11 Working with Connectivity

Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM) provides specialized functionality for representing connectivity. Connectivity entities provide built-in support for a variety of technologies and can be customized to suit your business needs.

Like other entities, you define specifications for Connectivity entities in Design Studio. You can define specifications for three types of Connectivity entities:

  • Channelized Connectivity entities support technologies such as E-Carrier, T-Carrier, J-Carrier, SDH, and SONET, and WDM.

  • Packet Connectivity entities support technologies such as Ethernet, Frame Relay, ATM, and MPLS.

  • Service Connectivity entities represent the connectivities that deliver services to end customers. Service connectivity consumes other types of connectivity and resources, but cannot be consumed itself.

The specifications for the three different connectivity types include different default characteristics. In UIM, you see a different set of tabs in Connectivity Summary pages depending on the connectivity type. See "Connectivity Details Page" for more information.

You can also use Pipe entities to model connectivity. For example, pipes are recommended for modeling physical connectivity such as ducts and cables. See "Working with Pipes, Capacity, and Signal Structure" for information about pipes.

You can include connectivity and connectivity design versions in business interactions.

See the following topics for more information about working with connectivity entities:

Creating Connectivity Entities

When you create Connectivity entities, you select values for the rate code, connectivity function, and technology fields. These fields interact with each other so that only valid combinations of selections are available.


Before you can create a Connectivity entity, you must deploy the ora_uim_basespecifications and ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridges to UIM. The ora_uim_basetechnologies cartridge includes rate codes, technologies, signal architectures, and other content.

When you create a connectivity, you specify its technology, which determines the specifications you can use. You also specify an identification format. The formats you can choose from depend on the technology and specification. See UIM Concepts for more information about connectivity identification formats.


A ruleset is required for generating custom IDs for the Custom Identification format. You see an error message if no ruleset has been defined for this purpose and you select the Custom Identification format.

You must also specify the A and Z locations of the connectivity. The A and Z locations can be service locations, network locations, or network entity locations, depending on the technology and identification format of the connectivity.

To create a Connectivity entity:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Connectivity.

    The Connectivity Search page appears.

  2. Click the Create button in the toolbar of the Search Results section.

    The Connectivity - New page appears.

  3. In the Technology field, enter the first letter of the technology for this connectivity, then select from the list that appears.

    The Specification field updates to include a list of all the specifications defined for the technology you selected.

  4. In the Specification field, select the specification you want to use for this connectivity.

    The Connectivity - New page updates to include the fields defined by the specification.

  5. In the Identification Format field, select the identification format for this connectivity. Only the identification formats that are valid for the selected specification are available. The Service-Based identification format is valid only for Packet Network Access Connectivity, such as an Ethernet UNI connectivity.

  6. Do one of the following to specify the A and Z locations of the connectivity.

    If you selected the Location-Based or Custom Identification identification format:

    1. In the A Network/Entity Location field, enter the first few characters of the A-side network location or network entity code for this connectivity, then select from the list of matches that appears below the field.

    2. In the Z Network/Entity Location field, enter the first few characters of the Z-side network location or network entity code for this connectivity, then select from the list of matches that appears below the field.

    If the Service-Based identification format is selected:

    1. Next to the A Service Location field, click the search icon.

    2. In the dialog box that appears, search for and select a service location, then click OK.

      The dialog box closes and the A Service Location field displays the service location you selected.

    3. In the Z Network/Entity Location field, enter the first few characters of the Z-side network location or network entity code for this connectivity, then select from the list of matches that appears below the field.

  7. Select the combination of values in the Rate Code and Function fields that applies to the connectivity. A selection in one field filters the available values in the other. The value of the Technology field also influences which Rate Code values are available.

  8. In the Quantity field, enter the number of entities you want to create.

  9. (Optional) In the Serial Number field, enter a serial number if you do not want to use the one that will be automatically generated by UIM when you save the new connectivity.

  10. (Optional) Select Assign Contiguous Serial Number if you are creating more than one connectivity and want the serial numbers to be in a continuous block.

  11. Enter information for other optional and required fields defined by the specification.

  12. Click Save.

    The New Connectivities list appears, displaying information about the entity or entities you created.

Connectivity - New Page

You use the Connectivity - New page to create new connectivity entities. You can create multiple entities in the same operation.

