5 Configuration Manager

Use Configuration Manager to load, configure, apply, and save a configuration on network function (NF) devices.

Associate Devices with Oracle SDM Cloud

While the NFs added to the Device Manager are entered into the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) inventory, these devices are not automatically managed. You must add the NF to Configuration Manager, informing Oracle SDM Cloud that the NF has been targeted for management. Upon being added to Configuration Manager, Oracle SDM Cloud allows configuration provisioning to the device, starts periodically polling the device for health metrics, and accepts traps or alarms from devices to manage and store in Fault Manager.

  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and select Devices.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, click Add Devices.
  3. From the Device list table, expand the Network Function (NF) folder hierarchy, select the device from the devices that you want to associate with Oracle SDM Cloud, and click OK. You are returned to the Managed Devices page.
    The entire NF folder hierarchy, including the NF appears in the Selected devices table and the device is now associated with the Oracle SDM Cloud. Use the > button to move the associated node.

Now that the device(s) are associated, they are polled for health statistics and configurations can be loaded and managed for these device(s).

Manage Device Configurations

View Managed Devices

When you want to view the details about the configuration of a managed device, use the Devices object in Configuration Manager to display a list of managed devices with the corresponding configuration parameters.

Users are able to see only the devices to which they have access per their Security Manager User Group Permission. For more information see "Apply or Change User Group Privileges" in the Security Manager chapter.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and select Devices.
  2. On the Managed Devices page click the More Actions icon and select Set Columns. The following table describes all of the columns available to view:

Search For a Device in Configuration Manager

  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and click Devices.
  2. Click Search.

    The Search dialog box displays.

  3. Complete any of the following fields:
  4. Click OK to create the search or Cancel to exit out and return to the Managed Devices page.

    Once a search is performed, the search criteria displays above the Managed Devices table.

  5. Click Show All to clear the search criteria and display all devices in the table.

Load the Configuration of a Local Device to Configure a Device

A copy of the configuration on a network function (NF) is loaded on the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) application database so that this configuration can be viewed, modified, and validated with minimal interaction with the NF. You must load the configuration to view the configuration and expand it in the navigation tree. After the configuration is loaded, you can check if the configuration copy in the database is current with the configuration version of the device. If the configuration version is not current, the Oracle SDM Cloud application retrieves the latest configuration from the device. This on-demand loading of a configuration ensures that the local copy of the configuration and the configuration on the device are always synchronized.

The Oracle SDM Cloud's Configuration Management is model-driven based on the configuration models supported for each Network Function (NF). Therefore, the configuration navigation tree and the configuration screens are rendered dynamically based on the NF supported configurations for each product, version, and platform that Oracle SDM Cloudcan manage. The Configuration navigation tree lists the relevant configuration element names in alphabetical order. On selecting a configuration element from the navigation tree, the attributes for this element are rendered dynamically with additional information on each attribute to allow modifications to be made. For more information on specific configuration elements and attributes, refer to the appropriate configuration user guide for that product.
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and select Devices.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, expand the folder hierarchy, and click the NF folder to expand its device(s).
  3. Click any device you want to load, and click Load.
    The NF configuration is loaded.

Configure a Configuration Element

Use this task to configure a configuration element.

  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click Devices.
    This renders the table with the list of devices managed by the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) (for example, the Managed Devices Table) which have previously been added to Configuration Manager. For information on adding a loading a configuration, see "Load the Configuration of a Local Device to Configure a Device".
  2. In the Managed Devices Table, select a device and click Load.
    The load process ensures that a local copy of the device configuration is loaded into the Oracle SDM Cloud database, allowing configuration modification and validation on the most current device configuration. If successful, the navigation tree lists the configuration elements that can be configured for the selected device product, version, and platform.
    The selected device is loaded and shown.
  3. In the navigation panel, click the configuration element to edit.
    This renders the possible configuration attributes for the configuration element in the main body. If the attribute is a multi-instance value, the Oracle SDM Cloud displays a table and if it is a scalar value, a label and text box. Tool tips and additional attribute information hints are also provided.
  4. Target an attribute and create, update, or delete content as needed.
  5. Click Apply to complete your changes.
    This stores the updates to your own personal configuration workspace on Oracle SDM Cloud. Other users cannot see your changes until you perform an update to the device. For information on updating a device, see "Update a Device Configuration".

