6 Upgrading Offline Mediation Controller

Learn how to upgrade your existing Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller cloud native deployment to the latest release.

Topics in this document:

In this document, the Offline Mediation Controller release running on your production system is called the existing release. The release you are upgrading to is called the new release. For example, if you are upgrading from Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 4 to Offline Mediation Controller 15.0, 12.0 Patch Set 4 is the existing release and 15.0 is the new release.

Upgrading Offline Mediation Controller from 12.0 Patch Set 4 or Later to 15.0

When you upgrade your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native services, it upgrades all core services in your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native environment.

To upgrade your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native services from the 12.0 Patch Set 4 or later release to the 15.0 release:

  1. Download the Helm charts for the Offline Mediation Controller cloud native deployment. See "Downloading Packages for the Offline Mediation Controller Cloud Native Helm Charts".

  2. Download the Offline Mediation Controller cloud native images in one of these ways:

  3. Extract the Offline Mediation Controller Helm chart from the archive:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-ocomc-15.0.0.x.0.tgz

    where x is 0 for the release, 1 for Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 Patch Set 1, 2 for Offline Mediation Controller 15.0 Patch Set 2, and so on. If you are extracting an interim patch, the file name will also have the interim patch number appended to it, such as oc-cn-ocomc-15.0.0.x.0-12345678.tgz.

  4. Set the following keys in your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-ocomc:

    • charts.enableCore: Set this to true.

    • charts.enableRSM: Set this to true if you want to use Offline Mediation Controller REST Services Manager in your 15.0 release.
    • ocomcCore.upgrade.fromRelease: Set this to the Offline Mediation Controller release number you are upgrading from. For example, if you are upgrading from 12.0 Patch Set 5, set the key to

    • ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.forceGenSslcert: Set this to true if SSL is enabled in your system.

    • Set the other keys in Table 4-2 as needed.

  5. Run the helm upgrade command from the oc-cn-ocomc directory:

    helm upgrade NameSpace oc-cn-ocomc -values OverrideValuesFile -n ReleaseName


    • NameSpace is the namespace in which to create Offline Mediation Controller Kubernetes objects.

    • OverrideValuesFile is the path to a YAML file that overrides the default configurations in the chart's values.yaml file.

    • ReleaseName is the release name, which is used to track this installation instance.

  6. In your override-values.yaml file for oc-cn-ocomc, reset the ocomcCore.ocomc.configEnv.forceGenSslcert key to false.


If there are config keys present in the sub-charts, or from previous installations during upgrades, which are not found in the new values.yaml file, users can easily add it to the override-values.yaml file.

Upgrading Offline Mediation Controller from 12.0 Patch Set 3 to 15.0

The process for upgrading Offline Mediation Controller cloud native from the 12.0 Patch Set 3 release to the 15.0 release is a two-step process:

  1. Upgrade your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native system from 12.0 Patch Set 3 to 12.0 Patch Set 4.

  2. Upgrade your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native system from 12.0 Patch Set 4 to 15.0 by following the instructions in "Upgrading Offline Mediation Controller from 12.0 Patch Set 4 or Later to 15.0".

To upgrade your Offline Mediation Controller cloud native services to the 12.0 Patch Set 4 release:

  1. Download Oracle Communications Offline Mediation Controller 12.0 Patch Set 4 from the Oracle Support website (https://support.oracle.com).

  2. Unzip the file. The Zip file includes the oc-cn-ocomc-helm-chart- archive file for upgrading your system.

  3. Extract the Offline Mediation Controller Helm chart from the archive:

    tar xvzf oc-cn-ocomc-helm-chart-
  4. In admin-server-pvc, rename your 12.0 Patch Set 3 OMC_home/config/adminserver/systemModel.cfg file to SystemModel.orig.

  5. Move your 12.0 Patch Set 3 wallet files from their existing location (vol-keystore PV) to the vol-external PV.

  6. Set the following keys in your 12.0 Patch Set 4 override-values.yaml file:

    • ocomcSoftwareUpgradePath: Set this to /container-scripts/OCOMC-

    • ocomc.job.preUpgradeToPS4.flag: Set this to true.

    • upgrade.fromRelease: Set this to

    • ocomc.configEnv.forceGenSslcert: Set this to true.

    • ocomc.deployment.nodemgr.count: Ensure this is set to 1.

  7. Run the helmUpgradeToPS4.sh script from the oc-cn-ocomc-helm-chart directory:

    sh helmUpgradeToPS4 NameSpace OverrideValuesFile ReleaseName LogFile


    • NameSpace is the namespace in which to create Offline Mediation Controller Kubernetes objects.

    • OverrideValuesFile is the path to a YAML file that overrides the default configurations in the chart's values.yaml file.

    • ReleaseName is the release name, which is used to track this installation instance.

    • LogFile is the path and name to the log file to create.

    Wait for the admin-server-app pod to start.

  8. Set the following keys in your 12.0 Patch Set 4 override-values.yaml file:

    • ocomc.job.preUpgradeToPS4.flag: Set this to false.

    • ocomc.job.postUpgradeToPS4.flag: Set this to true.

    • ocomc.job.postUpgradeToPS4.existingNM: Set this to the name of the existing Node Manager pod in the format hostname@host:port, where name is the mediation host's name configured in Node Manager, host is the IP address or hostname of the server on which the mediation host resides, and port is the port number at which the mediation host communicates with the Node Manager pod.

  9. Run the helm upgrade command:

    helm upgrade ReleaseName oc-cn-ocomc-helm-chart --values OverridingValueFile -n Namespace
  10. Because the wallet location changed in the 12.0 Patch Set 4 release, update all nodes that use the wallet to point to the correct wallet location.

  11. Set the following keys in your override-values.yaml file:

    • ocomc.job.postUpgradeToPS4.flag: Set this to false.

    • ocomc.configEnv.forceGenSslcert: Set this to false.