified in 20, depending on what type of GTT set was specified in 20.
    • The gta parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CDGTA or CGGTA GTT set, or if the GTT set had no SETTYPE value.
    • The cgssn parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CGSSN GTT set.
    • The cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CGPC GTT set.
    • The opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was an OPC GTT set.
    • The cdssn parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CDSSN GTT set.
    • The opcode parameter and value – if the GTT set was an OPCODE GTT set.
    • The dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was an DPC GTT set.

    If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    9194605555 9194605555 dpcngt gt     001-255-100
         MRNSET=114  SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=YES
         GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    9194610000 9194689999 dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
         MAPSET=3    SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=act5      PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    3365840000 3365849999 dpc    ssn    001-255-001
         MAPSET=1    SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=gttset3   CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries
  22. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED): MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-12 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 1 of 9


Figure 4-13 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 2 of 9


Figure 4-14 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 3 of 9


Figure 4-15 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 4 of 9


Figure 4-16 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 5 of 9


Figure 4-17 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 6 of 9


Figure 4-18 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 7 of 9


Figure 4-19 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 8 of 9


Figure 4-20 Add Global Title Address Information - Sheet 9 of 9


Removing Global Title Address Information

This procedure is used to remove an existing global title address information in the database using the dlt-gta command.

The dlt-gta command uses these parameters:

:gttsn – The GTT set name

:gta – The global title address or the beginning value of a range of global title addresses

:egta – The end value of a range of global title address.

:cgssn – The CGPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CGPA subsystem numbers

:ecgssn – The end value of a range of CGPA subsystem numbers

:cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 – The CGPA point code value

:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 – The originating point code value

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 – The destination point code value

:cdssn – The CDPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CDPA subsystem numbers

:ecdssn – The end value of a range of CDPA subsystem numbers

:opcode - The TCAP opcode field value in the incoming MSU.

:acn - The application context name value in the ITU TCAP ACN field in the incoming MSU.

:family - The ANSI TCAP family field value in the incoming MSU

:pkgtype - The ANSI TCAP and ITU TCAP package types.

The parameter combinations that can be used with the dlt-gta command are shown in these tables.

The GTT set name (gttsn) must be specified and match that of an existing GTT set name. Use the rtrv-gttset command to view the GTT set names. The destination point code (DPC) must be a full point code and cannot be out of range.

If the end of the global title address (egta) parameter is specified, the GTA and EGTA must have the same number of digits, but the EGTA must be larger than the GTA. The range, as specified by the start and end global title addresses, must be in the database for the specified translation type. Each range may be contained completely within a previously defined range, in which case splitting is performed. However, if the ranges overlap, splitting cannot occur, and the dlt-gta command is rejected with this message.

E2401 Cmd Rej:GTA range overlaps a current range

Along with error message 2401, a list of the overlapped global title addresses is displayed as shown in the following example.

rlghncxa03w 06-10-24 08:29:15 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
The following GTA ranges overlap the input GTA range

START GTA               END GTA
8005550000              8005551999
8005552000              8005553999
8005554000              8005555999

DLT-GTA: MASP A - Command Aborted

For a range of global title addresses, CGPA SSNs, or CDPA SSNs to be split, the new entry created by the split cannot increase the number of entries in the GTT table beyond the quantity shown in the rtrv-gta output.

When the VGTT feature is on, and the last global title address of a particular length is deleted for the specified GTT set name, then that length is no longer supported. That length is not displayed in the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset command output. For example, if the last 7-digit global title address is deleted from GTT set lidb (from the previous example), the NDGT field of the rtrv-gttset command shows only the numbers three and 10 in the NDGT field indicating that GTT set lidb contains only 3- and 10-digit global title addresses.

Canceling the RTRV-GTA Command

Because the rtrv-gta command used in this procedure can output information for a long period of time, the rtrv-gta command can be canceled and the output to the terminal stopped. There are three ways that the rtrv-gta command can be canceled.

  • Press the F9 function key on the keyboard at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd without the trm parameter at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx>, where <xx> is the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered, from another terminal other that the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered. To enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx> command, the terminal must allow Security Administration commands to be entered from it and the user must be allowed to enter Security Administration commands. The terminal’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-secu-trm command. The user’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-user or rtrv-secu-user commands.

For more information about the canc-cmd command, go to Commands User's Guide.

Table 4-35 DLT-GTA Parameter Combinations - EGTT Only

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
GTA – The GTA value from the START GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1, 3, and 4)
Optional Parameters
EGTA – The EGTA value from the END GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1 and 2)


1. To remove an entry containing a range of GTAs, the gta and egta parameters must be specified with the values for each parameter that are shown in the rtrv-gta output.

2. The egta parameter does not need to be specified if the GTA entry contains an egta parameter value that is equal to the gta parameter value.

3. If a range of GTAs is assigned to the GTA entry, and only the gta parameter is specified, for example, 336337 - 3400000, and only the gta=336337 parameter is specified, the entry is still in the database. The range of GTAs becomes 336338 - 3400000.

4. The range of GTAs can be split by specifying a gta parameter value in between the existing gta and egta parameter values. For example, the GTA range is 336337 - 3400000 and only the gta=370000 parameter is specified. Two entries are created, one with the range of 336338 - 336999, and the other with the range of 337001 - 3400000.

Table 4-36 DLT-GTA Parameter Combinations - GTT Sets CDGTA, CGGTA, CGSSN, CGPC, OPC

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDGTA in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGGTA in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGSSN in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGPC in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column.
GTA – The GTA value from the START GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1, 3, and 4) GTA – The GTA value from the START GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1, 3, and 4) CGSSN – The CGSSN value from the START SSN column of the rtrv-gta output output. (See Notes 5, 7, and 8)



CGPCN24 – The CGPC value from the CGPCA or CGPC(ITU) column of the rtrv-gta output



OPCN24 – The OPC value from the OPCA or OPC(ITU) column of the rtrv-gta output

Optional Parameters
EGTA – The EGTA value from the END GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. output. (See Notes 1 and 2) EGTA – The EGTA value from the END GTA column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1 and 2) ECGSSN – The ECGSSN value from the END SSN column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 5, 6, and 8) No optional parameters. No optional parameters.


1. To remove an entry containing a range of GTAs, the gta and egta parameters must be specified with the values for each parameter that are shown in the rtrv-gta output.

2. The egta parameter does not need to be specified if the GTA entry contains an egta parameter value that is equal to the gta parameter value.

3. If a range of GTAs is assigned to the GTA entry, and only the gta parameter is specified, for example, 336337 - 3400000, and only the gta=336337 parameter is specified, the entry is still in the database. The range of GTAs becomes 336338 - 3400000.

4. The range of GTAs can be split by specifying a gta parameter value in between the existing gta and egta parameter values. For example, the GTA range is 336337 - 3400000 and only the gta=370000 parameter is specified. Two entries are created, one with the range of 336338 - 336999, and the other with the range of 337001 - 3400000.

5. To remove an entry containing a range of CGSSNs, the cgssn and ecgssn parameters must be specified with the values for each parameter that are shown in the rtrv-gta output.

6. The ecgssn parameter does not need to be specified if the GTA entry contains an ecgssn parameter value that is equal to the cgssn parameter value.

7. If a range of CGSSNs is assigned to the GTA entry, and only the cgssn parameter is specified, for example, 25 - 75, and only the cgssn=25 parameter is specified, the entry is still in the database. The range of CGSSNs becomes 26 - 75.

8. The range of CGSSNs can be split by specifying a cgssn parameter value in between the existing cgssn and ecgssn parameter values. For example, the CGSSN range is 25 - 75 and only the cgssn=50 parameter is specified. Two entries are created, one with the range of 25 - 49, and the other with the range of 51 - 75.

Table 4-37 DLT-GTA Parameter Combinations - GTT Sets CDSSN, DPC, and OPCODE

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDSSN in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value DPC in the SETTYPE column. ANSI TCAP Translation ITU TCAP Translation
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column.
CDSSN – The CDSSN value from the START SSN column of the rtrv-gta output. (See Notes 1, 3, and 4)



DPCN24 – The DPC value from the DPCA or DPC(ITU) column of the rtrv-gta output

FAMILY – The FAMILY value from the FAMILY column of the rtrv-gta output. ACN – The ACN value from the ACN column of the rtrv-gta output.
    OPCODE - The OPCODE value from the OPCODE column of the rtrv-gta output. OPCODE - The OPCODE value from the OPCODE column of the rtrv-gta output.
    PKGTYPE - The PKGTYPE value from the PKGTYPE column of the rtrv-gta output. PKGTYPE - The PKGTYPE value from the PKGTYPE column of the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters
ECDSSN – The ECDSSN value from the END SSN column of the rtrv-gta output. output. (See Notes 1 and 2) No optional parameters. No optional parameters. No optional parameters.


1. To remove an entry containing a range of CDSSNs, the cdssn and ecdssn parameters must be specified with the values for each parameter that are shown in the rtrv-gta output.

2. The ecdssn parameter does not need to be specified if the GTA entry contains an ecdssn parameter value that is equal to the cdssn parameter value.

3. If a range of CDSSNs is assigned to the GTA entry, and only the cdssn parameter is specified, for example, 100 - 200, and only the cdssn=100 parameter is specified, the entry is still in the database. The range of CDSSNs becomes 101 - 200.

4. The range of CDSSNs can be split by specifying a cdssn parameter value in between the existing cdssn and ecdssn parameter values. For example, the CDSSN range is 100 - 200 and only the cdssn=150 parameter is specified. Two entries are created, one with the range of 100 - 149, and the other with the range of 151 - 200.

  1. Display the existing GTT sets in the database using the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    abcd1234   itu     CDGTA    12
    dpc1       ansi    DPC      6
    gttset1    ansi    CDGTA    6
    gttset2    ansi    CGGTA    10
    gttset3    ansi    OPC      -
    gttset4    ansi    CGPC     -
    gttset5    itu     CGPC     -
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    si000      itu     CDGTA    15
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    gttset6    ansi    CDSSN    -
    gttset7    itu     OPCODE   -
    GTT-SET table is (13 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled, the values CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, and OPC are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled and turned on, the values CDSSN, and DPC are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

    If the TCAP Opcode Based Routing feature is not enabled, the value OPCODEis not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

  2. Display the global title address (GTA) information for the GTT set that contains the GTA information to be removed.

    Use the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value shown in the output of 1. If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    3365840000 3365849999 DPC    SSN    001-255-001
         SSN=0   CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005550000 8005551999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005552000 8005553999 dpc    gt     001-254-255
         SSN=0   CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005554000 8005555999 dpcngt gt     001-254-255
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset3
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005556000 8005557999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005558000 8005559999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=yes CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9195551212 9195551212 dpcssn ssn    008-001-001
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194600000 9194600000 dpc    gt     001-255-252
         SSN=0  CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194610000 9194680000 dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9762428487 9762428487 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9766423277 9766423277 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9769388928 9769388928 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 12 Entries
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the range of GTAs, CGPA SSN, or CDPA SSNs will not be split in this procedure, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the GTT set type that contains the GTA entry that is being removed is not CDGTA, CGGTA, or Opcode, continue the procedure with 5.
      • If the GTT set type that contains the GTA entry that is being removed is CDGTA, CGGTA, or OPCODE, continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the range of GTAs, CGPA SSN, or CDPA SSNs will be split in this procedure, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. If the rtrv-gta output in 2 shows that the maximum number of global title addresses is 1,000,000, do not perform this step

    If the rtrv-gta output in 2 shows that the maximum number of global title addresses is either 269,999 or 400,000, and the number of global title addresses will not increase the number beyond the quantity shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2 when the range of GTAs, CGPA SSNs, or CDPA SSNs is split, do not perform this step.

    If the rtrv-gta output in 2 shows that the maximum number of global title addresses is either 269,999 or 400,000, and the number of global title addresses will be more than the maximum number of global title addresses when the range of GTAs, CGPA SSNs, or CDPA SSNs is split, perform the Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature procedure to enable the XGTT Table Expansion controlled feature for either 400,000 or 1,000,000 global title addresses as required.

    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the GTT set type that contains the GTA entry that is being removed is not CDGTA, CGGTA, or OPCODE, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the GTT set type that contains the GTA entry that is being removed is CDGTA, CGGTA, or OPCODE, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Display the GTT action paths in the database by entering the rtrv-gttapath command with these parameters.
    • If the GTT set type is CDGTA, specify the cdgttsn parameter with the GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2.
    • If the GTT set type is CGGTA, specify the cggttsn parameter with the GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2.
    • If the GTT set type is OPCODE, specify the cdgttsn parameter with the GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2.

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-25 09:43:31 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    path1   ---------       ---------       t800
        CDGTA = 3365840000                   ECDGTA = 3365849999
    GTT-PATH table is (10 of 10000) 1% full.
    If entries are displayed, continue the procedure by performing one of these procedures.

    If no entries are displayed in this step, or if the GTT action paths have been removed or changed, continue the procedure with 5.

  5. Remove the GTA information using the dlt-gta command.
    The parameter combinations that can be used with the dlt-gta command are shown in these tables.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message appears.

    rlghncxa03w 06-10-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 36.0.0
  6. Verify the changes to the GTT set using the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value specified in 5.

    If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    8005550000 8005551999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005552000 8005553999 dpc    gt     001-254-255
         SSN=0   CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005554000 8005555999 dpcngt gt     001-254-255
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset3
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005556000 8005557999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    8005558000 8005559999 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=255 CCGT=yes CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9195551212 9195551212 dpcssn ssn    008-001-001
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194600000 9194600000 dpc    gt     001-255-252
         SSN=0  CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9194610000 9194680000 dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9762428487 9762428487 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9766423277 9766423277 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    9769388928 9769388928 dpcssn ssn    001-254-255
         SSN=222 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 11 Entries
  7. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-21 Remove Global Title Address Information - Sheet 1 of 2


Figure 4-22 Remove Global Title Address Information - Sheet 2 of 2


Changing Global Title Address Information

This procedure is used to change existing global title address (GTA) information in the database using the chg-gta command.

The chg-gta command uses these parameters.

:gttsn – The GTT set name.

:gta – The start of global title address.

:egta – The end of global title address.

:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 – The translated point code.

:ssn – The translated subsystem number.

:ri – The routing indicator.

:xlat – The translate indicator.

:ccgt – The cancel called global title indicator.

:force – The check mated application override.

:actsn – The name of the GTT action set that will be assigned to the GTA entry as shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

:gtmodid – The name of the GT modification identifier that will be assigned to the GTA entry as shown in the rtrv-gtmod output and provisioned in the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure. The GT modification identifier contains the information to modify the numbering plan, nature of address indicator, and the prefix or suffix digits in the called party address or calling party address portion of outbound MSUs.

:ppmeasreqd – This parameter specifies whether per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry.

:mrnset – The MRN set ID, shown in the rtrv-mrn command. The mrnset parameter can be specified only if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the ri parameter value will be ri=gt when this procedure is completed, and the original global title translation being changed in this procedure did not have an MRN set ID assigned to it, the mrnset parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. The MRN set ID assigned to the global title translation in this step must contain the point code value that will be assigned to the global title translation being changed in this step.

:mapset – The MAP set ID, shown in the rtrv-mrn command. The mapset parameter can be specified only if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the ri parameter value will be ri=ssn when this procedure is completed, and the original global title translation being changed in this procedure did not have a MAP set ID assigned to it, the mapset parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. The MAP set ID assigned to the global title translation in this step must contain the point code and SSN values that will be assigned to the global title translation being changed in this step.

The status of the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. To enable the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature, perform Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature.

:optsn – The optional GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output. Table 4-38 shows the types of GTT sets that can be specified for the optsn parameter based on the type of GTT set that is specified for the gttsn parameter and the features that are enabled and turned on.

Table 4-38 GTTSN and OPTSN Combinations

GTTSN Set Type OPTSN Set Type
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature Enabled Only


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

CGSSN The optsn parameter cannot be specified.
Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled and Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On Only


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing and TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature Enabled and Turned On Only
Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled, Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing and TCAP Opcode Based Routing Feature Enabled and Turned On


The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDGTA GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The opcsn parameter cannot be specified.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a CDSSN GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with an OPCODE GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.



The OPC GTT set type can be specified with a DPC GTT set, but the OPC GTT set is specified with the opcsn parameter.

:opcsn – The OPC GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output.