Update a Device Configuration

Pre-requisites: Before you update a device configuration you must first load it in Configuration Manager.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click the Devices folder.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, expand the folder hierarchy, select the device, and click Update.
  3. In the dialog that appears, select from the following options to update the device configuration:


    The first two options are only available if there are pending changes to be saved. The third option is only available if there are no user changes, and there is a saved configuration pending activation.

View Device Configuration Changes

For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click the Devices folder.
  2. Select the User for which you want to view Devices.
  3. In the Managed Devices table, expand the folder hierarchy, select a network function (NF) device, and click View Changes to display a list of all configuration changes made for this device.
  4. In the Configuration Changes pane, the changes made by the current user appear for the NF device in the LCV (Local Configuration View) table. The following table describes the LCV columns:
  5. You can use the following actions in the Configuration Changes pane:


    You must have the appropriate user privileges to perform actions in the Configuration Changes pane.

Track Device Configuration Changes

Use this task to track changes that are made to device parameters.

For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click the Devices folder.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, expand the folder hierarchy, select a network function (NF) device, click the More Actions icon, and click Get Inventory.
  3. In the Configuration inventory dialog that appears for the device, review the number of each type of configuration element.
  4. (Optional) Click Save To File.

View Device Tasks

For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click the Devices folder.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, expand the folder hierarchy, select a network function (NF) device, click the More Actions icon, and select View tasks.
  3. In the Device tasks table, you can view the device operations that are performed and if you select a device operation row, you can see logs for this device operation by clicking View Log.

Export Detailed Device Information from Configuration Manager

You can export network function (NF) device information to your local system, which allows data to be saved in a table-structured format for auditing or management purposes.

For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click Devices.
  2. In the Managed Devices pane, expand the folder hierarchy, select an NF device, click the More Actions icon, and click View Changes.
  3. In the Configuration changes pane, click Save to File.

Remove Device Association with Oracle SDM Cloud

For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click Devices.
  2. In the Managed Devices table, click Add devices.
  3. In the Selected Devices pane, expand the folder hierarchy and click the network function (NF) device you want to remove.
  4. Click the remove arrow button to move the selected device to the Available Devices pane.
  5. Click OK. Your device is no longer associated with Configuration Management and appears in the Device list pane.
    By removing a device association from the Configuration Manager, this device is no longer polled for statistics and all traps generated from this device remain unprocessed.

Manage Golden and Offline Configurations

The Golden/Offline Configurations page allows you to view, add, edit, load (offline configurations only), copy, and delete both golden and offline configurations in the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud).

In addition to offline configurations, Oracle SDM Cloud supports the use of 'golden configurations'. A golden configuration is a baseline configuration known to work well. It is used to compare other configurations and report any errors or discrepancies.


If there is a device reference in the Golden/Offline configurations, the access to that configuration is dependent upon whether the user has access privileges to the referenced device or not.

However, if there is no device reference within the configuration, then the user is able to view and modify all Golden/Offline configurations created and updated by any user from the same group.

When you select a golden configuration from the table, the following buttons and actions are disabled:
  • View Data Variable
  • View Changes
  • Copy
  • Generate template
  • Generate Spreadsheet
  • Update Device
  • Override Lock
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and select Configuration Tools, Golden/Offline Configurations.
  2. Click Set Columns to select the columns to view in the Golden/Offline Configuration table. The following table describes the columns available to view:
    The Golden/Offline Configuration page contains the following buttons and icons:

Add an Offline Configuration

You can add an offline configuration by using either a device configuration file, a managed device, an archived configuration, or a software version. Before adding an offline configuration, ensure you have a copy of a Data Doc saved to your server.

You can add an offline configuration by importing a Data Doc. A Data Doc can be one of the following:
  • Device configuration file
  • Based on a software version
  • The configuration of a managed device
  • A configuration archive
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Tools, Offline Configurations.
  2. In the Offline Config tab, click Add.
  3. In the Add offline configuration pane, complete the following fields:
    Golden configuration checkbox Ensure this field is left unchecked when adding an offline configuration (not a golden configuration).
    Configuration name field The unique configuration name that is an alphanumeric value from 1 to 24 characters with no spaces and no special characters with the exception of the hyphen (-) and underscore (_).


