7 Connecting Your Administration Client

Learn how to connect your Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller cloud native deployment with an on-premises version of Offline Mediation Controller Administration Client.

Topics in this document:

About Administration Client

Administration Client is a GUI application that you use for creating node chains and editing rule files. You also use Administration Client for administrating Offline Mediation Controller. For example, you can use it to manage users and define instances of system components.

For more information about using Administration Client, see "About Configuring Nodes and Node Chains" in Offline Mediation Controller User's Guide.

Connecting Administration Client

Although Offline Mediation Controller can be deployed on a cloud native environment, you must install an on-premise version of Administration Client to work with it.

To set up a connection between your on-premises Administration Client and the Administration Server on a cloud native environment, do the following:

  1. Configure the Administration Server cloud native service to connect to your Administration Client. See "Configuring Administration Server Cloud Native".

  2. Install an on-premises version of Administration Client on one of the following:

    • On a physical server that is reachable to the Kubernetes node where the Administration Server pod is running.

    • If graphical desktop support such as VNC is available on a worker node, you can install Administration Client on the same worker node in which the Administration Server and Node Manager pods are running.

    See "Installing Offline Mediation Controller Administration Client" in Offline Mediation Controller Installation Guide.

  3. Perform postinstallation tasks on the Administration Client machine. See "Postinstallation Tasks for Administration Client".

  4. Verify that your Administration Client can connect to the Administration Server. See "Verifying the Administration Client Connection".

After your Administration Client has connected successfully, ensure that you place all CDR files inside the vol-data PVC and that all CDRs have read and write permission for the ocomcuser user.

Configuring Administration Server Cloud Native

When configuring your Offline Mediation Controller Administration Server cloud native service, ensure that you do the following:

  1. Expose the Administration Server pod (admin-server-app):

    • If your Administration Client is located remotely or is on a Windows system, set the Administration Server's service type to NodePort.
    • If your Administration Client is installed on the same worker node in which the Administration Server pod is running, set the Administration Server's service type to clusterIP.

  2. Open your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-ocomc.

  3. Set the ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.adminsvrIp key to admin-server-app.

  4. If your Administration Client is installed remotely or on a Windows system, set these additional keys:

    • ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.nmExternalPort: Set this to the external port for the Node Manager. Set this key only if your admin-server pod and node-mgr pod are running on different machines.

    • ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.adminsvrExternalPort: Set this to the external port for the Administration Server.

    • ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.adminsvrFirewallPort: Set this to the Administration Server firewall port.

  5. Save and close your override-values.yaml file.

  6. Deploy Offline Mediation Controller by following the instructions in "Deploying Offline Mediation Controller Services".

The following shows sample override-values.yaml entries for an Administration Client that is installed remotely or on a Windows system:

    adminsvrExternalPort: 31000
    adminsvrFirewallPort: 32000
    adminsvrIp: admin-server-app

Postinstallation Tasks for Administration Client

After you install Administration Client, perform the following postinstallation tasks:

  1. Copy all Offline Mediation Controller cartridges and your custom cartridges from the cloud native environment's /home/ocomcuser/ext/cartridges directory to the Administration Client's OMC_home/cartridges directory.

  2. In the Administration Client machine's /etc/hosts file, add the IP address of the Kubernetes node where Administration Server is running. For example:

    IPAddress        Hostname         myhost.example.com
  3. In your Administration Client, specify the location of the Offline Mediation Controller wallet.

    1. Go to the OMC_home/bin/ directory and open either the UDCEnvironment.bat file (Windows) or the UDCEnvironment file (UNIX).

    2. Set the OCOMC_WALLET_LOCATION parameter to the externally mounted wallet PV.

    3. Save and close the file.

    4. Restart Offline Mediation Controller. See "Starting Offline Mediation Controller" in Offline Mediation Controller Installation Guide.

  4. Ensure the Offline Mediation Controller wallet files in the Kubernetes node are accessible to the Administration Client machine.

  5. If SSL is enabled, copy the adminClientTruststore.jks file from vol-external PVC on the cloud native environment to the Administration Client's OMC_home/config/GUI directory.

Verifying the Administration Client Connection

Start your Administration Client to verify it can connect to your Administration Server on the cloud native environment.

To verify the Administration Client connection:

  1. Start Administration Client.

    1. Go to the OMC_home/bin directory.

    2. Run the following command:

      ./gui -f

      Administration Client starts in the foreground.

  2. In the Welcome to Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller dialog box, do the following:

    • In the Host field, enter admin-server-app.

    • In the Port field, enter the Administration Server node port number.

    • Enter your user name and password.

  3. Click Connect.

    If the Administration Client successfully connects to the Administration Server, you will see the Offline Mediation Controller Administration Client window.