:cgssn – The CGPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CGPA subsystem numbers

:ecgssn – The end value of a range of CGPA subsystem numbers

:cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 – The CGPA point code

:opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 – The originating point code

:dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 – The destination point code

:cdssn – The CdPA subsystem number or the beginning value of a range of CdPA subsystem numbers

:ecdssn – The end value of a range of CdPA subsystem numbers

:cgselid – The CgPA selector ID

:cdselid – The CdPA selector ID

:fallback – The action to be taken when the final translation does not match while performing global title translation using a FLOBR-specific GTT mode.

:testmode – This parameter invokes a field-safe test tool to debug the rules used for the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing or TCAP Opcode Based Routing features.

:cgcnvsn – The CgPA conversion set name

:family – The ANSI TCAP family field in the incoming message

:opcode – The TCAP opcode field in the incoming message

:pkgtype – The TCAP package type. Table 4-46 shows the ANSI and ITU TCAP package types.

:acn – The application context name (ACN) field in the ITU TCAP message

:loopset - The value of this parameter is the name of the loopset that is assigned to the GTA. This parameter can be specified only if the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled. Enter the rtrv-loopset command to verify that the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled. Perform the Activating the SCCP Loop Detection Feature procedure, if necessary.

:cggtmod - The calling party GT modification indicator. This parameter specifies whether or not calling party global title modification is required. The values for this parameter are yes (calling party global title modification is required) or no (calling party global title modification is not required). This parameter can be specified only if the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled. Enter the rtrv-ctrl-feat command to verify that either the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled. If the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is not enabled, perform the Activating the Advanced GT Modification Feature procedure to enable the required feature.

:split – Split or change the range of global title addresses. If the split=yes parameter is specified, the existing range of global title addresses is split based on the values of the gta and egta parameters. New entries are created in the global title translation table for each new range created by the split parameter. The attributes of each new entry, other than the range of global title addresses, are the same as the original global title translation entry, if these values are not changed when the chg-gta command is executed. If other attributes are changed when the chg-gta command is executed, the changed values are in each new entry created by the split parameter.

If the split=no parameter is specified, the range of global title addresses is replaced with the new range of global title addresses specified by the gta and egta parameters.

The default value for the split parameter is yes.


Changes to the range of global title addresses occur only if the both the gta and egta parameters are specified and the values for either of these parameters, or both parameters are different from the original values in the global title translation. If the gta and egta parameters are specified for the global title translation being changed, and you do not wish to change either of these values, make sure the gta and egta values shown in the rtrv-gta output for the global title translation being changed are specified in the chg-gta command.

The following examples illustrate how the split parameter works and ranges of global title addresses can be changed.

A global title translation entry in the database contains this range of global title addresses, 5556000 - 5558000.

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS     (17 of 269999)  1 % FULL
5556000    5558000    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

The global title translation is changed with a new range of global title addresses, 5556800 - 5559000, and with the split=no parameter.


The range of global title addresses is changed to 5556800 - 5559000.

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS     (17 of 269999)  1 % FULL
5556800    5559000    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

In this example, the range of global title addresses is made smaller by specifying the range of global title addresses 5556500 - 5557500, and with the split=no parameter.


rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
5556500    5557500    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

In this next example, the range of global title addresses is split with the gta=5556900 and egta=5557000 defining where the splits occur.


Since the default value for the split parameter is yes, the split=yes parameter does not have to be specified to split the range of global title addresses. When the chg-gta command is entered, three new global title translation entries with the new global title address ranges are created, and the original global title translation entry is removed from the database. Since the gta and egta parameter values specified in this example are within the original range of global title addresses, the original range of global title addresses is split into three new ranges. The START GTA value of the first new range is the original START GTA value and the END GTA value is the gta parameter value minus one. The START GTA value of the second new range is the gta parameter value and the END GTA value is the egta parameter value. The START GTA value of the third new range is the egta parameter value plus 1 and the END GTA value is the original END GTA value.

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)

5556000    5556899    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)

5556900    5557000    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)

5557001    5558000    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

In this next example, the global title translation containing the range of global title addresses 5557001 - 5558000 is split into two new ranges with the gta=5557501 and egta=5558000 defining where the split occurs.


When the chg-gta command is entered, two new global title translation entries with the new global title address ranges are created, and the original global title translation entry is removed from the database. The START GTA value of the first new range is the original START GTA value and the END GTA value is the gta parameter value minus one. The START GTA value of the second new range is the gta parameter value and the END GTA value is the egta parameter value. In this example, the egta parameter is also the original END GTA value.

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)

5557001    5557500    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
tst1      ansi    7
GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)

5557501    5558000    dpcssn ssn    001-255-252
     MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
     GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
     LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
     OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
     ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO

The range of global title addresses can be changed so long as the new range of global title addresses does not overlap an existing range of global title addresses.

For example, using the range of global title addresses from the previous examples, 5556000 - 5558000, you wish to extend the range of global title addresses to 5556000 - 5559000. The range of global title addresses can be extended to 5559000 by specifying the egta=5559000 and split=no parameters with the chg-gta command. However, if another range of global title addresses begins with the value 5558500, the egta=5559000 parameter cannot be specified with the chg-gta command as the new range created with the egta=5559000 parameter would overlap the range of global title addresses beginning with the value 5558500. In this situation, the maximum value for the egta parameter would be 5558499.


The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the parameters and values specified with the chg-gta command are too long to fit on the chg-gta command line, perform the chg-gta command as many times as necessary to complete the GTA entry.

The GTT set name (gttsn) must be specified and match that of an existing GTT set name. Use the rtrv-gttset command to view the GTT set names. If the specified GTT set is an ANSI set, the pc or pca value must be a valid ANSI point code. If the specified GTT set is an ITU set, the pci, pcn, or pcn24 value must be a valid ITU point code. The point code (PC) must be a full point code and cannot be out of range. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, the domain (ANSI or ITU) of the GTT set name and point code do not have to be the same.


See Chapter 2, Configuring Destination Tables in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide for a definition of the point code types that are used on the EAGLE and for a definition of the different formats that can be used for ITU national point codes.

If the end of the global title address (EGTA) parameter is specified, GTA and EGTA must have the same number of digits, but EGTA must be larger than GTA. The range, as specified by the start and end global title addresses, must be in the database for the specified translation type. Each range may be contained completely within a previously defined range, in which case splitting is performed. However, if the ranges overlap, splitting cannot occur, and the chg-gta command is rejected with this message.

E2401 Cmd Rej:GTA range overlaps a current range

Along with error message 2401, a list of the overlapped global title addresses is displayed as shown in the following example.

rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
The following GTA ranges overlap the input GTA range

START GTA               END GTA
8005550000              8005551999
8005552000              8005553999
8005554000              8005555999

CHG-GTA: MASP A - Command Aborted
If a point code is the STP’s True PC, then the value of the XLAT parameter must be set to DPCSSN and the value of the RI parameter must be set to SSN. If the SSN parameter is specified and a point code is the STP’s True PC, then the subsystem number specified must exist in the SS-APPL table. This can be verified with the rtrv-ss-appl command. To execute the rtrv-ss-appl command, these features must be enabled, and turned on if necessary.
  • LNP - shown by the entry LNP TNs with a quantity greater than zero in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output
  • ATINP - shown by the entry ATINP in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on
  • EIR - shown by the entry EIR in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output as being permanently or temporarily enabled and with the status set to on.
  • INP - shown by the entry INP in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • V-FLEX - shown by the entry VFLEX in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • ANSI-41 INP Query - shown by the entry ANSI-41 INP Query in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output with the status set to on.
  • ANSI41 AIQ - shown by the entry ANSI41 AIQ in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output.


The Local Number Portability (LNP), Equipment Identity Register (EIR), INAP Number Portability (INP), V-Flex, ATINP, ANSI41 AIQ, or ANSI-41 INP Query features must be purchased before you can enable the LNP, ATINP, or ANSI41 AIQ features, or enable and turn on the EIR, INP, V-Flex, or ANSI-41 INP Query features. If you are not sure whether you have purchased the LNP, EIR, or INP, V-Flex, ATINP, or ANSI-41 INP Query feature, contact your Oracle Sales Representative or Account Representative.

Once the LNP, ATINP, or ANSI41 AIQ feature is enabled with the enable-ctrl-feat command, or the EIR, INP, V-Flex, and ANSI-41 INP Query features are turned on with the chg-ctrl-feat command, they cannot be turned off or disabled.

A point code must exist as a destination in the route table or reside in a cluster that exists as a destination in the route table (for global title routing) unless the point code is the STP’s True PC.

If a final GTT is specified (ri=ssn) with the xlat=dpc parameter, and the value of the force parameter is no, the point code must be in the Remote Point Code/Mated Application table. Verify this by entering the rtrv-map command. If this point code and subsystem number is not defined as a mated application, perform one of these procedures to add the point code and subsystem number to the database as a mated application:

The point code and subsystem number do not have to be in the mated application table when the chg-gta command is executed when these parameters are specified with the chg-gta command.

  • ri=gt
  • xlat=dpcssn and ri=ssn (provided the point code value is not the STP’s true point code)

If the point code and subsystem are not in the mated application table when either of these parameters are specified with the chg-gta command, the EAGLE creates a solitary mated application in the mated application table using the point code and subsystem values specified in the chg-gta command.

If the xlat=none parameter is specified for a global title translation, the global title translation entry can contain any data except for the routing data defined by these parameters.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

The GTA Entries with the XLAT=NONE Parameter part of the GTT Actions section described the behavior of the xlat=none parameter.

The following tables show the valid parameter combinations that can be used with the chg-gta command.

The GTT table may not be full.

The values specified for the gta and egta parameters can be decimal digits (0-9) or hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F). Hexadecimal digits can be specified only if the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature is enabled. Verify the status of the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature with the rtrv-ctrl-feat command. Refer to the Hex Digit Support for GTT section for more information on this feature. If the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature is not enabled, perform the Activating the Hex Digit Support for GTT Feature procedure to enable the Hex Digit Support for GTT feature.

Canceling the RTRV-GTA Command

Because the rtrv-gta command used in this procedure can output information for a long period of time, the rtrv-gta command can be canceled and the output to the terminal stopped. There are three ways that the rtrv-gta command can be canceled.

  • Press the F9 function key on the keyboard at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd without the trm parameter at the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered.
  • Enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx>, where <xx> is the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered, from another terminal other that the terminal where the rtrv-gta command was entered. To enter the canc-cmd:trm=<xx> command, the terminal must allow Security Administration commands to be entered from it and the user must be allowed to enter Security Administration commands. The terminal’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-secu-trm command. The user’s permissions can be verified with the rtrv-user or rtrv-secu-user commands.

For more information about the canc-cmd command, go to Commands User's Guide.

Table 4-39 GTA Parameter Combinations - No SETTYPE Column in RTRV-GTTSET Output

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
GTA – The GTA value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
If only the EGTT feature is on, the SETTYPE column is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output.
Optional Parameters

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits.

Default = same as the GTA value.

Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value.

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

Table 4-40 GTTSN = CDGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDGTA in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDGTA in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
GTA – The GTA value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. GTA – The GTA value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits.

Default = same as the GTA value.

Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value.

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits.

Default = same as the GTA value.

Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value. These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.


OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column, or the value none. The value none removes the OPCSN value from the GTA entry.

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.
Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-41 GTTSN = CGGTA GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGGTA in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGGTA in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
GTA – The GTA value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. GTA – The GTA value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits.

Default = same as the GTA value.

Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value.

EGTA – 1 - 21 digits or 1 - 21 hexadecimal digits.

Default = same as the GTA value.

Hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F) can be specified for the egta parameters only if the Hex Digit support for GTT feature is enabled.

The length of the EGTA value must be the same as the GTA value. These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.
Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-42 GTTSN = CGPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGPC in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGPC in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
CGPC/CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 – The CGPC value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. (See Note 1) CGPC/CGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 – The CGPC value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. (See Note 1)
Optional Parameters

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.

  1. The cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the CGPC parameter values.
    • cgpc/cgpca = ANSI point code
    • cgpci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • cgpcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • cgpcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
    • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
    • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
    • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
    • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-43 GTTSN = CGSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGSSN in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CGSSN in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
CGSSN – The CGSSN value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. CGSSN – The CGSSN value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters
ECGSSN – 0 - 255. The ECGSSN value must be greater than the CGSSN value.

ECGSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECGSSN value is specified. The ECGSSN value must be greater than the CGSSN value.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.


There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.

Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-44 GTTSN = OPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
OPC/OPCA/OPCI/OPCN/OPCN24 – The OPC value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. (See Note 1) OPC/OPCA/OPCI/OPCN/OPCN24 – The OPC value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. (See Note 1)
Optional Parameters

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.

  1. The opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes as the OPC parameter values.
    • opc/opca = ANSI point code
    • opci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • opcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • opcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
    • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
    • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
    • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
    • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-45 GTTSN = CDSSN GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDSSN in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value CDSSN in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
CDSSN – The CDSSN value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. CDSSN – The CDSSN value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters
ECDSSN – 0 - 255. The ECDSSN value must be greater than the CDSSN value.

ECDSSN – 0 - 255. Default value – no ECDSSN value is specified. The ECDSSN value must be greater than the CDSSN value.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column, or the value none. The value none removes the OPCSN value from the GTA entry.  

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.

Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-46 GTTSN = OPCODE GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPCODE in the SETTYPE column and from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gta output.
OPCODE – The OPCODE value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output. (See Note 4) OPCODE – The OPCODE value assigned to the GTTSN value in the rtrv-gta output.
ANSI TCAP Translation ITU TCAP Translation ANSI TCAP Translation ITU TCAP Translation
FAMILY – The FAMILY value assigned to the GTTSN and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. ACN – The application context name assigned to the GTTSN and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. FAMILY – The FAMILY value assigned to the GTTSN and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. ACN – The application context name assigned to the GTTSN and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output.
PKGTYPE – The PKGTYPE context name assigned to the GTTSN, FAMILY, and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. PKGTYPE – PKGTYPE – The PKGTYPE context name assigned to the GTTSN, ACN, and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. PKGTYPE – The PKGTYPE context name assigned to the GTTSN, FAMILY, and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output. PKGTYPE – PKGTYPE – The PKGTYPE context name assigned to the GTTSN, ACN, and OPCODE values in the rtrv-gta output.
Optional Parameters

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column. Default value – no OPC GTT set is specified.  

There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. At least one optional parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. Unless a default value is shown for a parameter in Table 4-48, the value of any optional parameter that is not specified with the chg-gta command is not changed.

The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.

Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-47 GTTSN = DPC GTT Set Parameter Combinations

Mandatory Parameters
GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value DPC in the SETTYPE column. GTTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value DPC in the SETTYPE column.
DPC/DPCA/DPCI/DPCN/DPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3) DPC/DPCA/DPCI/DPCN/DPCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3)
Optional Parameters

OPTSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output, or the value none. The value none removes the OPTSN value from the GTA entry. Refer to Table 4-38 for the valid GTT set types that can be specified.

The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command.

These parameters cannot be specified with the xlat=none parameter.
  • pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24
  • ssn
  • ri
  • force=yes
OPCSN – The GTT set name from the GTTSN column of the rtrv-gttset output containing the value OPC in the SETTYPE column, or the value none. The value none removes the OPCSN value from the GTA entry.  
There are other optional parameters that can be used with this entry. Refer to Table 4-48 for these parameters. The egta and split parameters cannot be specified with this entry.
Note: When the xlat parameter value is changed from dpcngt, dpcssn, or dpc, to none, all the optional parameter values that are not specified with the chg-gta command are not changed. However, these changes are made.
  • The PC and SSN values are removed from the GTA entry.
  • The CCGT value is removed from the GTA entry and the CCGT field is not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was SSN and a MAP set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MAPSET value is not changed and the MRNSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MRNSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.
  • If the original RI value for the GTA entry was GT and an MRN set was assigned to the GTA entry, the MRNSET value is not changed and the MAPSET=DFLT entry is assigned to the GTA entry. The MAPSET=DFLT entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output.