Field Description


Enter the technology that applies to this connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed.


In the Specification field, select a specification for the connectivity. The specifications you can choose from are limited by your selection in the Technology field.

Identification Format

Select the identification format for this connectivity. There are three possible identification formats. Only the identification formats that are valid for the selected specification are available.

  • Location Based. Used for connectivities that are terminated on network locations.

  • Service Based. Used for connectivities when one end point terminated on a service location.

  • Custom Identification. Used when a ruleset has been defined to create custom IDs. If you select Custom Identification and there is no ruleset defined, you see an error.

See UIM Concepts for more information about connectivity identifiers.

A Service Location

Visible only when Service Based is selected in the Identification Format field. Service Based is valid only for Packet Network Access connectivities, such as Ethernet UNI connectivities.

Click the search icon to search for and select a service location. The A Service Location field displays the location you select.

A Network/Entity Location

Visible only when Location Based or Custom Identification is selected in the Identification Format field.

Enter the network location code or network entity code for the A side of the connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed.

Z Network/Entity Location

Enter the property location or network entity code for the Z side of the connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed.

Rate Code

Enter the rate code that applies to this connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed. The Rate Code value is limited by the selections in the Technology and Function fields to ensure that only valid combinations are selected.


Enter the function that applies to this connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed. Functions apply only to connectivities that have rate codes that define them as facilities. The Function value is limited by selections in the Technology and Rate Code fields to ensure that only valid combinations are selected.


Enter the number of Connectivity entities you want to create.

Assign Contiguous Serial Number

Select if you are creating multiple Connectivity entities and want their serial numbers to be in a continuous block.

Serial Number

Displays a number that uniquely identifies the connectivity within the context of other facilities that share the same A Network/Entity Location, Z Network/Entity Location, Rate Code, and Technology values. A serial number is automatically generated during the connectivity creation procedure, but you can manually overwrite it.

New Connectivities

After you click the Save button, displays a list of the Connectivity entities you created. You can select a connectivity to display its information in the Connectivity Details page.

Connectivity Details Page

You use the Connectivity Details page to enter and view information about Connectivity entities. You can also view the topology diagram of the connectivity, using the UTIA application, by clicking Topology. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information.

The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose. The tabs you see depend on the type of Connectivity entity.

Channelized Connectivity
Packet Connectivity
Service Connectivity

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about Connectivity entities. You also use the tab to open the other tabs for editing.

Field Description


Displays the automatically generated connectivity identifier for this connectivity. Connectivity identifiers are generated using the Oracle Structured format. This information is read-only

See UIM Concepts for more information about how the connectivity identifier is generated.


Enter a description of the Connectivity entity.

A Network/Entity Location

Enter the network location code or network entity code for the A side of the connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed.

Z Network/Entity Location

Enter the network location code or network entity code for the Z side of the connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed.


Displays the life cycle status of the connectivity.

Rate Code

Enter the rate code that applies to this connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed. The Rate Code value is limited by selections in the Technology and Function fields to ensure that only valid combinations are selected.


Enter the technology that applies to this connectivity. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed. The Technology value is limited by selections in the Rate Code and Function fields to ensure that only valid combinations are selected.


Enter the function that applies to this connectivity. Functions apply only to connectivities that have rate codes that define them as facilities. You can enter the first few characters, then select from the search results displayed. The Function value is limited by selections in the Technology and Rate Code fields to ensure that only valid combinations are selected.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the connectivity.

Bit Rate

Displays the bit rate of the connectivity. The bit rate is based on the rate code applied to the connectivity.

Transmission Signal Type

Display the signal type, such as Optical. The transmission signal type is based on the signal associated to the rate code.

Assignment Status

Displays the assignment status of the connectivity.

Assigned to Service

Displays the name of the service (if any) to which the connectivity is assigned.

Network Name

Displays the name of the network (if any) that includes an edge that represents this connectivity. If the connectivity is part of more than one network, more than one field appears.

Network Edge

Displays the name of the network edge (if any) that represents the connectivity in networks. If the connectivity is represented by more than one network edge, more than one field appears.

Associated Business Interactions

Displays the business interactions and engineering work orders with which the connectivity is associated.

