2 ELAP Administration

The first part of this manual describes ELAP functions, the ELAP Graphical User Interface, and ELAP status reporting.

2.1 EAGLE LNP Application Processor (ELAP)

This ELAP Administration part describes how to administer the EAGLE LNP Application Processor (ELAP) after the initialization and first configuration are complete.

ELAP Functional Description describes ELAP platform, maintenance, and debug functions.

ELAP Graphical User Interface describes the ELAP Graphical User Interface (GUI) menus and how to use them to perform configuration, maintenance, debug, and platform operations.

2.2 ELAP Initialization and First Configuration

Before the ELAP GUI can be used, the activities described in ELAP Software Configuration must be performed:
  • Workstation setup - connection of a local terminal to the MPS.
  • Initialization and first configuration of the ELAP software for a new installation or an upgrade - log in as the "elapconfig" user, allow the automatic initialization to complete on both mated ELAPs, and perform the ELAP software configuration procedure using the text-based interface.


All network connections and the mate ELAP must be present and verified to allow the initial configuration to complete successfully.

When the initialization and first configuration are complete, the ELAP Graphical User Interface (GUI) will be available for use.