Table 4-48 Optional GTA Parameters

PC/PCA/PCI/PCN/PCN24 (See Notes 1, 2, and 3) MRNSET – MRN set ID from the rtrv-mrn output or none (See Note 4)
SSN – 0 - 255 (See Note 3) LOOPSET – Loopset name from the rtrv-loopset output (See Note 8)
RI – GT, SSN (See Notes 3, 4, 7) CGGTMOD – yes, no. Default = no (See Note 9)
MRNSET – MRN set ID from the rtrv-mrn output or none (See Note 4) MAPSET – MAP set ID from the rtrv-map output or none (See Note 7)
LOOPSET – Loopset name from the rtrv-loopset output (See Note 8) SPLIT – yes, no. Default = yes (See Note 10)
CGGTMOD – yes, no. Default = no (See Note 9) TESTMODE – on, off. Default = off.
CCGT – yes, no. (See Note 5) FALLBACK – sysdflt, yes, no. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter.
MAPSET – MAP set ID from the rtrv-map output or none (See Note 8) CGSELID – 0 - 65534 or none. The Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled to use this parameter. (See Note 12)
FORCE – yes, no. Default = no (See Note 6) CDSELID – 0 - 65534 or none. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter. (See Note 12)
SPLIT – yes, no. Default = yes (See Note 10) CGCNVSN – GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output or none. (See Note 13)
TESTMODE – on, off. Default = off. ACTSN – The name of the GTT action set name shown in the rtrv-gttaset output or none. (See Note 11)
FALLBACK – sysdflt, yes, no. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter. GTMODID – The name of the GT modification identifier shown in the rtrv-gtmod output or none. The value none removes the GT modification identifier assignment from the GTA entry. If the NGTI value in the global title modification entry is 4, the point code that is assigned to the GTA entry must be an ITU point code.
CGSELID – 0 - 65534 or none. The Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled to use this parameter. (See Note 12) PPMEASREQD – This parameter specifies whether per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry. This parameter has two values.
  • yes - per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry.
  • no - per-path measurements are not required for the GTA entry.
CDSELID – 0 - 65534 or none. The Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter. (See Note 12)  
CGCNVSN – GTT set name shown in the rtrv-gttset output or none. (See Note 13)  
ACTSN – The name of the GTT action set name shown in the rtrv-gttaset output or none. (See Note 11)  
GTMODID – The name of the GT modification identifier shown in the rtrv-gtmod output or none. The value none removes the GT modification identifier assignment from the GTA entry. If the NGTI value in the global title modification entry is 4, the point code that is assigned to the GTA entry must be an ITU point code.  
PPMEASREQD – This parameter specifies whether per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry. This parameter has two values.
  • yes - per-path measurements are required for the GTA entry.
  • no - per-path measurements are not required for the GTA entry.
  1. The pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameters are used to assign either ANSI, ITU-I, ITU-I spare, 14-bit ITU-N, 14-bit ITU-N spare, or 24-bit ITU-N point codes to the global title address (GTA).
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.
  2. The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and GTT set must be the same, unless the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled. If the ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature is enabled, a GTA may contain an ANSI point code and an ITU GTT set, or an ITU point code and an ANSI GTT set. The CROSS GTT set, a GTT set containing the NETDOM value CROSS, can be specified with either ANSI or ITU point codes.
  3. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the xlat parameter value must bedpcssn and the ri parameter value must bessn. The ssn parameter can be specified only if the xlat parameter isdpcssn. If the xlat parameter value is being changed todpcssn, the ssn parameter must be specified.
  4. The mrnset parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. The mrnset parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter value isgt. Specifying the mrnset=none parameter removes the MRN set ID assignment from the GTA entry.
  5. If the point code is the EAGLE’s point code, then the value of the ccgt parameter must be set tono.
  6. If the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter value is not shown in the rtrv-map output, and the resulting xlat parameter value is dpc, and the resulting ri parameter value is ssn, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command.
  7. The mapset parameter can be specified only, and must be specified, if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. The mapset parameter can be specified only if the ri parameter value isssn. Specifying the mapset=none parameter removes the MAP set ID assignment from the GTA entry.
  8. The loopset parameter can be specified only if the SCCP Loop Detection feature is enabled.
  9. The cggtmod parameter can be specified only if the AMGTT or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade feature is enabled.
  10. The range of global title addresses assigned to a global title translation can be extended, reduced, or split to create a new range of global title addresses. See the split parameter description section in this procedure for information on changing the range of global title addresses.
  11. The actsn parameter can be specified only if the GTT Action - DISCARD, GTT Action - DUPLICATE, GTT Action - FORWARD feature is enabled. The value none removes the GTT action set name assignment from the GTA entry.
  12. The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none.
  13. The ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion feature must be enabled, and the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on to use this parameter. Specifying the cgcnvsn=none parameter removes the CGCNVSN value from the GTA entry. The current value of this parameter must be changed to the value none before the parameter value can be changed to another value that is not none. The new value for this parameter cannot be the gttsn value specified with the chg-gta command, but must be a GTT set whose set type is either CDGTA or CGGTA..
  1. Display the GTT sets in the database using the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    abcd1234   itu     CGGTA    12
    gttset3    ansi    CGGTA    10
    gttset6    ansi    OPC      -
    gttset7    ansi    CGPC     -
    gttset12   ansi    OPC      -
    imsi       itu     CDGTA    15
    lidb       ansi    CDGTA    10
    t800       ansi    CDGTA    10
    s1000      itu     CDGTA    15
    s2000      itu     CGPC     -
    GTT-SET table is (10 of 2000) 1% full.
  2. Display the global title address (GTA) information for the GTT set that contains the global title address entry that is being changed. Use the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value shown in the output of 1. If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    lidb      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    9195554321 9195554321 DPCNGT GT     001-255-253
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries
    If any of these conditions are present, this step has been completed.
    • The OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN fields are not shown in the rtrv-gta output.
    • The OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN fields are shown in the rtrv-gta output and the OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN values are not being changed.
    • The OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN fields are shown in the rtrv-gta output, the OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN values are being changed, and the desired GTT set is shown in the rtrv-gttset output in 1.

    If the OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN fields are shown in the rtrv-gta output, the OPTSN, OPCSN, or CGCNVSN values are being changed, and the desired GTT set is not shown in the rtrv-gttset output in 1, perform Adding a GTT Set to add the new GTT set.

    After this step has been completed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the GTA entry does contains a range of global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers, and this range will be split, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If the GTA entry does contains a range of global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers, and this range will not be split, or if the GTA entry does not contain a range of global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers, continue the procedure with 5.
  3. Splitting a range of global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers creates a new GTA entry.

    If splitting the global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers will increase the number of global title translations in the database beyond the maximum number of global title translations shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2, and the maximum number of global title translations is either 269,999 or 400,000, the maximum number of global title translations must be increased. Perform the Enabling the XGTT Table Expansion Feature procedure to increase the maximum number of global title translations. If the maximum number of global title translations is 1,000,000, the maximum number of global title translations cannot be increased. The range of global title addresses, CgPA subsystem numbers, or CdPA subsystem numbers cannot be split. This new entry cannot be created if the database contains the maximum number of GTA entries.

    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the GTA entry does not contain a range of global title addresses, or the number of global title translations in the database will not be increased beyond the maximum number of global title translations shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the GTA entry contains a range of global title addresses that will be split and the number of global title translations in the database will not be increased beyond the maximum number of global title translations shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Display the GTT path entries by entering the rtrv-gttapath command with these parameters.
    • cdgttsn - the GTTSN value shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2.
    • cdgta - the START GTA value shown in the rtrv-gta output in 2.

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-25 09:43:31 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    path1   ---------       ---------       lidb
        CDGTA = 9195554321                   ECDGTA = 9195554321
    GTT-PATH table is (5 of 10000) 1% full.

    The range of global title addresses cannot be split if entries containing the GTTSN and the GTA values shown in the rtrv-gttapath output. If entries are displayed in the rtrv-gttapath output, perform the Removing a GTT Action Path Entry procedure to remove the entries shown in the rtrv-gttapath output.

    Continue the procedure with 5 if no entries are shown in this step; error message E3451 is displayed; if the entries in the rtrv-gttapath output will not be removed; or the Removing a GTT Action Path Entry procedure has been performed.

  5. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    XGTT Table Expansion      893006101 on     400000
    SCCP Loop Detection       893016501 on     ----
    SCCP Conversion           893012001 off    ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707 on     64
    Origin Based SCCP Routing 893014301 on     ----
    TCAP Opcode Based Routing 893027801 on     ----
    Flex Lset Optnl Based Rtg 893027701 on     ----
    VGTT with 16 GTT lengths  893024801 on     ----
    TOBR Opcode Quantity      893027907 on     1000000
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity   Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
  6. Some parameters of the chg-gta command can be specified only when certain features are enabled, and turned on if necessary. Table 4-49 shows the feature requirements for these parameters.found. Some

    Table 4-49 Feature Requirements for CHG-GTA Parameters

    Required Feature Parameters or Values
    Origin-Based SCCP Routing Enabled GTTSN - specifying CGGTA, CGPC, CGSSN, or OPC GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying CGGTA, CGPC, or CGSSN GTT sets
    Flexible GTT Load Sharing Enabled MAPSET
    Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On GTTSN - specifying CDSSN or DPC GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying CDSSN or DPC GTT sets
    ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Enabled and Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Enabled and Turned On CGCNVSN
    TCAP Opcode Based Routing Enabled and Turned On GTTSN - specifying OPCODE GTT sets
    OPTSN - specifying OPCODE GTT sets
    TOBR Quantity Enabled ACN
    SCCP Loop Detection Enabled LOOPSET
    Advanced GT Modification or AMGTT CgPA Upgrade Enabled CGGTMOD
    ANSI/ITU SCCP Conversion Enabled The domain (ANSI or ITU) of the point code and the GTT set that will be assigned to the GTA entry will be different.
    Hex Digit Support for GTT Enabled Hexadecimal digits will be specified for the gta or egta parameter values.
    GTT Action - DISCARD, GTT Action - DUPLICATE, GTT Action - FORWARD Enabled ACTSN
    To enable, and turn on if necessary, any of these features, perform these procedures.

    If the required feature is enabled, and turned on if required, shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output in 5, the procedure for that feature does not need to be performed.

  7. To use either the mrnset parameter (if the routing indicator value for the global title translation is GT) or mapset parameter (if the routing indicator value for the global title translation is SSN), the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature must be enabled. See 6. The mrnset and mapset parameters can be specified if the xlat=none parameter is specified for the GTA entry.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the GTA entry must contain either an MRNSET or MAPSET value, depending on the routing indicator value for the global title translation being changed.

    If the routing indicator for the GTA entry that is being changed will be GT when this procedure is completed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.

    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled and the point code value will not be changed, continue the procedure with 19.
    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, and the point code value will be changed, continue the procedure with 9.
    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the point code value will be changed, whether or not the MRNSET value will be changed, continue the procedure with 11.
    • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the point code and MRNSET values will not be changed, continue the procedure with 19.

    If the routing indicator for the GTA entry that is being changed will be SSN when this procedure is completed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.

    • If the XLAT parameter value will be DPC when this procedure is completed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the point code value will not be changed and the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with 19.
      • If the point code value will not be changed; the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the MAPSET value will not be changed, continue the procedure with 19.
      • If the point code value will not be changed; the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the MAPSET value will be changed, continue the procedure with 13.
      • If the point code value will be changed, continue the procedure with 13.
    • If the XLAT parameter value will be DPCSSN when this procedure is completed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the point code, SSN, and MAPSET value (if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled) will not be changed, continue the procedure with 19.
      • If the point code will be changed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
        • If the new point code value will not be the EAGLE’s point code, continue the procedure with 13.
        • If the new point code value will be the EAGLE’s point code, continue the procedure with 12.
      • If only the SSN value will be changed, continue the procedure with 12.
      • If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and only the MAPSET value will be changed, continue the procedure with 12.

    If the xlat=none parameter will be specified and the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the xlat=none parameter will be specified and the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps. Both the mrnset and mapset parameters can be specified for the GTA entry.

    • If the mrnset parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 8.
    • If the mapset parameter will be specified, continue the procedure with 13.
  8. The point code and MRN set ID specified with the chg-gta command must be shown in the rtrv-mrn command output. The point code must be assigned to the MRN set that will be specified with the chg-gta command.

    Enter the rtrv-mrn command to verify that the required MRN set is configured in the database, and that the required point code is assigned to the MRN set. The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    DFLT     001-001-001    10
             001-001-002    20
             001-001-003    30
             001-254-255    40
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    110      001-001-001    10
             001-001-005    20
             001-001-006    30
             001-001-003    40
             001-001-008    50
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    111      001-001-001    30
             001-001-005    30
             001-001-006    30
             001-001-003    30
             001-001-008    30
    MRNSET   PC             RC
    112      001-003-001    10
             001-003-002    10
             001-003-003    30
             001-003-004    30
             001-003-006    60
             001-003-007    60
             001-003-008    80
             001-003-009    80
    MRNSET   PCN               RC
    113      s-1-1-1-0123-aa   1
             s-1-1-1-0235-aa   2
             s-1-1-1-0235-aa   3


    If the Weighted GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the WT, %WT, and THR columns are shown in the rtrv-mrn output.

    If the required MRN set is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output, or if the required point code is not assigned to the required MRN set, provision the required MRN set by performing the Provisioning MRN Entries procedure. After provisioning the required MRN set, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the required MRN set is shown in the rtrv-mrn output, or if the required point code is assigned to the required MRN set, continue the procedure with 18.

  9. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the required point code is shown in the rtrv-dstn output, continue the procedure with 10.

  10. Display the point code that will be assigned to the mated application by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      none   off   none     no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in the previous step and repeat this step.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the point code displayed in this step does not contain a proxy point code, continue the procedure with 11.

  11. The point code specified with the chg-gta command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code.

    Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the chg-gta command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-252 ---------- --------------   ls07       10    001-255-252
                                               ls08       30    025-025-150
                                               lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database.

    If the point code is shown in the rtrv-rte output, and a new route was added, continue the procedure with 18.

  12. If the ri=ssn and xlat=dpcssn parameters are specified with the chg-gta command, and you wish to use the EAGLE’s point code for the value of the pc parameter of the chg-gta command, the point code value must be in the EAGLE’s self ID table. Display the EAGLE self-identification, using the rtrv-sid command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
       PCA             PCI          PCN                CLLI              PCTYPE
       010-020-030     1-023-1      12-0-14-1          rlghncxa03w       OTHER
                     s-1-023-1    s-12-0-14-1
       002-002-002       002-002-003       002-002-004      002-002-005
       002-002-006       002-002-007       002-002-008      002-002-009
       004-002-001       004-003-003       050-060-070
       1-001-1           1-001-2           1-001-3          1-001-4
       1-002-1           1-002-2           1-002-3          1-002-4
       2-001-1           7-222-7
       2-0-10-3          2-0-11-0          2-0-11-2          2-0-12-1
       2-2-3-3           2-2-4-0           10-14-10-1
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the point code value will be changed to the EAGLE's point code, continue the procedure with 13.
    • If the SSN value will be changed and the current point code value is the EAGLE's point code, continue the procedure with 13.
    • If the MAPSET value will be changed, continue the procedure with 13.
  13. Enter the rtrv-map command with the pc parameter specifying the required point code to verify that the required data is in the mated application table.


    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, a MAP set ID must be specified for the final global title translation. The point code and SSN specified for the final global title translation being changed in this procedure must be assigned to the MAP set ID that will be assigned to the final global title translation. Perform this step to verify that the required MAP set is configured in the database.

    If the point code value of the GTA entry is being changed, specify the new point code value of the GTA entry.

    If the point code value of the GTA entry is not being changed, specify the current point code value of the GTA entry.

    If the point code value of the GTA entry will be the EAGLE's point code, specify the EAGLE's point code, shown in 12. The MAP entry that contains the EAGLE's point code must be in the default MAP set.

    If the XLAT value of the GTA entry will be DPCSSN when this procedure is completed, and the SSN or MAPSET value will be changed, specify the new SSN value, if the SSN value will be changed, or the current SSN value, if the SSN value will not be changed, in this step.

    For this example enter this command.


    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
    001-255-252                55  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                 001-001-002   15 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-003   25 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-002   40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
    001-255-252               254  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                 001-001-002   10 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-003   20 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                 001-001-002   40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
    001-255-252                 5 10  SOL *Y  *Y  -------- OFF
    MAP TABLE IS    (12 of 36000)   1 % FULL


    If the Weighted GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the WT, %WT, and THR columns are shown in the rtrv-map output.

    If the parameter values for the ri and xlat parameters will be ri=ssn and xlat=dpc when this procedure is completed, the point code value must be in the mated application table. If the point code is not in the mated application table when the chg-gta command is executed, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the chg-gta command. If the force=yes parameter will be used with the chg-gta command, continue the procedure with 15.

    If the parameter values for the ri and xlat parameters will be ri=ssn and xlat=dpcssn, and the point code and subsystem number values will be the EAGLE’s true point code and the EAGLE’s subsystem number when this procedure is completed, the EAGLE’s true point code and the EAGLE’s subsystem number must be in the mated application table.