Connectivity Design Tab

You use the Connectivity Design tab in the Connectivity Details page to enable and terminate connectivity. The Connectivity Design tab has the following subtabs:

Design Subtab

The Design subtab includes a large table that shows rows for each segment in the connectivity path. The rows display icons and information about the segments. For example, the connectivity identifier and status are displayed for each connectivity, channel, or pipe that is assigned to a segment. You can view the physical ports that are assigned to each connectivity.

Icon Label Description
Delete icon


Click to delete a selected segment or segments.

Clear icon


Click to clear all assignments made in the connectivity design.

Reverse Selected Segment icon

Reverse Selected Segments

Click to reverse the direction of a selected segment or segments.

Export icon


Click to export the design to Microsoft Excel file.

Print icon


Click to create a web page depicting the connectivity design. You can print the page using browser functionality.


View list

Select options from the list to make changes to the design table. You can select columns that you want to display in the table, using Columns option.



Click to select elements from the Detached tree Table page that you want to detach from the original design.

You can click Attach to attach any new element to the design, from the Detached tree Table page.
Unresolved Gap icon

Unresolved Gap

Displayed when an unresolved gap exists. Click to accept the gap.

Accepted Gap icon

Accepted Gap

Displayed for a gap that has been accepted. Click to remove the acceptance.

Create Interconnect icon

Create Interconnection

Displayed when a cross-connect is required to complete the connectivity design. Click to select a device interface and create the cross-connect.

Remove Interconnect icon

Remove Interconnection

Displayed when a trail-bound interconnection exists for the segment. Click to remove the interconnection.

Cross Connect (Trail Bound) icon

Cross-Connect (Trail Bound)

Displayed for a segment that includes a trail-bound cross-connect.

Cross Connect (Interface Bound) icon

Cross-Connect (Interface Bound)

Displayed for a segment that includes an interface-bound cross-connect.

Jumper (Trail Bound) icon

Jumper (Trail Bound)

Displayed for a segment that includes a trail-bound jumper.

Jumper (Interface Bound) icon

Jumper (Interface Bound)

Displayed for a segment that includes an interface-bound jumper.

Assign Interface

Assign Interface

Displayed for the A and Z ends of the connectivity when they require termination. When you click this icon you can select:

  • Terminate at Media Interface to search for a media interface on which to terminate the connectivity.

  • Terminate at Flow Interface to search for a media interface under which a flow interface will be created to terminate the connectivity. (Available only for packet and service connectivities.)

  • Terminate at Channel to virtually terminate the connectivity on the same interface as its enabling channel. (Available only for channelized connectivities.)

See "Terminating a Connectivity" for more information.

Unassign Interface icon

Unassign Interface

Displayed for the A and Z ends of the connectivity when they have been terminated on a device interface. Click to remove the interface assignment.

Assign Transport icon

Assign Transport

Displayed for a segment with an unresolved gap. Click to search for and assign a channel or pipe.

Unassign Transport icon

Unassign Transport

Displayed for a segment to which transport has been assigned. Click to remove the assignment.

Gap Analysis icon

Gap Analysis

Displayed for a segment with an unresolved gap. Click to use gap analysis to find a channel or path analysis to find a pipe.

Gap Analysis icon

Assign Flow Identifier

Displayed in the toolbar and connectivity segments of packet connectivity designs.

Note: Flow Identifier assignment is allowed for both packet service connectivity and standalone service connectivity.

See "Assigning Flow Identifiers in the Connectivity Design Tab" for more information.

Gap Analysis icon

Unassign Flow Identifier

Displayed in the toolbar and connectivity segments of packet connectivity designs.

See "Assigning Flow Identifiers in the Connectivity Design Tab" for more information.

The path control area in the upper-left portion of the Connectivity Design tab enables you to control which paths exist for the connectivity and which one is displayed.

Control Description

Create Another Path

Click to create a secondary path. The first path is created automatically. Secondary paths are valid only in some technologies.

Duplicate the Selected Path

Click to duplicate the current path as the secondary path.

Delete the Selected Path

Click to delete the current path.

Path 1

Path 2

Click to display the corresponding path.

Schematic Subtab

You use the Schematic subtab of the Connectivity Design tab to view a graphical representation of the connectivity enablement and termination design created in the Design subtab. The Design Versions control in the upper-right corner of the Schematic subtab enables you to switch between current and previous versions of the connectivity design. See "Viewing a Previous Design Version".

