8 Exploring Alternate Configuration Options

The OSM cloud native toolkit provides samples and documentation for setting up your OSM cloud native environment using standard configuration options. However, you can choose to explore alternate configuration options for setting up your environment, based on your requirements. This chapter describes alternate configurations you can explore, allowing you to decide how best to configure your OSM cloud native environment to suit your needs.

You can choose alternate configuration options for the following:

The sections that follow provide instructions for working with these configuration options.

Setting Up Authentication

By default, OSM uses the WebLogic embedded LDAP as the authentication provider and all OSM system users are created in embedded LDAP during instance creation. For human users, you may set up an optional authentication for the users who access OSM through user interfaces. See "Planning and Validating Your Cloud Environment" for information on the components that are required for setting up your cloud environment. The OSM cloud native toolkit provides samples that you use to integrate components such as OpenLDAP, WebLogic Kubernetes Operator (WKO), and Traefik. This section describes the tasks you must do for configuring optional authentication for OSM cloud native human users.

Perform the following tasks using the samples provided with the OSM cloud native toolkit:

  • Install and configure OpenLDAP. This is required to be done once for your organization.
  • Install OpenLDAP clients. This is required to be performed on each host that installs and runs the toolkit scripts and when a Kubernetes cluster is shared by multiple hosts.
  • In the OpenLDAP server, create the root node for each OSM instance

Installing and Configuring OpenLDAP

OpenLDAP enables your organization to handle authentication for all instances of OSM. You install and configure OpenLDAP once for your organization.

To install and configure OpenLDAP:

  1. Run the following command, which installs OpenLDAP:
    $ sudo -s  yum -y install "openldap" "migrationtools"
  2. Specify a password by running the following command:
    $ sudo -s slappasswd
    New password:
    Re-enter new password:
  3. Configure OpenLDAP by running the following commands:
    $ sudo -s
    $ cd /etc/openldap/slapd.d/cn=config
    $ vi olcDatabase\=\{2\}hdb.ldif
  4. Update the values for the following parameters:


    Ignore the warning about editing the file manually.
    • olcSuffix: dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com
    • olcRootDN: cn=Manager,dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com
    • olcRootPW:ssha

      where ssha is the SSHA that is generated

  5. Update the dc values for the olcAccess parameter as follows:
    olcAccess: {0}to * by dn.base="gidNumber=0+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external, cn=auth" 
    read by dn.base="cn=Manager,dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com" read by * none
  6. Test the configuration by running the following command:

    sudo -s slaptest -u

    Ignore the checksum warnings in the output and ensure that you get a success message at the end.

  7. Run the following commands, which restart and enable LDAP:
    sudo -s systemctl restart slapd
    sudo -s systemctl enable slapd
    sudo -s cp -rf /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
    ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/cosine.ldif
    ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif
    ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f /etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif
  8. Create a root node named domain, which will be the top parent for all OSM instances.
  9. Run the following command to create a new file named base.ldif:
    sudo -s  vi /root/base.ldif
  10. Add the following entries to the base.ldif file:
    dn: ou=Domains,dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com
    objectClass: top
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: Domains
  11. Run the following commands to update the values in the base.ldif file:
    ldapadd -x -W -D "cn=Manager,dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com" -f /root/base.ldif  
    ldapsearch -x cn=Manager -b dc=osmcn-ldap,dc=com
  12. Open the LDAP port 389 on all Kubernetes nodes in the cluster.

Installing OpenLDAP Clients

In environments where the Kubernetes cluster is shared by multiple hosts, you must install the OpenLDAP clients on each host. You use the scripts in the toolkit to populate the LDAP server with users and groups.

On the host on which you want to create a basic OSM instance, run the following command, which installs the OpenLDAP clients:
sudo -s yum -y install openldap-clients

Creating the Root Node

You must create the root node for each OSM instance before additional OSM non-automation user and OSM group can be created.

The toolkit provides a sample script ($OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/manage-osm-ldap-credentials.sh) that you can use to create the root node in the LDAP tree for the OSM instance.

Run the $OSM_CNTK/samples/credentials/manage-osm-ldap-credentials.sh script by passing in -o account.

Working with Shapes

The OSM cloud native toolkit provides the following pre-configured shapes:

  • charts/osm/shapes/dev.yaml. This can be used for development, QA and user acceptance testing (UAT) instances.
  • charts/osm/shapes/devsmall.yaml. This can be used to reduce CPU requirements for small development instances.
  • charts/osm/shapes/prod.yaml. This can be used for production, pre-production, and disaster recovery (DR) instances.
  • charts/osm/shapes/prodlarge.yaml. This can be used for production, pre-production and disaster recovery (DR) instances that require more memory for OSM cartridges and order caches.
  • charts/osm/shapes/prodsmall.yaml. This can be used to reduce CPU requirements for production, pre-production and disaster recovery (DR) instances. For example, it can be used to deploy a small production cluster with two managed servers when the order rate does not justify two managed servers configured with a prod or prodlarge shape. For production instances, Oracle recommends two or more managed servers. This provides increased resiliency to a single point of failure and can allow order processing to continue while failed managed servers are being recovered.