    If the required point code, subsystem number, or MAP set ID is not shown in the rtrv-map output, perform one of these procedures to add the required information to the mated application table.

    If the required MAP entry is shown in this step, or a new MAP entry was added in this step, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the point code value is being changed in this procedure to the EAGLE’s point code, continue the procedure with 12.

  14. Enter the rtrv-ss-appl command to verify that either the LNP, EIR, V-Flex, ATINPQ, AIQ, or INP subsystem number (depending on which feature is on) is in the subsystem application table.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 08-09-28 14:42:38 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    APPL       SSN       STAT
    LNP        254       ONLINE
    SS-APPL table is 20% FULL (1 of 5)

    If no subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, or if the rtrv-ss-appl command is rejected, go to one of these user's guides, depending on the type of subsystem you wish to use, to enable and turn on the feature as necessary, and add the subsystem to the subsystem application table.

    • EIR subsystem – go to EIR User's Guide.
    • INP subsystem – go to INP/AINPQ User's Guide.
    • LNP subsystem – go to ELAP Administration and LNP Feature Activation Guide.
    • V-Flex subsystem – go to V-Flex User's Guide.
    • ATINPQ subsystem – go to ATINP.
    • AIQ subsystem – go to Analyzed Information Features User's Guide.

    If the subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, or the subsystem number has been added in this step, continue the procedure with 18.

  15. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the required point code is shown in the rtrv-dstn output, continue the procedure with 16.

  16. Display the point code that will be assigned to the mated application by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      none   off   none     no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in the previous step and repeat this step.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 18.

    If the point code displayed in this step does not contain a proxy point code, continue the procedure with 17.

  17. The point code specified with the chg-gta command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code.

    Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the chg-gta command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 41.0.0
       DPCA           ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
       001-255-252 ---------- --------------   ls07       10    001-255-252
                                               ls08       30    025-025-150
                                               lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database.

    If the point code is shown in the rtrv-rte output, and a new route was added, continue the procedure with 18.

  18. Continue the procedure by performing one or more of these steps depending on the parameters that will be specified with the ent-gta command.

    If the loopset parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired LOOPSET value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 19.

    If the gtmodid parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired GTMODID value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 20.

    If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 21.

    If the loopset. gtmodid, and actsn parameters will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 22.

  19. Display all the loopsets in the database by entering this command. rtrv-loopset:num=1000:force=yes

    This is an example of the possible output.

    LoopSet      Mode       Point Codes
    cary2       notify      005-015-005      007-007-007      (ANSI)
                            033-004-003      033-007-003
                            005-027-005      007-004-007
    cary4       notify      005-012-005      007-026-007      (ANSI)
                            003-049-003      033-002-003
                            005-008-055      007-014-007
    apex3       discard     005-017-008      007-017-009      (ANSI)
                            033-005-043      005-014-005
                            005-017-005      007-014-007
                            033-002-043      005-038-005
                            007-009-027      033-003-043
                            005-012-005      007-002-027
    apex4       discard     005-007-008      027-007-009      (ANSI)
                            033-005-003      005-004-055
                            027-001-007      033-008-003
                            033-007-003      005-003-055
    ral5        notify      005-005-005      007-007-007      (ANSI)
                            003-004-003      003-001-003
                            005-007-005      007-004-007
                            003-002-003      005-008-005
                            007-009-007      003-003-003
                            005-002-005      007-002-007
    ral6        notify      005-007-008      007-007-009      (ANSI)
                            003-005-003      003-007-003
    dunn1       discard     005-002-055      007-051-007      (ANSI)
    rtp9        discard     005-002-005      007-001-007      (ANSI)
                            003-008-003      003-007-003
                            005-003-005      007-008-007
    rtp5        discard     005-007-008      007-007-009      (ANSI)
    rtp1        discard     005-005-005      007-007-007      (ANSI)
                            003-004-003      003-007-003
                            005-007-005      007-004-007
    rtp2        notify      005-007-008      007-007-009      (ANSI)
    rlghncxa03w 07-03-07 08:50:15 GMT Rel 35.6.0
    LOOPSET table is (11 of 1000)       1% full


    If the rtrv-loopset command is entered with no other parameters specified, a maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To display more than 50 entries, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-loopset command and the num parameter value must be greater than 50. Since there can be a maximum of 1000 loopsets in the database, to display all the loopsets in the database, the force=yes and num=1000 parameters must be specified with the rtrv-loopset command.

    If the required loopset is not shown in the rtrv-loopset output, perform Adding a Loopset to add the required loopset.

    if the required loopset is shown in the rtrv-loopset output, or if a new loopset was added, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the gtmodid parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired GTMODID value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 20.
    • If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 21.
    • If the gtmodid and actsn parameters will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 22.
  20. Display the GT modification information in the database using the rtrv-gtmod command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    modid2     --     2       ON   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid5     --     2      OFF   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid6     --     4       ON    4     5     3     3    SFX       --
          NPDS=123                    NSDS=456
    modid10    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid11    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    GTMOD table is (5 of 100000) 1% full.

    If the desired GT modification entry is not displayed, perform the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure was performed, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the actsn parameter will be specified for the GTA entry, and the desired ACTSN value is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 21.
    • If the actsn parameter will not be specified for the GTA entry, continue the procedure with 22.
  21. Display the GTT action sets in the database using the rtrv-gttaset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act1       off   action1   (DUP),action4   (DUP),action25  (FWD),
    act10      on    action20  (DUP),action4   (DUP),action21  (DUP),
                     action25  (FWD),------,------
    act3       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act5       on    action1   (DUP),action3   (DUP),action4   (DUP),
                     action20  (DUP),action21  (DUP),action17  (TCAPERR)
    act11      off   action10  (UDTS),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (5 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the desired GTT action set is not displayed, perform the Adding a GTT Action Set procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding a GTT Action Set procedure was performed, continue the procedure with 22.

  22. Change the global title address for GTT set LIDB using the chg-gta command. Use these tables as a guide for the parameters that can be used with the chg-gta command.

    For this example, enter this command:

    chg-gta:gttsn=lidb:gta=9195554321:xlat=dpcssn:ri=ssn:pc=001-255-252:ssn=254 :mapset=1:opcsn=gttset12:loopset=rtp2

    When the command has successfully completed, this message appears.

    rlghncxa03w 09-05-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0

    The command line on the terminal can contain up to 150 characters. If the parameters and values specified with the chg-gta command are too long to fit on the chg-gta command line, perform the chg-gta command as many times as required to complete changing the GTA entry.

  23. Verify the changes to the GTT set using the rtrv-gta command with the gttsn parameter value and one of the following parameters and values specified in 22, depending on what type of GTT set was specified in 22.
    • The gta parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CDGTA or CGGTA GTT set, or if the GTT set had no SETTYPE value.
    • The cgssn parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CGSSN GTT set.
    • The cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CGPC GTT set.
    • The opc/opca/opci/opcn/opcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was an OPC GTT set.
    • The cdssn parameter and value – if the GTT set was a CDSSN GTT set.
    • The opcode parameter and value – if the GTT set was an OPCODE GTT set.
    • The dpc/dpca/dpci/dpcn/dpcn24 parameter and value – if the GTT set was a DPC GTT set.

    If the num parameter is specified with the rtrv-gta command, and the value of the num parameter is greater than 1000, the force=yes parameter must be specified with the rtrv-gta command. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    lidb      ansi    CDGTA    10
    GTA TABLE IS   1 % FULL  (17 of 269999)
    9195554321 9195554321 DPCSSN SSN    001-255-252
         MAPSET=1     SSN=254 CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=modid2     TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = rtp2     FALLBACK=sysdflt
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=gttset12
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries
  24. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-23 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 1 of 15


Figure 4-24 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 2 of 15


Figure 4-25 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 3 of 15


Figure 4-26 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 4 of 15


Figure 4-27 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 5 of 15


Figure 4-28 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 6 of 15


Figure 4-29 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 7 of 15


Figure 4-30 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 8 of 15


Figure 4-31 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 9 of 15


Figure 4-32 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 10 of 15


Figure 4-33 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 11 of 15


Figure 4-34 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 12 of 15


Figure 4-35 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 13 of 15


Figure 4-36 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 14 of 15


Figure 4-37 Change Global Title Address Information - Sheet 15 of 15


Changing the Default GTT Mode Options

This procedure is used to change the default GTT mode options using the chg-sccpopts command with these parameters.

:dfltgttmode – the system default of the GTT mode hierarchy for the EAGLE to follow when performing global title translation. The values for this parameter are shown in Table 4-50 .

:dfltfallback – the default fallback option - the action that is taken if the last translation does not match when performing global title translation using a Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing specific GTT mode. This parameter has two values.
  • no - Global title translation fails and the message is discarded.
  • yes - Global title translation is performed in the message based on the last matched entry.

This procedure can be performed only if the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled or if the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.

For more information about the default GTT mode options, refer to the Origin-Based SCCP Routing or Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing sections.

  1. Display the existing default GTT mode values by entering the rtrv-sccpopts command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    DFLTGTTMODE                CdPA
    DFLTFALLBACK                yes

    The rtrv-sccpopts output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. If you wish to see these fields, refer to the rtrv-sccpopts command description in CommandsUser's Guide.

    To change the DFLTFALLBACK value to yes, the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. If the current DFLTFALLBACK value is yes, the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.

    To change the DFLTGTTMODE value to one of these values (a Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchy), the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. If any of these values are shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output for the DFLTGTTMODE option, the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on.
    To change the DFLTGTTMODE value to one of these values (an Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy), the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature must be enabled and turned on. If any of these values are shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output for the DFLTGTTMODE option, the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled and turned on.
    • CgPA
    • AdvCdPA,CdPA
    • AdvCdPA,CgPA,CdPA
    • AdvCdPA,CdPA,CgPA
    • CgPA,AdvCdPA,CdPA
    • CgPA,CdPA
    • CdPA,CgPA

    The DFLTGTTMODE or the DFLTFALLBACK values must be changed in this procedure.

    Continue the procedure with 4 if:
    • The DFLTGTTMODE value will be changed to an Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy value; a value for one of the Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA)is shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output; and the DFLTFALLBACK value will not be changed.
    • The DFLTGTTMODE value will be changed to a Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchy value and a value for one of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA) is shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output. The DFLTFALLBACK value can also be changed to yes.
    • The DFLTGTTMODE and the DFLTFALLBACKvalue will be changed to these values.
      • DFLTFALLBACK - no
    • Only the DFLTFALLBACK value is changed to no.

    If the DFLTGTTMODE value is being changed to an Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy, and a value for one of the Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA) is not shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output, continue the procedure with 2.

    If the DFLTGTTMODE value is being changed to a Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchy, and a value for one of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA) is not shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output, continue the procedure with 3.

    If the DFLTFALLBACK value is being changed to yes, and a value for one of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA) is not shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output, continue the procedure with 3.

  2. Display the status of the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    Origin Based SCCP Routing 893014301 on     ----
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity   Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is not enabled or turned on, perform Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature to enable and turn on the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature.

    After Activating the Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature has been performed, or if the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows that the Origin-Based SCCP Routing feature is enabled and turned on, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If only the DFLTGTTMODE value is being changed to an Origin-Based SCCP Routing GTT mode hierarchy (other than CdPA), continue the procedure with 4.
    • If the DFLTFALLBACK value will be changed to yes, and a value for one of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing GTT mode hierarchies (other than CdPA) is not shown in the rtrv-sccpopts output, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. Display the status of the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity
    Flex Lset Optnl Based Rtg 893027701 on     ----
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum   Status Quantity   Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is not enabled or turned on, perform Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature to enable and turn on the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing.

    After Activating the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature has been performed as needed, or if the rtrv-ctrl-feat output shows that the Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing feature is enabled and turned on, continue the procedure with 4.

  4. Change the default GTT mode values using the chg-sccpopts command and with at least one of the parameters and values shown in Table 4-50.

    Table 4-50 Default GTT Mode Option Parameter Combinations

    Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature Enabled and Turned On Only Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature (FLOBR) Enabled and Turned On Only Origin-Based SCCP Routing Feature and Flexible Linkset Optional Based Routing Feature (FLOBR) Enabled and Turned On
    :dfltgttmode= one of these values
    • cd - CdPA GTT only
    • cg - CgPA GTT only
    • acdcd - Advanced CdPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • acdcgcd - Advanced CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • acdcdcg - Advanced CdPA GTT, CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT
    • cgacdcd - CgPA GTT, Advanced CdPA GTT. CdPA GTT
    • cgcd - CgPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • cdcg - CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT
    :dfltgttmode= one of these values
    • cd - CdPA GTT only
    • fcd - FLOBR CdPA
    • fcg - FLOBR CgPA
    • fcdfcg - FLOBR CdPA, FLOBR CgPA
    • fcgfcd - FLOBR CgPA, FLOBR CdPA
    :dfltgttmode= one of these values
    • cd - CdPA GTT only
    • cg - CgPA GTT only
    • acdcd - Advanced CdPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • acdcgcd - Advanced CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • acdcdcg - Advanced CdPA GTT, CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT
    • cgacdcd - CgPA GTT, Advanced CdPA GTT. CdPA GTT
    • cgcd - CgPA GTT, CdPA GTT
    • cdcg - CdPA GTT, CgPA GTT
    • fcd - FLOBR CdPA
    • fcg - FLOBR CgPA
    • fcdfcg - FLOBR CdPA, FLOBR CgPA
    • fcgfcd - FLOBR CgPA, FLOBR CdPA
      :dfltfallback=<yes, no> :dfltfallback=<yes, no>

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the chg-sccpopts command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:22:57 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
  5. Verify the changes using the rtrv-sccpopts command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    DFLTFALLBACK                 no

    The rtrv-sccpopts output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. If you wish to see these fields, refer to the rtrv-sccpopts command description in Commands User's Guide.

  6. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-38 Change the Default GTT Mode Options - Sheet 1 of 3


Figure 4-39 Change the Default GTT Mode Options - Sheet 2 of 3


Figure 4-40 Change the Default GTT Mode Options - Sheet 3 of 3


Adding a GTT Action

This procedure is used to add a GTT action to the database using the ent-gttact command.

The ent-gttact command uses these parameters.

:act - the action that is applied to the message. This parameter has these values.
  • disc — discard the message with no return error.
  • dup — route a copy of the message to the specified duplicate node.
  • tcaperr — discard the message that has the specified TCAP error.
  • udts — discard the message and send an UDTS/XUDTS.
  • fwd — route the original message to the specified forward node instead of the destination indicated by the global title translation data.

:actid - the name of the GTT action entry.

:atcaperr - the ANSI TCAP error cause - the reason for discarding the message containing the ANSI TCAP portion that is associated with the TCAP error GTT action.

:cdgtmodid - the name of the GT modification identifier that is associated with the called party of a GTT action entry.

:cggtmodid - the name of the GT modification identifier that is associated with the calling party of a GTT action entry.

:cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 - the calling party point code.


See Chapter 2, "Configuring Destination Tables," in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide for a definition of the point code types that are used on the EAGLE and for a definition of the different formats that can be used for ITU national point codes.

:cgpcogmsg - the data that is used as the calling party point code in the outgoing message.

:defactid - the default GTT action ID that is associated with the forward GTT action.

:itcaperr - the ITU TCAP error cause - the reason for discarding the message containing the ITU TCAP portion that is associated with the TCAP error GTT action.

:loopset - the name of the SCCP loopset name that is associated with the GTT action.

:mapset - the MAP set ID.

:mrnset - the MRN set ID.

:off - turns off the specified feature options.
  • :off=uimreqd - a UIM is not generated.
  • :off=useicmsg - apply the GTT action data to the message as the message was received.
:on - turns on the specified feature options.
  • :on=uimreqd - a UIM is generated.
  • :on=useicmsg - apply the GTT action data to the message after any EPAP or GTT translation/modification data has been applied.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 - the point code that the message will be routed to as a result of the duplicate or forward GTT action.


See Chapter 2, "Configuring Destination Tables," in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide for a definition of the point code types that are used on the EAGLE and for a definition of the different formats that can be used for ITU national point codes.

:ri - the routing indicator in the SCCP called party address of the duplicated copy of MSU.

:ssn - the subsystem number (SSN) in the SCCP called party address of the MSU.

:udtserr - the reason associated with the UDTS GTT action for discarding the message.

The values for the actid, atcaperr, itcaperr, udtserr, pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24, ri, mrnset, mapset, ssn, loopset, cggtmodid, cdgtmodid, defactid, and cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameters are shown in Table 4-51.