Field Description

Expand All

Click to display all the cross connections and device interfaces within the connectivity.

Collapse All

Click to display the original connectivity schematic.

Control Panel

Click to view zoom options. Click Control Panel icon again to close the zoom options.

Zoom to Fit

Click to refresh the visualization to the zoom level required to show all elements in the diagram.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the visualization on the current center point of the diagram.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the visualization on the current center point of the diagram.


Click to add the following preferences to the schematic diagram:

  • Display Node(s) label

  • Display Connectivity label


Select the path for which you want the schematic to be displayed. The Paths control allows you to highlight one enablement path when more than one path exists.

Overview section

Displays a small-scale view of the entire visualization.

Hierarchy Subtab

You use the Hierarchy subtab of the Connectivity Design tab to view a graphical representation of the connectivity hierarchy. The connectivity hierarchy shows all the layers on which the connectivity is enabled. The Design Versions control in the upper-right corner of the Hierarchy subtab enables you to switch between current and previous versions of the connectivity design. See "Viewing a Previous Design Version" for more information.

Field Description

Expand All

Click to display all the cross connections, ports, jumpers and device interfaces within the connectivity.

Collapse All

Click to display the original connectivity hierarchy.

Control Panel

Click to view zoom options. Click Control Panel icon again to close the zoom options.

Zoom to Fit

Click to refresh the visualization to the zoom level required to show all elements in the diagram.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the visualization on the current center point of the diagram.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the visualization on the current center point of the diagram.


Click to add the following preferences to the hierarchy diagram:

  • Display Node(s) label

  • Display Connectivity label


Select the path for which you want the hierarchy to be displayed. The Paths control allows you to highlight one enablement path when more than one path exists.

Overview section

Displays a small-scale view of the entire visualization.

Editor section and Legend section

These sections appear on the right-side of the canvas after you select a node.

The Editor section displays information about the entity node selected in the canvas area, including the ID, name, entity location, and the characteristics associated to the entity specification. Clicking the ID link opens the Summary page of an entity.

The Legend section provides the list of nodes and links that exist in the hierarchy diagram.

Capacity Tab

You use the Capacity tab in the Connectivity Details page to configure the capacity of a channelized connectivity by determining its signal structure. The Capacity tab displays a canvas in which a hierarchy of nodes and levels can be displayed. A control section in the upper level enables you to change how the nodes and levels are displayed.

Field Description

Layout tool

Controls how nodes and levels are displayed in the canvas. Select one of the following layouts:

  • Vertical, Top Down. Nodes are arranged vertically with the highest level at the top.

  • Horizontal, Left to Right. Nodes are arranged horizontally, with the highest level at the left.

  • Tree. Nodes are arranged in a vertically-oriented tree structure, with lower levels as branches from higher levels.

  • Radial. Nodes are arranged radially, with the highest level at the center.

  • Circle. Nodes are arranged with the highest level at the center and lower levels arranged in a circle around it.

Slider control, + and button

Zooms the display in and out.

Zoom to Fit

Automatically zooms the display to fit the screen.

Pan control

Moves the viewing area so that you can see areas that are not currently displayed.

  • Click an arrow in the pan control to move in the corresponding direction. You can simultaneously rotate the control to reorient the display after panning.

  • Click the dot in the middle of the pan control to recenter the display.


Displays information about a connectivity or channel in the hierarchy. Enables you to view additional information, open additional hierarchy levels, and control the availability of a channel.

  • Click the arrow button on either side of the node or click the square icons to view additional pages.

  • Click the check box to remove the check mark and make the channel unavailable.

  • Click the small triangles on the bottom or right side of the node to open the next level.

  • To close a level, click the small triangle on the bottom or side of a node that connects the line to the lower level.

  • To isolate a node and hide all other nodes, click the small triangle on the side of the node opposite to the line that connects it to other nodes.


To show additional nodes in the level, click an arrowhead on the end of the line that connects the nodes. Click the expanded triangle icon to view the next group of nodes. Click the triangle-and-line icon to see the last group.

Channels Tab

You use the Channels tab in the Connectivity Details page of a channelized connectivity to view the channel hierarchy.

Field Description

A Termination Device

Displays information about the device terminated to the A side of the connectivity.

Z Termination Device

Displays information about the device terminated to the Z side of the connectivity.