You can create custom shapes using the pre-configured shapes. See "Creating Custom Shapes" for details.

The pre-defined shapes come in standard sizes, which enable you to plan your Kubernetes cluster resource requirement.

The following table lists the sizing requirements of the shapes for a managed server:

Table 8-1 Sizing Requirements of Shapes for a Managed Server

Shape Kube Request Kube Limit JVM Heap (GB)
prodlarge 80 GB RAM, 15 CPU 80 GB RAM, 15 CPU 64
prod 48 GB RAM, 15 CPU 48 GB RAM, 15 CPU 31
prodsmall 48 GB RAM, 7.5 CPU 48 GB RAM, 7.5 CPU 31
dev 8 GB RAM, 2 CPU 8 GB RAM 5
devsmall 8 GB RAM, 0.5 CPU 8 GB RAM 5

The following table lists the sizing requirements of the shapes for an admin server:

Table 8-2 Sizing Requirements of Shapes for an Admin Server

Shape Kube Request Kube Limit JVM Heap (GB)
prodlarge 8 GB RAM, 2 CPU 8 GB RAM 4
prod 8 GB RAM, 2 CPU 8 GB RAM 4
prodsmall 8 GB RAM, 2 CPU 8 GB RAM 4
dev 3 GB RAM, 1 CPU 4 GB RAM 1
devsmall 3 GB RAM, 0.5 CPU 4 GB RAM 1

These values are encoded in the specifications and are automatically part of the individual pod configuration. The Kubernetes schedulers evaluate the Kube request settings to find space for each pod in the worker nodes of the Kubernetes cluster.

To plan the cluster capacity requirement, consider the following:
  • Number of development instances required to be running in parallel: D
  • Number of managed servers expected across all the development instances: Md (Md will be equal to D if all the development instances are 1 MS instances)
  • Number of production (and production-like) instances required to be running in parallel: P
  • Number of managed servers expected across all production instances: Mp
  • Assume use of "dev" and "prod" shapes
  • CPU requirement (CPUs) = D * 1 + Md * 2 + P * 2 + Mp * 15
  • Memory requirement (GB) = D * 4 + Md * 8 + P * 8 + Mp * 48


The production managed servers take their memory and CPU in large chunks. Kube scheduler requires the capacity of each pod to be satisfied within a particular worker node and does not schedule the pod if that capacity is fragmented across the worker nodes.

The shapes are pre-tuned for generic development and production environments. You can create an OSM instance with either of these shapes, by specifying the preferred one in the instance specification.

# Name of the shape. The OSM cloud native shapes are devsmall, dev, prodsmall, prod, and prodlarge.
# Alternatively, custom shape name can be specified (as the filename without the extension)

Creating Custom Shapes

You create custom shapes by copying the provided shapes and then specifying the desired tuning parameters. Do not edit the values in the shapes provided with the toolkit.

In addition to processor and memory sizing parameters, a custom shape can be used to tune:
  • The number of threads allocated to OSM work managers
  • OSM connection pool parameters
  • Order cache sizes and inactivity timeouts
For more details on the recommend approach to tune these parameters, see "OSM Pre-Production Testing and Tuning" in OSM Installation Guide.

To create a custom shape:

  1. Copy one of the pre-configured shapes and save it to your source repository.
  2. Rename the shape and update the tuning parameters as required.
  3. In the instance specification, specify the name of the shape you copied and renamed:
    shape: custom
  4. Create the domain, ensuring that the location of your custom shape is included in the comma separated list of directories passed with -s.
    $OSM_CNTK/scripts/create-instance.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_Path


While copying a pre-configured shape or editing your custom shape, ensure that you preserve any configuration that has comments indicating that it must not be deleted.

Injecting Custom Configuration Files

Sometimes, a solution cartridge may require access to a file on disk. A common example is for reading of property files or mapping rules.

A solution may also need to provide configuration files for reference via parameters in the oms-config.xml file for OSM use (for example, for operational order jeopardies and OACC runtime configuration).

To inject custom configuration files:
  1. Make a copy of the OSM_CNTK/samples/customExtensions/custom-file-support.yaml file.
  2. Edit it so that it contains the contents of the files. See the comments in the file for specific instructions.
  3. Save it (retaining its name) into the directory where you save all extension files. Say extension_directory. See "Extending the WebLogic Server Deploy Tooling (WDT) Model" for details.
  4. Edit your project specification to reference the desired files in the customFiles element:
    # - mountPath: /some/path/1 
    #   configMapSuffix: "path1" 
    # - mountPath: /some/other/path/2 
    #   configMapSuffix: "path2"

When you run create-instance.sh or upgrade-instance.sh, provide the extension_directory in the "-m" command-line argument. In your oms-config.xml file or in your cartridge code, you can refer to these custom files as mountPath/filename, where mountPath comes from your project specification and filename comes from your custom-file-support.yaml contents. For example, if your custom-file-support.yaml file contains a file called properties.txt and you have a mount path of /mycompany/mysolution/config, then you can refer to this file in your cartridge or in the oms-config.xml file as /mycompany/mysolution/config/properties.txt.