To add a GTT action to the database, one of these features must be enabled, depending on the act parameter value that will be specified with the GTT action.
  • act=disc, act=udts, act=tcaperr - GTT Action - DISCARD feature - part number 893027501.
  • act=dup - GTT Action - DUPLICATE feature - part number 893027601.
  • act=fwd - GTT Action - FORWARD feature - part number 893037501.

The status of these features is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. Perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enable one or more of these features.

The EAGLE database can contain a maximum of 2000 GTT action entries.

  1. Display the GTT action entries in the database by entering the rtrv-gttact command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action2    disc     ---      ---      ---     off
    action1    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (2 of 2000) 1% full.

    If no entries are displayed, continue the procedure with 2.

    If the number of entries that are displayed is 2000, this procedure cannot be performed. This is the maximum number of GTT action entries that can be in the database.

    If there are less 2000 entries shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If entries are shown in the rtrv-gttact output that contain the act parameter value of the new entry, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the act parameter value for the new entry will be disc, udts, or tcaperr, continue the procedure with 14.
      • If the act parameter value for the new entry will be dup or fwd, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If the act parameter value of the new entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Display the features that are enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    LNP Short Message Service 893006601  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.
    To add a GTT action to the database, one of these features must be enabled, depending on the act parameter value that will be specified with the GTT action.
    • act=disc, act=udts, act=tcaperr - GTT Action - DISCARD feature - part number 893027501.
    • act=dup - GTT Action - DUPLICATE feature - part number 893027601.
    • act=fwd - GTT Action - FORWARD feature - part number 893037501.

    If the required feature is not enabled, perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enabled the required feature.

    After the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure has been performed, or if the required is enabled as shown in this step, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the act parameter value for the new entry will be disc, udts, or tcaperr, continue the procedure with 14.
    • If the act parameter value for the new entry will be dup or fwd, continue the procedure with 3.
  3. For GTT action entries whose act value will be either dup or fwd, the ri parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry.

    If the ri parameter value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code must be the DPC of a route and cannot contain a proxy point code.

    If the MRNSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the mrnset parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code that will be assigned to the GTT action entry must be in an MRN set. MRN sets are shown in the rtrv-mrn output.

    If the ri parameter value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 and ssn parameters must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code and ssn values must be in the rtrv-map output.

    If the MAPSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the mapset parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code and ssn values that will be assigned to the GTT action entry must be in a MAP set. MAP sets are shown in the rtrv-map output.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the MRNSET column is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the mrnset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, and the point code value for the GTT action entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 5.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the MRNSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, and the point code and MRNSET values for the GTT action entry are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 4.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the MAPSET column is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the mapset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, and the point code and SSN values for the GTT action entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 8.
    • If you wish to specify the mapset parameter for the GTT action entry, perform the Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature procedure to enable the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature. After this procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 8.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the MAPSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, and the point code, SSN, and MAPSET values for the GTT action entry are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 8.

  4. Display the MRN entries entering the rtrv-mrn command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
       MRNSET      PC             RC
       DFLT        002-002-002     1
                   003-003-003     2
       MRNSET      PC             RC
       1           003-003-003     2
                   004-004-004     3
                   005-005-005     4
    MRN table is (5 of 6000) 1% full.

    If the required MRN set is shown in the rtrv-mrn output, continue the procedure with 11.

    If the required MRN set is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output, perform the Provisioning MRN Entriesprocedure to provision the required MRN set. After the Provisioning MRN Entriesprocedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 11.

  5. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 6.

  6. Display the point code that will be assigned to the global title translation by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      50     on    20       no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn command output, the following output is displayed.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    No destinations meeting the requested criteria were found
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in 5 and repeat this step.

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the “Adding a Destination Point Code” procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the point code to the destination point code table.

  7. The point code specified with the ent-gtt command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code. Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the ent-gtt command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       DPCA       ALIASI     ALIASN/N24     LSN        RC      APCA
    007-007-007  --------   -----------     ls03       10    007-007-007
                                            ls02       30    150-150-150
                                            lsa2       50    200-200-200
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls03clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       DPCA        ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
    003-003-003   --------    ----------    ls02       10    002-002-002
                                            ls08       30    025-025-150
                                            lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 11.

  8. Enter the rtrv-map command with the point code and SSN value that will be specified for the GTT action entry.

    For this example enter this command.


    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                  250 10  SOL *Y  *Y  GRP01     ON
    MAP table is (37 of 1024) 4% full.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                   55  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                      001-001-002    15 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-003    25 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-002    40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
       MAPSET ID=1
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                   50  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                      001-001-002    10 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-003    20 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-002    40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
       MAPSET ID=    2
       005-005-005                    5 10  SOL *Y  *Y  -------- OFF
    MAP table is (12 of 36000) 1% full.

    If the required MAP entry is shown in the rtrv-map output, continue the procedure with 11.

    If the required MAP entry is not shown in the rtrv-map output, continue the procedure with 9.

  9. Display the EAGLE self-identification, using the rtrv-sid command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    PCA               PCI          PCN           CLLI         PCTYPE
    010-020-030     1-023-1      12-0-14-1     rlghncxa03w    OTHER
                  s-1-023-1    s-12-0-14-1
    002-002-002       002-002-003       002-002-004      002-002-005
    002-002-006       002-002-007       002-002-008      002-002-009
    004-002-001       004-003-003       050-060-070
    1-001-1           1-001-2           1-001-3          1-001-4
    1-002-1           1-002-2           1-002-3          1-002-4
    2-001-1           7-222-7
    2-0-10-3          2-0-11-0          2-0-11-2          2-0-12-1
    2-2-3-3           2-2-4-0           10-14-10-1
    If the point code that will be specified for the GTT action entry is not shown in this step as the EAGLE's point code, perform one of these procedures to provision the required MAP entry. After the required MAP entry has been provisioned, continue the procedure with 11.
    If the point code that will be specified for the GTT action entry is shown in this step as the EAGLE's point code, perform one of these procedures to provision the required MAP entry. After the required MAP entry has been provisioned, continue the procedure with 10.
  10. Enter the rtrv-ss-appl command to verify that either the LNP, EIR, V-Flex, ATINPQ, INP, or AIQ subsystem number (depending on which feature is on) is in the subsystem application table.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 14:42:38 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    APPL       SSN       STAT
    LNP        254       ONLINE
    SS-APPL table is 20% FULL (1 of 5)

    If the subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, continue the procedure with 11.

    If no subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, or if the rtrv-ss-appl command is rejected, perform the procedures in one of these user's guides, depending on the type of subsystem you wish to use, to enable and turn on the feature as necessary, and add the subsystem to the subsystem application table.
    • EIR subsystem – go to EIR User's Guide.
    • INP subsystem – go to INP/AINPQ User's Guide.
    • LNP subsystem – go to ELAP Administration and LNP Feature Activation Guide.
    • V-Flex subsystem – go to V-Flex User's Guide.
    • ATINPQ subsystem – go to ATINP.
    • AIQ subsystem – go to Analyzed Information Features User's Guide.
  11. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.

    If the loopset parameter will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 12. If LOOPSET values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 12 does not need to be performed.

    If the loopset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, but the cdgtmodid or cggtmodid parameters will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 13. If CDGTMODID or CGGTMODID values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 13 does not need to be performed.

    Continue the procedure with 14 if the GTT action entry will not contain these parameter values.

    • If the loopset, cdgtmodid, and cggtmodid parameters will not be specified for the GTT action entry and the act value of the GTT action entry will be dup.
    • If the loopset, cdgtmodid, cggtmodid, and the defactid parameters will not be specified for the GTT action entry and the act value of the GTT action entry will be fwd.
  12. Display all the loopsets in the database by entering this command


    This is an example of the possible output.
    LoopSet            Mode          Point Codes
    cary2             notify         005-015-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     033-004-003     033-007-003
                                     005-027-005     007-004-007
    cary4             notify         005-012-005     007-026-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-049-003     033-002-003
                                     005-008-055     007-014-007
    apex3             discard        005-017-008     007-017-009 (ANSI)
                                     033-005-043     005-014-005
                                     005-017-005     007-014-007
                                     033-002-043     005-038-005
                                     007-009-027     033-003-043
                                     005-012-005     007-002-027
    apex4             discard        005-007-008     027-007-009 (ANSI)
                                     033-005-003     005-004-055
                                     027-001-007     033-008-003
                                     033-007-003     005-003-055
    ral5              notify         005-005-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-004-003     003-001-003
                                     005-007-005     007-004-007
                                     003-002-003     005-008-005
                                     007-009-007     003-003-003
                                     005-002-005     007-002-007
    ral6              notify         005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
                                     003-005-003     003-007-003
    dunn1             discard        005-002-055     007-051-007 (ANSI)
    rtp9              discard        005-002-005     007-001-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-008-003     003-007-003
                                     005-003-005     007-008-007
    rtp5              discard        005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
    rtp1              discard        005-005-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-004-003     003-007-003
                                     005-007-005     007-004-007
    rtp2              notify         005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    LOOPSET table is (11 of 1000) 1% full


    If thertrv-loopset command is entered with no other parameters specified, a maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To display more than 50 entries, theforce=yesparameter must be specified with thertrv-loopset command and the num parameter value must be greater than 50. Since there can be a maximum of 1000 loopsets in the database, to display all the loopsets in the database, theforce=yes andnum = 1000parameters must be specified with thertrv-loopset command.

    If the required loopset is not shown in the rtrv-loopset output, perform the Adding a Loopset procedure to add the required loopset.

    If the required loopset is shown in the rtrv-loopset output, or if he Adding a Loopset procedure was performed and the cdgtmodid or cggtmodid parameters will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 13.

    If CDGTMODID or CGGTMODID values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 13 does not need to be performed. Continue the procedure with 14.


    If an ANSI point code will be assigned to the GTT action entry, theNGTI value in the GT modification entry must be 2.
  13. Display the GT modification information in the database using the rtrv-gtmod command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    modid2     --     2       ON   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid5     --     2      OFF   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid6     --     4       ON    4     5     3     3    SFX       --
          NPDS=123                    NSDS=456
    modid10    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid11    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    GTMOD table is (5 of 100000) 1% full.

    If the desired GT modification entry is not displayed, perform the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure was performed, continue the procedure with 14.


    If an ANSI point code will be assigned to the GTT action entry, theNGTI value in the GT modification entry must be 2.
  14. Add the GTT action entry to the database using the ent-gttact command.

    Table 4-51 shows the parameter combinations that can be used with the ent-gttact command.

    Table 4-51 GTT Actions Parameter Combinations

    Mandatory Parameters
    actid actid actid actid actid





          ri=gt, ssn ri=gt, ssn
    Optional Parameters
    on=uimreqd (See Note 1) on=uimreqd (See Note 1) on=uimreqd (See Note 1) ssn=2 - 255 (See Note 3) ssn=2 - 255 (See Note 3)
    off=uimreqd (See Note 1) off=uimreqd (See Note 1) off=uimreqd (See Note 1) mrnset mrnset
      udtserr atcaperr mapset mapset





          loopset loopset
          on=useicmsg (See Note 2) on=useicmsg (See Note 2)
          off=useicmsg (See Note 2) off=useicmsg (See Note 2)
          cgpogmsg cgpogmsg
          cdgtmodid cdgtmodid
          cggtmodid cggtmodid

    Parameter Values:

    actid = the name of the GTT action entry consisting of one alphabetic character and up to eight alphanumeric characters. The actid value cannot be the words none or fallback.

    udtserr = 0 to 255. The default value is 7.

    atcaperr = 0 to 255. The default value is 0.

    itcaperr= 0 to 255. The default value is 0.

    pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 - one of these types of point codes.
    • pc/pca = ANSI point code
    • pci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • pcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • pcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.

    mrnset - the MRN set ID from the rtrv-mrn output, or the value none. This parameter must be specified if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the ri value is gt. This parameter cannot be specified if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled.

    mapset - the MAP set ID from the rtrv-map output. This parameter must be specified if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled and the ri value is ssn. This parameter cannot be specified if the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled.

    cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 - the calling party point code. The network type of this parameter and the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter must be the same.
    • cgpc/cgpca = ANSI point code
    • cgpci = ITU-I or ITU-I spare point code
    • cgpcn = 14-bit ITU-N or 14-bit ITU-N spare point code
    • cgpcn24 = 24-bit ITU-N point code.

    loopset - the loopset name from the rtrv-loopset output.

    cgopgmsg - one of these values.
    • dflt - Default. The standard global title translation process supplies the calling party point code. This is the default value for the cgopgmsg parameter.
    • cgpcicmsg - the calling party point code from the incoming MSU is used as the calling party point code.
    • opcicmsg - The OPC from the incoming MSU is used as the calling party point code.
    • provcgpc - the value of the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter specified in this procedure is used as the calling party point code. If this value is specified, the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter must be specified.

    cdgtmodid - The called party global title modification identifier from the rtrv-gtmod output.

    cggtmodid - The calling party global title modification identifier from the rtrv-gtmod output.

    defactid - one of these values.
    • The GTT action ID whose act value is disc, udts, or tcaperr. If the required GTT action entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, perform this procedure to add the required GTT action entry before this value is specified.
    • fallback - The message is routed using the routing data in the incoming MSU. This is the default value for the defactid parameter.
    1. If the on=uimreqd is specified, the off=uimreqd parameter cannot be specified. If the off=uimreqd is specified, the on=uimreqd parameter cannot be specified.
    2. If the on=useicmsg is specified, the off=useicmsg parameter cannot be specified. If the off=useicmsg is specified, the on=useicmsg parameter cannot be specified.
    3. if the ri parameter value is ssn, the ssn parameter must be specified.

    For this example, enter these commands.








    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-21 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ACT  table is (14 of 2000) 1% full.
  15. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttact command with the actid parameter and value specified in 14.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action11   disc     ---      ---      ---     on
    GTT-ACT  table is (14 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action15   udts     ---      ---      7       off
    GTT-ACT  table is (14 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action17   tcaperr  10       20       ---     off
    GTT-ACT  table is (14 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action20   dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (14 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action21   dup      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action22   fwd      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action23   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.
  16. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-41 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 1 of 8


Figure 4-42 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 2 of 8


Figure 4-43 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 3 of 8


Figure 4-44 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 4 of 8


Figure 4-45 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 5 of 8


Figure 4-46 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 6 of 8


Figure 4-47 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 7 of 8


Figure 4-48 Add a GTT Action - Sheet 8 of 8


Removing a GTT Action

Use this procedure to remove a GTT action entry from the database using the dlt-gttact command.

The dlt-gttset command uses this parameter.

:actid – The GTT action identifier shown in the rtrv-gttact output.

The GTT action entry cannot be removed if it is assigned to a GTT action set. The rtrv-gttaset command output shows the GTT action sets.

The GTT action entry cannot be removed if it is referenced by one or more of these database entities.
  • A forward GTT action that references a discard, UDTS, or TCAPERR GTT action. The GTT action that is being removed is shown in the DEFACTID column in the rtrv-gttact output.
  • A GTT action set. The GTT action sets are shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.
  • An LNP service. LNP services are shown in the rtrv-lnp-serv output.
  1. Display the existing GTT action entries in the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action2    disc     ---      ---      ---     off      2
    action1    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action3    dup      003-003-003   gt  ---  1       -----   0
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (3 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action entry, the reference count, that is being removed is 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 6. The reference count is shown in the REFCNT column in the rtrv-gttact output.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action entry that is being removed is greater than 0 (zero), continue the procedure by performing one these steps.
    • If the ACTION value of the GTT action entry is DUP or FWD, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the ACTION value of the GTT action entry is DISC, UDTS, or TCAPERR, continue the procedure with 2.
    • If the ACTION value of the GTT action entry is DISC, UDTS, or TCAPERR, perform one of these steps
      • If the rtrv-gttact output contains entries whose ACTION value is FWD and whose DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of the GTT action entry that is being removed, perform the Changing a GTT Action procedure to change the DEFACTID value to another GTT action entry. Perform the Changing a GTT Action procedure for each entry whose ACTION value is FWD and whose DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of the GTT action entry that is being removed. If all references to the GTT action entry have been removed, continue the procedure with 6.
      • If all references to the GTT action entry have not been removed, or there are no entries whose ACTION value is FWD and whose DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of the GTT action entry that is being removed, continue the procedure with 5.
    • If the ACTION value of the GTT action entry is DUP or FWD, continue the procedure with 5.
  2. If the rtrv-gttact output contains entries whose ACTION value is FWD and whose DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of the GTT action entry that is being removed, perform the Changing a GTT Action procedure to change the DEFACTID value to another GTT action entry.

