1 Node Programming Language

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller Node Programming Language (NPL).


Node Programming Language (NPL) is a simple programming language that is part of the Cartridge Development Kit (CDK) for use by nodes developed within the Offline Mediation Controller Framework. The Node Programming Language is used to express the translation of the data input into a node to the data that is output from a node. An NPL program processes one data record at a time and translates that data record based on its program statements into zero or more data records that are passed back to the node for output by that node.

Three major types of nodes use NPL in an Offline Mediation Controller system: Collection Cartridge (CC), Enhancement Processor (EP) and Distribution Cartridge (DC). A CC should use NPL primarily to map input data to NAR(s), which is the known data format within the Offline Mediation Controller system. EP nodes use NPL in a variety of ways including: filtering irrelevant data (individual fields or entire records), arithmetic calculations on fields, adding new fields, and modifying existing fields. A DC should use NPL primarily to map data from the NAR format to an output format for use by another program or the end user.

Interface with CDK components

A node must contain an NPLFieldProcessor object in order to process its data records with an NPL program. The entry point to a field processor's NPL program is one of its processData methods:

  • public void processData( DCFieldContainer inputData )

  • throws NodeProcessingException

  • public void processData( DCFieldContainer[] inputData )

  • throws NodeProcessingException

The first method above passes the input data record (represented as a DCFieldContainer) to the NPL program for processing. The second method will essentially loop through the array of input data records and pass each one to the NPL program for processing. A node may use either one of these methods directly to pass its data to an NPL program or run the NPLFieldProcessor as a thread in which case the field processor will retrieve the input data from the node and perform the processData call for the node. The relevant point here with respect to NPL is to show how a data record is passed to an NPL program for processing.

The NPL write command will return the output record(s) from the NPL program to the NPLFieldProcessor. The NPLFieldProcessor will forward the record(s) to its Data Receiver based on the type of data processing model being used (either push or pull) within the node. The Data Receiver of the NPLFieldProcessor provides the destination for data records output from an NPL program. The Data Receiver of an NPLFieldProcessor object is set using the setDataReceiver method.

Expose clauses

There are two types of expose clauses:

  • Expose clause for routing, described below

  • Expose clause for aggregator node. See the discussion about programmable aggregation processor node in the CDK Developer's Guide.

An expose clause is used to make a subset of the input or output attributes available to the node for a specific reason. An expose clause declaration consists of the keywords Expose for, followed by a reason identifier, followed by one or more expose attributes enclosed within a single set of braces:

Expose for reason-identifier { (expose-attribute)+ } ;

where an expose-attribute is the attribute identifier followed by a user-friendly tag to be associated with the attribute:

record-identifier.attribute-identifier string-literal ;

An expose clause's reason-identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores. The record-identifier must be the identifier of an input or output record already declared, and the attribute-identifier must be an attribute declared in that input or output record.

Sets of exposed attributes are available to the node via the NPLFieldProcessor's getExposedFields method. To use this method, a node provides a reason identifier to indicate the expose clause of interest. The method will return an ArrayList of FieldDescriptor objects, one for each attribute in the corresponding expose clause. A FieldDescriptor object contains the attribute's type, identifier, and tag.

Expose clause for Routing
  • One reason-identifier, Routing, is already pre-defined for all nodes. By declaring an expose clause for routing (i.e. Expose for Routing), a node makes those attributes available for modulus and directed routing.

  • Below is an example of NPL statements for a CC, which will expose several attributes that may be used for Directed and Modulus routing.

Example: Routing with NPL

Integer seq_num = -1; // Sequence counter
Short source_type = 5;

    String     Source-Serial-Number;
    TimeInSecs Last-Time;
    String     Acct-Status-Type;
    String     User-Name;
    String     Tunnel-Type;
    Long       Acct-Session-Id;
    IP         Framed-IP-Address;
    Long       Acct-Link-Count;
    Long       Acct-Session-Time;
    Long       Acct-Input-Octets;
    Long       Acct-Output-Octets;
    Long       Acct-Input-Packets;
    Long       Acct-Output-Packets;
    String     Gprs-Record-Type;
    IP         Gprs-GGSN-Address;
    Long       Acct-Multi-Session-Id;
} in;

    Short      20100;
    String     20101;
    TimeInSecs 20003;
    Integer    10004;
    String     20103;
    String     10005;
    String     20104;
    Long       20105;
    IP         20106;
    Long       20107;
    Long       20004;
    Long       10006;
    Long       10007;
    Long       10008;
    Long       10009;
    String     20108;
    IP         20000;
    Long       20001;
} out;

// Expose integral attributes for Directed and Modulus routing

Expose for Routing

    out.10004  "NAR Sequence Number";
    out.10006  "Acct Input Octets";
    out.10007  "Acct Output Octets";
    out.10008  "Acct Input Packets";
    out.10009  "Acct Output Packets";
    out.20001  "Acct Multi-Session ID";
    out.20004  "Acct Session Time";
    out.20100  "NAR Source Type";
    out.20105  "Acct Session ID";
    out.20107  "Acct Link Count";

if( seq_num == 2147483647 ) {
    seq_num = 0;
else {
    seq_num = seq_num + 1;

// Map input fields to output fields.
out.20100  = source_type;
out.20101  = in.Source-Serial-Number;
out.20003  = in.Last-Time;
out.10004  = seq_num;
out.20103  = in.Acct-Status-Type;
out.10005  = in.User-Name;
out.20104  = in.Tunnel-Type;
out.20105  = in.Acct-Session-Id;
out.20106  = in.Framed-IP-Address;
out.20107  = in.Acct-Link-Count;
out.20004  = in.Acct-Session-Time;
out.10006  = in.Acct-Input-Octets;
out.10007  = in.Acct-Output-Octets;
out.10008  = in.Acct-Input-Packets;
out.10009  = in.Acct-Output-Packets;

// Write out the output record.
write( out );

NPL compilation

NPL is a simple programming language that is part of the Cartridge Developer's Kit (CDK) for use by cartridges developed within the Offline Mediation Controller Framework. The Node Programming Language consists of a limited set of language components similar to most programming languages, including: comments, data types, variables, assignment statements, conditional statements, and arithmetic expressions. In addition, NPL provides a set of built-in functions that are useful in manipulating the fields in a data record and an expose clause for providing access to attribute information of records declared in an NPL program.

Data Dictionary

The Data Dictionary identifies all the pre-integrated attributes used in the system. It is a flat file identifying each attribute and its corresponding numeric ID. Using the data dictionary ensures attributes do not overlap, and each is always used for a specific purpose. This greatly simplifies the NPL work involved when multiple nodes are chained together.

The Data Dictionary file is located in OMC_home/datadict, where OMC_Home is the directory in which you installed Offline Mediation Controller.

The runtime Offline Mediation Controller environment does not use this .xml file. Its purpose is to provide the reference to the NAR IDs.

Language components

The Node Programming Language consists of a limited set of language components common to most programming languages, including:

  • comments

  • data types

  • variables

  • assignment statements

  • conditional statements

  • arithmetic expressions.

In addition, NPL provides a set of built-in functions that are useful in manipulating the fields in a data record, an expose clause for providing access to attribute information of records declared in an NPL program, and a configuration clause to set configuration values that may be needed by the node. See "EBNF for NPL" for the syntax of NPL expressed in extended Backus-Naur form.


Comments in NPL are expressed in a manner similar manner to Java or C++. Any text following on the same line as a // character sequence is a comment. In addition, the characters /* introduce a comment which is terminated with the characters */. Note, however, that comments delimited by the /* and */ character sequences cannot be nested.

Some common examples of these comment styles are:

// A comment.
X = 1; // another comment
Y = 2; /* another comment variation */
/* A comment variation. */
 * A block comment.

Data types

NPL is a strongly typed language. The primary purpose of NPL is to provide the capability to manipulate the fields in the data records being processed by the Offline Mediation Controller system. Therefore, the data types supported by NPL correspond to the data types of the fields in these data records. Section Interface with CDK Components above illustrates that a data record enters an NPL program as a DCFieldContainer. As the name implies, the DCFieldContainer that represents a data record consists of DCField objects representing the fields of that data record. The data types of NPL correspond to the data types represented by the DCField classes supported by the CDK. In addition, NPL provides types for the declaration of input and output record variables. See Table 1-1 for a summary of the data types supported by NPL.

Table 1-1 NPL Data Types

Type Description Range DCField Type


8-bit integer type

-128 to 127



16-bit integer type

-32768 to 32767



32-bit integer type

-2 147 483 648 to 2 147 483 647



64-bit long integer type

-9 223 372 036 854 775 808 to 9 223 372 036 854 775 807



32-bit integer type representing the number of seconds since

January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC

-2147483648 to 2147483647



64-bit long integer type representing the number of milliseconds since

January 1, 1970 00:00:00.000 UTC

-9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807



IEEE 754 32-bit

single-precision floating-point type

approximately ± 3.40282347E+38



IEEE 754 64-bit


floating-point type

approximately ±1.7976931348623157E+308



character string type




32-bit IP address type




128-bit IP address type (Internet Protocol Version 6)




Media Access Control address type




array of bytes




externalizable Java object type




externalizable list of externalizable Java objects




128-bit unsigned integer type

0 to



NPL input record type




NPL output record type




Map of DC field objects, keyed on field ID



Note that NPL data types use big-endian order.

Implicit conversions between numeric types

Table 1-2 shows the implicit conversions supported by NPL when assigning a value of one numeric type to the value of another numeric type. These implicit conversions can occur in an assignment statement or when passing a value to an NPL built-in function.

Table 1-2 Implicit Numeric Type Conversions

To Type From Type














































The Node Programming Language provides the capability to specify integer, floating-point, and string literals. The syntax of these literals are defined in the IntLiteralExpression, FloatingPointLiteralExpression, and StringLiteralExpression productions in "EBNF for NPL".

Integer literals can be expressed as decimal, octal, or hexadecimal values and have a range from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807 inclusive.

Floating-point literals have an approximate range of ±1.7976931348623157E+308.

A string literal consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes. A character may be represented by an escape sequence for the representation of some non-graphic characters as well as the single quote, double quote, and backslash characters.


NPL supports three types of variables: local variables, input record variables, and output record variables. A variable must be declared (i.e., given a type and identifier) before being used in an NPL program. Variable names must be unique within an NPL program. All characters in the name of a variable are significant, and the case is also significant. The length of a variable name is essentially unlimited. NPL reserved words (see "NPL reserved words") cannot be used as variable names.