While working with custom configuration files, consider the following usage guidelines:
  • The files created are read-only for OSM and for the cartridge code.
  • The mountPath parameter provided in the project specification should point to a new directory location. If the location is an existing location, all of its existing content will occlude with the files you are injecting.
  • Do not provide the same mountPath more than once in a project specification.
  • The custom-file-support.yaml file in your extension_directory is part of your configuration-as-code, and must be version controlled as with other extensions and specifications.

To modify the contents of a custom file, update your custom-file-support.yaml file in your extension_directory and invoke upgrade-instance.sh. Changes to the contents of the existing files are immediately visible to the OSM pods. However, you may need to perform additional actions in order for these changes to take effect. For example, if you changed a property value in your custom file, that will only be read the next time your cartridge runs the appropriate logic.

If you wish to add files for a running OSM cloud native instance, update your custom-file-support.yaml file as described above and invoke upgrade-instance.sh. While this same procedure can work when you need to remove custom files for a running OSM instance, it is strongly recommended that you do this as described in the following procedure to avoid "file not found" type of errors:
  1. Update the instance specification to set the size to 0 and then run upgrade-instance.sh.
  2. Update the instance specification to set the size to the initial value and remove the file from your custom-file-support.yaml file.
  3. Update the customFiles parameter in your project specification and run upgrade-instance.sh.

Choosing Worker Nodes for Running OSM Cloud Native

By default, OSM cloud native has its pods scheduled on all worker nodes in the Kubernetes cluster in which it is installed. However, in some situations, you may want to choose a subset of nodes where pods are scheduled.

For example, these situations include:
  • Licensing restrictions: Coherence could be limited to be deployed on specific shapes. Also, there could be a limit on the number of CPUs where Coherence is deployed.
  • Non license restrictions: Limitation on the deployment of OSM on specific worker nodes per each team for reasons such as capacity management, chargeback, budgetary reasons, and so on.
To choose a subset of nodes where pods are scheduled, you can use the configuration in the project specification yaml file.
# If OSM cloud native instances must be targeted to a subset of worker nodes in the
# Kubernetes cluster, tag those nodes with a label name and value, and choose
# that label+value here.
#   key    : any node label key
#   values : list of values to choose the node.
#            If any of the values is found for the above label key, then that
#            node is included in the pod scheduling algorithm.
# This can be overriden in instance specification if required.
osmcnTargetNodes: {} # This empty declaration should be removed if adding items here.
#  nodeLabel:
##   oracle.com/licensed-for-coherence is just an indicative example, any label and its values can be used for choosing nodes.
#    key: oracle.com/licensed-for-coherence
#    values:
#      - true
Consider the following when you update the configuration:
  • There is no restriction on node label key. Any valid node label can be used.
  • There can be multiple valid values for a key.
  • You can override this configuration in the instance specification yaml file, if required.

Working with Ingress, Ingress Controller, and External Load Balancer

A Kubernetes ingress is responsible for establishing access to back-end services. However, creating an ingress is not sufficient. An Ingress controller connects the back-end services with the front-end services based on Ingress rules. In OSM cloud native, an ingress controller can be configured in the project specification.
# valid values are TRAEFIK, GENERIC, OTHER
ingressController: "TRAEFIK"
To create an ingress, run the following:
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/create-ingress.sh -p project -i instance -s $SPEC_PATH
To delete an ingress, run the following:
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/delete-ingress.sh -p project -i instance

The Traefik ingress controller works by creating an operator in its own "traefik" namespace and exposing a NodePort service. However, all ingress controllers do not behave the same way. In order to accommodate all types of ingress controllers, by default, the instance.yaml file provides the loadBalancerPort parameter.

If an external load balancer is used, it needs to be connected to the NodePort service of the Ingress controller. Hence, externalLoadBalancerIP also needs to be present in instance.yaml.