    Perform the Changing a GTT Action procedure for each entry whose ACTION value is FWD and whose DEFACTID value is the ACTION value of the GTT action entry that is being removed. If all references to the GTT action entry have been removed, continue the procedure with 6.

    Continue the procedure with 3:
    • If all the references to the GTT action have not been removed.
    • If no entries are shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose ACTION value is FWD.
    • If entries are shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose ACTION value is FWD, but none of these entries reference the GTT action that is being removed.
  3. Verify whether or not the LNP feature is enabled by entering the rtrv-ctrl-feat command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    The following features have been permanently enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity
    Command Class Management  893005801  on      ----
    Intermed GTT Load Sharing 893006901  on      ----
    HC-MIM SLK Capacity       893012707  on      64
    The following features have been temporarily enabled:
    Feature Name              Partnum    Status  Quantity     Trial Period Left
    Zero entries found.
    The following features have expired temporary keys:
    Feature Name              Partnum
    Zero entries found.

    If the LNP feature is enabled, the entry LNP ported TNs is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output with a number shown in the Quantity column.

    Continue the procedure with 5 if the LNP feature is not enabled.

    Continue the procedure with 4 if the LNP feature is enabled.

  4. Display the LNP services by entering the rtrv-lnp-serv command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-11 13:45:15 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    CNAM   1    cnam1     SCCP  ---    On      10      fallback
                                8      On      20      action2
    LIDB   2    lidb1     SCCP  ---    Off     None    action2
                                19     On      None    falltogtt
    AIN    3    ain       TCAP  ---    Off     None    fallback
    UDF1   22   udf1      TCAP  ---    ---     ---     ---
    LNP-SERV TABLE IS 2% FULL (6 of 256)

    If entries are shown in the rtrv-lnp-serv output that reference the GTT action that is being removed, shown in the DFLTACT column, perform the "Changing an LNP Service" procedure in ELAP Administration and LNP Feature Activation Guide to change the DFLTACT value to another value. If all references to the GTT action entry have been removed after the "Changing an LNP Service" procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 6.

    Continue the procedure with 5:
    • If all the references to the GTT action have not been removed after the "Changing an LNP Service" procedure has been performed.
    • If no entries are shown in the rtrv-lnp-serv output that reference the GTT action that is being removed.
  5. Display the GTT action sets that reference the GTT action entry that is being removed by entering the rtrv-gttaset command with the GTT action identifier the GTT action entry that is being removed.

    For this example, enter this command.



    There are six actid parameters that can be used with the rtrv-gttaset command: actid1, actid2, actid3, actid4, actid5, actid6. Any of these parameters can be used in this step.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act2       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act3       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (3 of 20000) 1% full.
    Perform one of these procedures.

    Perform these procedures for each entry shown in this step.

  6. Remove the GTT action entry from the database using the dlt-gttact command with the ACTID value of the GTT action entry that is being removed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the command has successfully completed, this message should appear:

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ACT  table is (2 of 2000) 1% full
  7. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttact command with the actid parameter value specified in 6.

    The following message is displayed.

    E5071 Cmd Rej: GTT Action Id does not exist
  8. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-49 Remove a GTT Action Entry - Sheet 1 of 3


Figure 4-50 Remove a GTT Action Entry - Sheet 2 of 3


Figure 4-51 Remove a GTT Action Entry - Sheet 3 of 3


Changing a GTT Action

This procedure is used to change the attributes of a GTT action entry using the chg-gttact command.

The chg-gttact command uses these parameters.

:act - the action that is applied to the message. This parameter has these values.
  • disc — discard the message with no return error.
  • dup — route a copy of the message to the specified duplicate node.
  • tcaperr — discard the message that has the specified TCAP error.
  • udts — discard the message and send an UDTS/XUDTS.
  • fwd — route the original message to the specified forward node instead of the destination indicated by the global title translation data.

:actid - the current name of the GTT action entry.

:nactid - the new name of the GTT action entry.

:atcaperr - the ANSI TCAP error cause - the reason for discarding the message containing the ANSI TCAP portion that is associated with the TCAP error GTT action.

:cdgtmodid - the name of the GT modification identifier that is associated with the called party of a GTT action entry.

:cggtmodid - the name of the GT modification identifier that is associated with the calling party of a GTT action entry.

:cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 - the calling party point code.


See Chapter 2, "Configuring Destination Tables," in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide for a definition of the point code types that are used on the EAGLE and for a definition of the different formats that can be used for ITU national point codes.

:cgpcogmsg - the data that is used as the calling party point code in the outgoing message.

:defactid - the default GTT action ID that is associated with the forward GTT action.

:itcaperr - the ITU TCAP error cause - the reason for discarding the message containing the ITU TCAP portion that is associated with the TCAP error GTT action.

:loopset - the name of the SCCP loopset name that is associated with the GTT action.

:mapset - the MAP set ID.

:mrnset - the MRN set ID.

:off - turns off the specified feature options.
  • :off=uimreqd - a UIM is not generated.
  • :off=useicmsg - apply the GTT action data to the message as the message was received.
:on - turns on the specified feature options.
  • :on=uimreqd - a UIM is generated.
  • :on=useicmsg - apply the GTT action data to the message after any EPAP or GTT translation/modification data has been applied.
:pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 - the point code that the message will be routed to as a result of the duplicate or forward GTT action.


See Chapter 2, "Configuring Destination Tables," in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide for a definition of the point code types that are used on the EAGLE and for a definition of the different formats that can be used for ITU national point codes.

:ri - the routing indicator in the SCCP called party address of the duplicated copy of MSU.

:ssn - the subsystem number (SSN) in the SCCP called party address of the MSU.

:udtserr - the reason associated with the UDTS GTT action for discarding the message.

The values for the actid, nactid, atcaperr, itcaperr, udtserr, pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24, ri, mrnset, mapset, ssn, loopset, cggtmodid, cdgtmodid, defactid, and cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameters are shown in Table 4-51.

One of these features must be enabled depending on the act parameter value that will be specified with the GTT action.
  • act=disc, act=udts, act=tcaperr - GTT Action - DISCARD feature - part number 893027501.
  • act=dup - GTT Action - DUPLICATE feature - part number 893027601.
  • act=fwd - GTT Action - FORWARD feature - part number 893037501.

The status of these features is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat output. Perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enable one or more of these features.

  1. Display the existing GTT action entries in the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action2    disc     ---      ---      ---     off      2
    action10   disc     ---      ---      ---     off      3
    action11   disc     ---      ---      ---     on       1
    action15   udts     ---      ---      7       off      0
    action16   tcaperr  0        0        ---     off      5
    action17   tcaperr  10       20       ---     off      7
    action1    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action3    dup      003-003-003   gt  ---  1       -----   0
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action3    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   2
         CDGTMODID = modid2     CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action4    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = modid2
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action20   dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action21   dup      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT    1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action22   fwd      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT    1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action23   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action24   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action25   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----   1
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = action10
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action entry, the reference count, that is being changed is 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 4. The reference count is shown in the REFCNT column in the rtrv-gttact output.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action entry that is being removed is greater than 0 (zero), these actions cannot be performed in this procedure continue the procedure by performing one these steps.
    • The current actid value cannot be changed. If you wish to change the current actid value,
    • The current act value cannot be changed unless the current act value is either disc, udts, or tcaperr, and the new act value will be either disc, udts, or tcaperr.
    If you wish to change the current actid value or the current act value, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the current act value is dup or fwd, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If the current act value is disc, udts, or tcaperr, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If the actid value of the GTT action entry that is being changed is not shown as the defactid value of another GTT action entry, an entry whose act value is fwd, continue the procedure with 3.
      • If the actid value of the GTT action entry that is being changed is shown as the defactid value of another GTT action entry, an entry whose act value is fwd, continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Enter the chg-gttact command with the actid and defactid parameters to change the defactid value of the GTT action entry to a value that is not the current defactid value.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.

    Perform this step for each entry shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose act value is fwd and whose defactid value is the actid value of the GTT action entry that is being changed.

    If all the references to the GTT action entry that is being changed have been removed, continue the procedure with 4.

    If all the references to the GTT action entry that is being changed have not been removed, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Display the GTT action sets that contain the GTT action entry that is being changed by entering the rtrv-gttact command with the name of the GTT action entry.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act11      off   action10  (UDTS),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (5 of 20000) 1% full.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act1       off   action1   (DUP),action4   (DUP),action25  (FWD),
    act5       on    action1   (DUP),action3   (DUP),action4   (DUP),
                     action20  (DUP),action21  (DUP),action17  (TCAPERR)
    GTT-ASET table is (5 of 20000) 1% full.
    Perform one of these procedures.

    Perform these procedures for each entry that is shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

  4. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    If the act value of the GTT action entry will be disc, udts, or tcaperr when this procedure is finished, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If the current act value is disc, udts, or tcaperr, continue the procedure with 16.
    • If the current act value is dup or fwd, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
      • If entries are shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose act values are disc, udts, or tcaperr, continue the procedure with 16.
      • If no entries are shown in the rtrv-gttact output whose act values are disc, udts, or tcaperr, perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enable and turn on the GTT Action - DISCARD feature. After the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 16.
    If the act value of the GTT action entry will be dup when this procedure is finished, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    If the act value of the GTT action entry will be fwd when this procedure is finished, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
  5. For GTT action entries whose act value will be either dup or fwd, the GTT action entry must contain a value for the ri parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry.

    If the ri parameter value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code must be the DPC of a route and cannot contain a proxy point code.

    If the MRNSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the mrnset parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code that will be assigned to the GTT action entry must be in an MRN set. MRN sets are shown in the rtrv-mrn output.

    If the ri parameter value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24 and ssn parameters must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code and ssn values must be in the rtrv-map output.

    If the MAPSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled. If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the mapset parameter must be specified for the GTT action entry. The point code and ssn values that will be assigned to the GTT action entry must be in a MAP set. MAP sets are shown in the rtrv-map output.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the MRNSET column is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the mrnset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, and the point code value for the GTT action entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 7.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be gt, the MRNSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, and the point code and MRNSET values for the GTT action entry are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 6.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the MAPSET column is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, the mapset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, and the point code and SSN values for the GTT action entry is not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 10.
    • If you wish to specify the mapset parameter for the GTT action entry, perform the Activating the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature procedure to enable the Flexible GTT Load Sharing Feature. After this procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 10.

    If the ri value for the GTT action entry will be ssn, the MAPSET column is shown in the rtrv-gttact output, and the point code, SSN, and MAPSET values for the GTT action entry are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 10.


    If the entry that is being changed will have a calling party point code value when this procedure is finished, the network type of the point code and the calling party point code values must be the same. The calling party point code is provisioned with thecgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24parameter and is shown in theCGPCA/CGPCI/CGPCN/CGPCN24 fields in thertrv-gttact output.
  6. Display the MRN entries entering the rtrv-mrn command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
       MRNSET      PC             RC
       DFLT        002-002-002     1
                   003-003-003     2
       MRNSET      PC             RC
       1           003-003-003     2
                   004-004-004     3
                   005-005-005     4
    MRN table is (5 of 6000) 1% full.

    If the required MRN set is shown in the rtrv-mrn output, continue the procedure with 13.

    If the required MRN set is not shown in the rtrv-mrn output, perform the Provisioning MRN Entriesprocedure to provision the required MRN set. After the Provisioning MRN Entriesprocedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 13.

  7. Display the destination point codes in the database by entering the rtrv-dstn command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
    Extended Processing Time may be Required
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       001-207-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-001   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-001-002   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-005-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       001-007-000   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       008-012-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       003-002-004   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       DPCI          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASA           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       1-207-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-015-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       0-017-0       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-1       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       1-011-2       ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the required point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the "Adding a Destination Point Code" procedure in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide to add the required point code. A proxy point code cannot be assigned to the point code.

    After the new point code has been added, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in the Database Administration - SS7 and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 8.

  8. Display the point code that will be assigned to the global title translation by using the rtrv-dstn command and specifying the point code. For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-12-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 43.0.0
       DPCA          CLLI        BEI ELEI   ALIASI           ALIASN/N24    DMN
       010-020-005   ----------- no  --- --------------   --------------   SS7
       009-002-003  ---- no      50     on    20       no     no    none
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn command output, the following output is displayed.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    No destinations meeting the requested criteria were found
    Destination table is (14 of 2000) 1% full
    Alias table is (0 of 12000) 0% full
    PPC table is (1 of 20) 5% full

    A proxy point code (a point code value is shown in the PPC column) cannot be assigned to the point code. If a proxy point code is shown in this step, choose another point code from the rtrv-dstn output in 7 and repeat this step.

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-dstn output, perform the “Adding a Destination Point Code” procedure in the Database Administration - SS7 and add the point code to the destination point code table.

  9. The point code specified with the ent-gtt command must be the DPC of a route, unless the point code is the EAGLE’s point code. Enter the rtrv-rte command with the dpc parameter specifying the point code to be used with the ent-gtt command to verify whether or not the point code is the DPC of a route.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       DPCA       ALIASI     ALIASN/N24     LSN        RC      APCA
    007-007-007  --------   -----------     ls03       10    007-007-007
                                            ls02       30    150-150-150
                                            lsa2       50    200-200-200
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls03clli


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 11:43:04 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
       DPCA        ALIASI     ALIASN/N24    LSN        RC    APCA
    003-003-003   --------    ----------    ls02       10    002-002-002
                                            ls08       30    025-025-150
                                            lsa5       50    066-030-100
                                                   RTX:No  CLLI=ls07clli

    If the point code is not shown in the rtrv-rte output, perform one of the Adding a Route procedures in Database Administration - SS7 User's Guide and add the required route to the database. After the route has been added, continue the procedure with 13.

  10. Enter the rtrv-map command with the point code and SSN value that will be specified for the GTT action entry.

    For this example enter this command.


    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is not enabled, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                  250 10  SOL *Y  *Y  GRP01     ON
    MAP table is (37 of 1024) 4% full.

    If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, this is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-25 09:42:31  GMT  EAGLE5 41.1.0
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                   55  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                      001-001-002    15 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-003    25 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-002    40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
       MAPSET ID=1
       PCA            Mate PCA      SSN RC MULT SRM MRC GRP NAME SSO
       005-005-005                   50  5  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
                      001-001-002    10 15  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-003    20 20  DOM YES YES -------- ON
                      001-001-002    40 35  DOM YES YES -------- OFF
       MAPSET ID=    2
       005-005-005                    5 10  SOL *Y  *Y  -------- OFF
    MAP table is (12 of 36000) 1% full.

    If the required MAP entry is shown in the rtrv-map output, continue the procedure with 13.

    If the required MAP entry is not shown in the rtrv-map output, continue the procedure with 11.

  11. Display the EAGLE self-identification, using the rtrv-sid command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-10 11:43:04 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    PCA               PCI          PCN           CLLI         PCTYPE
    010-020-030     1-023-1      12-0-14-1     rlghncxa03w    OTHER
                  s-1-023-1    s-12-0-14-1
    002-002-002       002-002-003       002-002-004      002-002-005
    002-002-006       002-002-007       002-002-008      002-002-009
    004-002-001       004-003-003       050-060-070
    1-001-1           1-001-2           1-001-3          1-001-4
    1-002-1           1-002-2           1-002-3          1-002-4
    2-001-1           7-222-7
    2-0-10-3          2-0-11-0          2-0-11-2          2-0-12-1
    2-2-3-3           2-2-4-0           10-14-10-1
    If the point code that will be specified for the GTT action entry is not shown in this step as the EAGLE's point code, perform one of these procedures to provision the required MAP entry. After the required MAP entry has been provisioned, continue the procedure with 13.
    If the point code that will be specified for the GTT action entry is shown in this step as the EAGLE's point code, perform one of these procedures to provision the required MAP entry. After the required MAP entry has been provisioned, continue the procedure with 12.
  12. Enter the rtrv-ss-appl command to verify that either the LNP, EIR, V-Flex, ATINPQ, INP, or AIQ subsystem number (depending on which feature is on) is in the subsystem application table.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-28 14:42:38 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    APPL       SSN       STAT
    LNP        254       ONLINE
    SS-APPL table is 20% FULL (1 of 5)

    If the subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, continue the procedure with 13.