Connectivity table

Lists the connectivity identifier, status, service assignments, and terminations of the connectivity. When the connectivity row is expanded, the identifiers, statuses, and terminating interfaces of its channels are listed in additional rows.

Riders Tab

You use the Riders tab in the Connectivity Details page for packet connectivity entities to view the pipes and connectivities that are enabled by (or ride) this connectivity.

Field Description

A Termination Device

Displays information about the device terminated to the A side of the connectivity.

Z Termination Device

Displays information about the device terminated to the Z side of the connectivity.

Connectivity table

Lists the connectivity identifier, status, service assignments, and terminations of the connectivity. When the connectivity row is expanded, its the identifiers and statuses, and terminating interfaces of its channels are listed in additional rows.

Associated Resources

You use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the custom involvements of the connectivity.

Section Description

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the connectivity with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Editing Connectivity General Information

You can edit some of the general information for a Connectivity entity. In addition, you can add a description.

To edit Connectivity general information:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the General Information tab.

  3. Click the Edit button.

    Editable fields become available in the page.

  4. Edit the desired fields.

  5. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

  6. Click Save or Save and Close.

    The new information is saved.

Designing Connectivity

You use the Connectivity Design tab in the Connectivity Details page to enable and terminate connectivity.

The Connectivity Design tab includes a large table that shows rows for each segment in the connectivity path. The rows display icons and information about the segments. For example, the connectivity identifier and status are displayed for each channel or pipe that is assigned to a segment.

The design process begins with a connectivity gap that you resolve by assigning transport to the gap.

Connectivity designs can be versioned to reflect changes over time. Only one design version can be active at a time. You can make changes only to the active design. You cannot make changes to connectivity designs that are completed or cancelled.


Service connectivities have Connectivity Design tabs, but the information is read-only. Service connectivity designs are created automatically.

See the following topics:

Using the Connectivity Design Tab

The Connectivity Design tab includes features that enable you arrange and manage the design.

See the following topics:

Filtering the Connectivity Design Table by Segment Type

You can filter the table in the Connectivity Design tab to hide segment types that you do not want to see. For example, you can filter the table so that jumpers and cross-connects are not shown.

To filter the connectivity design table by segment type:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. In the table, click the icon next to the Segment column heading.

    The Segments Filter dialog box appears.

  5. Select the segment types you want to display.

  6. Click OK.

    The table is reformatted to show only the segment types you selected.

Clearing the Connectivity Design

You can clear all the design work and return to displaying only the A and Z locations and the initial connectivity gap.

To clear the connectivity design:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Clear icon in the left side of the design table heading row.

    A confirmation dialog box appears.

  5. Click OK.

    The design is cleared. Only the A and Z locations remain, along with an unresolved gap between them.

Reversing a Connectivity Segment Direction

To reverse the direction of a connectivity segment:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. In the table, select one or more connectivity segments.

  5. In the toolbar, click the Reverse icon.

    The direction of the segment or segments is reversed.

Exporting a Connectivity Design

You can export a connectivity design as a Microsoft Excel file.

To export a connectivity design:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. In the toolbar, click the Export icon.

    A dialog box appears, prompting you to save or open the file.

  5. Save or open the file.

Printing a Connectivity Design

You can print a connectivity design for review outside of UIM.

To print a connectivity design:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. In the toolbar, click the Print icon.

    The connectivity design is displayed as a new web page outside of UIM.

  5. Print the web page by using the browser's print capabilities.

Working with Paths

For some technologies, a connectivity can be enabled with multiple paths. You configure each path separately. Path 1 is created automatically.

See the following topics:

Creating Paths

Connectivities can be enabled with one or more paths. For some technologies, such as SONET, SDH, and DWDM, an unlimited number of paths is possible. You design each path separately. Path 1 is created automatically.

To create a path:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In the upper-left corner of the page, click the Create Another Path button (a green plus sign).

Switching Between Paths

If a connectivity has two paths, you can switch between them to see their details.

To switch between paths:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In the upper left of the page, click Path 1 or Path 2.

    The page displays information about the path you selected.

Deleting Paths

If a connectivity has two paths, you can delete one of them in the Connectivity Design tab.

To delete a path:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In the upper left of the page, click Path 1 or Path 2 to go to the path you want to delete.

    The page displays information about the path you selected.