For the Traefik ingress controller, do the following:
  • If an external load balancer is not configured, fetch loadBalancerPort by running the following command:
    $kubectl -n $TRAEFIK_NS get service traefik-operator --output=jsonpath="{..spec.ports[?(@.name=='http')].nodePort}"
  • If an external load balancer is used, fetch loadBalancerPort by running the following command:
    kubectl -n $TRAEFIK_NS get service traefik-operator --output=jsonpath="{..spec.ports[?(@.name=='http')].port}"
Populate the values in instance.yaml before invoking create-instance.sh command to create an instance:
# If external hardware or software load balancer is used, set this value to that frontend host IP.
# If OCI load balancer is used, then set externalLoadBalancerIP from OCI LBaaS
#externalLoadBalancerIP: ""
# For Traefik Ingress Controller:
# If external load balancer is used, then this would be 80, else traefik pod's Nodeport (30305)
loadBalancerPort: 80


If you choose Traefik or any other ingress controller such as Traefik, you can move the loadBalancerPort and externalLoadBalancerIP parameters to project.yaml.

Using an Alternate Ingress Controller

By default, OSM cloud native supports Traefik and provides sample files for integration. However, you can use any Ingress controller that supports host-based routing and session stickiness with cookies. OSM cloud native uses the term "generic" ingress for scenarios where you want to leverage the Ingress capabilities that the Kubernetes platform may provide.

To use a generic ingress controller, you must create the ingress object and configure your OSM instance to use it. The toolkit uses an ingress Helm chart ($OSM_CNTK/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/templates/traefik-ingress.yaml) and scripts for creating the ingress objects. If you want to use a generic ingress controller, these samples can be used as a reference and customized as necessary.

If your OSM cloud native instance needs to secure incoming communications, then look at the $OSM_CNTK/samples/charts/ingress-per-domain/templates/traefik-ingress.yaml file. This file demonstrates the configuration for a TLS-enabled Traefik ingress that can be used as a sample.

The host-based rules and the corresponding back-end Kubernetes service mapping are provided using the following definitions:
  • domainUID: Combination of project-instance. For example, sr-quick.
  • clusterName: The name of the cluster in lowercase. Replace any hyphens "-" with underscore "_". The default name of the cluster in values.yaml is c1.

The following table lists the service name and service ports for Ingress rules:

Table 8-3 Service Name and Service Ports for Ingress Rules

Rule Service Name Service Port Purpose
instance.project.loadBalancerDomainName domainUID-cluster-clusterName 8001 For access to OSM through UI, XMLAPI, Web Services, and so on.
t3.instance.project.loadBalancerDomainName t3.instance.project.loadBalancerDomainName 30303 OSM T3 Channel access for WLST, JMS, and SAF clients.
admin.instance.project.loadBalancerDomainName domainUID-admin 7001 For access to OSM WebLogic Admin Console UI.

Ingresses need to be created for each of the above rules per the following guidelines:

  • Before running create-instance.sh, ingress must be created.
  • After running delete-instance.sh, ingress must be deleted.

You can develop your own code to handle your ingress controller or copy the sample ingress-per-domain chart and add additional template files for your ingress controller with a new value for the type (NGINX for example).

  • The reference sample for creation is: $OSM_CNTK/scripts/config-ingress.sh
  • The reference sample for deletion is: $OSM_CNTK/scripts/delete-ingress.sh
You must update the value of the ingressController parameter in the instance specification at $SPEC_PATH/project-instance.yaml
#valid values are TRAEFIK, GENERIC, OTHER
ingressController: "GENERIC"

If any of the supported Ingress controllers or even a generic ingress does not meet your requirements, you can choose "OTHER".

By choosing this option, OSM cloud native does not create or manage any ingress required for accessing the OSM cloud native services. However, you may choose to create your own ingress objects based on the service and port details mentioned in the above table.


Regardless of the choice of Ingress controller, it is mandatory to provide the value of loadBalancerPort in one of the specification files. This is used for establishing front-end cluster.

Reusing the Database State

When an OSM instance is deleted, the state of the database remains unaffected, which makes it available for re-use. This is common in the following scenarios:

  • When an instance is deleted and the same instance is re-created using the same project and the instance names, the database state is unaffected. For example, consider a performance instance that does not need to be up and running all the time, consuming resources. When it is no longer actively being used, its specification files and PDB can be saved and the instance can be deleted. When it is needed again, the instance can be rebuilt using the saved specifications and the saved PDB. Another common scenario is when developers delete and re-create the same instance multiple times while configuration is being developed and tested.
  • When a new instance is created to point to the data of another instance with a new project and instance names, the database state is unaffected. A developer, who might want to create a development instance with the data from a test instance in order to investigate a reported issue, is likely to use their own instance specification and the OSM data from PDB of the test instance.
Additionally, consider the following components when re-using the database state:
  • The OSM DB (schema and data)
  • The RCU DB (schema and data)

Recreating an Instance

You can re-create an OSM instance with the same project and instance names, pointing to the same database. In this case, both the OSM DB and the RCU DB are re-used, making the sequence of events for instance re-creation relatively straightforward.

To recreate an instance, the following pre-requisites must be available from the original instance and made available to the re-creation process:
  • PDB
  • The project and instance specification files

Reusing the OSM Schema

To reuse the OSM DB, the secret for the PDB must still exist:



This is the osmdb credential in the manage-instance-credentials.sh script.