Local variables

As the name implies, local variables are variables local to the NPL program in which they are declared. A local variable declaration consists of the type followed by the variable's identifier, an optional initialization assignment, and ending with a semicolon:

type identifier [= initialization-expression] ;

The type of a local variable is one of those listed in Table 1-1 (excluding InputRec and OutputRec). A local variable's identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits, or underscores. The optional initialization-expression includes expressions such as literals, other variables that have already been initialized and arithmetic expressions. A local variable's initialization-expression must evaluate to the data type of the variable. See "Expressions" for a more complete description of expressions in NPL.

Obfuscatory Local Variable Information

This section contains information about local variables that may not be generally intuitive.

A local variable behaves like a static or global variable in other languages in that it retains the value it was last assigned. What this means from an NPL execution standpoint is, a local variable given a value during one pass through the NPL program's statements via a call to an NPLFieldProcessor object's processData method, will have the last value it was assigned the next time the NPL program is entered through a processData call. If a local variable is assigned a value by an initialization-expression, it will have that value on the first call to processData. If a local variable is given a value by an initialization-expression and that value is not changed within the NPL program statements, that local variable will have the same value for every execution of the NPL statements.

The following NPL built-in functions should not be used to initialize a local variable:

  • substr bytes2TimeInSecs

  • bytes2byte time2str

  • str2byte str2TimeInSecs

  • bytes2short bytes2TimeInMilliSecs

  • str2short str2TimeInMilliSecs

  • convertDateTime bytes2int

  • IP2bytes str2int

  • bytes2IP bytes2long

  • IP2str str2long

  • str2IP bytes2float

  • randomInt str2float

  • randomDouble bytes2double

  • subbytes str2double

  • copyBits

Input record variables

An input record variable is used to represent the data record passed into an NPL program as a result of an NPLFieldProcessor object's processData method being called. It is the NPL representation of the DCFieldContainer parameter to the processData method. An input record variable declaration consists of the keyword InputRec followed by one or more attribute declarations enclosed within a single set of braces, followed by the variable's identifier and ending with a semicolon:

InputRec { (attribute-declaration)+ } identifier ;

where an attribute-declaration is the attribute data type followed by the attribute identifier and ending in a semicolon:

attribute-type attribute-identifier ;

An input record variable's identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores. The attribute-type of an attribute declared in an input record is one of those listed in Table 1-1 (excluding InputRec and OutputRec of course). The attribute-identifier has two different forms:

  • A sequence of characters beginning with a letter, underscore or colon followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits, underscores or hyphens.

  • An integer literal in the range from 0 to 2147483647 inclusive.

Either form of attribute-identifier can be used by A CC. An EP or DC should use the second form of attribute-identifier since the input to these node types is in the NAR format, which uses integers for attribute identifiers. All the attribute identifiers within an InputRec declaration should be unique.

As mentioned above, an input record declaration is the NPL representation of the DCFieldContainer object being input into the NPL program for processing. As such the attribute types and identifiers declared in an NPL input record should match those of the incoming DCFieldContainer object.

The individual fields of an input record are accessed as identifier.attribute-identifier. For example, in.10000 would be used to access attribute 10000 of input record in.

Obfuscatory input record information

This section contains information about input record variables that may not be generally intuitive.

An input record declaration only needs to contain the attributes that are accessed individually in the NPL program.

However, an input record declaration must contain at least one attribute declaration.

An input record declaration may contain a declaration for an attribute that does not exist in the input record currently being processed. This feature is necessary to handle data streams that contain records that do not always contain a fixed set of attributes in all records passing through a Offline Mediation Controller system.

Another case where an input record declaration may contain a declaration for an attribute that does not exist in the incoming record is for input record enhancement. In this instance the incoming data record would probably never contain this attribute. Then if this attribute were assigned a value within the NPL program the input record would be enhanced by the addition of this new attribute that did not previously exist in the input data record. Only EP nodes can use input record enhancement where the output data contains the same attributes as the input data with the addition of new attributes and/or the modification of existing attribute values.

Output record variables

An output record variable is used to define the format of an output data record of an NPL program. Output records are used in an NPL program to contain the attributes that result from the translation of the data input to a node to the desired output format for a node. An output record variable in NPL represents the type a node provided as the outputDataType parameter when constructing its NPLFieldProcessor:

public NPLFieldProcessor( Class outputDataType, LoggerIfc inLogger,
              String scratchDir, String fileName )
  throws NodeProcessingException

public NPLFieldProcessor( Class outputDataType, LoggerIfc inLogger,
              String scratchDir, String filename,
              IDCMethodHandler, methodHandler )
  throws NodeProcessingException

This outputDataType Class object should implement the DCFieldContainer interface and have a zero argument constructor.

An output record variable declaration consists of the keyword OutputRec followed by one or more attribute declarations enclosed within a single set of braces, followed by the variable's identifier and ending with a semicolon:

OutputRec { (attribute-declaration)+ } identifier ;

where an attribute-declaration is the attribute data type followed by the attribute identifier and ending in a semicolon:

attribute-type attribute-identifier ;

An output record variable's identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores. The attribute-type of an attribute declared in an output record is one of those listed in Table 1-1 (excluding InputRec and OutputRec of course). The attribute-identifier has two different forms:

  • A sequence of characters beginning with a letter, underscore or colon followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits, underscores or hyphens.

  • An integer literal in the range from 0 to 2147483647 inclusive.

Either form of attribute-identifier can be used by an DC. A CC or EP should use the second form of attribute-identifier since the output from these node types is in the NAR format, which uses integers for attribute identifiers. All the attribute identifiers within an OutputRec declaration should be unique.

The individual fields of an output record are accessed as identifier.attribute-identifier. For example, out.10000 would be used to access attribute 10000 of input record out.

Obfuscatory output record information

This section contains information about output record variables that may not be generally intuitive.

An attribute does not actually exist in an output record until it is assigned a value. What this means is the actual output data record will not contain an attribute unless it has been assigned a value within the NPL program statements.

Expose clause

An expose clause is used to make a subset of the input or output attributes available to the node for a specific reason. An expose clause declaration consists of the keywords Expose for, followed by a reason identifier, followed by one or more expose attributes enclosed within a single set of braces:

Expose for reason-identifier { (expose-attribute)+ } ;

where an expose-attribute is the attribute identifier followed by an optional user-friendly tag to be associated with the attribute:

record-identifier.attribute-identifier string-literal ;

An expose clause's reason-identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores. The reason-identifier must be the identifier of an input or output record already declared, and the attribute-identifier must be an attribute declared in that input or output record.

Sets of exposed attributes are available to the node via the NPLFieldProcessor's getExposedFields method. To use this method, a node provides a reason identifier to indicate the expose clause of interest. The method will return an ArrayList of FieldDescriptor objects, one for each attribute in the corresponding expose clause. A FieldDescriptor object contains the attribute's type, identifier, and tag.

One reason-identifier, Routing, is already pre-defined for all nodes. By declaring an expose clause for routing (i.e. Expose for Routing), a node makes those attributes available for modulus and directed routing. See the appropriate CDK documentation for a more detailed description of routing.

Configuration clause

A configuration clause is used to set configuration values that may be needed by the node. There can only be one configuration clause in an NPL file. A configuration clause declaration consists of the keyword Config, followed by one or more configuration settings enclosed within a single set of braces:

Config { (config-attribute)+ } ;

where a config-attribute is a configuration key followed by a configuration value defined as a string:

configuration-key string-literal ;

A configuration clause's configuration-key must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores.

Configuration settings are available to the node via the NPLFieldProcessor's getConfigValue method. To use this method, a node provides a configuration key to indicate the configuration setting of interest. The method will return a string representing the value that matches the key provided.


NPL supports a subset of the usual operators found in most programming languages as identified in the following sections.

Arithmetic operators

The usual arithmetic operators + - * / are used in NPL for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division respectively. These arithmetic operations can be performed on any combination of Byte, Short, Integer, TimeInSecs, TimeInMilliSecs, Long, Float and Double expressions. The + and - operators have the same precedence. The * and / operators have the same precedence, but have a higher precedence than the + and - operators. Operators with the same precedence are evaluated from left to right. As in all programming languages, it is good practice to use parenthesis to indicate the order of evaluation for complex arithmetic expressions.

NPL also supports the unary + and - operators. These unary operators have a higher precedence than the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division arithmetic operators. The unary operators are only valid with the Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float and Double data types.

Relational operators

NPL has a full complement of relational operators for use within conditional statements. These relational operators are: == (equality), != (inequality), < (less than), > (greater than), <= (less than or equal) and >= (greater than or equal).

Any numeric type (Byte, Short, Integer, TimeInSecs, Long, TimeInMilliSecs, Float, or Double) expression can be compared to any other numeric type expression. In addition, NPL supports IP comparisons, MAC comparisons, IPv6 comparisons and String comparisons. Note that String comparisons are lexicographic and case sensitive.

Logical operators

NPL provides the && (logical and) and || (logical or) operators to be used in combination with relational expressions in conditional statements.

String concatenation operator

NPL uses the + sign as the string concatenation operator.

Explicit cast operator

NPL supports explicit casting among the numeric types: Byte, Short, Integer, TimeInSecs, Long, TimeInMilliSecs, Float and Double. The syntax for casting is similar to that of Java or C/C++; the target type in parentheses, followed by an expression that evaluates to one of the numeric types. Explicit cast conversions may result in a loss of information. Casting from a floating-point value to an integer value discards the fractional part (does not round). If you try to cast a value of one type to another that is out of range for the target type, the result will be truncated and have a different value.

Built-in functions

This section provides a brief synopsis of the built-in functions provided by NPL. Built-in functions are provided for passing a data record from NPL to the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver, writing messages to the log file, various string utilities, converting a string representation of a value to its value and vice versa, and for copying bits from one variable to another.


The InputRec and OutputRec variables are passed by reference to built-in functions while all other types are passed by value.

The write built-in function is the most often used built-in function. This overloaded function is used to pass either an InputRec or OutputRec variable that has been processed by NPL program statements back to a node via the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver processData method.

void for (Integer i1, Integer i2)

Creates a simple looping mechanism. Code within the block executes i2-i1 times.