  4. Click the Delete the Selected Path icon (a red X).

Duplicating a Path

You can duplicate a currently existing path so that you can modify the design as a secondary path.

To duplicate a path:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In the upper left of the page, click the Duplicate the Selected Path icon.

    A second path is created and displayed. It has the same design as the first.

Managing Design Versions

When you create a Connectivity entity, the first design version is created automatically, but you must create all subsequent versions manually. Only one design version can be active at a time; you cannot create a new design version until the current one is completed or canceled. You cannot make changes to design versions that are completed or canceled.

See the following topics:

Creating a New Design Version

After you have completed a design version, you can create a new one. The new design version initially has the same design as the previous one.

To create a new design version:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

    The in-progress design version is displayed.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Design Versions.

    The Design Versions dialog box appears, displaying a list of current and previous versions.

  4. Click the Create New Version button.

    The dialog box closes and the page displays the new design version. It has the same design as the previous version.

Canceling an In-Progress Design Version

You can cancel an in-progress design version that you have not yet completed.

To cancel an in-progress design version:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

    The in-progress design version is displayed.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Design Versions.

    The Design Versions dialog box appears, displaying a list of current and previous versions.

  4. Select the design version you want to cancel, which is the last version listed.

  5. Click Cancel.

    The dialog box closes and the page displays the previous, completed design version.

Completing a Design Version

After you have finished a connectivity design, you can complete the design version. This makes the design version available for consumption.


You cannot complete a design version that includes an unaccepted gap. See "Working with Gaps".

To complete a design version:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

    The in-progress design version is displayed.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Complete.

    The status of the design version changes to Completed.

Viewing a Previous Design Version

To view a previous design version:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

    The in-progress design version is displayed.

  3. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Design Versions.

    The Design Versions dialog box appears, displaying a list of current and previous versions.

  4. Select the design version you want to view.

  5. Click Apply.

    The dialog box closes and the page displays the previous design version you selected.

Terminating a Connectivity

You terminate a connectivity by associating its A and Z end points with interfaces. Your termination choices vary by connectivity type:

  • For all connectivity types except packet connectivity enabled by packet connectivity, you can terminate on a media interface as long as it has sufficient capacity.

  • For packet and service connectivities, you can terminate on a flow interface. You search for a media interface and then create a flow interface on which to terminate the connectivity. The flow interface has the same capacity as the connectivity.

  • For channelized connectivity, you can choose to virtually terminate on the same interface as its enabling channel.

To terminate a connectivity:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Assign an interface to the A location:

    1. In the A Location column, click the Assign Interface button.

    2. Select one of the following three options, depending on the type of connectivity you are designing:

      Terminate at Media Interface to search for a media interface on which to terminate the connectivity.

      Terminate at Flow Interface to search for a media interface that will provide a flow interface on which to terminate the connectivity. UIM creates the flow interface with the bit rate of the connectivity being terminated. (Available only for packet and service connectivities.)

      Terminate at Channel to virtually terminate the connectivity on the same interface as its enabling channel. (Available only for channelized connectivities.)

    3. When the search page appears, enter additional criteria if necessary, then click Search.

      Search results are displayed below the search criteria.

    4. Select an interface, then click OK.

      The search area is removed and the selected interface is assigned.

  5. Repeat step 4 for the Z location.

Related Topics

Working with Gaps

Removing a Terminating Interface

To remove a terminating interface:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Remove icon next to the identifier for a device interface that terminates a connectivity.

    The terminating interface is removed.

Working with Gaps

Gaps represent segments of a path for which connectivity details are undefined or unknown. To complete a connectivity design, you must do one of the following:

  • Resolve the gap by assigning a connectivity or pipe to it. This process is also called “assigning transport."

  • Accept the gap and supply a reason for doing so.

The process of resolving gaps is called enablement. Enablement defines how a connectivity receives its capacity.

See the following topics:

Accepting Gaps

A connectivity gap can sometimes be valid from a business perspective. For example, part of the trail may pass through a third-party network where the details are not known. In these cases, you can mark a gap as accepted. Marking a gap as accepted means that the connectivity design can be completed.

To accept a gap:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

    The page displays the connectivity design.

  4. Click the Gap icon (a red circle with an exclamation point) in a row.

    The Accept Gap dialog box appears.

  5. in the Reason field, enter a brief description.