Reusing the RCU

To reuse the RCU, the following secrets for the RCU DB must still exist:
  • project-instance-rcudb-credentials. This is the rcudb credential.
  • project-instance-opss-wallet-password-secret. This is the opssWP credential.
  • project-instance-opss-walletfile-secret. This is the opssWF credential.
If the opssWP and opssWF secrets no longer exist and cannot be re-created from offline data, then drop the RCU schema and re-create it using the OSM DB Installer.
Create the instance as you would normally do:
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/create-instance.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_Path

Creating a New Instance

If the original instance does not need to be retained, then the original PDB can be re-used directly by a new instance. If however, the instance needs to be retained, then you must create a clone of the PDB of the original instance. This section describes using a newly cloned PDB for the new instance.

If possible, ensure that the images specified in the project specification (project.yaml) match the images in the specification files of the original instance.

Reusing the OSM Schema

To reuse the OSM DB, the following secret for the PDB must be created using the new project and instance names. This is the osmdb credential in manage-instance-credentials.sh and points to your cloned PDB:

If your new instance must reference a newer OSM DB installer image in its specification files than the original instance, it is recommended to invoke an in-place upgrade of OSM schema before creating the new instance.

To upgrade or check the OSM schema:
# Upgrade the OSM schema to match new instance's specification files
# Do nothing if schema already matches
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_path -c 1
You can choose a strategy for the RCU DB from one of the following options:
  • Create a new RCU
  • Reuse RCU

Creating a New RCU

If you only wish to retain the OSM schema data (cartridges and orders), then you can create a new RCU schema.

The following steps provide a consolidated view of RCU creation described in "Managing Configuration as Code".

To create a new RCU, create the following secrets:
  • project-instance-rcudb-credentials. This is the rcudb credential and describes the new RCU schema you want in the clone.
  • project-instance-opss-wallet-password-secret. This is the opssWP credential unique to your new instance
After these credentials are in place, prepare the cloned PDB:
# Create a fresh RCU DB schema while preserving OSM schema data
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_path -c 7
With this approach, the RCU schema from the original instance is still available in the cloned PDB, but is not used by the new instance.

Reusing the RCU

Using the manage-instance-credentials.sh script, create the following secret using your new project and instance names:


The secret should describe the old RCU schema, but with new PDB details.

  • Reusing RCU Schema Prefix

    Over time, if PDBs are cloned multiple times, it may be desirable to avoid the proliferation of defunct RCU schemas by re-using the schema prefix and re-initializing the data. There is no OSM metadata or order data stored in the RCU DB so the data can be safely re-initialized.

    project-instance-opss-wallet-password-secret. This is the opssWP credential unique to your new instance.

    To re-install the RCU, invoke DB Installer:
    $OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_path -c 5
  • Reusing RCU Schema and Data

    In order to reuse the full RCU DB from another instance, the original opssWF and opssWP must be copied to the new environment and renamed following the convention: project-instance-opss-wallet-password-secret and project-instance-opss-walletfile-secret.

    This directs Fusion MiddleWare OPSS to access the data using the secrets.

Create the instance as you would normally do:
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/create-instance.sh -p project -i instance -s spec_path

Setting Up Persistent Storage

OSM cloud native can be configured to use a Kubernetes Persistent Volume to store data that needs to be retained even after a pod is terminated. This data includes application logs, JFR recordings and DB Installer logs, but does not include any sort of OSM state data. When an instance is re-created, the same persistent volume need not be available. When persistent storage is enabled in the instance specification, these data files, which are written inside a pod are re-directed to the persistent volume.

Data from all instances in a project may be persisted, but each instance does not need a unique location for logging. Data is written to a project-instance folder, so multiple instances can share the same end location without destroying data from other instances.

The final location for this data should be one that is directly visible to the users of OSM cloud native. The development instances may simply direct data to a shared file system for analysis and debugging by cartridge developers. Whereas, formal test and production instances may need the data to be scraped by a logging toolchain such as EFK, that can then process the data and make it available in various forms. The recommendation therefore is to create a PV-PVC pair for each class of destination within a project. In this example, one for developers to access and one that feeds into a toolchain.

A PV-PVC pair would be created for each of these "destinations", that multiple instances can then share. A single PVC can be used by multiple OSM domains. The management of the PV and PVC lifecycles is beyond the scope of OSM cloud native.

The OSM cloud native infrastructure administrator is responsible for creating and deleting PVs or for setting up dynamic volume provisioning.

The OSM cloud native project administrator is responsible for creating and deleting PVCs as per the standard documentation in a manner such that they consume the pre-created PVs or trigger the dynamic volume provisioning. The specific technology supporting the PV is also beyond the scope of OSM cloud native. However, samples for PV supported by NFS are provided.

