Create and Deploy on KVM

For complete KVM documentation, refer to

  1. Install the Virtualization Host group and virt-install.
    # yum groupinstall "Virtualization Host"
    # yum install virt-install
  2. Extract the image.
    # tar xvf nnSCZ739.64-img-vm_kvm.tar
  3. Use virt-manager to create the management and media network interfaces.
    • Create a virtual bridged network for management interfaces.
    • Create virtual networks for media interfaces.
  4. Provision a new virtual machine.
    # virt-install \
        --name SBC739 \
        --description "nnSCZ739 KVM" \
        --os-type=Linux \
        --os-variant=rhel7 \
        --ram=8192 \
        --vcpus=4 \
        --disk path=/opt/nnSCZ739.64-img-vm_kvm.qcow2,bus=virtio,size=10,format=qcow2 \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network bridge=br-Mgmt \
        --network network=media1 \
        --network network=media2 \
        --import \
        --cpu host


    Use interface-mapping to pin the four br-Mgmt network interfaces to wancom0, wancom1, wancom2, and spare.
    Identify a unique name for the virtual machine on this hypervisor.
    Describe this virtual machine.
    Specify the operating system type.
    Optimize the configuration for a specific operating system.
    Allocate a specific amount of RAM to this virtual machine.
    Allocate a specific number of virtual CPUs to this virtual machine.
    Specify the path to the disk image.
    Connect the virtual machine to a host network.
    Skip the operating system installation process and build a guest around the disk image specified with --disk.
    Configure the CPU model and CPU features exposed to the virtual machine.

    See man virt-install for more information.


    The --cpuset and --numatune options may be used to establish CPU affinity and socket pinning.