    If no subsystem number is shown in the rtrv-ss-appl output, or if the rtrv-ss-appl command is rejected, perform the procedures in one of these user's guide, depending on the type of subsystem you wish to use, to enable and turn on the feature as necessary, and add the subsystem to the subsystem application table.
    • EIR subsystem – go to EIR User's Guide.
    • INP subsystem – go to INP/AINPQ User's Guide.
    • LNP subsystem – go to ELAP Administration and LNP Feature Activation Guide.
    • V-Flex subsystem – go to V-Flex User's Guide.
    • ATINPQ subsystem – go to ATINP.
    • AIQ subsystem – go to Analyzed Information Features User's Guide.
  13. Continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.

    If the loopset parameter will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 14. If LOOPSET values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 14 does not need to be performed.

    If the loopset parameter will not be specified for the GTT action entry, but the cdgtmodid or cggtmodid parameters will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 15. If CDGTMODID or CGGTMODID values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 15 does not need to be performed.

    Continue the procedure with 16 if the GTT action entry will not contain these parameter values.

    • If the loopset, cdgtmodid, and cggtmodid parameters will not be specified for the GTT action entry and the act value of the GTT action entry will be dup.
    • If the loopset, cdgtmodid, cggtmodid, and the defactid parameters will not be specified for the GTT action entry and the act value of the GTT action entry will be fwd.
  14. Display all the loopsets in the database by entering this command


    This is an example of the possible output.
    LoopSet            Mode          Point Codes
    cary2             notify         005-015-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     033-004-003     033-007-003
                                     005-027-005     007-004-007
    cary4             notify         005-012-005     007-026-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-049-003     033-002-003
                                     005-008-055     007-014-007
    apex3             discard        005-017-008     007-017-009 (ANSI)
                                     033-005-043     005-014-005
                                     005-017-005     007-014-007
                                     033-002-043     005-038-005
                                     007-009-027     033-003-043
                                     005-012-005     007-002-027
    apex4             discard        005-007-008     027-007-009 (ANSI)
                                     033-005-003     005-004-055
                                     027-001-007     033-008-003
                                     033-007-003     005-003-055
    ral5              notify         005-005-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-004-003     003-001-003
                                     005-007-005     007-004-007
                                     003-002-003     005-008-005
                                     007-009-007     003-003-003
                                     005-002-005     007-002-007
    ral6              notify         005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
                                     003-005-003     003-007-003
    dunn1             discard        005-002-055     007-051-007 (ANSI)
    rtp9              discard        005-002-005     007-001-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-008-003     003-007-003
                                     005-003-005     007-008-007
    rtp5              discard        005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
    rtp1              discard        005-005-005     007-007-007 (ANSI)
                                     003-004-003     003-007-003
                                     005-007-005     007-004-007
    rtp2              notify         005-007-008     007-007-009 (ANSI)
    rlghncxa03w 09-05-28 21:15:37 GMT EAGLE5 41.0.0
    LOOPSET table is (11 of 1000) 1% full


    If thertrv-loopset command is entered with no other parameters specified, a maximum of 50 entries are displayed. To display more than 50 entries, theforce=yesparameter must be specified with thertrv-loopset command and the num parameter value must be greater than 50. Since there can be a maximum of 1000 loopsets in the database, to display all the loopsets in the database, theforce=yes andnum = 1000parameters must be specified with thertrv-loopset command.

    If the required loopset is not shown in the rtrv-loopset output, perform the Adding a Loopset procedure to add the required loopset.

    If the required loopset is shown in the rtrv-loopset output, or if he Adding a Loopset procedure was performed and the cdgtmodid or cggtmodid parameters will be specified for the GTT action entry, continue the procedure with 15.

    If CDGTMODID or CGGTMODID values are shown in the rtrv-gttact output and you wish to use one of these values for the GTT action entry, 15 does not need to be performed. Continue the procedure with 16.


    If an ANSI point code will be assigned to the GTT action entry when this procedure is completed, theNGTI value in the GT modification entry must be 2.
  15. Display the GT modification information in the database using the rtrv-gtmod command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    modid2     --     2       ON   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid5     --     2      OFF   --    --    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid6     --     4       ON    4     5     3     3    SFX       --
          NPDS=123                    NSDS=456
    modid10    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    modid11    --    --      OFF    5     5    --    --    PFX       --
          NPDS=                       NSDS=
    GTMOD table is (5 of 100000) 1% full.

    If the desired GT modification entry is not displayed, perform the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure to add the desired GT modification entry to the database.

    If the desired GT modification entry is displayed or the Adding Global Title Modification Information procedure was performed, continue the procedure with 16.


    If an ANSI point code will be assigned to the GTT action entry when this procedure is completed, theNGTI value in the GT modification entry must be 2.
  16. Change the GTT action entry using the chg-gttact command.

    Table 4-51 shows the parameter combinations that can be used with the chg-gttact command.

    For this example, enter these commands.

    chg-gttact:actid=action10:nactid=action50:act=dup:pc=002-002-002:ri=gt :mrnset=2:cdgtmodid=modid2:cggtmodid=modid5:loopset=loop1:on=useicmsg


    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.
  17. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttact command with the current name of the GTT action entry that was changed, if the name the GTT action entry was not changed in 16, or the new name of the GTT action entry if the name of the GTT action entry was changed in 16.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action50   dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  2       -----
         CDGTMODID = modid2     CGGTMODID = modid5
         LOOPSET = loop1
         USEICMSG = on      CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action60   tcaperr  40       60       ---     off
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.
  18. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-52 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 1 of 10


Figure 4-53 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 2 of 10


Figure 4-54 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 3 of 10


Figure 4-55 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 4 of 10


Figure 4-56 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 5 of 10


Figure 4-57 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 6 of 10


Figure 4-58 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 7 of 10


Figure 4-59 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 8 of 10


Figure 4-60 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 9 of 10


Figure 4-61 Change a GTT Action - Sheet 10 of 10


Adding a GTT Action Set

This procedure to add a GTT action set to the database using the ent-gttaset command. A GTT action set is a group of GTT actions, provisioned by the Adding a GTT Action procedure. The GTT action set is assigned to a GTA entry using either the ent-gta or chg-gta commands.

The ent-gttaset command uses these parameters.

:actsn – The name of the GTT action set consisting of one alphabetic character and up to eight alphanumeric characters.

:actid1 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid2 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid3 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid4 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid5 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid6 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:on=testmode – The GTT action set is used only by the test message tool.

:off=testmode – The GTT action set is used for real-time message processing.

The values of the actid parameters are shown in either the rtrv-gttact output or assigned to an existing GTT action set and shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

  1. Display the GTT action sets in the database by entering the rtrv-gttaset command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act2       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act3       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (2 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the rtrv-gttaset output contains 20,000 entries, this procedure cannot be performed. The database can contain a maximum of 20,000 GTT action sets.

    If the rtrv-gttaset output contains less than 20,000 entries, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If all the GTT actions that will be assigned to the new GTT action set are shown in the rtrv-gttaset output, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If any of the GTT actions that will be assigned to the new GTT action set are not shown in the rtrv-gttaset output, continue the procedure with 2.

    If error message “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered,” is displayed, the EGTT feature is not on. Perform Adding a Service Module to turn the EGTT feature on and to make sure that the correct hardware is installed and provisioned. After Adding a Service Module has been performed, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the GTT actions that are in the database by entering the rtrv-gttact command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action2    disc     ---      ---      ---     off
    action10   disc     ---      ---      ---     off
    action11   disc     ---      ---      ---     on
    action15   udts     ---      ---      7       off
    action16   tcaperr  0        0        ---     off
    action17   tcaperr  10       20       ---     off
    action1    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action3    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = modid2     CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action4    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = modid2
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action20   dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action21   dup      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action22   fwd      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action23   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action24   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action25   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the required GTT actions are shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 3.

    If the required GTT actions are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, perform the Adding a GTT Action procedure to add the required GTT actions to the database. After the Adding a GTT Action procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Add the GTT action set to the database using the ent-gttaset command.
    A GTT action set can contain these combinations of GTT actions.
    • A GTT action set can contain a maximum of six GTT actions.
    • The GTT action set can contain one GTT action whose ACT value is either disc, udts, tcaperr, or fwd.
    • If the ACT value one of the GTT actions in the GTT action set is fwd, the ACT values of the other GTT actions in the GTT action set can only be dup.
    • The GTT action set can contain a maximum of five GTT actions whose ACT value is dup.
    • GTT actions whose ACT value is disc, udts, tcaperr, or fwd must be the last entry in the GTT action set.
    • All the ACTID values in the GTT action set must be unique.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    ent-gttaset:actsn=act5:actid1=action1:actid2=action3:actid3=action4:actid4=action20 :actid5=action21:actid6=action17:on=testmode

    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the on=testmode parameter is specified, this message appears in the output of the ent-gttaset command in addition to the other information that is displayed.

    WARNING: Processing of traffic shall be affected when testmode is ON
  4. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttaset command with the actsn parameter and value specified in 3.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act1       off   action1   (DUP),action4   (DUP),action25  (FWD),
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act5       on    action1   (DUP),action3   (DUP),action4   (DUP),
                     action20  (DUP),action21  (DUP),action17  (TCAPERR)
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.
  5. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.These messages should appear, the activeMaintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-62 Add a GTT Action Set


Removing a GTT Action Set

This procedure to remove a GTT action set from the database using the dlt-gttaset command.

The dlt-gttaset command uses this parameter.

:actsn – The name of the GTT action set shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

The GTT set action cannot be removed if it is referenced by a GTA entry, configured with the ent-gta or chg-gta commands. The rtrv-gta command output shows the GTA entries.

  1. Display the existing GTT action sets from the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      REFCNT  TEST  ActIds
    action1    0       off   action1   (DUP),------,------,
    act2       0       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act3       0       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    GTT-ASET table is (3 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action set, the reference count, that is being removed is 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 4 The reference count is shown in the REFCNT column in the rtrv-gttaset output.

    If the number of entities that reference the GTT action set that is being removed is greater than 0 (zero), continue the procedure with 2

  2. Display the GTT sets that contain the GTA entries that reference the GTT action set that is being removed. Enter the rtrv-gttset command with the name GTT action set shown in 1.

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    setans010  ansi    CDGTA    6
    GTT-SET table is (8 of 2000) 1% full.
  3. Display the GTA entries that are assigned to the GTT set shown in 2 by entering the rtrv-gta command with these parameters.
    • :gttsn - The GTTSN value shown in 2.
    • :actsn - The actsn parameter value specified in 2.

    For this example, enter this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    setans010  ansi    CDGTA    6
    GTA table is (8 of 269999) 1% full.
    888888    888888    DPC    SSN    002-002-002
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=act2      PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries
    Continue the procedure by performing one of these procedures.

    Perform these procedures for each entry shown in this step.

  4. Remove the GTT action set from the database using the dlt-gttaset command with the ACTSN parameter value of the GTT action set that is being removed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the command has successfully completed, this message should appear:

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.1.0
    GTT-ASET table is (2 of 20000) 1% full.
  5. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttaset command with the actsn parameter value specified in 4.

    The following message is displayed.

    E5196 Cmd Rej: GTT Action Set does not exist
  6. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-63 Remove a GTT Action Set


Changing a GTT Action Set

This procedure is used to change the attributes of a GTT action set using the chg-gttaset command.

The chg-gttaset command uses these parameters.

:actsn – The current name of the GTT action set shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

:nactsn – The new name of the GTT action set consisting of one alphabetic character and up to eight alphanumeric characters.

:actid1 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set,

:actid2 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid3 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid4 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid5 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:actid6 – The identifier of the GTT action that is being added to the GTT action set.

:on=testmode – The GTT action set is used only by the test message tool.

:off=testmode – The GTT action set is used for real-time message processing.

The values of the actid parameters are shown in either the rtrv-gttact output or assigned to an existing GTT action set and shown in the rtrv-gttaset output.

  1. Display the existing GTT action sets in the database by entering this command.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      REFCNT  TEST  ActIds
    act1       0       off   action1   (DUP),action4   (DUP),action25  (FWD),
    act2       1       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act3       0       off   action2   (DISC),------,------,
    act5       0       on    action1   (DUP),action3   (DUP),action4   (DUP),
                             action20  (DUP),action21  (DUP),action17  (TCAPERR)
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.

    If error message “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered” is displayed, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If error message “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered” is displayed, and the rtrv-gttaset output contains no entries, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If error message “E3557 Cmd Rej: EGTT must be ON before this command can be entered” is not displayed and entries are displayed in the rtrv-gttaset output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If all the new ACTID entries for the GTT action set are shown in the rtrv-gttaset output, continue the procedure with 3.
    • If any of the new ACTID entries for the GTT action set are not shown in the rtrv-gttaset output, continue the procedure with 2.
  2. Display the GTT action entries in the database by entering the rtrv-gttact command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:28:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    action2    disc     ---      ---      ---     off
    action10   disc     ---      ---      ---     off
    action11   disc     ---      ---      ---     on
    action15   udts     ---      ---      7       off
    action16   tcaperr  0        0        ---     off
    action17   tcaperr  10       20       ---     off
    action1    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action3    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = modid2     CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action4    dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = modid2
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action20   dup      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action21   dup      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action22   fwd      002-002-002   ssn 50   ----    DFLT
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action23   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  DFLT    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action24   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    action25   fwd      002-002-002   gt  ---  NONE    -----
         CDGTMODID = ---------  CGGTMODID = ---------
         LOOPSET = None     DEFACTID = Fallback
         USEICMSG = off     CGPCOGMSG = dflt       CGPCA = ---
    GTT-ACT  table is (15 of 2000) 1% full.

    If the required GTT actions are shown in the rtrv-gttact output, continue the procedure with 3.

    If the required GTT actions are not shown in the rtrv-gttact output, perform the Adding a GTT Action procedure to add the required GTT actions to the database. After the Adding a GTT Action procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Change the GTT action set using the chg-gttaset command.
    A GTT action set can contain these combinations of GTT actions.
    • A GTT action set can contain a maximum of six GTT actions.
    • The GTT action set can contain one GTT action whose ACT value is either disc, udts, tcaperr, or fwd.
    • If the ACT value one of the GTT actions in the GTT action set is fwd, the ACT values of the other GTT actions in the GTT action set can only be dup.
    • The GTT action set can contain a maximum of five GTT actions whose ACT value is dup.
    • GTT actions whose ACT value is disc, udts, tcaperr, or fwd must be the last entry in the GTT action set.
    • All the ACTID values in the GTT action set must be unique.

    if the name of the GTT action set will be changed with the nactsn parameter, the nactsn parameter value cannot be none. When the GTT action set name is changed, all references to the current GTT action set name are changed to the new GTT action set name.

    For this example, enter this command.

    chg-gttaset:actsn=act2:nactsn=act10:actid1=action20:actid2=action1:actid2=action4 :actid3=action21:actid4=action25:on=testmode

    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.

    If the on=testmode parameter is specified, this message appears in the output of the chg-gttaset command in addition to the other information that is displayed.

    WARNING: Processing of traffic shall be affected when testmode is ON
  4. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttaset command with the current name of the GTT action set that was changed, if the name the GTT action set was not changed in 3, or the new name of the GTT action set if the name of the GTT action set was changed in 3.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    ACTSN      TEST  ActIds
    act10      on    action20  (DUP),action4   (DUP),action21  (DUP),
                     action25  (FWD),------,------
    GTT-ASET table is (4 of 20000) 1% full.
  5. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-64 Change a GTT Action Set - Sheet 1 of 2


Figure 4-65 Change a GTT Action Set - Sheet 2 of 2


Adding a GTT Action Path Entry

This procedure to add a GTT action path entry to the database using the ent-gttapath command.

The ent-gttapath command uses these parameters.

:gttpn – The name of the GTT action path entry consisting of one alphabetic character followed by up to four alphanumeric characters.

:cdgttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is CDGTA.

:cdgta – The GTA value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the CDGTA GTT set.

:cggttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is CGGTA.

:cggta – The GTA value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the CGGTA GTT set.

:opgttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is OPCODE.

:opcode – The OPCODE value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

acn – The ACN value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

family – The FAMILY value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

pkgtype – The PKGTYPE value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

One of the features shown in Table 4-52 must be enabled to add a GTT action path to the database.

Table 4-52 GTT Actions Features Part Numbers

GTT Actions Features Part Number
GTT Action - DISCARD 893027501
GTT Action - Duplicate 893027601
GTT Action - Forward 893037501

The status of these features is shown in the rtrv-ctrl-feat command output. If the desired feature is not enabled, perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enable the desired feature.