    When you choose a name for a new global parameter configuration, this name must not start with the prefix "ID".

    A validation error (invalid oc name) occurs if the above rules are not followed.

    Description field The description for the configuration.
    Configuration seeded from drop-down list Select one of the following:
    • Device configuration file
    • Managed device
    • Archived configuration
    • Software version
    Selected configuration file Browse button When the Configuration seeded from value is set to Device configuration file, browse to the Data Doc device configuration file saved to your server.
    Selected managed device Browse button When the Configuration seeded from value is set to Managed device, this launches the Select managed device dialog. Select the device you want and click Apply.
    Selected Archive Configuration Browse button When the Configuration seeded from value is set to Archived configuration, this launches the Select Archive Configuration dialog. Select the archived configuration you want and click Apply.
    Category field Click the ellipsis (...) button to select the plug-in product vendor category. For example, SP Edge & Core (for Service Provider (SP) Edge and Core products).
    Component drop-down list The default NF component delivered by the plug-in product vendor category.
    Platform drop-down list Select the device hardware version to seed the configuration from a device template.
    Software Version drop-down list When the Configuration seeded from value is set to Software version, selected the supported software version from the drop-down list.
    Entitlements browse button Launches the Entitlements dialog box, allowing you to set the entitlements for this offline configuration.
  4. Click Apply.

    The Oracle SDM Cloud loads and saves the selected configuration file.

Add a Golden Configuration

You can add a golden configuration by importing a Data Doc. A golden configuration can be seeded from one of the following types:
  • Device configuration file
  • Managed device
  • Archived configuration
  • Offline configuration
Users can create multiple golden configurations from the same source.
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Tools, Golden/Offline Configurations.
  2. In the Golden/Offline Configuration tab, click Add.
  3. In the Add Golden/Offline Configuration page, complete the following fields:
  4. Click Apply. The Oracle SDM Cloud loads and saves the golden configuration file.
Reseed a Golden Configuration
The Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) supports reseeding golden configurations, meaning you can update the source from which a golden configuration is derived.


If you select a golden configuration that has a device reference, Device configuration file is not an option in the Reseed type drop-down list.
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and click Configuration tools, Golden/Offline Configurations.
  2. In the Golden/Offline Config tab, select the golden configuration you want to reseed from the table, click the More Actions icon, and select Edit.
  3. In the Edit Golden/Offline Configuration screen, click the Reseed golden configuration checkbox.
    Enter values for the following parameters:
  4. Click Apply. The Oracle SDM Cloud prompts you to confirm the action.

    The Oracle SDM Cloud displays a success message if reseeding is successful, or an error message if any errors are encountered.

Generate a Spreadsheet Template

To use the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) spreadsheet for multiple device configuration files, you must generate a spreadsheet template.

To generate a spreadsheet template:
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Tools, Offline Configuration.

    The Offline Configuration Spreadsheets page displays.

  2. Click the More Actions icon and select Generate Template from the drop-down list.

    The Oracle SDM Cloud downloads a file in csv format to save the spreadsheet template. This template contains the header fields corresponding to device details and the bind variables based on the selected Offline Configuration.


If the offline configuration from which you generated your template is changed after you have created your spreadsheet, you must regenerate the template. Anytime a change is made to an offline configuration, the Oracle SDM Cloud performs validation checks on all associated spreadsheets and marks any spreadsheets invalid that fail.
When you generate a template, the Oracle SDM Cloud automatically names the file using the following format:

You can change the template name when you save the file.

When you generate a template, the spreadsheet's top two rows are filled in automatically, with the first row containing the details of the Software, platform, and schema of the offline configuration in the following format:
Offline Config,<Offline Config Name>, Software version,<Software version of the Offline Config>, Platform,<Platform of the Offline Config>, Schema name, <Schema name of the Offline config>>
The second row contains the following fields separated by a comma.

