5 The Dashboard Tab Display and Operations

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) provides a web-based Dashboard that can display application and system data in Widgets to help you monitor and manage the system. You can add and remove Widgets from the Dashboard, specify their data sampling settings, and export the data.

Dashboard Controls and Operations

The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) can display dynamic data about the system through Widgets that you choose to place on the Dashboard. You can decide which Widgets to display by adding, deleting, and moving them at any time. The Dashboard can display up to 18 Widgets.


The ESBC collects only SIP data for the Dashboard Widgets, including the default CPU and Memory Widgets. For this reason, you must set up a valid SIP configuration before the ESBC can display any data on a Dashboard Widget.

The following screen capture shows an example of the Dashboard page and the controls you use to manage the Widgets:

This screen capture shows the OCSSC Dashboard, which displays Widgets and the controls you use to add, refresh, and reset them.

This screen capture shows the system identification that the Web GUI displays on the Dashboard banner.—Shows the device name, the device IP address, and the software build number. When you deploy your SBC in a High Availability (HA) pair, the system identification also states whether the device is the Active or Standby peer.

This screen capture shows the refresh icon.—Updates the data in all of the Widgets on the Dashboard.

This screen capture shows the Reset button.—Resets the Dashboard to display the default Widgets and removes all other Widgets from the Dashboard.

This screen capture shows the selections displayed on the Widgets action menu. The actions are Add a Widget, Upload Widgets, and Download All Widgets.

—Displays the Widgets action menu.

This screen capture shows an example of a message that a Widget can display to tell you that there is no data to display.—Tells you that the Widget is blank because there is no data to display.

A Widget can display a table, text, a pie graph, or a line graph depending on the type of data and the purpose of the display. For example, the SIP Realms All Widget displays an actionable table and the Recording Widget displays static text. You can access the list of Widgets from the Dashboard page by clicking Add Widget.

Most of the Widgets automatically display any available data when you click the name of the Widget, but some Widgets require further input. Such Widgets include a Settings button in their tool bar that launches a parameters dialog were you specify the data to display. For example, the Realm Specifics Widget requires you to set the name of the realm and the auto refresh interval.


The operation of Widgets, such as those that require the SIP Session module, may affect system performance. The system displays a warning when you add a Widget that may affect performance. Oracle recommends adding such Widgets at a time when the performance impact will not affect service.
The default display includes the following Widgets:
  • Highest CPU Usage
  • Current Memory Usage
  • Historical Memory Usage
  • Alarms

Widget Controls

Each Widget contains the controls that you use to manage its operations, according to the purpose of the Widget. The controls display when you hover over the three ellipses in the upper right corner of the Widget.

The following screen capture shows an example of the tool bar that displays in a Widget. In the Widget, you can hover over the control for a description.

This screen capture shows the tool bar that displays when you hover over the three ellipses in the upper right corner of the Widget.

The following information describes the Widget controls.

This screen capture shows the Widgets toolbar. Each icon is numbered to correspond to the list that follows the screen capture.
  1. Refresh—Updates the data in the Widget.
  2. Settings—Displays the dialog where you set the data sampling parameters for the Widget. When you click the icon, the Widget displays the Settings dialog, where you can set the auto-refresh interval and other parameters that apply to the particular Widget. Widgets can display up to 100 data samples in intervals of 1 hour, 1 minute, or 1 second.
  3. Export—Downloads the data displayed in the Widget.
  4. Remove—Removes the Widget from the Dashboard. When you remove all Widgets from the Dashboard, the GUI displays the following message: " Your Dashboard is empty, please add a Widget or reset to restore the original Dashboard."
  5. Maximize—Displays the Widget in full-screen size.
  6. Show Information—Describes the data display. For example, in the Current Memory Usage Widget, the information icon says, "Pie graph displays current percentage of free and allocated memory."

About the Add Widgets Page

After you click either the +Widget button or the Add Widget card on the Dashboard, the Web GUI displays the Add Widget page. On the Add Widget page, you can search for Widgets to add to the Dashboard and you can see which Widgets exist on the Dashboard. You can also see descriptions of the Widgets and change the display from card view to list view.

The following screen capture shows the default view of the Add Widgets page, called card view.

This screen capture shows the add widget page in card view. It shows the page controls at the right end of the banner and it shows the search filters in the left corner just above the top row of cards. Each card contains the Add button.

In the top row of the preceding screen capture, the Alarms card and the Licenses card each display a green circle around a check mark. The check mark means that those Widgets currently display on the Dashboard.

