Configure Fault Notification on the Northbound Interface

Add a Northbound Fault Trap Receiver

To add a trap receiver, such as a network management system, that is connected to the northbound interface that receives fault notifications through the OCSDM server fault manager:

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings, Faults, Trap receivers.
  2. In the Trap receivers configuration table, click Add.
  3. In the Add trap receiver dialog box, complete the following fields for the Destination configuration:
  4. Complete the following fields for the Filter configuration:
  5. Choose from the following options to specify the destination of traps:
    • Select the All devices radio button. to send traps from all devices to the Northbound trap receiver.
    • Select the Select devices radio button to forward traps from the selected device to the Northbound trap receiver. If you select this option, proceed to the next steps.
  6. In the Mangaged devices table, expand the hierarchical group folder and navigate to the network function (NF) device you want as a trap source.
  7. Select the device and click Add.
    The NF device appears in the Selected trap source devices table.
  8. Repeat the previous two steps to add more devices.
  9. Click OK.
  10. Hover the mouse pointer on any column header to add or delete columns from being displayed.
    The trap receiver appears in the Trap receivers configuration table. You can add a maximum of 10 trap receivers to the Trap Receivers Configuration table.

Configuring Security Levels for Trap Receivers

During the configuration of Trap Receivers, you need to specify the Authentication and Privacy levels.

Security Levels for Configuring Trap Receivers

Use this information to specify username, authentication protocol, authentication password, privacy protocol, and Privacy password.

Table 7-1 Security levels

Security Level Username Authentication Protocol Authentication Password Privacy Protocol Privacy Password
noAuthnoPriv Required Not required Not required Not required Not required
AuthNoPriv Required Required Required Not required Not required
AuthPriv Required Required Required Required Required