Creating a PV-PVC Pair

The technology supporting the Kubernetes PV-PVC is not dictated by OSM cloud native. Samples have been provided for NFS and can either be used as is, or as a reference for other implementations.

To create a PV-PVC pair supported by NFS:

  1. Edit the sample PV and PVC yaml files and update entries with enclosing brackets


    PVCs need to be ReadWriteMany.

    vi $OSM_CNTK/samples/nfs/pv.yaml
      vi $OSM_CNTK/samples/nfs/pvc.yaml
  2. Create the Kubernetes PV and PVC.
    kubectl create -f $OSM_CNTK/samples/nfs/pv.yaml
    kubectl create -f $OSM_CNTK/samples/nfs/pvc.yaml
Enable storage in the instance specification and specify the name of the PVC created:
# The storage volume must specify the PVC to be used for persistent storage.
  enabled: true
  pvc: storage-pvc
After the instance is created, you should see the following directories in your PV mount point, if you have enabled logs:
[oracle@localhost project-instance]$ dir
db-installer  logs  performance

Setting Up Database Optimizer Statistics

As part of the setup of a highly performant database for OSM, it is necessary to set up database optimizer statistics. OSM DB Installer can be used to set up the database partition statistics, which ensures a consistent source of statistics for new partitions so that the database generates optimal execution plans for queries in those partitions.

About the Default Partition Statistics

The OSM DB Installer comes with a set of default partition statistics. These statistics come from an OSM system running a large number of orders (over 400,000) for a cartridge of reasonable complexity. These partition statistics are usable as-is for production.

Setting Up Database Partition Statistics

To use the provided default partition statistics, no additional input, in terms of specification files, secrets or other runtime aspects, is required for the OSM cloud native DB Installer.

The OSM cloud native DB Installer is invoked during the OSM instance creation, to either create or update the OSM schema. The installer is configured to automatically populate the default partition statistics (to all partitions) for a newly created OSM schema when the "prod", "prodsmall", or "prodlarge" (Production) shape is declared in the instance specification. The statistics.loadPartitionStatistics field within these shape files is set to true to enable the loading.

If you want to load partition statistics for a non-production shape, or if you want to reload statistics due to a DB or schema upgrade, use the command with 11 to load the statistics to all existing partitions in the OSM schema:

$OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s $SPEC_PATH -c 11
If you create new partitions, to import the default partition statistics to these new partitions, run the following command on the DB Installer.


The partition name is specified in -b parameter with a comma delimited list of partition names.
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s $SPEC_PATH -b the_newly_created_partition_1,the_newly_created_partition_2 -c 11
If you create new partitions, and want to copy or load the partition statistics data from an existing partition to these new partitions, run the following command on the DB Installer.
$OSM_CNTK/scripts/install-osmdb.sh -p project -i instance -s $SPEC_PATH -a existing_partition_name -b the_newly_created_partition_1,the_newly_created_partition_2 -c 11

Leveraging Oracle WebLogic Server Active GridLink

If you are using a RAC database for your OSM cloud native instance, by default, OSM uses WebLogic Multi-DataSource (MDS) configurations to connect to the database.

If you are licensed to use Oracle WebLogic Server Active GridLink (AGL) separately from your OSM license (consult any additional WebLogic licenses you possess that may apply), you can configure OSM cloud native to use AGL configurations where possible. This will better distribute load across RAC nodes.

To enable the use of AGL, find the "db:" section in your instance specification YAML file and add the "aglLincensed" line as shown below and then create or upgrade your instance as usual:
  aglLicensed: true

Managing Logs

OSM cloud native generates traditional textual logs. By default, these log files are generated in the managed server pod, but can be re-directed to a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) supported by the underlying technology that you choose. See "Setting Up Persistent Storage" for details.

By default, logging is enabled. When persistent storage is enabled, logs are automatically re-directed to the Persistent Volume.
# The storage volume must specify the PVC to be used for persistent storage. If enabled, the log, metric and JFR data will be directed here.
  enabled: true
  pvc: storage-pvc
  • The OSM application logs can be found at: pv-directory/project-instance/logs
  • The OSM DB Installer logs can be found at: pv_directory/project-instance/db-installer

Managing OSM Cloud Native Metrics

All managed server pods running OSM cloud native carry annotations added by WebLogic Operator and an additional annotation by OSM cloud native.

osmcn.metricspath: /OrderManagement/metrics
osmcn.metricsport: 8001
prometheus.io/scrape: true

Configuring Prometheus for OSM Cloud Native Metrics

Configure the scrape job in Prometheus as follows:

- job_name: 'osmcn'
    - role: pod
    - source_labels: ['__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_osmcn_metricspath']
      action: 'keep'
      regex: 'true'
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_osmcn_metricspath]
      action: replace
      target_label: __metrics_path__
      regex: (.+)
    - source_labels: ['__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape']
      action: 'drop'
      regex: 'false'
    - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_osmcn_metricsport]
      action: replace
      regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
      replacement: $1:$2
      target_label: __address__
    - action: labelmap
      regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
      action: replace
      target_label: pod_name
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
      action: replace
      target_label: namespace


OSM cloud native has been tested with Prometheus and Grafana installed and configured using the Helm chart prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack available at: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts.