The following screen capture shows the list view of the Add Widgets page.

This shows the list view of the Add Widgets page. t shows the page controls at the right end of the banner and it shows the search filters in the left corner just above the top row of the list. Each row contains the Add button at the end of the row.

In the preceding screen capture, the Alarms row and the Licenses row each display a green circle around a check mark in the column between the Widget and Description. The check mark means that those Widgets currently display on the Dashboard.

Action Controls on the Banner

Regardless of which view you choose, the banner displays the following controls.
  • This screen capture shows the Add Widgets search icon.Search—Click to display the Search field, where you enter the name of a Widget.
  • This screen capture shows the Add Widgets card view icon.Card view—Click to display the card view.
  • This screen capture shows the Add Widgets list view icon.List view—Click to display the list view.
  • This screen capture shows the Add Widgets Close icon.Close—Click to close the Add Widgets page.

Search Filters

Regardless of which view you choose, the Add widgets page displays the following search filters, located across the top of the Add Widget page. The Web GUI puts a blue background behind the filter when you hover over it to indicate the active display.
  • This screen capture shows the All Widgets button.All widgets—Click to see a list of all Widgets in alphabetical order.
  • This screen capture shows the System Widgets button.System—Click to see only a list of System-related Widgets.
  • This screen capture shows the Media Widgets button.Media—Click to see only a list of Media-related Widgets.
  • This screen capture shows the Signaling Widgets button.Signaling—Click to see only a list of Signaling-related Widgets.
  • This screen capture shows the In Use button.In Use—Click to see a list of Widgets currently displayed on the Dashboard.


All of the lists display a scroll bar when the list exceeds the page space.

Add a Dashboard Widget

You can add up to eighteen Widgets to the Web GUI Dashboard to display SIP and System statistics to help you monitor and manage the system.

The system does not require a re-boot after performing the following procedure. The system adds the Widget to the Dashboard right away.
  1. Access the Dashboard page and click Add a Widget.
    The GUI displays the Add Widget page with the Widget categories named across the top.
  2. On the Add Widget page, click the category for the widget you want to add.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • In card view, click Add on the card.
    • In list view, click Add in the Action column.
The system displays the newly added Widget on the Dashboard right away.
Next Steps:
  • See "Configure Data Sampling Settings for a Dashboard Widget."

Configure the Data Sampling Settings for a Dashboard Widget

To display SIP and System statistics on a Dashboard Widget, the system requires a setting for how often to refresh the display. You can use the default interval or select one from the Auto-refresh interval drop-down list on the Widget.

Some Widgets also display the Table Name drop-down list, where you can set the data sampling frequency. For example, you might configure the Widget to refresh the display every 40 seconds and to display the data samples in one minute increments.
  1. Click the Dashboard tab.
  2. On the Widget, hover over the ellipses to display the toolbar, and click the Settings icon.
  3. Select a Widget display refresh frequency from the Auto-Refresh Interval (seconds) drop down list.
  4. If the Widget displays the Table Name drop-down list, select a data sampling increment for the Widget display. Valid values: Seconds | Minutes | Hours.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click Close.

Copy the Dashboard Widgets Display from one ESBC to Another

When you want the Dashboard Widgets display to be the same on multiple ESBC's, you can download an XML file of the Widgets from one ESBC and upload it to another one by way of the Widgets button on the Dashboard.

The following steps take place on both the source and target ESBCs.


When viewing the Dashboard tab, which displays the Widgets button, you can also see the Widgets tab. The following procedure refers to the Widgets button on the Dashboard tab.
  1. On the source ESBC, access the Dashboard tab.
  2. Click the Widgets button, and click Download all Widgets.
    The system downloads the XML file to the local machine you are using to access the Web GUI.
  3. Go to the target ESBC and Access the Dashboard tab.
  4. On the target ESBC Dashboard, click the Widgets button, and click Upload Widgets.
  5. In the Upload File dialog, click Upload to select a file.
  6. Browse to the downloaded file on the local machine you are using to access the Web GUI, and click Open.
  7. In the Upload file dialog, click Upload.
    Upon successful upload, the system backs up your existing Widgets file to /code/dashboard and updates the Dashboard on the target ESBC with the new display.

View A Widget That is Not on the Dashboard

When you want to see a Widget that is not on the Dashboard, go to the Widgets tab and select the Widget.

  1. Access the Widgets tab.
  2. In the navigation pane, click the name of the Widget that you want to see.
    The system displays the Widget.
  3. (Optional)—Add the widget to the Dashboard, if the Dashboard is not fully populated.