Table 1-3 Void for (Integer i1, Integer i2) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


initial loop counter

integer value


last loop counter value

integer value

Return Value


Error Conditions


Integer startVal;
Integer endVal;
Integer internalVal;

startVal = 1;
endVal = 10;
internalVal = startVal;

for (startVal, endVal)
logInfo("Outputting a record");
internalVal = internalVal + 1;

write(OutputRec rec)

This write function is used to pass the given output record to the processData method of the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver. Depending on the data receiver, in most cases calling this write function results in the given output record being output by the node.

Note that the output record will only contain attributes that it was assigned during execution of the NPL program statements. If an attribute was declared in the output record declaration but not assigned a value during the execution of the NPL program statements, this attribute will not be present in the record being passed to the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver.


Table 1-4 Write(OutputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


output record to return to the field processor

an output record declared in the NPL program

Return Value


Error Conditions


InputRec {
 Integer 10004;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 10004;
} out;
out.10004 = in.10004;
write( out ); // "write" the output record to the field processor

write(InputRec rec)

This write function is used to pass the given input record to the processData method of the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver. Depending on the data receiver, in most cases calling this write function results in the given input record being output by the node.

"Obfuscatory input record information" states that an input record declaration need only contain the attributes accessed by the NPL program statements. Therefore more attributes may actually be present in an input record than what is declared in NPL. Such an input record passed to this write method will contain all the attributes of the actual input record, not just those declared in the NPL representation of the input record.


Table 1-5 Write(InputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


input record to return to the field processor

an input record declared in the NPL program

Return Value


Error Conditions


Integer counter = -1;
InputRec {
 Integer 10004;
} in;
if( counter < 0 ) {
 counter = 0;
else {
 counter = counter + 1;
in.10004 = counter;
write( in ); // "write" the modified input record to the field processor

InputRec clone(InputRec rec)

Returns a clone of the given input record.


The clone function is only supported for records in the NAR format.

Table 1-6 InputRec clone(InputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


input record to clone

an input record declared in the NPL program that is in NAR format

Return Value

Returns an InputRec that is a clone of the given input record.

Error Conditions

If the record that is passed to the clone function is not in NAR format, the statement that contains the function call is skipped and execution will continue with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

InputRec {
 Integer 10015;
 Long  10017;
} in;
in.10017 = 0;
write( clone( in ) ); // Clone record. It is passed by reference to write.
in.10017 = 1;
write( in );

The clone function is used here because records are passed by reference to built-in functions. If the clone function were not used, the second assignment to attribute 10017 would change the value of that attribute from the first write call.

OutputRec clone(InputRec rec)

Returns a clone of the given input record.


The clone function is only supported for records in the NAR format.

Table 1-7 OutputRec clone(InputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


input record to clone

an input record declared in the NPL program that is in NAR format

Return Value

Returns an OutputRec that is a clone of the given input record.

Error Conditions

If the record that is passed to the clone function is not in NAR format, the statement that contains the function call is skipped and execution will continue with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

InputRec {
 Integer 10015;
 Long  10017;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 10017;
} out;
out = clone( in );
if( out.10017 != 0 ) {
 out.10017 = 0;
else {
 out.10017 = 1;
write( out );


Using record-to-record assignment (see "Assignment Statement") is more efficient than the way in which clone is used in this example.

OutputRec clone(OutputRec rec)

Returns a clone of the given output record.


The clone function is only supported for records in the NAR format.

Table 1-8 OutputRec clone(OutputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


output record to clone

an output record declared in the NPL program that is in NAR format

Return Value


Error Conditions

If the record that is passed to the clone function is not in NAR format, the statement that contains the function call is skipped and execution will continue with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

Integer NARcounter = -1;
InputRec {
 Integer 30026;
 Integer 30027;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 10004;
 String 30036;
} out;
if( NARcounter < 0 ) {
 NARcounter = 0;
else {
 NARcounter = NARcounter + 1;
out.10004 = NARcounter;
out.30036 = int2str( in.30026 );
write( clone( out ) ); // Clone record. It is passed by reference to write.
if( NARcounter < 0 ) {
 NARcounter = 0;
else {
 NARcounter = NARcounter + 1;
out.10004 = NARcounter;
out.30036 = int2str( in.30027 );
write( out );

The clone function is used here because records are passed by reference to built-in functions. If the clone function were not used, the second assignment to attribute 30036 would change the value of that attribute from the first write call.

InputRec clone(OutputRec rec)

Returns a clone of the given output record.


Table 1-9 InputRec clone(OutputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values




Return Value

Returns an OutputRec that is a clone of the given output record.

Error Conditions


InputRec {

sample(OutputRec rec)

Returns a clone of the given output record.


The clone function is only supported for records in the NAR format.

Table 1-10 sample(OutputRec rec) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


output record to clone

an output record declared in the NPL program that is in NAR format

Return Value

Returns an InputRec that is a clone of the given output record.

Error Conditions

If the record that is passed to the clone function is not in NAR format, the statement that contains the function call is skipped and execution will continue with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.


No example is provided because this form of clone is only provided for completeness and is very unlikely to be used.

logError(String message)

Writes the error message to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the error logging level. An error is indicated with a red alarm on the Administration Client GUI.


Table 1-11 logError(String message) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string expression representing the error message to write to the node's log file

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

A null string in the error message string expression results in the word “null" being written to the log file at the place where that string would appear in the message. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

Return Value


Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the error message string expression, the logError call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Integer REC_TYPE = 23;
InputRec {
 Integer 10015;
} in;
if( in.10015 != REC_TYPE ) {
 logError( "Encountered invalid record type " + int2str( in.10015 ) );
else {
 write( in );

Assuming in.10015 equals 17 and the node's configured debug level is set at the error logging level, then a message similar to the following would be written to the node's log file:

Jan 5, 2003 10:47:56 AM Error: Encountered invalid record type 17

logWarning(String message)

Writes the warning message to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A warning is indicated by a blue (cyan) alarm on the Administration Client GUI.


Table 1-12 logWarning(String message) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string expression representing the warning message to write to the node's log file

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

A null string in the warning message string expression results in the word “null" being written to the log file at the place where that string would appear in the message. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

Return Value


Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the warning message string expression, the logWarning call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String DATE;
 String TIME;
 String BINTYPE;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 70000;
 String 70001;
 String 70002;
} out;
out.70000 = in.DATE;
out.70001 = in.TIME;
if( in.BINTYPE != "15m" && in.BINTYPE != "24h" ) {
 logWarning("Incorrect bin value, supported values are \"15m\", " +
       "\"24h\". Continuing to process data without this field.");
else {
 out.70002 = in.BINTYPE;
write( out );

Assuming in.BINTYPE does not equal “15m" or “24h" and the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level, then a message similar to the following would be written to the node's log file:

Jan 7, 2003 3:31:04 PM Warning: Incorrect bin value, supported values are "15m", "24h". Continuing to process data without this field.

logWarning(String faultCategory, String specificFault, String additionalFaultText)

Writes the warning message to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A warning is indicated with a blue alarm on the Administration Client GUI.


Table 1-13 logWarning(String faultCategory, String specificFault, String additionalFaultText) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


general category for the error

Initialization, Configuration, Connectivity, Invalid data, Resources, Internal Error, Node Control


clearly worded description of the fault condition, with no variable component

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings


any additional fault text (the variable information)

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

A null string in the specificFault or additionalFaultText string expressions results in the word “null" being written to the log file at the place where that string would appear in the message. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

Return Value


Error Conditions



If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in any of the parameter string expressions, the logWarning call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String DATE;
 String TIME;
 String BINTYPE;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 70000;
 String 70001;
 String 70002;
} out;
out.70000 = in.DATE;
out.70001 = in.TIME;
if( in.BINTYPE != "15m" && in.BINTYPE != "24h" ) {
 logWarning("Invalid Data","Incorrect field value","Incorrect bin value, supported values are \"15m\", " + "\"24h\". Continuing to process data without field.");
else {
 out.70002 = in.BINTYPE;
write( out );

Assuming in.BINTYPE does not equal “15m" or “24h" and the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level, then a message similar to the following would be written to the node's log file:

2002-03-21 14:16:56; Warning; Invalid Data; Incorrect field value; Incorrect bin value, supported values are "15m", "24h". Continuing to process data without field.

logInfo(String message)

Writes the informational message to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the error logging level. No alarm is generated.


Table 1-14 logInfo(String message) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string expression representing the informational message to write to the node's log file

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

A null string in the informational message string expression results in the word “null" being written to the log file at the place where that string would appear in the message. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

Return Value


Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the informational message string expression, the logInfo call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String DATE;
 String TIME;
 String Layer;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 70000;
 String 70001;
 String 70017;
} out;
if( in.Layer != "OPT_TS" &&
  in.Layer != "OPT_MS" &&
  in.Layer != "OPT_CH" )
 out.70000 = in.DATE;
 out.70001 = in.TIME;
 out.70017 = in.Layer;
write( out );
 logInfo("The record with Layer = " + in.Layer +
     " has not been processed!");

Assuming in.Layer equals “XYZ" and the node's configured debug level is set at the error logging level, then a message similar to the following would be written to the node's log file:

Jan 27, 2001 5:31:04 AM Informational: The record with Layer = XYZ has not been processed!

logTrace(String message)

Writes the trace message to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the trace logging level. No alarm is generated.


Table 1-15 logTrace(String message) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string expression representing the trace message to write to the node's log file

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

A null string in the trace message string expression results in the word “null" being written to the log file at the place where that string would appear in the message. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

Return Value


Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the trace message string expression, the logTrace call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String 70019;
 Integer 70029;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 70023;
} out;
logTrace("Status is " + in.70019 );
out.70023 = " ";
if( in.70019 == "U" ) {
 out.70023 = out.70023 + int2str( in.70029 );
write( out );

Assuming that in.70019 equals “U" and the node's configured debug level is set at the trace logging level, then a message similar to the following would be written to the node's log file:

Jan 11, 2001 5:01:14 AM Informational: Status is U

Integer strlen(String s)

Returns the length of String s.


