3 ELAP Functional Description

This chapter describes the overall design and main functions of ELAP, and Service Module card RTDB audit functions.

3.1 Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in this manual.

Database refers to all data that can be administered by the user, including shelves, cards, links, routes, global title translation tables, and gateway screening tables.

The EAGLE LNP Application Processor (ELAP) is application software that runs on each MPS.

One MPS server running ELAP is referred to as ELAP A, while the mate MPS server running ELAP is referred to as ELAP B.

The two MPS servers running ELAP at each EAGLE location have exactly the same software installed.


One EAGLE Application B Card (E5-APP-B Card) is referred to as an MPS server.

The two MPS servers that are located at one EAGLE location are mate servers —from one MPS server, the other MPS server can be referred to as its mate. The two servers are also referred to as Server A and Server B.

MPS System

An MPS system consists of two MPS servers and associated hardware that are located at one EAGLE location.

Usually, a minimum of two MPS systems are deployed in the customer network (one at each mated EAGLE). These two MPS systems are considered mate MPS systems on mated EAGLE.


The implementation of the Number Portability Database on the EAGLE is the Real Time Database or RTDB. The master or golden copy of the RTDB resides on the primary ELAP, and is loaded to and updated on each Service Module card in the EAGLE.

The RTDB is provisioned from customer data that is sent from LSMS to ELAP. The RTDB can contain up to 756 million LNP ported TN entries.

Service Module card
Service Module card refers to the E5-SM4G card or the E5-SM8G-B card that contains the Real Time Database (RTDB) downloaded from an ELAP system. If a specific type of Service Module card is required, that Service Module card type is stated explicitly.
System Software
System software refers to data that cannot be administered by the user, including generic program loads (GPLs).
"the LNP feature"
The LNP quantity feature that is enabled in the EAGLE. The LNP feature quantities range from 24 through 756 million telephone numbers, in increments of 12 million. The enabled quantity is shown in the output of the rtrv-ctrl-feat command, in the LNP ported TNs entry.