Viewing OSM Cloud Native Metrics Without Using Prometheus

The OSM cloud native metrics can also be viewed at:

By default, domain_Name is set to osm.org and can be modified in project.yaml. This only provides metrics of the managed server that is serving the request. It does not provide consolidated metrics for the entire cluster. Only Prometheus Query and Grafana dashboards can provide consolidated metrics.

Viewing OSM Cloud Native Metrics in Grafana

OSM cloud native metrics scraped by Prometheus can be made available for further processing and visualization. The OSM cloud native toolkit comes with sample Grafana dashboards to get you started with visualizations.

Import the dashboard JSON files from $OSM_CNTK/samples/grafana into your Grafana environment.

The sample dashboards are:
  • OSM by Instance: Provides a view of OSM cloud native metrics for one or more instances in the selected project namespace.
  • OSM by Server: Provides a view of OSM cloud native metrics for one or more managed servers for a given instance in the selected project namespace.
  • OSM by Order Type: Provides a view of OSM cloud native metrics for one or more order types for a given cartridge version in the selected instance and project namespace.

Exposed OSM Order Metrics

The following OSM metrics are exposed via Prometheus APIs.


  • All metrics are per managed server. Prometheus Query Language can be used to combine or aggregate metrics across all managed servers.
  • All metric values are short-lived and indicate the number of orders (or tasks) in a particular state since the managed server was last restarted.
  • When a managed server restarts, all the metrics are reset to 0. These metrics do not refer to the exact values, which can be queried via OSM APIs such as Web Services and XML API.

Order Metrics

The following table lists order metrics exposed via Prometheus APIs.

Table 8-4 Order Metrics Exposed via Prometheus APIs

Name Type Help Text Notes
osm_orders_created Counter Counter for the number of Orders Created N/A
osm_orders_completed Counter Counter for the number of Orders Completed N/A
osm_orders_failed Counter Counter for the number of Orders Failed N/A
osm_orders_cancelled Counter Counter for the number of Orders Cancelled N/A
osm_orders_aborted Counter Counter for the number of Orders Aborted N/A
osm_orders_in_progress Gauge Gauge for the number of orders currently in the In Progress state N/A
osm_orders_amending Gauge Gauge for the number of orders currently in the Amending state N/A
osm_short_lived_orders Histogram

Histogram that tracks the duration of all orders in seconds with buckets for 1 second, 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes.

Enables focus on short-lived orders.

Buckets for 1 second, 3 seconds, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes.
osm_medium_lived_orders Histogram

Histogram that tracks the duration of all orders in minutes with buckets for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, and 2 weeks.

Enables focus on medium-lived orders.

Buckets for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, and 14 days.
osm_long_lived_orders Histogram Histogram that tracks the duration of all orders in days with buckets for 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years. Enables focus on long-lived orders. Buckets for 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, 365 days, and 730 days.
osm_order_cache_entries_total Gauge Gauge for the number of entries in the cache of type order, orchestration, historical order, closed order, and redo order N/A
osm_order_cache_max_entries_total Gauge Gauge for the maximum number of entries in the cache of type order,orchestration, historical order, closed order, and redo order N/A

Labels For All Order Metrics

The following table lists labels for all order metrics.

Table 8-5 Labels for All Order Metrics

Label Name Sample Value Notes Source of the Label
cartridge_name_version SimpleRabbits_1. Combined Cartridge Name and Version OSM Metric Label Name/Value
order_type SimpleRabbitsOrder OSM Order Type OSM Metric Label Name/Value
server_name ms1 Name of the Managed Server OSM Metric Label Name/Value
instance Indicates the Pod IP and Pod port from which this metric is being scraped. Prometheus Kubernetes SD
job omscn Job name in Prometheus configuration which scraped this metric. Prometheus Kubernetes SD
namespace quick Project Namespace Prometheus Kubernetes SD
pod_name quick-sr-ms1 Name of the Managed Server Pod Prometheus Kubernetes SD
weblogic_clusterName c1 OSM Cloud Native WebLogic Cluster Name WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_clusterRestartVersion v1 OSM Cloud Native WebLogic Operator Cluster Restart Version WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_createdByOperator true WebLogic Operator Pod Label to identify operator created pods WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_domainName domain WebLogic Operator pod label WebLogic Operator pod label
weblogic_domainRestartVersion v1 OSM Cloud Native WebLogic Operator Domain Restart Version WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_domainUID quick-sr OSM Cloud Native WebLogic Operator Domain UID WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_modelInImageDomainZipHash md5.3d1b561138f3ae3238d67a023771cf45.md5 Image md5 hash WebLogic Operator Pod Label
weblogic_serverName ms1 WebLogic Operator Pod Label for Name of the Managed Server WebLogic Operator Pod Label

Task Metrics

The following metrics are captured for Manual or Automated Task Types only. All other Task Types are currently not being captured.