  1. Display the GTT action path entries in the database by entering the rtrv-gttapath command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    path1   ---------       ---------       setans010
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path2   opcode1         cggtset1        ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path3   ---------       cggtset1        ---------
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path4   opcode1         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
    path5   opcode2         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
    path6   opcode2         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path7   opcode1         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    GTT-PATH table is (7 of 10000) 1% full.

    If error message “E3451 Cmd Rej: Controlled Feature is not enabled” is not displayed and the rtrv-gttapath output contains 10,000 entries, this procedure cannot be performed. The database can contain a maximum of 10,000 GTT action sets.

    If error message “E3451 Cmd Rej: Controlled Feature is not enabled” is not displayed and the rtrv-gttapath output contains less than 10,000 entries, continue the procedure with 2.

    If error message “E3451 Cmd Rej: Controlled Feature is not enabled” is displayed, perform the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure to enable one or more of the GTT Actions features. After the Activating the GTT Actions Features procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the GTT sets in the database by entering the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    cdgtt1     ansi    CDGTA    6
    opcode1    ansi    OPCODE   -
    opcode2    itu     OPCODE   -
    opcode3    ansi    OPCODE   -
    cdssn1     ansi    CDSSN    -
    cggta1     ansi    CGGTA    0
    cdgtt2     itu     CDGTA    0
    cgpc1      ansi    CGPC     -
    cgpc2      ansi    CGSSN    -
    cgssn2     ansi    CGSSN    -
    opc2       ansi    OPC      -
    opcode6    itu     OPCODE   -
    opcode7    itu     OPCODE   -
    cdssn6     itu     CDSSN    -
    cdssn7     itu     CDSSN    -
    setans010  ansi    CDGTA    6
    cggtset1   ansi    CGGTA    6
    GTT-SET table is (17 of 2000) 1% full.

    A CDGTA GTT set, CGGTA GTT set, or OPCODE GTT set must be specified for the GTT action path.

    If the desired GTT sets are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, perform the Adding a GTT Set procedure to add the required GTT sets. After the required GTT sets have been added, perform the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure to add the GTA entries with the information required for the GTT action path.

    If all the desired information for the GTT action path entry was added to the database by performing the Adding a GTT Set and the Adding Global Title Address Information procedures, continue the procedure with 4.

    If any of the GTT sets shown in the rtrv-gttset output will be used for the GTT action path entry, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Display the GTA entries that are associated with the GTT set shown in 2 by entering the rtrv-gta command with the name of the GTT set.

    For this example enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    cdgtt1     ansi    CGGTA    6
    GTA table is (14 of 269999) 1% full.
    919460    919460    DPC    SSN    002-002-002
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt CGCNVSN=---------
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- CDSELID=-----
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    opcode6    itu     OPCODE   -
    GTA table is (14 of 269999) 1% full.
    FAMILY                      OPCODE   PKGTYPE  XLAT   RI     PC
    ACN                         OPCODE   PKGTYPE  XLAT   RI     PC
    60                          90       any      DPC    SSN    2-002-2
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt CGCNVSN=---------
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- CDSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries

    If a CDGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path cdgttsn parameter value), a value must be in the GTA column of a GTA entry (the GTT action path cdgta parameter value) that is assigned to the CDGTA GTT set.

    If a CGGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path cggttsn parameter value), a value must be in the GTA column of a GTA entry (the GTT action path cggta parameter value) that is assigned to the CGGTA GTT set.

    If an OPCODE GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path opgttsn parameter value), these values must be in the GTA entry that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.
    • GTT action path OPCODE value must be in the OPCODE column of the GTA entry.
    • GTT action path ACN value must be in the ACN column of an ITU GTA entry.
    • GTT action path FAMILY value must be in the FAMILY column of an ANSI GTA entry.
    • GTT action path PKGTYPE value must be in the PKGTYPE column of the GTA entry.

    If the required information for the GTT action path entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 4.

    if the required information for the GTT action path entry is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If other GTT sets of the set type that you wish to use for the GTT action path entry are shown in the 2 and you wish to use one of these GTT sets, repeat this step with the name of the GTT set shown in 2.
    • If other GTT sets of the set type that you wish to use for the GTT action path entry are not shown in the 2, add the required information for the GTT action path entry by performing the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure with the name of the GTT set that was specified in this step. After the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Add the GTT action path entry to the database using the ent-gttapath command with these parameters.
    If a CDGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry, specify these parameters.
    • cdgttsn - the name of the GTT set shown in 2 or provisioned with the Adding a GTT Set procedure whose SETTYPE value is CDGTA.
    • cdgta - the GTA value shown in 3 or provisioned with the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure. The GTA entry must be associated with the cdgttsn parameter value.
    If a CGGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry, specify these parameters.
    • cggttsn - the name of the GTT set shown in 2 or provisioned with the Adding a GTT Set procedure whose SETTYPE value is CGGTA.
    • cggta - the GTA value shown in 3 or provisioned with the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure. The GTA entry must be associated with the cggttsn parameter value.
    If an OPCODE GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry, specify these parameters.
    • opgttsn - the name of the GTT set shown in 2 or provisioned with the Adding a GTT Set procedure whose SETTYPE value is CDGTA.
    • If the OPCODE GTA entry is an ANSI OPCODE GTA entry, specify the family and pkgtype parameters and values shown in 3 or provisioned with the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure. The GTA entry must be associated with the opgttsn parameter value.
    • If the OPCODE GTA entry is an ITU OPCODE GTA entry, specify the acn and pkgtype parameters and values shown in 3 or provisioned with the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure. The GTA entry must be associated with the opgttsn parameter value.

    For this example, enter these commands.



    ent-gttapath:gttpn=pth12:cdgttsn=cdgtt1:cdgta=919460:cggttsn=cggta1:cggta=800555 :opgttsn=opccode11:opcode=100:family=20:pkgtype=any


    When each of these commands have successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.
  5. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttapath command with the gttpn parameter and value specified in 4.

    For this example, enter these commands.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    pth10   ---------       ---------       cdgtt1
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    pth11   ---------       cggta1          cdgtt1
        CGGTA = 800555                       ECGGTA = 800555
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    pth12   opccode11       cggta1          cdgtt1
        OPCODE = 100    PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 800555                       ECGGTA = 800555
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.


    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:30:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    pth13   opcode6          ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 60     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 90
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.
  6. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-66 Add a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 1 of 3


Figure 4-67 Add a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 2 of 3


Figure 4-68 Add a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 3 of 3


Removing a GTT Action Path Entry

This procedure is used to remove a GTT action path entry from the database using the dlt-gttapath command.

The dlt-gttapath command uses this parameter.

:gttpn – The name of the GTT action path entry as shown in the rtrv-gttapath output.

  1. Display the existing GTT action path entries in the database by entering the rtrv-gttapath command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    path1   ---------       ---------       setans010
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path2   opcode1         cggtset1        ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path3   ---------       cggtset1        ---------
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path4   opcode1         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
    path5   opcode2         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
    path6   opcode2         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path7   opcode1         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    GTT-PATH table is (7 of 10000) 1% full.

    If no entries are displayed in this step, this procedure cannot be performed.

    If entries are displayed in this step, continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Remove the GTT action path entry from the database by entering the dlt-gttapath command with the name of the GTT action path entry that will be removed.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the command has successfully completed, this message should appear:

    rlghncxa03w 09-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 41.1.0
    GTT-PATH table is (6 of 10000) 1% full.
  3. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttapath command with the gttpn parameter value specified in 2.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The following message is displayed.

    E5378 Cmd Rej: Specified path name doesn't exist
  4. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.

    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.

    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-69 Remove a GTT Action Path Entry


Changing a GTT Action Path Entry

This procedure is used to change the attributes of a GTT action path entry using the chg-gttapath command.

The chg-gttapath command uses these parameters.

:gttpn – The current name of the GTT action path entry shown in the rtrv-gttapath output.

:ngttpn – The new name of the GTT action path entry consisting of one alphabetic character followed by up to four alphanumeric characters.

:cdgttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is CDGTA.

:cdgta – The GTA value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the CDGTA GTT set.

:cggttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is CGGTA.

:cggta – The GTA value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the CGGTA GTT set.

:opgttsn – The name of the GTT set whose SETTYPE value is OPCODE.

:opcode – The OPCODE value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

acn – The ACN value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

family – The FAMILY value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

pkgtype – The PKGTYPE value in the GTA entry shown in the rtrv-gta output that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.

  1. Display the existing GTT action path entries in the database using the rtrv-gttapath command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    path1   ---------       ---------       setans010
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path2   opcode1         cggtset1        ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path3   ---------       cggtset1        ---------
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
    path4   opcode1         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
    path5   opcode2         ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
    path6   opcode2         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 30     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 50
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    path7   opcode1         cggtset1        setans010
        OPCODE = 10     PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 333333                       ECGGTA = 333333
        CDGTA = 336684                       ECDGTA = 336684
    pth10   ---------       ---------       cdgta1
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    pth11   ---------       cggta1          cdgta1
        CGGTA = 800555                       ECGGTA = 800555
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    pth12   opccode11       cggta1          cdgta1
        OPCODE = 100    PKGTYPE = any        FAMILY = 20
        CGGTA = 800555                       ECGGTA = 800555
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    pth13   opcode12        ---------       ---------
        OPCODE = 70     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 40
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.

    If error message “E3451 Cmd Rej: Controlled Feature is not enabled” is displayed, this procedure cannot be performed as there are no entries to change.

    If error message “E3451 Cmd Rej: Controlled Feature is not enabled” is not displayed continue the procedure with 2.

  2. Display the GTT sets in the database by entering the rtrv-gttset command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    cdgtt1     ansi    CDGTA    6
    opcode1    ansi    OPCODE   -
    opcode2    itu     OPCODE   -
    opcode3    ansi    OPCODE   -
    cdssn1     ansi    CDSSN    -
    cggta1     ansi    CGGTA    0
    cdgtt2     itu     CDGTA    0
    cgpc1      ansi    CGPC     -
    cgpc2      ansi    CGSSN    -
    cgssn2     ansi    CGSSN    -
    opc2       ansi    OPC      -
    opcode6    itu     OPCODE   -
    opcode7    itu     OPCODE   -
    cdssn6     itu     CDSSN    -
    cdssn7     itu     CDSSN    -
    setans010  ansi    CDGTA    6
    cggtset1   ansi    CGGTA    6
    cggta3     ansi    CGGTA    6
    GTT-SET table is (17 of 2000) 1% full.

    A CDGTA GTT set, CGGTA GTT set, or OPCODE GTT set must be specified for the GTT action path.

    If the desired GTT sets are not shown in the rtrv-gttset output, perform the Adding a GTT Set procedure to add the required GTT sets. After the required GTT sets have been added, perform the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure to add the GTA entries with the information required for the GTT action path.

    If all the desired information for the GTT action path entry was added to the database by performing the Adding a GTT Set and the Adding Global Title Address Information procedures, continue the procedure with 4.

    If any of the GTT sets shown in the rtrv-gttset output will be used for the GTT action path entry, continue the procedure with 3.

  3. Display the GTA entries that are associated with the GTT set shown in 2 by entering the rtrv-gta command with the name of the GTT set.

    For this example enter these commands.


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    cdgtt1     ansi    CDGTA    6
    GTA table is (14 of 269999) 1% full.
    919460    919460    DPC    SSN    002-002-002
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt CGCNVSN=---------
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- CDSELID=-----
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    cggta3     ansi    CGGTA    6
    GTA table is (14 of 269999) 1% full.
    800555    800555    DPC    SSN    002-002-002
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt CGCNVSN=---------
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- CDSELID=-----
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO


    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    opcode6    itu     OPCODE   -
    GTA table is (14 of 269999) 1% full.
    FAMILY                      OPCODE   PKGTYPE  XLAT   RI     PC
    ACN                         OPCODE   PKGTYPE  XLAT   RI     PC
    60                          90       any      DPC    SSN    2-002-2
         SSN=--- CCGT=no CGGTMOD=NO
         GTMODID=---------  TESTMODE=off
         LOOPSET = none     FALLBACK=sysdflt CGCNVSN=---------
         OPTSN=--------- CGSELID=----- CDSELID=----- OPCSN=---------
         ACTSN=--------- PPMEASREQD= NO
    Command Retrieved 1 Entries

    If a CDGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path cdgttsn parameter value), a value must be in the GTA column of a GTA entry (the GTT action path cdgta parameter value) that is assigned to the CDGTA GTT set.

    If a CGGTA GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path cggttsn parameter value), a value must be in the GTA column of a GTA entry (the GTT action path cggta parameter value) that is assigned to the CGGTA GTT set.

    If an OPCODE GTT set will be specified for the GTT action path entry (the GTT action path opgttsn parameter value), these values must be in the GTA entry that is assigned to the OPCODE GTT set.
    • GTT action path OPCODE value must be in the OPCODE column of the GTA entry.
    • GTT action path ACN value must be in the ACN column of an ITU GTA entry.
    • GTT action path FAMILY value must be in the FAMILY column of an ANSI GTA entry.
    • GTT action path PKGTYPE value must be in the PKGTYPE column of the GTA entry.

    If the required information for the GTT action path entry is shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure with 4.

    if the required information for the GTT action path entry is not shown in the rtrv-gta output, continue the procedure by performing one of these steps.
    • If other GTT sets of the set type that you wish to use for the GTT action path entry are shown in the 2 and you wish to use one of these GTT sets, repeat this step with the name of the GTT set shown in 2.
    • If other GTT sets of the set type that you wish to use for the GTT action path entry are not shown in the 2, add the required information for the GTT action path entry by performing the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure with the name of the GTT set that was specified in this step. After the Adding Global Title Address Information procedure has been performed, continue the procedure with 4.
  4. Change the GTT action path entry using the chg-gttapath command.

    For this example, enter this command.

    chg-gttapath:gttpn=path7:ngttpn=pth20:cdgttsn=cdgtt1:cdgta=919460:cggttsn=cggta3 :cggta=800555:opgttsn=opcode6:acn=60:opcode=90:pkgtype=any

    When this command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:29:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.
  5. Verify the changes using the rtrv-gttapath command with the current name of the GTT action path entry that was changed, if the name the GTT action path entry was not changed in 4, or the new name of the GTT action path entry if the name of the GTT action path entry was changed in 4.

    For this example, enter this command.


    The following is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:27:31 GMT EAGLE5 42.0.0
    pth20   opcode6         cggta3          cdgtt1
        OPCODE = 90     PKGTYPE = any        ACN = 60
        CGGTA = 800555                       ECGGTA = 800555
        CDGTA = 919460                       ECDGTA = 919460
    GTT-PATH table is (11 of 10000) 1% full.
  6. Backup the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command.
    These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-70 Change a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 1 of 3


Figure 4-71 Change a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 2 of 3


Figure 4-72 Change a GTT Action Path Entry - Sheet 3 of 3


Changing the Unique GTT Selector Option

This procedure is used to change the unique GTT selector option using the chg-sccpopts command with this parameter.

:unqgttsel – This parameter specifies whether a GTT selector search is performed on overlapped GTT selectors. This parameter has two values.
  • bestmatch - Overlapped GTT selectors are searched if non-overlapped GTT selectors are not found.
  • exactmatch - Only non-overlapped GTT selectors are searched.
  1. Display the existing unique GTT selector option value by entering the rtrv-sccpopts command.

    This is an example of the possible output.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    UNQGTTSEL             bestmatch

    The rtrv-sccpopts output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. If you wish to see these fields, refer to the rtrv-sccpopts command description in the Commands Manual.

  2. Change the unique GTT selector option value by entering the chg-sccpopts command with the unqgttsel parameter.

    For this example, enter this command.


    When the chg-sccpopts command has successfully completed, this message should appear.

    rlghncxa03w 10-07-07 00:22:57 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
  3. Verify the changes using the rtrv-sccpopts command. This is an example of the possible output.
    rlghncxa03w 10-07-17 16:02:05 GMT  EAGLE5 42.0.0
    UNQGTTSEL            exactmatch

    The rtrv-sccpopts output contains other fields that are not used in this procedure. If you wish to see these fields, refer to the rtrv-sccpopts command description in Commands User's Guide.

  4. Back up the new changes using the chg-db:action=backup:dest=fixed command. These messages should appear, the active Maintenance and Administration Subsystem Processor (MASP) appears first.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on active MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on active MASP to fixed disk complete.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup starts on standby MASP.
    BACKUP (FIXED) : MASP A - Backup on standby MASP to fixed disk complete.

Figure 4-73 Change the Unique GTT Selector Option