  6. Click OK.

    The red exclamation point icon is replaced with a green check mark. The reason you entered appears in the row.

Removing a Gap Acceptance

You can remove the acceptance of a gap. This action returns the gap to unresolved status, meaning that the connectivity design cannot be completed until the gap is resolved or accepted.


You cannot remove a gap acceptance after a design has been completed. You must create a new design version to make this change.

To remove a gap acceptance:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

    The page displays the connectivity design.

  4. Click the Accepted Gap icon (a green check mark) in a row.

    The check mark is removed and replaced by the Gap icon (a red circle with an exclamation point). The gap is now unresolved.

Manually Assigning Connectivity to a Gap

You can assign a channel, connectivity, or a pipe to a segment to resolve a connectivity gap. Pipes must be terminated on network devices (logical devices associated to network locations) to be used for this purpose.

To manually assign connectivity to a gap:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

    The page displays information about the in-progress design version.

  3. If necessary, click Path 2 to display the path you are working on.

  4. Click the Assign Connectivity button near a Gap icon.

  5. Select Connectivity or Pipe from the menu that appears.

    A Search area appears at the bottom of the page.

  6. Search for a Pipe or Connectivity entity.

    Search results are displayed in a tree structure below the search criteria.

  7. If you selected a channelized connectivity, expand the hierarchy to select the desired channel.

  8. Click Apply.

    The search area is removed and the table displays the connectivity assignment. Depending on the design, additional gaps may appear. Trail-bound cross-connects may be created as a result of the connectivity assignment. Pre-existing interface-bound cross-connects may be included.

Automatically Resolving Gaps by Using Gap Analysis

You can use gap analysis to find channels and connectivities that resolve connectivity gaps. You provide criteria about how to resolve the gap. Gap analysis locates channels and connectivities that meet the criteria.

Gap analysis is similar to path analysis, but does not find Pipe entities. See "Automatically Resolving Gaps by Using Path Analysis" for information about automatically resolving gaps by assigning pipe connectivity.

To resolve a gap by using gap analysis:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Gap Analysis button near the Gap icon.

  5. Select Channel from the menu that appears.

    The Gap Analysis section appears in the page. The section is divided into three columns: one for the source, one for an optional intermediate node, and one for the target.

  6. In the Source column:

    1. In the Network/Entity Location field, enter the first few characters of a network location code or network entity code, then select from the list that appears.

    2. In the Device Identifier field, enter the first few characters of a device identifier, then select from the list that appears.

  7. (Optional) In the Intermediate Node column, repeat step 6.

  8. In the Target column, repeat step 6.

  9. (Optional) Select Include Jumpers in Path if you want to include any jumpers in the path.

  10. From Cost Effective Routing, select a routing type that changes the values in Filter By and Algorithm fields accordingly. The available routing options are: Equal Weights (Hops) and Least Cost.

  11. (Optional) From Algorithm, select an algorithm to control the topological view of the path analysis.


    The algorithm options change based on the Cost Effective Routing option you select.
  12. From Filter By, select an option to filter the path analysis.


    The Filter By options change based on the Cost Effective Routing option you select.
  13. From K(# of Paths), select the number of paths you want to view.


    This field is enabled only if Algorithm is either Top K Shortest or Top K Cheapest. These two Algorithm values populate based on the Cost Effective Routing option selected.
  14. Select Custom Tuning to control the number of paths returned.
  15. Click Analyze.

    The Gap Analysis Results section appears below the Gap Analysis section. The proposed paths are categorized by the number of hops they contain.

  16. Click the triangle for a row to see a proposed path.

  17. Select the button for a path, then click Assign.

    The table displays the connectivity assignment and may also display interconnections and additional gaps.

Automatically Resolving Gaps by Using Path Analysis

You can use path analysis to find Pipe entities that resolve connectivity gaps in a Connectivity entity. Pipes must be terminated on network devices (logical devices associated to network locations) to be used for this purpose.

When you enter the criteria for the path analysis, you use the same techniques as when running a path analysis from a Pipe entity Summary page. See "Running a Path Analysis" for information about entering the criteria.

To resolve a gap by using path analysis:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Gap Analysis button near the Gap icon.

  5. Select Pipe from the menu that appears.

    The Path Analysis section appears in the page.