Table 5-1 Offline Config Headers

Header Description Mandatory
Device Name The name of the device to be exported. Yes
Primary IP Address The primary IP address of the device. The value must be a valid IP address. Yes
Secondary IP Address. The secondary IP address of the device. The value must be a valid IP address. No
Bind variable...1 Name This field corresponds to the bind variable in the Offline Configuration. The type will be the same as bind variable type. No. This is dependent on the Offline Configuration.
Bind variable...2 Name This field corresponds to the bind variable in the Offline Configuration. The type will be the same as bind variable type. No. This is dependent on the Offline Configuration.
Bind variable...3 Name This field corresponds to the bind variable in the Offline Configuration. The type will be the same as bind variable type. No. This is dependent on the Offline Configuration.

Upload a Spreadsheet

Once you have generated a template and entered the required device information, you must upload it to Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud).

  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Tools, Offline Configurations.
  2. Click the Spreadsheets tab.
  3. Click Upload.

    The Upload OC bind variable spreadsheet dialog box appears.

  4. In the dialog box enter a Name for the spreadsheet, browse to the location of the file, and click Upload.
    Upon clicking Upload, the Oracle SDM Cloud checks the following conditions to ensure the file is valid:
    • The file is in csv format with a .csv as a file extension.
    • The first row of the file is formatted properly. See "Generate a Spreadsheet Template" for more information.
    • The file is associated with and properly matches an existing Oracle SDM Cloud offline config.
    • The spreadsheet does not contain any blank rows.
    • The spreadsheet contains details for no more than 20 devices.
    • The values corresponding to each header comply with the expected format.
    • No new columns may be added to the spreadsheet.
    • The order of rows and columns in the template must match against the offline configuration that generated the template.
    • The user myst have access to the device's name, primary IP Address, secondary IP Address, nand Offline Configuration.

      If any of the validations fail, the upload fails, displaying an error and the details are added ot the log file.

      Once a spreadsheet is validated successfully, you are returned to the Offline Configuration Spreadsheets page with the new spreadsheet appearing in the table.

Manage Device Deployment Spreadsheets

You can access the spreadsheets generated by the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) to upload, edit, download, and delete.

Access to spreadsheets are as follows:
  • Users have read-only access to spreadsheets associated with devices to which they do not have access.
  • Users are only able to access spreadsheets with Offline Configurations to which they have access.
  • Users can only add devices to which they have access to spreadsheets to which they have access.
  • Within spreadsheets, users are only allowed to modify device details to which they have access.

To manage device deployment spreadsheets, navigate to Configuration Manager, Configuration Tools, Offline Configurations. Select the Spreadsheets tab.

The Oracle SDM Cloud applies the following rules when creating and or updating Data Variable (DV) values within spreadsheets:
  • If you generate a spreadsheet with all DVs set to the default value, you do not have to go to every device to configure it as they are updated automatically.
  • If you add a DV set to the default value, the existing spreadsheets are updated automatically and remain in the 'configured' state.
  • While either generating a spreadsheet with DVs or updating DVs, if the DVs are not all set to the default values, no automatic updates occur. You must edit and configure the spreadsheet for every device manually.
Click the Set Columns button to select the columns you want displayed in this table. The following table describes all columns available to view:
The following buttons allow you to manage the Oracle SDM Cloud's spreadsheets:
Button Description
Upload button Upload a new spreadsheet.
Download button Download the highlighted spreadsheet.
Search button Allows you to search for an offline configuration spreadsheet based on any of the following criteria:
  • Name
  • Offline Config
  • Software Version
  • Platform
Show All button Clears search criteria to display all spreadsheets in the table.
More Actions icon Provides a drop-down list with the following additional actions:
  • Delete:Delete the highlighted spreadsheet.
  • Edit: Displays an editable version of the spreadsheet, allowing you to make and save changes.

    The Oracle SDM Cloud validates any values added or updated before updating the spreadsheet.

  • Set Columns: Set the columns to be displayed in this table.
Refresh icon Refresh the contents of the table.
Edit a Spreadsheet
From the Offline Configuration Spreadsheets page, you can select a spreadsheet to edit.


Once a Work Order has begun, the offline configuration is locked and cannot be edited. Once the Work Order is in the Committed state, the lock is released.
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Tools, Offline Configuration.

    The Offline Configuration page displays.

  2. Click the Spreadsheets tab.

    The Offline Configuration Spreadsheets page displays.