Table 8-6 Task Metrics Captured for Manual or Automated Task Types Only

Name Type Help Text
osm_tasks_created Counter Counter for the number of Tasks Created
osm_tasks_completed Counter Counter for the number of Tasks Completed

Labels for all Task Metrics

A task metric has all the labels that an order metric has. In addition, a task metric has two more labels.

Table 8-7 Labels for All Task Metrics

Label Sample Value Notes Source of Label
task_name RabbitRunTask Task Name OSM Metric Label Name/Value
task_type A

A for Automated

M for Manual

OSM Metric Label Name/Value

Managing WebLogic Monitoring Exporter (WME) Metrics

OSM cloud native provides a sample Grafana dashboard that you can use to visualize WebLogic metrics available from a Prometheus data source.

You use the WebLogic Monitoring Exporter (WME) tool to expose WebLogic server metrics. WebLogic Monitoring Exporter is part of the WebLogic Kubernetes Toolkit. It is an open source project, based at: https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter. You can include WME in your OSM cloud native images. Once an OSM cloud native image with WME is generated, creating an OSM cloud native instance with that image automatically deploys a WME WAR file to the WebLogic server instances. While WME metrics are available through WME Restful Management API endpoints, OSM cloud native relies on Prometheus to scrape and expose these metrics. This version of OSM supports WME 1.3.0. See WME documentation for details on configuration and exposed metrics.

Generating the WME WAR File

To generate the WME WAR file, run the following commands, which update the wls-exporter.war WAR file with the exporter-config.yaml configuration file.
mkdir -p ~/wme
cd ~/wme
curl -x $http_proxy -L https://github.com/oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter/releases/download/v1.3.0/wls-exporter.war -o wls-exporter.war
curl -x $http_proxy https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oracle/weblogic-monitoring-exporter/v1.3.0/samples/kubernetes/end2end/dashboard/exporter-config.yaml -o exporter-config.yaml
jar -uvf wls-exporter.war exporter-config.yaml

Deploying the WME WAR File

After the WME WAR file is generated and updated, you can deploy it as a custom application archive.

For details about deploying entities, see "Deploying Entities to an OSM WebLogic Domain".

You can use the following sample to deploy the WME WAR file to the admin server and the managed servers in a cluster:
            SourcePath: 'wlsdeploy/applications/wls-exporter.war'
            ModuleType: war
            StagingMode: nostage
            PlanStagingMode: nostage
            Target: '@@PROP:ADMIN_NAME@@ , @@PROP:CLUSTER_NAME@@'

Enabling Prometheus for WebLogic Monitoring Exporter (WME) Metrics

To enable Prometheus for gathering and exposing WebLogic Monitoring Exporter metrics on server pods running OSM cloud native, add the following to your custom shape specification or project specification:
#### For AdminServer pod
prometheus.io/path: /wls-exporter/metrics
prometheus.io/port: 7001
prometheus.io/scrape: true
#### For Managed Server pods
prometheus.io/path: /wls-exporter/metrics
prometheus.io/port: 8001
prometheus.io/scrape: true

Configuring the Prometheus Scrape Job for WME Metrics

Configure the scrape job in Prometheus as follows in the scrapeJobConfiguration.yaml file:


In the basic_auth section, specify the WebLogic username and password.
- job_name: 'basewls'
    - role: pod
    - source_labels: ['__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape']
      action: 'keep'
      regex: 'true'
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_weblogic_createdByOperator]
      action: 'keep'
      regex: 'true'
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path]
      action: replace
      target_label: __metrics_path__
      regex: (.+)
    - source_labels: [__address__, __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port]
      action: replace
      regex: ([^:]+)(?::\d+)?;(\d+)
      replacement: $1:$2
      target_label: __address__
    - action: labelmap
      regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_name]
      action: replace
      target_label: pod_name
    - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
      action: replace
      target_label: namespace
      username: weblogic_username
      password: weblogic_password

Viewing WebLogic Monitoring Exporter Metrics in Grafana

WebLogic Monitoring Exporter metrics scraped by Prometheus can be made available for further processing and visualization. The OSM cloud native toolkit comes with sample Grafana dashboards to get you started with visualizations. The OSM and WebLogic by Server sample dashboard provides a combined view of OSM cloud native and WebLogic Monitoring Exporter metrics for one or more managed servers for a given instance in the selected project namespace.

Import the dashboard JSON file from $OSM_CNTK/samples/grafana into your Grafana environment, selecting Prometheus as the data source.