3 Configuration Assistant Operations

When you first log on to the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC), the system requires you to set the configuration parameters necessary for basic operation. To help you set the initial configuration with minimal effort, the ESBC provides the Configuration Assistant to lead you through the configuration process. The Configuration Assistant asks you questions based on a selectable template and uses your answers to set the necessary parameters. You can use the Configuration Assistant for the initial set up as well as for subsequent changes that you want to make to the basic configuration.

The ESBC provides many additional configurable features and functions that do not require configuration to get the system running initially. You can configure the additional features and functions through the Dashboard, Configuration, Monitor and Trace, Widgets, and System tabs on the Web GUI after running the Configuration Assistant. You can also edit any of the settings, including those for the initial configuration, through the Web GUI tabs without running the Configuration Assistant again. If you want to re-run the Configuration Assistant as an easier way to update the configuration than to navigate through the configuration object tree, click the Configuration Assistant button on the System tab in the Web GUI.

How to Populate the Configuration Assistant Work Flow

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) Configuration Assistant requires a template to display the work flow and parameters you need to set initially for your deployment. You can choose a template from the list in the Configuration Assistant or upload one from another ESBC. The available templates may vary from release to release. You can also upload a configuration from another ESBC to populate the Configuration Assistant.

  • Select a Template—Select a template from the drop-down list. The Configuration Assistant populates the list from the package you download from https://www.oracle.com/technical-resources/documentation/acme-packet.html.
  • Upload a Template—Upload a template used for another of your Session Border Controllers to drag and drop into the Drag and Drop box.
  • Upload a Configuration—Upload a configuration file used for another of your Session Border Controllers to drag and drop into the Drag and Drop box. Use SFTP and put it into the /code/configAssistant/templates/ folder on the target ESBC.


    When you upload a configuration, the system closes the current Configuration Assistant session and restarts.

After you select a template or upload a configuration, the Configuration Assistant displays any warnings, prerequisites, and recommendations. For example, you may need to enable one or more entitlements or set the Session Capacity. The information provided depends on the template. You may need to address these items before proceeding.

Configuration Assistant Work Flow and Checklist

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) Configuration Assistant guides you through the minimum number of steps necessary to make the software operational on the Session Border Controller. Each step requires you to enter information or make a choice. You can move forward and backward through the steps as you work. When you complete the configuration, the Configuration Assistant displays a summary of your settings that you can review and edit before activating the configuration. From the Summary page, you can go directly to any section of the work flow and edit your settings.

The following checklist shows the information needed for each step in the configuration work flow. Oracle recommends that you use the checklist to gather the necessary information in advance.


Running the Configuration Assistant removes all of the configuration on the ESBC, including the High Availability (HA) configuration. You must reconfigure HA after running the Configuration Assistant.

On the Settings tab, click Configuration Assistant to launch the Configuration Assistant.

Let's Get Started

To begin, you must upload an existing configuration, or upload a template, or select a template type. You can drag and drop an existing ESBC configuration or template into the Drag and Drop field, or you can select a template type from the list. In the list, hover over the template to see a description of the template. After you select a template, the Configuration Assistant displays notes such as warnings, prerequisites, and recommendations. The text displayed depends on the template you selected.


The Template Type list may vary from release to release.
Information Needed (choose one) Information to Use
Upload a Configuration—Upload a configuration file used for another of your Session Border Controllers to drag and drop into the Drag and Drop box.

Note: When you upload a configuration, the system closes the current Configuration Assistant session and restarts.

File name and location:
Upload a Template—Upload a template used for another of your Session Border Controllers to drag and drop into the Drag and Drop box. Template name and location:
Select a Template—Select a template from the drop-down list.

Note: After you select a template, the Configuration Assistant displays any warnings, prerequisites, and recommendations. The information provided depends on the template you selected. You may need to address these items before proceeding.

Template to use:

Step 1 - Configure Microsoft Teams Network

The Configuration Assistant requires you to configure the interface that communicates with Microsoft Teams. The only parameter not required is DNS Domain.

Information Needed Information to Use
Port Number—The port connected to Microsoft Teams (Internet-facing). Port 0 or Port 1. Default: Port 0. N/A
Network IP Address—IP address of the network interface. N/A
Network IP Subnet Mask—The netmask of the network interface in dotted decimal format. N/A
Network IP Gateway Address—The gateway the network interface uses to communicate with the next hop. N/A
Alternate DNS Server IP Address—The DNS server. You can set two additional DNS servers with the dns-ip-backup1 and dns-ip-backup2 parameters in the network-interface configuration after you complete the configuration assistant and load it onto the SBC. N/A
DNS Domain—The default domain name. N/A

Step - 2 Configure PSTN Network

The Configuration Assistant requires you to configure the interface that communicates with the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). The only parameters not required are Primary DNS Server IP Address and DNS Domain.