  3. Select the spreadsheet to edit, click the More Actions icon, and select Edit.

    A list of all devices on the spreadsheet displays.

  4. Update any values required and either click Apply to save the changes and return to the Spreadsheets page or click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the Spreadsheets page.

Load an Offline Configuration

Use this task to configure, modify, and edit parameters for your offline configuration for your system domain. Note that users cannot load a golden configuration. If a user selects a golden configuration, the Load button becomes disabled.

  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration tools, Golden/Offline configurations.
  2. In the Golden/Offline Config tab, select the offline configuration that you want to use from the table, and click Load.
    The system expands the configuration navigation tree under the Golden/Offline Configurations folder in the navigation pane. You can use this navigation tree to get to the required configuration elements.
  3. Navigate the offline configuration and configure, modify, and edit parameters in your offline configuration.

Search For Golden and Offline Configurations

Users can search for a golden or offline configuration based on specific criteria.
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and click to expand the Configuration Tools folder in the navigation pane.
  2. Click Golden/Offline Configurations.
  3. In the Golden/Offline Configuration tab, click Search.

    The Search dialog box displays.

  4. Complete any of the following fields:
  5. Click Apply.

    The search results display in the Golden/Offline Configuration table. To clear the search results, click Show All.

Create Data Variables to Support Device Specific Values

Data variables can be created in the offline configuration, which are used to set device-specific values within the device cluster. Later when the offline configuration is applied to devices in the device cluster, the user is prompted to enter specific values for each parameter that is identified with a data variable.

  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration tools, Offline configurations.
  2. Load the offline configuration.
  3. Navigate to a configuration element in the navigation tree that is unique to an individual device. For example, IP address, Hostname, and so on.
  4. When element attributes are rendered, click the data variable (DV) tool icon data variable (DV) tool icon in the upper right of the configuration body panel, and select an attribute to apply a data variable. A dialog appears if the targeted attribute supports DVs. The following table describes the required entries:
  5. Click Add.
  6. Click Apply to submit configuration changes.
  7. In the Success dialog, click OK.
  8. Repeat the previous steps to add more data variables to configuration elements in the offline configuration that are unique for each devices.

Edit the Offline Configuration

  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and click Configuration tools, Offline Configurations.
  2. In the Offline Config tab, select the offline configuration you want to edit from the table, click the More Actions icon, and select Edit.
  3. In the Edit offline configuration screen, enter the description that you want for this offline configuration.


    You cannot edit the global parameter configuration name.
  4. Click OK.

Manage Configuration Comparison Reports

Through the use of golden configurations, Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) users can compare multiple configurations to generate, save, and download comparison reports.

Comparisons are performed between one source and one target at a time and the component type for each must match. Once a user enters all of the required input and clicks Apply, the configuration comparison occurs and the Oracle SDM Cloud displays a progress bar for 15 seconds. If a comparison report is generated and available in that time, the View Comparison Reports screen displays the report. If the report takes longer than 15 seconds to generate, the message "The comparison is taking a longer time, please refresh the temporary reports to check the report status after some time" displays and users are redirected to the Temporary Reports tab. Click the Refresh button to view the status of the comparison report.

The Configuration Comparison Reports page contains two tabs, Temporary Reports and Saved Reports. The Temporary Reports page contains reports generated after a comparison. By default, these are saved and viewable for 24 hours before they are deleted. Users can save reports they do not want deleted.


If the Source Host or Target Host columns reference a device, users are able to see only the reports to which the user has device access. However, if there is no device reference, the report is visible to all users who have created or updated the reports.
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider and select Configuration Tools, Golden/Offline Configurations.
    The Config Comparison Reports table displays by default in the Temporary Reports tab, with the following columns:
The Config Comparison Reports, Temporary Reports page contains the following buttons, fields, and icons:

Manage Saved Configuration Comparison Reports

The Saved Reports tab on the Config Comparison Report page allows you to view, search, download, and delete saved configuration comparison reports.

The Saved Reports tab page contains the following buttons, icons, and fields:

Create a Configuration Comparison Report

  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Comparison.

    The Config Comparison Reports page displays.

  2. In the Temporary Reports tab, click Add.

    The Create Comparison Report page displays.