Table 1-16 Integer strlen(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string to get the length of

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

Return Value

Returns an Integer representing the number of characters in the string.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the strlen function, the statement containing the function call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Integer dpos;
Integer len;
InputRec {
 String SOFTVER;
} csg;
OutputRec {
 String 50201;
} call;
// Remove trailing characters after .A or .E
dpos = -1;
dpos = strpos( csg.SOFTVER, ".A", 1);
len = 0;
len = strlen( csg.SOFTVER );
if( dpos > 0 ) {
 len = dpos + 2;
else {
 dpos = strpos( csg.SOFTVER, ".E", 1);
 if( dpos > 0 ) {
  len = dpos + 2;
call.50201 = substr( csg.SOFTVER, 0, len );
write( call );

Integer strpos(String string, String substring, Integer nth_occurrence)

Returns the index of the nth_occurrence of substring in string, or -1 if there is not a nth_occurrence of substring in string.


Table 1-17 Integer strpos(String string, String substring, Integer nth_occurrence) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string to search in

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings


sub-string to search for

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings


occurrence to search for

integer expression with value greater than zero

Return Value

Possible Integer return values are:

  • -1 if there is not an nth occurrence of substring in string, or if nth_occurrence < 1

  • index in the range from 0 to string's length minus 1 if there is an nth occurrence of substring in string nth_occurrence - 1 if substring is the empty ("") string

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in any of the parameter expressions passed to the strpos function, the statement that contains the function call is skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Integer len;
Integer dot1;
Integer dot2;
Integer dot3;
String ipStr;
Long  ipLong;
Long  addr;

InputRec {
 IP 70003;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long ControllerIPAddr;
} out;
out.ControllerIPAddr = 0;
// Convert IP string in dot notation to a long value.
dot1 = -1;
dot2 = -1;
dot3 = -1;
len = -1;
ipStr = "";
ipStr = IP2str( in.70003 );
len = strlen( ipStr );
if( len >= 7 ) {
 dot1 = strpos( ipStr, ".", 1);
 if( dot1 != -1 ) {
  dot2 = strpos( ipStr, ".", 2);
  if( dot2 != -1 ) {
   dot3 = strpos( ipStr, ".", 3);
if( (len >= 7 ) && (dot1 != -1) && (dot2 != -1) && (dot3 != -1) ) {
 addr = -1;
 addr = str2long( substr( ipStr, 0, dot1 ) );
 if( addr >= 0 ) {
  ipLong = 16777216 * addr;
  addr = -1;
  addr = str2long( substr( ipStr, dot1 + 1, dot2 ) );
  if( addr >= 0 ) {
   ipLong = ipLong + (65536 * addr);
   addr = -1;
   addr = str2long( substr( ipStr, dot2 + 1, dot3 ) );
   if( addr >= 0 ) {
    ipLong = ipLong + (256 * addr);
    addr = -1;
    addr = str2long( substr( ipStr, dot3 + 1, len ) );
    if( addr >= 0 ) {
     out.ControllerIPAddr = ipLong + addr;
    else {
     logError( "Invalid IP address (ControllerIPAddr) " + ipStr );
   else {
    logError( "Invalid IP address (ControllerIPAddr) " + ipStr );
  else {
   logError( "Invalid IP address (ControllerIPAddr) " + ipStr );
 else {
  logError( "Invalid IP address (ControllerIPAddr) " + ipStr );
else {
 logError( "Invalid IP address (ControllerIPAddr) " + ipStr );
write( out );

String substr(String s, Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex)

Returns the substring of s that begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the character at index endIndex - 1.


Table 1-18 String substr(String s, Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string to get sub-string of

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings


beginning index, inclusive

integer expression with value >= 0 and <= end index


ending index, exclusive

integer expression with value >= begin index and <= string length

Return Value

Returns the sub-string as a String.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If either the begin index or end index expression does not evaluate to an acceptable value as defined in Section 0, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning indicating the invalid expression value will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in any of the parameter expressions passed to the substr function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Integer dpos;
Integer len;
InputRec {
 String SOFTVER;
} csg;
OutputRec {
 String 50201;
} call;
// Remove trailing characters after .A or .E
dpos = -1;
dpos = strpos( csg.SOFTVER, ".A", 1);
len = 0;
len = strlen( csg.SOFTVER );
if( dpos > 0 ) {
 len = dpos + 2;
else {
 dpos = strpos( csg.SOFTVER, ".E", 1);
 if( dpos > 0 ) {
  len = dpos + 2;
call.50201 = substr( csg.SOFTVER, 0, len );
write( call );

String str2lower(String s)

Returns a string representing the string s converted to lower case.


Table 1-19 String str2lower(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string from which to get the lower case string

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

Return Value

Returns a String representing the string expression converted to lower case.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2lower function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String 11007;
} in;
in.11007 = str2lower( in.11007 );
write( in );

String str2upper(String s)

Returns a string representing the string s converted to upper case.


Table 1-20 String str2upper(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string from which to get the upper case string

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

Return Value

Returns a String representing the string expression converted to upper case.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2upper function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Long  10017;
 String 20104;
} in;
if( str2upper(in.20104) == "LOCAL" ) { // Perform case insensitive compare
 in.10017 = 0;
else {
 in.10017 = 1;
write( in );

Bytes str2bytes(String s)

Convert the String s to its byte array representation according to the platform's default character encoding. The length of the array of bytes is a function of the encoding, and thus may not be equal to the length of the string.


Table 1-21 Bytes str2bytes(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string from which to get the byte array representation

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value representing the string expression converted to its byte array representation according to the platform's default character encoding. An empty ("") string is represented as a zero length byte array.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String 110000;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 111000;
} out;
out.111000 = str2bytes( in.110000 );
write( out );

Bytes str2bytes(String s, String e)

Convert the String s to its byte array representation using the specified character encoding. Use the character encoding that Java supports. See "Class Character" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.

The length of the array of bytes is a function of the encoding, and thus may not be equal to the length of the string.


Table 1-22 Bytes str2bytes(String s, String e) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string from which to get the byte array representation

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings


string indicating the character encoding to use

character encoding supported by Java (see link above)

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value representing the string expression converted to its byte array representation according to the platform's default character encoding. An empty ("") string is represented as a zero length byte array.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String 110000;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 111000;
} out;
out.111000 = str2bytes( in.110000, "US-ASCII" );
write( out );

String bytes2hexstr(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the specified array of bytes as a string of space-separated hexadecimal values, where each byte corresponds to one value.


Table 1-23 String bytes2hexstr(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a string of space-separated hexadecimal values

non-null byte array

Return Value

Returns the String value representing the given byte array as a series of space-separated hexadecimal values, where each byte corresponds to one value. For example, for a byte array with values (116, 115, 0, 3, 117) the returned string will be "74 73 00 03 75 ".

A byte array of length zero returns the empty string ("").

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2hexstr function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 20206;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String ServiceCentre;
} out;
out.ServiceCentre = bytes2hexstr( in.20206 );
write( out );

String bytes2str(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the specified array of bytes b as a string, converting the bytes using the platform's default character encoding. The length of the string is a function of the encoding, and thus may not be equal to the length of the array of bytes.


Table 1-24 String bytes2str(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a string

non-null byte array

Return Value

Returns the String resulting from the conversion of the specified byte array using the platform's default character encoding.

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 1;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 10005;
} out;
out.10005 = bytes2str( in.1 );
write( out );

As an example, if the in.1 byte array has the value (116, 101, 115, 116), then out.10005 will contain the string “test".

String bytes2str(Bytes b, String e)

Returns the value of the specified array of bytes b as a string, converting the bytes using the specified character encoding. The character encoding is that which is supported by Java.

See "Class Character" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.

The length of the string is a function of the encoding, and thus may not be equal to the length of the array of bytes.


Table 1-25 String bytes2str(Bytes b, String e) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a string

non-null byte array


string indicating the character encoding to use

character encoding supported by Java (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the resulting from the conversion of the specified byte array using the platform's default character encoding.

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 1;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 10005;
} out;
out.10005 = bytes2str( in.1, "ISO-8859-1" );
write( out );

As an example, if the in.1 byte array has the value (116, 101, 115, 116), then out.10005 will contain the string "test".

Bytes byte2bytes(Byte b)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the Byte b, essentially an array of 1 byte.


Table 1-26 Bytes byte2bytes(Byte b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte to represent as an array of bytes

a byte expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value that is an array of 1 byte.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the byte expression passed to the byte2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Byte 123456;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 654321;
} out;
out.654321 = byte2bytes( -in.123456 );
write( out );

Byte bytes2byte(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b as a Byte. The array of bytes b must contain only one byte.


Table 1-27 Byte bytes2byte(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to return as a Byte

non-null byte array containing one byte

Return Value

Returns the Byte value of the only byte in the array.

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2byte function is not one byte in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2byte function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 27;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Byte 30004;
} out;
out.30004 = -1;
out.30004 = bytes2byte( in.27 );
write( out );

String byte2str(Byte b)

Returns a string representing the specified Byte b. The radix is assumed to be 10.


Table 1-28 String byte2str(Byte b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte value to represent as a string

a byte expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified byte expression in radix 10.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the byte expression passed to the byte2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Byte 30005;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String Source-IP-Prefix-Mask;
} out;
out.Source-IP-Prefix-Mask = "";
out.Source-IP-Prefix-Mask = byte2str( in.30005 );
write( out );

Byte str2byte(String s)

Returns the Byte value represented by the specified string. Accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers in the following formats.

Table 1-29 Byte str2byte(String s) Formats

Numeric type Acceptable formats Valid range


("-")? ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*

"-128" to "+127"


("-")? "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+

"0x80" to "0x7F"


("-")? "0" (["0"-"7"])*

"0200" to "-0177"


Table 1-30 Byte str2byte(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing a byte value

String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number. See the table above for valid formats and ranges.

Return Value

Returns the Byte value represented by the given string.

The following table illustrates some example strings and resulting byte values.

Table 1-31 Example Strings and Resulting Byte Values

String value Byte value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2byte function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2byte function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String PREPAID;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Byte 21005;
} out;
out.21005 = 0;
out.21005 = str2byte( in.PREPAID );
write( out );

Bytes short2bytes(Short s)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified Short (16-bit integer type) value s. The byte order is big-endian.


Table 1-32 Bytes short2bytes(Short s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Short value to represent as an array of bytes

a short expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value corresponding to the big-endian byte array representation of the given short expression.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the short expression passed to the short2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Short 111111;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 222222;
} out;
out.222222 = short2bytes( in.111111 );
write( out ); 

As an example, if in.111111 equals 4386 (0x1122), then the value of the out.222222 byte array will be (0x11, 0x22) where 0x11 is the value of the first element of the byte array.