Information Needed Information to Use
Port number—The port connected to the PSTN. Port 0 or Port 1. Default: Port 1. N/A
Network IP address—IP address of the network interface. N/A
Network IP subnet mask—The netmask of the network interface in dotted decimal format. N/A
Network gateway IP address—The gateway the network interface uses to communicate with the next hop. N/A
Primary DNS server IP address—The DNS server. You can set two additional DNS servers with the dns-ip-backup1 and dns-ip-backup2 parameters in the network-interface configuration after you complete the configuration assistant and load it onto the SBC. N/A
DNS domain—The default domain name. N/A

Step 3 - Configure Media

Media bypass shortens the path of media traffic and reduces the number of hops in transit for better performance. With media bypass, media stays between the SBC and the client instead of going through the Microsoft Phone System.

When you select Yes, the system establishes the required settings. The Configuration Assistant does not require any additional input at this time. You can customize the settings later by way of the Configuration tab.

Information Needed Information to Use
Do you want to bypass Media? Yes or No

Step 4 - Configure Transcoding

You can select one or more media codecs that you want for Microsoft Teams (from the SBC to Microsoft Teams) and the PSTN (from the SBC to the PSTN).


Selecting codecs and enabling comfort noise adds RTCP capabilities to the SBC.
Information Needed Information to Use
Do you want to enable transcoding features (Comfort Noise, RTCP)? No or Yes
(If you chose Yes for the preceding question, you must answer this question.)

Do you want to select media codecs (SBC to Microsoft Teams)?

No or Yes. If Yes, set one or more of the following codecs:
  • SILK
  • G729
  • G722
  • PCMU
  • PCMA
Do you want to select media codecs (SBC to PSTN)? No or Yes. If Yes, set one or more of the following codecs:
  • G729
  • G722
  • PCMU
  • PCMA

Step 5 - Configure Trusted Certificate

You must install the Baltimore CyberTrust Root certificate on the ESBC to communicate securely with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing Service.

Information Needed Information to Use
Do you consent to installing the Baltimore CyberTrust Root? Default: enabled. No - Yes
Certificate provisioning type PKCS12
Fully Qualified Domain Name or Common Name N/A
PKCS12 file Upload (.p12 or .pfx) Location of the file:
Password N/A

Step 6 - Configure SBC Certificate

The parameters that display depend on which certificate provisioning type you select; PKCS12 or CSR.

Information Needed Information to Use
Certificate provisioning type—Upload a signed PKCS12 format certificate or generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to send to a Certificate Authority (CA). Default: PKCS 12. PKCS12 or CSR
Fully Qualified Domain Name or Common Name—The Fully Qualified Domain Name of the SBC that resolves to the public network IP address you entered in step 1. This FQDN must be the same as the Common Name of the certificate. N/A
For PKCS12 certificate (.p12 or .pfx)—Upload the PKS12 certificate. N/A
For PKCS12 certificate password—The PKCS12 password. N/A
For CSR—Country—Country name. N/A
For CSR—State—State name.  
For CSR—Locality—Locality name.  
For CSR—Organization—Organization name.  
For CSR—Organization Unit—Organizational unit name.  

View the Configuration Summary

After you complete last step of the Configuration Assistant, click Review to see the summary page. From the summary page, you can edit any of the preceding pages by clicking the Edit button displayed on each summary section. Scroll to see all of the sections.

If you chose CSR as the provisioning type in step 6, the Configuration Assistant displays the Certificate Signing Request on the Review page. Copy or download the CSR and send it to the Certificate Authority.

Apply the Configuration

When you are ready to Save and Activate the configuration, click Apply. The Web GUI displays a confirmation message, which may include information about post-requisites. Click Confirm. The system erases the previous configuration (when there is one), applies the new configuration, and restarts.


If you chose CSR as the provisioning type in step 6, import the certificate after the system restarts. To use the command line, see "Import a Certificate Using the ACLI" in the ACLI Configuration Guide. To use the Web GUI, go to Security, certificate-record and upload the certificate.

  • Downloaded CSR record—The name of the certificate-record must be the name of the downloaded file minus the .csr extension. For example, suppose the downloaded CSR file name is TeamsCSR.csr. The name to enter in the certficate-record configuration is TeamsCSR.
  • Copied CSR record—The CSR tab on the Summary Review page displays the CSR file name, for example, Teams CSR CSR. The name to enter in the certficate-record configuration is TeamsCSR.

Configuration Assistant Summary

After you successfully complete the Configuration Assistant, use Review to see the Summary page. The Summary page displays a section for each step in the work flow, showing the information that you entered. If you want to make changes, you can go directly back to any section of the work flow before activating the configuration. When the configuration meets your approval, use Apply to activate the configuration.

If you chose Certificate Signing Request (CSR) as the provisioning type for the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC), send the CSR to the Certificate Authority. When you receive the signed certificate, upload the certificate to the ESBC.

From the Summary page, you can download the configuration. For example, you might want it for backup or to upload to another Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.