  3. Complete the following fields:
  4. Click Apply.

View and Save Configuration Comparison Reports

Users can view and save generated configuration comparison reports. Comparison reports are displayed in side-by-side panes, highlighting the differences.
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Comparison.

    The Config Comparison Reports table displays.

  2. Select the comparison report you want to view and click View.
    The Config Comparison Report displays the following information:
  3. Close the Comparison Report.

    The Temporary Reports page displays.

  4. Select a comparison report and click Save to save a report.

    The Config Comparison Report now displays in the Saved Reports table and is not deleted by the Oracle SDM Cloud after 24 hours.

Manage the Configuration Archive

Depending on your user privilege level, or privileges set for the User Group to which you belong, you can manage the configuration archive.

Users are able to view only the archives associated to devices to which they have access. For more information, see "Apply or Change User Group Privileges" in the Security Manager chapter.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the Configuration Archive supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).

Add a Backup Schedule

Use this task to schedule automatic configuration backup for a device or a device group to run once, daily, weekly, or monthly automatically. You can also configure a backup to run on demand.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Archive, Schedules.
  2. In the Schedules pane, click Add schedule.
  3. In the Add Schedules tab, complete the following fields:
  4. Click the Devices tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. In the Select Device dialog, choose the device or device group or which you want to schedule a backup.
  7. Click OK.
    The targeted device for scheduled configuration backups appears in the Devices table.
  8. Click Apply to complete the backup schedule for the device.

View a Backup Schedule


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configure Archive, Schedules.
  2. In the Schedules pane, click the More Actions icon and select Set Columns to choose the columns that display in this table. The following table describes all of the columns available to view:

Export a Configuration From the Configuration Archive

The Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud allows you to export an archived configuration from the Configuration Archive to view locally.
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Archive, Archived Configurations.
  2. Select the archived configuration to export, click the More Actions icon, and select Export Config.

    A confirmation banner displays confirming the export, or reporting an error.

    Once you have exported the configuration, you are able to view it.

Restore a Configuration Backup

The purge policy or existing configuration backups are not affected when a backup is restored for a device.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configure Archive, Archived Configurations.
  2. Select a backed up configuration from the table, and click Restore.

Search the Archive for a Configuration

Use this task to search for a configuration in the configure archive for an existing configuration backup.

The following search criteria can be used:
  • Standard wild card * and ? characters are supported.
    • * matches 0 or more characters.
    • ? matches 1 character.
  • Search filters containing wild card characters must be enclosed in double quotes: “fo*”.
  • Search filters containing no wild card characters result in an exact match.
  • Wild card characters cannot be used outside of double quotation marks in combination with an exact match search.

    “A*1” is a valid search filter.

    “A*”* is not a valid search filter.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. Expand the Configuration Manager slider, and click to expand the Configuration Archive folder in the navigation pane.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Archived Configurations.
  3. In the Config Archive - Backups pane, click Search.
  4. In the Configuration archive search dialog, complete any of the following fields:
    The archive that matches your search appears.

Rename a Configuration

You can rename any backed up configuration file to make its name more meaningful. The actual file name on the system does not change and continues to adhere to the set file naming policy. This configuration name only appears within the context of the Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud).


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Archive, Archived Configurations.
  2. In the Config Archive - Backups pane, select the configuration you want to rename, click the More Actions icon and select Rename.
  3. In the Name field, enter a new name for the configuration.
  4. Click OK.
    The alias name for the configuration appears in the list of archive configurations instead of its actual configuration file name.

Create a Configuration Purge Policy

A purge policy must be selected and configured to have Oracle® Session Delivery Management Cloud (Oracle SDM Cloud) automatically delete configurations. You can also manage backed up configurations manually.

The Oracle SDM Cloud service provides the archive configuration name prefix for the archive configuration file name. The archived configuration files are kept in the Oracle SDM Cloud server folder name ConfigBackups under the AcmePacket directory. The archived configuration file for each device uses the device IP address in the directory path.


For Oracle Enterprise products, the following procedure supports only the Enterprise Session Border Controller (ESBC) and the Enterprise Communications Broker (ECB).
  1. On the Configuration Manager slider, select Configuration Archive, Administration.
  2. On the Purge policy page, specify the Interval in Number of Backups Per Device value.
  3. Click Apply.