Short bytes2short(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a Short (16-bit integer type). The length of the array of bytes may be less than the 2 bytes to store a Short value, in which case the high order bytes will be padded with zeroes. However, the length of the array of bytes cannot be greater than 2.


Table 1-33 Short bytes2short(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a Short value

non-null byte array containing one or two bytes

Return Value

Returns the Short value represented by the given byte array.

The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting short values.

Table 1-34 Short bytes2short(Bytes b) Return Values

Byte array Short value













Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2short function is not one or two bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2short function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 14;
 Bytes 24;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 30027;
 Short  10012;
} out;
out.30027 = bytes2short( in.14 );
out.10012 = bytes2short( in.24 );
write( out );

String short2str(Short s)

Returns a string representing the specified Short s. The radix is assumed to be 10.


Table 1-35 String short2str(Short s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


short value to represent as a string

a short expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified short expression in radix 10.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the short expression passed to the short2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Short 30010;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String Application-Protocol;
} out;
out.Application-Protocol = short2str( in.30010 );
write( out );

Short str2short(String s)

Returns the Short value represented by the specified string. Accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers in the following formats.

Table 1-36 Short str2short(String s) Formats

Numeric type Acceptable formats Valid range


("-")? ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*

"-32768" to "32767"


("-")? "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+

"-0x8000" to "0x7FFF"


("-")? "0" (["0"-"7"])*

"-0100000" to "077777"


Table 1-37

Parameters Description Acceptable Values


string representing a short value

String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a decimal. hexadecimal, or octal number. See the table above for valid formats and ranges.

Return Value

Returns the Short value represented by the given string.

The following table illustrates some example strings and resulting short values.

Table 1-38 Short str2short(String s) Return Value

String value Short value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2short function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2short function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String Dest-ToS;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Short 30024;
} out;
out.30024 = str2short( in.Dest-ToS );
write( out );

Bytes int2bytes(Integer i)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified Integer (32-bit integer type) value i. The byte order is big-endian.


Table 1-39 Bytes int2bytes(Integer i) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Integer value to represent as an array of bytes

an integer expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value corresponding to the big-endian byte array representation of the given integer expression.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the integer expression passed to the int2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Integer 30035;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String SE:System-ID;
} out;
// Convert from an IP stored as an integer to a system ID.
out.SE:System-ID = IP2str( bytes2IP( int2bytes( in.30035 ) ) );
write( out );

Integer bytes2int(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as an Integer (32-bit integer type). The length of the array of bytes may be less than the 4 bytes to store an Integer, in which case the high order bytes will be padded with zeroes. However, the length of the array of bytes cannot be greater than 4.


Table 1-40 Integer bytes2int(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a Integer value

non-null byte array containing from one to four bytes

Return Value

Returns the Integer value represented by the given byte array.

The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting integer values.

Table 1-41 Integer bytes2int(Bytes b) Return Value

Byte array Integer value



















Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2int function is not from one to four bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2int function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 40;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 40040;
} out;
out.40040 = bytes2int( in.40 );
write( out );

String int2str(Integer i)

Returns a string representing the specified Integer i. The radix is assumed to be 10.


Table 1-42 String int2str(Integer i) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


integer value to represent as a string

an integer expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified integer expression in radix 10.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the integer expression passed to the int2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Integer 43031;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String callingDse;
} out;
out.callingDse = int2str( in.43031 );
write( out );

Integer str2int(String s)

Returns the Integer value represented by the specified string. Accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers in the following format:

Table 1-43 Integer str2int(String s) Formats

Numeric type Acceptable formats Valid range


("-")? ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*

""-2147483648" to "2147483647"


("-")? "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+

"-0x80000000" to "0x7FFFFFFF"


("-")? "0" (["0"-"7"])*

"-020000000000" to "017777777777"


Table 1-44 Integer str2int(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing an integer value

String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number. See the table above for valid formats and ranges.

Return Value

Returns the Integer value represented by the given string.

The following table illustrates some example strings and resulting integer values.

Table 1-45 Integer str2int(String s) Return Values

String value Integer value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2int function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2int function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String recordIdentifier;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 43004;
} out;
out.43004 = str2int( in.recordIdentifier );
write( out );

Integer randomInt(Integer min, Integer max)

Returns a pseudorandom Integer value in the range from min to max inclusive, where the value of min must be less than the value of max. For a description of the random number generator algorithm, see "Class Random" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-46 Integer randomInt(Integer min, Integer max) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


minimum value of inclusive range

an integer expression that is not greater than the maximum value


maximum value of inclusive range

an integer expression that is not less than the minimum value

Return Value

Returns a pseudorandom Integer value within the specified inclusive range.

Error Conditions

If the value of the minimum parameter is greater than or equal to the value of the maximum parameter, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in either one of the integer expressions passed to the randomInt function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String 10013;
 Long  10017;
} in;
in.10017 = randomInt( -5, 5 );
write( in );

Bytes long2bytes(Long l)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified Long (64-bit integer type) value l. The byte order is big-endian.


Table 1-47 Bytes long2bytes(Long l) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Long value to represent as an array of bytes

a long expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value corresponding to the big-endian byte array representation of the given long expression.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the long expression passed to the long2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Long 120000;
 Bytes 220000;
} in;
in.220000 = long2bytes( in.120000 );
write( in );

Long bytes2long(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a Long (64-bit integer type). The length of the array of bytes may be less than the 8 bytes to store a Long value, in which case the high order bytes will be padded with zeroes. However, the length of the array of bytes cannot be greater than 8.


Table 1-48 Long bytes2long(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a Long value

non-null byte array containing from one to eight bytes

Return Value

Returns the Long value represented by the given byte array.The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting long values.

Table 1-49 Long bytes2long(Bytes b) Return Value

String value Long value

( -1 )


( 1, 2 )


( 2, 0, 1 )


( 1, 0, 0, 2 )


( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )


( 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )


( 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 )


( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )


( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 )


Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2long function is not from one to eight bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2long function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 42;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 10006;
} out;
out.10006 = bytes2long( in.42 );
write( out );

String long2str(Long l)

Returns a string representing the specified Long l. The radix is assumed to be 10.


Table 1-50 String long2str(Long l) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


long value to represent as a string

a long expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified long expression in radix 10.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the long expression passed to the long2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Long 40001;
} in
OutputRec {
 String Timestamp-Rounded2Hrs;
} out;
out.Timestamp-Rounded2Hrs = long2str( in.40001 );
write( out );

Long str2long(String s)

Returns the Long value represented by the specified string. Accepts decimal, hexadecimal, and octal numbers in the following format.

Table 1-51 Long str2long(String s) Formats

Numeric type Acceptable formats Valid range


("-")? ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])*

"-9223372036854775808" to "9223372036854775807"


("-")? "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+

"-0x8000000000000000" to "0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF"


("-")? "0" (["0"-"7"])*

"-01000000000000000000000" to"0777777777777777777777"


Table 1-52 Long str2long(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing a long value

String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a decimal, hexadecimal, or octal number. See the table above for valid formats and ranges.

Return Value

Returns the Long value represented by the given string.

The following table illustrates some example strings and resulting long values.

Table 1-53 Long str2long(String s) Return Values

String value Long value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value






none - bad string value

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2long function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2long function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 21015;
} out;
out.21015 = str2long( in.COOKIESIN );
write( out );

Bytes float2bytes(Float f)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified Float (IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision floating-point type) value f.


Table 1-54 Bytes float2bytes(Float f) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Float value to represent as an array of bytes

a float expression

Return Value

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the float expression passed to the float2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 Float 130000;
 Bytes 230000;
} in;
in.230000 = float2bytes( in.130000 );
write( in );

Float bytes2float(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a Float. This function expects an array of 4 bytes in IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision floating-point type format.


Table 1-55 Float bytes2float(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a Float value

non-null array of 4 bytes in IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision floating-point type format

Return Value

Returns the Float value represented by the given IEEE 32-bit single-precision floating-point type formatted byte array.

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2float function is not an IEEE 754 32-bit single-precision floating-point type byte array, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2float function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes Round-Trip-Time;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Float 30047;
} out;
out.30047 = bytes2float( in.Round-Trip-Time );
write( out );

String float2str(Float f)

Returns a string representing the specified Float f. This string representation format is defined according to the Java documentation for the Float.toString(float f) method.

See toString(float f) in "Class Float" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-56 String float2str(Float f) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


float value to represent as a string

a float expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified float expression. This string representation format is defined according to the Java documentation for the Float.toString(float f) method.

See toString(float f) in "Class Float" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the float expression passed to the float2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Float 30047;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String Round-Trip-Time;
} out;
out.Round-Trip-Time = float2str( in.30047 );
write( out );

Float str2float(String s)

Returns the Float value represented by the specified string. The floating-point literal format is defined in the Java Language Specification.

See "Floating-Point Literals" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-57 Float str2float(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing a float value

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings where the expression is the floating-point literal format defined in section 3.10.2 of the Java Language Specification (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the Float value represented by the given string.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2float function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2float function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String Response-Time;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Float 30048;
} out;
out.30048 = str2float( in.Response-Time );
write( out );

Bytes double2bytes(Double d)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified Double (IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point type) value d.


Table 1-58 Bytes double2bytes(Double d) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Double value to represent as an array of bytes

a double expression

Return Value

Returns the specified IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point expression represented as an array of bytes.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the float expression passed to the float2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Double 130010;
 Bytes 230010;
} in;
in.230010 = double2bytes( in.130010 );
write( in );

Double bytes2double(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a Double. This function expects an array of 8 bytes in IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point type format.


Table 1-59 Double bytes2double(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a Double value

non-null array of 8 bytes in IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point type format

Return Value

Returns the Double value represented by the given IEEE 64-bit double-precision floating-point type formatted byte array.

Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2double function is not an IEEE 754 64-bit double-precision floating-point type byte array, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2double function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes Double-Precision-Time;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Double 110011;
} out;
out.110011 = bytes2double( in.Double-Precision-Time );
write( out );

String double2str(double d)

Returns a string representing the specified Double d. This string representation format is defined in the Java documentation for the Double.toString(double d) method.

See toString(double) in "Class Double" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-60 String double2str(double d) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


double value to represent as a string

a double expression

Return Value

Returns the String representing the specified double expression. This string representation format is defined in the Java documentation for the Double.toString(double d) method.

See toString(double) in "Class Double" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the double expression passed to the double2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Double 110011;
 Double 110012;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String Total-Duration;
} out;
out.Total-Duration = double2str( 110011 + 110012 );
write( out );

Double str2double(String s)

Returns the double value represented by the specified string. The floating-point literal format is defined in section 3.10.2 of the Java Language Specification.

See "Floating-Point Literals" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-61 Double str2double(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing a double value

string expression consisting of one or more non-null strings where the expression is the floating-point literal format defined in section 3.10.2 of the Java Language Specification (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the Double value represented by the given string.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2float function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2float function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String version;
 String err;
 String sErr;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 60072;
} out;
if( str2double( in.version ) > 1.2 ) {
 out.60072 = in.err;
else {
 out.60072 = in.sErr;
write( out );

Double randomDouble(Double min, Double max)

Returns a pseudo-random Double value in the range from min to max inclusive, where the value of min must be less than the value of max. For a description of the random number generator algorithm, see "Class Random" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-62 Double randomDouble(Double min, Double max) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


minimum value of inclusive range

a double expression that is not greater than the maximum value


maximum value of inclusive range

a double expression that is not less than the minimum value

Return Value

Returns a pseudo-random Double value within the specified inclusive range.

Error Conditions

If the value of the minimum parameter is not less than the value of the maximum parameter, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in either one of the double expressions passed to the randomDouble function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Double 110044;
 Double 110055;
 Double 110066;
} in;
if( in.110044 < in.110066 ) {
 in.110055 = randomDouble( in.110044, in.110066 );
else {
 in.110055 = 0.0;
write( in );

Bytes time2bytes(TimeInSecs t)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified 32-bit TimeInSecs value t. The byte order is big-endian.


Table 1-63 Bytes time2bytes(TimeInSecs t) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


time-in-seconds value to represent as an array of bytes

a time-in-seconds expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value corresponding to the big-endian byte array representation of the given time-in-seconds expression.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the time-in-seconds expression passed to the time2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 TimeInSecs RecordOpeningTime;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 111000;
} out;
out.111000 = time2bytes( in.RecordOpeningTime );
write( out );

TimeInSecs bytes2TimeInSecs(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a 32-bit TimeInSecs value. The length of the array of bytes may be less than the 4 bytes to store a TimeInSecs value, in which case the high order bytes will be padded with zeroes. However, the length of the array of bytes cannot be greater than 4.


Table 1-64 TimeInSecs bytes2TimeInSecs(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a TimeInSecs value

non-null byte array containing from one to four bytes

Return Value

Returns the TimeInSecs value represented by the given byte array.

The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting time-in-seconds values.

Table 1-65 TimeInSecs bytes2TimeInSecs(Bytes b) Return Values

Byte array TimeInSecs Value

( 127 )


( -1)






( 1, -1 )


( -1, -1)


( 1, 0, 2 )


( 2, 0, 1 )


( 1, 0, 0, 2 )


( 2, 0, 0, 1 )


Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2TimeInSecs function is not from one to four bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2TimeInSecs function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 55;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 50021;
} out;
out.50021 = bytes2TimeInSecs( in.55 );
write( out );

String time2str(TimeInSecs timeInSecs, String format)

Returns a string representing the given timeInSecs according to the specified format. The format is as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class.

See "Class SimpleDateFormat" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-66 String time2str(TimeInSecs timeInSecs, String format) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


time-in-seconds value to format as a string

a time-in-seconds expression


pattern specifying time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the String representing the given time-in-seconds expression in the specified format.

Error Conditions

Passing a null format string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the format string expression passed to the time2str function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the time-in-seconds expression passed to the time2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the format string expression passed to the time2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

String TIME_FORMAT = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss z yyyy";
InputRec {
 Integer Timestamp;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 42000;
} out;
out.42000 = time2str( in.Timestamp, TIME_FORMAT );
write( out );

TimeInSecs str2TimeInSecs(String s, String format)

Returns the TimeInSecs value represented by the string s in the given format. The format is defined according to the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class.

See "Class SimpleDateFormat" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-67 TimeInSecs str2TimeInSecs(String s, String format) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


String representing a TimeInSecs value

a String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a TimeInSecs value in the specified format


pattern specifying time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the TimeInSecs value represented by the given string in the specified format.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the time string expression does not match the pattern of the format string, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If the format string expression passed to the str2TimeInSecs function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output String attribute is encountered in either the time string expression or format string expression passed to the str2TimeInSecs function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

String TIME_FORMAT = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy";
InputRec {
 String Start-Time;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 30016;
} out;
out.30016 = str2TimeInSecs( in.Start-Time, TIME_FORMAT );
write( out );

Bytes time2bytes(TimeInMilliSecs t)

Returns the array of bytes representation for the specified 64-bit TimeInMilliSecs value t. The byte order is big-endian.


Table 1-68 Bytes time2bytes(TimeInMilliSecs t) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


time-in-milliseconds value to represent as an array of bytes

a time-in-milliseconds expression

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value corresponding to the big-endian byte array representation of the given time-in-milliseconds expression.

Error Conditions

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the time-in-milliseconds expression passed to the time2bytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 TimeInMilliSecs StopTime;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 123321;
} out;
out.123321 = time2bytes( in.StopTime );
write( out );
TimeInMilliSecs StopTime;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Bytes 123321;
} out;
out.123321 = time2bytes( in.StopTime );
write( out );

TimeInMilliSecs bytes2TimeInMilliSecs(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b in big-endian order as a 64-bit TimeInMilliSecs value. The length of the array of bytes may be less than the 8 bytes to store a TimeInMilliSecs value, in which case the high order bytes will be padded with zeroes. However, the length of the array of bytes cannot be greater than 8.


Table 1-69 TimeInMilliSecs bytes2TimeInMilliSecs(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to a TimeInMilliSecs value

non-null byte array containing from one to eight bytes

Return Value

Returns the TimeInMilliSecs value represented by the given byte array.

The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting time-in-milliseconds values.

Table 1-70 TimeInMilliSecs bytes2TimeInMilliSecs(Bytes b) Return Values

Byte array TimeInMilliSecs Value

( -1)




( 2, 0, 1 )


( 1, 0, 0, 2 )


( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 )


( 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1 )


( 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1 )


( 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )


( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 )


Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2TimeInMilliSecs function is not from one to eight bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2TimeInMilliSecs function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes CallTime;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 321123:
} out;
out.321123 = bytes2TimeInMilliSecs( in.CallTime );
write( out );

String time2str(TimeInMilliSecs timeInMilliSecs, String format)

Returns a string representing the given timeInMilliSecs according to the specified format. The format is defined according to the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class.

See "Class SimpleDateFormat" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-71 String time2str(TimeInMilliSecs timeInMilliSecs, String format) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


time-in-milliseconds value to format as a string

a time-in-milliseconds expression


pattern specifying time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the String representing the given time-in-milliseconds expression in the specified format.

Error Conditions

Passing a null format string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the format string expression passed to the time2str function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the time-in-milliseconds expression passed to the time2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the format string expression passed to the time2str function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

String TIME_FORMAT = "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy";
InputRec {
 TimeInMilliSecs Timestamp;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 42000;
} out;
out.42000 = time2str( in.Timestamp, TIME_FORMAT );
write( out );

TimeInMilliSecs str2TimeInMilliSecs(String s, String format)

Returns the TimeInMilliSecs value represented by the string s in the given format. The format is defined according to the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class.

See "Class SimpleDateFormat" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-72

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


String representing a TimeInMilliSecs value

a String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a TimeInMilliSecs value in the specified format


pattern specifying time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)

Return Value

Returns the TimeInMilliSecs value represented by the given string in the specified format.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the time string expression does not match the pattern of the format string, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If the format string expression passed to the str2TimeInMilliSecs function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output String attribute is encountered in either the time string expression or format string expression passed to the str2TimeInMilliSecs function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String WTIME;
} in;
OutputRec {
 TimeInMilliSecs 10001;
} out;
out.10001 = str2TimeInMilliSecs( in.WTIME, "yyyyMMddHHmmss" );
write( out );

TimeInMilliSecs currentTime()

Returns the current time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 coordinated universal time (UTC).



Return Value

Returns the current time in milliseconds since January 1, 1970 coordinated universal time (UTC).

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 TimeInSecs 20003;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 11005;
} out;
if( fieldExists( in, "20003" ) ) {
 out.11005 = in.20003 * 1000;
else {
 out.11005 = currentTime();
write( out );

String convertDateTime(String srcDateTime, … String dstDateTimeFormat)

The actual name of this function is:

String convertDateTime(String srcDateTime, String srcTimeZone, String srcDateTimeFormat, String dstTimeZone, String dstDateTimeFormat)

Converts the given source date-time string in the specified time zone and format to a destination date-time string in the specified time zone and format. Valid time zone strings are those supported by Java, which is the list returned by TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(). Formats are defined according to the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class.

See "Class SimpleDateFormat" in the Java Standard Edition API documentation.


Table 1-73 String convertDateTime(String srcDateTime, … String dstDateTimeFormat) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


source date-time string

a String expression consisting of one or more non-null strings representing a date-time in the specified format


source time zone string

time zone string supported by the Java TimeZone class as returned by the TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()


pattern specifying source time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)


destination time zone string

time zone string supported by the Java TimeZone class as returned by the TimeZone.getAvailableIDs()


pattern specifying destination time format

a string expression as defined in the Java documentation of the time pattern format syntax for the SimpleDateFormat class (see link above)

Return Value

The string representing the conversion of the srcDateTime string in the srcTimeZone and srcDateTimeFormat to the dstTimeZone using the format specified by the dstDateTimeFormat pattern string.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the source date-time string expression does not match the pattern of the source date-time format string, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If the destination date-time string expression does not match the pattern of the destination date-time format string, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If an unsupported time zone string expression is passed to the convertDateTime function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a format string expression passed to the convertDateTime function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output String attribute is encountered in any of the string expressions passed to the convertDateTime function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

String srcFormat1 = "yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS";
String srcTZ1   = "GMT";
String srcFormat2 = "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS";
String srcTZ2   = "America/New_York";
String dstFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS";
String dstTZ1   = "EST";
String dstTZ2   = "UTC";
InputRec {
 String srcTime1;
 String srcTime2;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String dstTime1;
 String dstTime2;
} out;
out.dstTime1 = convertDateTime( in.srcTime1, srcTZ1, srcFormat1,
                dstTZ1, dstFormat );
out.dstTime2 = convertDateTime( in.srcTime2, srcTZ2, srcFormat2,
                dstTZ2, dstFormat );
write( out );

As an example, if the in.srcTime1 string is "20001027051117020" then the out.dstTime1 string will be "2000/10/27 01:11:17.020" and if the in.srcTime2 string is "1/1/2001 13:12:11.100" then the out.dstTime2 string will be "2001/01/01 18:12:11.100".

Bytes IP2bytes(IP i)

Returns the byte array representation for the specified IP address value i. The byte order is the same as the numbers appear in dotted quad notation of an IP address.


Table 1-74 Bytes IP2bytes(IP i) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


IP address to represent as an array of bytes

an IP address value

Return Value

Returns a Bytes value representation of the given IP address. The byte order is the same as the numbers appear in the dotted quad notation of an IP address. For example, if the IP address is then the byte array representation is ( 1, 2, 3, 4 ) where element zero of the byte array is the first value in the list of values.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 IP 30055;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 30035;
} out;
out.30035 = bytes2int( IP2bytes( in.30055 ) );
write( out );

IP bytes2IP(Bytes b)

Returns the value of the array of bytes b as an IP address. This function expects an array of 4 bytes where each byte is interpreted as an unsigned decimal number in the IP address.


Table 1-75 IP bytes2IP(Bytes b) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to convert to an IP address

non-null array of four bytes

Return Value

Returns the IP address represented by the given byte array. Each byte is interpreted as an unsigned decimal number in the IP address.

The following table illustrates some example byte arrays (where the first value listed corresponds to element 0 of the byte array) and resulting IP address.

Table 1-76 IP bytes2IP(Bytes b) Return Value

Byte array IP address



Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the byte array passed to the bytes2IP function is not four bytes in length, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output Bytes attribute is passed to the bytes2IP function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 11;
} in;
OutputRec {
 IP 30001;
} out;
out.30001 = bytes2IP( in.11 );
write( out );

String IP2str(IP IP address)

Returns a string representing the specified IP address as four unsigned decimal numbers, each representing eight bits separated by periods.


Table 1-77 String IP2str(IP IP address) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values

IP address

IP address to represent as a string

an IP address value

Return Value

Returns a string representing the specified IP address as four unsigned decimal numbers, each representing eight bits separated by periods.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 IP 40004;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String 11035;
} out;
out.11035 = IP2str( in.40004 );
write( out );

IP str2IP(String s)

Returns the IP address value represented by the string s, where the expected format is four unsigned decimal numbers, each representing eight bits, separated by periods.


Table 1-78 IP str2IP(String s) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


string representing an IP address

string expression in the format of four unsigned decimal numbers, each representing eight bits, separated by periods

Return Value

Returns the IP address value represented by the given string.

Error Conditions

Passing a null string to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If the string expression passed to the str2IP function is not in the acceptable format, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in the string expression passed to the str2IP function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 String NASIP;
} in;
OutputRec {
 IP 21022;
} out;
out.21022 = str2IP( in.NASIP );
write( out );

String object2str(Object o)

Returns a string representing the specified object.


Table 1-79 String object2str(Object o) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


Object to represent as a string

an Object

Return Value

Returns the string representation of the specified Object.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 Object 20204;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String SGSN-Address;
} out;
out.SGSN-Address = object2str( in.20204 );
write( out );

String list2str(List l)

Returns a string representing the specified list.


Table 1-80 String list2str(List l) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


List to represent as a string

a List

Return Value

Returns the string representation of the specified List.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 List 20209;
} in;
OutputRec {
 String List-Of-Traffic-Volumes;
} out;
out.List-Of-Traffic-Volumes = list2str( in.20209 );
write( out );

Bytes subbytes(Bytes b, Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex)

Returns a copy of the array of bytes that begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the byte at index endIndex.


Table 1-81 Bytes subbytes(Bytes b, Integer beginIndex, Integer endIndex) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


byte array to get sub-array of

non-null and non-empty byte array


beginning index, inclusive

integer expression with value >= 0 and <= end index


ending index, exclusive

integer expression with value >= begin index and <= array length

Return Value

Returns a copy of the array of bytes that begins at the specified beginIndex and extends to the byte at index endIndex.

Error Conditions

Passing a null or empty byte array to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null string can occur in NPL if a String variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If either the begin index or end index expression does not evaluate to an acceptable value as defined in the above Parameters table, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning indicating the invalid expression value will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is encountered in any of the parameter expressions passed to the subbytes function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

InputRec {
 Bytes 120021;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Short  130031;
 Integer 140041;
} out;
out.130031 = bytes2short( subbytes( in.120021, 4, 5 ) );
out.140041 = bytes2int( subbytes( in.120021, 0, 3 ) );
write( out );

Boolean fieldExists(InputRec rec, String fieldID)

Returns true if the specified field exists in the given input record and false if it does not exist. The return type Boolean is a private type internal to NPL.


This function is only intended to be used in a conditional expression of an "if" statement.


Table 1-82 Boolean fieldExists(InputRec rec, String fieldID) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


input record in which to check for field existence

an input record declared in the NPL program


field ID to search for

a string expression representing a field ID

Return Value

Returns true if the specified field exists in the given input record and false if it does not exist.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 String 20108;
} in1;
InputRec {
 Long 20200;
} in2;
OutputRec {
 String Gprs-Record-Type;
} out1;
OutputRec {
 Long CallEventRecordType;
} out2;
if( fieldExists( in1, "20108" ) ) {
 out1.Gprs-Record-Type = in1.20108;
 write( out1 );
else if ( fieldExists( in2, "20200" ) ) {
 out2.CallEventRecordType = in2.20200;

Boolean fieldExists(OutputRec rec, String fieldID)

Returns true if the specified field exists in the given output record and false if it does not exist. The return type Boolean is a private type internal to NPL.


This function is only intended to be used in a conditional expression of an "if" statement.

Table 1-83 Boolean fieldExists(OutputRec rec, String fieldID) Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


output record in which to check for field existence

an output record declared in the NPL program


field ID to search for

a string expression representing a field ID

Return Value

Returns true if the specified field exists in the given output record and false if it does not exist.

Error Conditions


InputRec {
 Byte 221122;
 Long 112211;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Long 121212;
 Long 131313;
} out;
if( in.221122 != 0 ) {
 out.121212 = in.112211;
if( fieldExists( out, "121212" ) ) {
 out.131313 = out.121212 / 1000;
write( out );


As the name implies, a copyBits built-in function is used to copy a specified number of bits from one variable to another. More explicitly, a specified number of bits (slength) are copied from a source variable (src) starting at an offset (soffset) to a destination variable (dst) starting at an offset (doffset) and within a given range (dlength). The destination range (dlength) must be large enough to accommodate the range from the source. The copyBits function is overloaded.


Use of the copyBits function will degrade the performance of a node.
Byte copyBits(Byte  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Byte  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Byte copyBits(Short  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Byte  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Byte copyBits(Integer src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Byte  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Byte copyBits(Bytes  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Byte  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Byte copyBits(Long  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Byte  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Short copyBits(Byte  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Short  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Short copyBits(Short  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Short  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Short copyBits(Integer src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Short  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Short copyBits(Bytes  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Short  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Short copyBits(Long  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Short  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Integer copyBits(Byte  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
         Integer dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Integer copyBits(Short  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
         Integer dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Integer copyBits(Integer src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
         Integer dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Integer copyBits(Bytes  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
         Integer dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Integer copyBits(Long  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
         Integer dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Bytes copyBits(Byte  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Bytes  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Bytes copyBits(Short  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Bytes  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Bytes copyBits(Integer src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Bytes  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Bytes copyBits(Bytes  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Bytes  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Bytes copyBits(Long  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
        Bytes  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Long copyBits(Byte  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Long  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Long copyBits(Short  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Long  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Long copyBits(Integer src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Long  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Long copyBits(Bytes  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Long  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)
Long copyBits(Long  src, Integer soffset, Integer slength,
       Long  dst, Integer doffset, Integer dlength)

Table 1-84 CopyBits Parameters

Parameter Description Acceptable Values


variable to copy bits from

Byte, Short, Integer, Long or non-null Bytes expression


offset into source will copying will begin

Integer expression with value from 0 to length of source in bits minus 1


how much of source value to copy

Integer expression with value that must be less than the length of source in bits


variable having bits copied into

Byte, Short, Integer, Long or non-null and non-empty Bytes expression


offset into destination where source will be copied

Integer expression with value from 0 to length of destination in bits minus 1


how much of destination value to copy over

Integer expression with value from 0 to length of destination in bits minus 1

Return Value

Returns a new variable that represents the destination with the specified source bits copied into the appropriate location. The return type is one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long or Bytes depending on which overloaded copyBits function is called.

Table 1-85 illustrates some sample return values for various parameters, assuming an Integer source and destination.

Table 1-85 Return Values

src soffset slength dst doffset dlength return value


















































Error Conditions

Passing a null byte array as the source or destination parameter to this function will result in the statement containing that function call being skipped and execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning of this condition will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level. A null byte array can occur in NPL if a Bytes variable is not initialized, or perhaps a built-in function or Java hook returns a null value.

If either the source offset or destination offset expression does not evaluate to an acceptable value as defined in the above Parameters table, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning indicating the invalid expression value will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If the source length parameter value exceeds the length for the source type or the destination length parameter value exceeds the length for the destination type, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program. A warning indicating the invalid expression value will be written to the node's log file if the node's configured debug level is set at the logging warnings level.

If a non-existent input or output attribute is used in any expression passed to the copyBits function, the statement that contains the function call will be skipped and execution continues with the next statement in the NPL program.

Integer format_bit;
InputRec {
 Integer flags;
 Integer format1;
 Integer format2;
} in;
OutputRec {
 Integer 113311;
} out;
format_bit = copyBits( in.flags, 6, 1, format_bit, 1, 32 );
if( format_bit != 0 ) {
 out.113311 = copyBits( in.format1, 0, 16, out.113311, 0, 16 );
 out.113311 = copyBits( in.format2, 0, 16, out.113311, 16, 16 );
else {
 out.113311 = copyBits( in.format1, 16, 16, out.113311, 0, 16 );
 out.113311 = copyBits( in.format2, 16, 16, out.113311, 16, 16 );
write( out );


An expression can be used in four areas of an NPL program: local variable initialization ("Local variables"), right-hand side of an assignment statement, conditional (relational and/or logical) of an "if' statement and as an argument to a function call. The categories of expressions supported by NPL are similar to those found in most programming languages: arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, unary plus and minus), String concatenation (see "String concatenation operator"), variable value, literal (integer, floating-point or string), explicit cast and function whose return is not void. Parentheses can be used to modify the meaning (or order of evaluation) of an expression.

Program statements

The program statements define the part of an NPL program that is executed each time the NPLFieldProcessor object's processData method is called. These statements determine how an incoming data record is processed and what data is passed on to the NPLFieldProcessor object's data receiver for output by the node.

Assignment Statement

As its name implies, the assignment statement is used to assign a value to a variable. The syntax of an assignment statement is a variable identifier, followed by an equal (=) sign, followed by the expression whose value is being assigned to the variable, and ending with a semicolon:

identifier = expression ;

The identifier must have already been declared in the NPL program and the expression must evaluate to the type of the variable named by identifier to be a valid assignment statement.

NPL supports record-to-record assignment only in EP nodes. When one record is assigned to another in an NPL assignment statement, the destination record will become a copy of the source record. Any attributes in the destination record prior to the assignment will be lost.

Assignment Statement Execution

During the execution of an NPL program, an assignment statement is either successful or ignored. Whether the assignment is successful or ignored, execution will continue with the next statement in the NPL program. An assignment statement is ignored if the expression on the right-hand side references a non-existent attribute of a data record or an error occurs when evaluating that expression.

Assignment from a non-existent attribute is ignored because this is a likely occurrence during normal processing of data records by a node. Each data record processed by a node may not contain all the possible attributes in the data format expected by a node.

If an error occurs when evaluating the expression on the right-hand side of an assignment statement, the assignment is ignored with a warning output to the node's log. A typical reason for an error when evaluating an assignment expression is an error from a function call (such as an inappropriate parameter to a built-in function).

If Statement

The "if" statement is a conditional statement used to determine the control flow in an NPL program. The general form of an "if" statement in NPL is:

if (if-condition)
else if (else-if-condition)

A "if" statement may contain zero or more "else if" parts and an optional "else" part.

The condition (if-condition or else-if-condition) is an expression that evaluates to true or false. This conditional expression may be one of the following:

The statement-or-block is one of:

  • A single program statement (i.e. assignment statement, if statement or function statement)

  • Zero or more program statements enclosed in a single set of braces

If Statement Execution

The conditional expressions (if-condition or else-if-condition) are evaluated in order; if an expression is true, the statement-or-block associated with it is executed, and this terminates the whole if chain. The statement-or-block associated with the last else part will be executed if none of the other conditions is satisfied.

If a conditional expression references an attribute that does not exist, the entire if statement will be ignored with execution continuing with the next statement in the NPL program. If an error occurs during the evaluation of a conditional expression, the entire if statement is ignored with a warning output to the node's log file.

Function Statement

A function statement is simply a call to a built-in function or Java hook (see "Java hooks") that is not part of an expression. A semicolon terminates the function statement. The NPL built-in functions that fall into the function statement category are: logError, logWarning, longInfo, logTrace and write.

Java hooks

Java hooks are an advanced feature of NPL that makes it possible to call a Java method from an NPL program. The Java hook method(s) to be called from NPL need to be defined in an interface that extends com.nt.udc.ndk.node.IDCMethodHandler or extends an interface that is already a sub-interface of IDCMethodHandler. In the second case all methods defined in the interface inheritance hierarchy up to IDCMethodHandler are potentially callable from NPL.

A Java method that is callable from NPL may have zero parameters or one or more parameters of the types defined in Table 1-86. The table lists valid Java hook method parameter types, their corresponding NPL types, and whether a parameter of the given type is passed by value or by reference. The implicit and explicit type conversions supported by NPL also apply when calling a Java hook from NPL.

Table 1-86 Java Hook Parameter Types

Java Hook Method Parameter Type Corresponding NPL Type Parameter Passed By


OutputRec, InputRec



















































String, Integer, Long, TimeInSecs, IP, TimeInMilliSecs, MAC, UInt128, Byte, Short, IPv6, Float, Double, Bytes, Object, List






When the abstract DCField is used as a parameter type in a Java hook method it is up to the implementation to verify that the correct field type has been passed to the method.

Valid return types for a Java hook method are: StringField, IntField, LongField, SecondsField, IPField, MillisField, MacField, UINT128Field, ByteField, ShortField, IPV6Field, FloatField, DoubleField, BytesField, ObjectField, ListField and void. Note that the abstract DCField is not a valid return type for a Java hook method since NPL needs a concrete type to perform type resolution in expressions.

There are two different mechanisms to make Java hooks accessible to a NPL program: import declaration or JavaHook declaration. Both mechanisms can be used in the same NPL program.

Import Declaration

An NPL program may import one method handler that contains one or more Java hooks to be called from the NPL program. This mechanism requires the object instance implementing the method handler to be passed to the NPL program via the NPLFieldProcessor constructor.

Below is an example method handler interface based on the time enhancer from an earlier release (PSA 2.5):

package com.nt.udc.enhancer;
import com.nt.udc.ndk.node.*;
public interface ITEMethodHandler extends IDCMethodhandler
  public MillisField finalDuration(StringField session_id,
                   MillisField connect_time,
                   MillisField disconnect_time);


The public modifiers on the interface and method declarations are necessary for NPL to be able to access the Java hook methods.

An object instance of the class implementing the Java hook method handler must be passed to the NPLFieldProcessor constructor in order for the Java hook methods to be callable from an NPL program. The NPLFieldProcessor constructor that accepts a method handler parameter is:

public NPLFieldProcessor( Class outputDataType, LoggerIfc inLogger,
             String scratchDir, String filename,
             IDCMethodHandler methodHandler )
  throws NodeProcessingException

A simple example of a NPL program that uses the time enhancer method handler defined by the example ITEMethodHandler above is:

import com.nt.udc.enhancer.ITEMethodHandler;
InputRec {
 String     1010; // session id
 TimeInMilliSecs 7002; // call connect time
 TimeInMilliSecs 7003; // call disconnect time
} in;
OutputRec {
 TimeInMilliSecs 7022; // final duration
} out;
out.7022 = Java.finalDuration(in.1010, in.7002, in.7003);

Note the import statement to make ITEMethodHandler methods available to this NPL program and the "Java." prefix on the call to finalDuration. The NPL program imports the method handler interface, not the class implementing the actual Java hooks. An imported Java hook must be prefixed with "Java." when called so NPL will recognize that the Java hook is from the imported method handler interface.

The steps for implementing and using imported Java hooks are summarized here:

  1. Write a method handler interface that contains the Java hook method(s). This interface must either extend IDCMethodHandler or extend an interface that is already a sub-interface of IDCMethodHandler.

  2. Implement the Java hook methods.

  3. Make sure an instance of the class that implements the Java hook method(s) is passed to the NPLFieldProcessor.

  4. Write the NPL file that will be making calls to the Java hook methods declared in the method handler interface. Make sure to import the method handler interface and prefix any Java hook calls with a ".Java".

JavaHook Declaration

The JavaHook declaration is the second mechanism for making Java hooks accessible from an NPL program. A NPL program may have zero or more JavaHook declarations. The JavaHook declaration consists of the JavaHook keyword followed by an identifier, an assignment to the fully qualified name of the class implementing the method handler, and a semicolon terminator:

JavaHook identifier = fully-qualified-class-name ;

The identifier provides the name used to reference the method handler from within the NPL program. A method handler identifier must begin with a letter or underscore followed by a sequence of zero or more letters, digits or underscores. A Java hook declared with this syntax is called in NPL by prefixing the method name with the identifier followed by a period.


The fully-qualified-class-name is the fully qualified name of the class that implements the Java hooks of the method handler. This class must implement an interface that extends IDCMethodHandler and have a zero-argument constructor.

The following example method handler implementation class uses the ITEMethodHandler interface example from the section "Import Declaration".

package com.nt.udc.enhancer;
import com.nt.udc.ndk.node.*;
public class ITEMethodHandlerImpl implements ITEMethodHandler
  // Method handler implementation classes used in NPL JavaHook declarations
  // must have a zero-argument constructor.
  public ITEMethodHandlerImpl()
// finalDuration Java hook declared in ITEMethodHandler
  public MillisField finalDuration(StringField session_id,
                   MillisField connect_time,
                   MillisField disconnect_time)
    // implement finalDuration here

The following simple NPL program is the example from the section "Import Declaration" updated to use a JavaHook declaration instead of an import statement:

JavaHook TEHandler = com.nt.udc.enhancer.ITEMethodHandlerImpl;
InputRec {
 String     1010; // session id
 TimeInMilliSecs 7002; // call connect time
 TimeInMilliSecs 7003; // call disconnect time
} in;
OutputRec {
 TimeInMilliSecs 7022; // final duration
} out;
out.7022 = TEHandler.finalDuration(in.1010, in.7002, in.7003);


Note that the JavaHook declaration uses the fully qualified name of the class that implements the method handler, not the method handler interface like the import statement.

The method handler class is instantiated internally by the NPL program using the zero-argument constructor. An accessor method is provided by the NPLFieldProcessor to retrieve a reference to a NPL program method handler if the zero-argument constructor is not sufficient to initialize a method handler instance:

public IDCMethodHandler getMethodHandler(String name)

The name is the identifier given the Java hook in the NPL JavaHook declaration.

The steps for implementing and using JavaHook declared method handlers are summarized here:

  1. Write a method handler interface that contains the Java hook method(s). This interface must either extend IDCMethodHandler or extend an interface that is already a sub-interface of IDCMethodHandler.

  2. Write a class that implements the interface from Step 1. Make sure the class has a zero-argument constructor.

  3. Write the NPL file that will be making calls to the Java hook methods implemented by the class from Step 2. Make sure to use the fully qualified name of the class from Step 2 in the JavaHook declaration and prefix any Java hook calls with the identifier from the declaration and a period.