  6. Enter path analysis criteria.

  7. Click Analyze.

    The Gap Analysis Results section appears below the Path Analysis section in the page. The proposed paths are categorized by the number of hops they contain.

  8. Click the triangle for a row to see a proposed path.

  9. Select the button for a path, then click Assign.

    The table displays the connectivity assignment and may also display interconnections and additional gaps.

Deleting a Connectivity Segment

After you have assigned transport to a segment, you can delete the transport and any interconnections that have been automatically created to support it.

To delete a connectivity segment:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the button for a segment, which may incorporate more than one row.

    The rows pertaining to the segment are selected.

  5. Click the Delete button in the toolbar.

    The connectivity segment is deleted.

Unassigning Transport From a Design

You can unassign a connectivity or pipe from a design path segment.

To unassign transport assignment:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Unassign icon next to the identifier for an assigned pipe or connectivity.

    The transport assignment is removed.

Adding an Interconnection

You can add a trail-bound cross-connect or a jumper to resolve a gap that exists between two device interfaces in the same network location. If the gap is between root-level device interfaces (including device interfaces on different logical devices) UIM creates a jumper. If the gap is between device interfaces on the same logical device and not between root-level device interfaces, UIM creates a cross-connect.

UIM displays an error message if you try to add an interconnection that includes an interface that terminates a pipe or connectivity not included in the connectivity you are designing.

To add an interconnection:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the Create Interconnection icon in a row.

    The Associate Device Interface dialog box appears, which includes search criteria. The Network/Entity Location field is populated with the location in which the two interfaces exist.

  5. Enter additional search criteria if necessary, then click Search.

    Search results are displayed below the search criteria.

  6. Select an interface, then click OK.

    The search area is removed and an interconnection is created.

Viewing Transport Details

You can view the details of the transport assigned to a connectivity segment.

To view transport details:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the link for a pipe or a channel that is assigned to a segment.

    The Details page or Summary page for the pipe or channel appears.

Viewing Network Details

You can open the Network Summary page for the network associated with a device interface or transport entity that is included in the connectivity path.

To view network details:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. If necessary, select the path.

  4. Click the network icon in a row segment.

    The Network Summary page appears.

Assigning Flow Identifiers in the Connectivity Design Tab

You can assign flow identifiers while you are designing packet connectivities You can assign flow identifiers to the connectivity being designed or to individual segments in the design.

When you assign a flow identifier during connectivity design, it is assigned to the connectivity and referenced by one or both of its flow interfaces.

You can also assign flow interfaces while you are designing packet virtual networks. See "Assigning Flow Identifiers in the Network Topological View" for more information.

Assigning Flow Identifiers to the Connectivity Being Designed

When you assign a flow identifier to a connectivity that you are designing, you can choose to have the flow identifier referenced by both terminating flow interface or by only one.

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. Do one of the following:

    To assign the flow identifier and have referenced by both flow interfaces:

    1. In the tool bar, click the Assign Flow Identifier to Both Ends icon.

      The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

    2. Search for and select a flow identifier.

      The selected flow identifier is assigned to the connectivity and referenced by the flow interfaces that terminate it.

    To assign the flow identifier and have it by only one flow interface:

    1. In A Location or Z Location column for the connectivity, click the Assign Flow Identifier icon.

      The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

    2. Search for and select a flow identifier.

      The selected flow identifier is assigned to the connectivity and referenced the flow interfaces at the A or Z location.

Assigning Flow Identifiers to a Connectivity Segment

Connectivity segments enable the connectivity you are designing. When you assign a flow identifier to a connectivity segment, you are assigning it to the enabling connectivity, not to the connectivity being designed. The flow identifier is also referenced by the flow interfaces that were created when the segment was added to the design.


Flow Identifier assignment is allowed for both packet service connectivity and standalone service connectivity.
  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In a connectivity segment, click the Assign Flow Identifier icon.

    The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

  4. Search for and select a flow identifier.

    The selected flow identifier is assigned to the connectivity and referenced by the flow interfaces that terminate it.

Unassigning Flow Identifiers

You can unassign flow identifiers from connectivities being designed and from connectivity segments. When you unassign a flow identifier, it is also de-referenced from flow interfaces.

If a connectivity has a flow identifier assigned to it and referenced by both flow interfaces, removing the flow identifier from one of the flow interfaces does not remove the assignment to the connectivity.

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. In the toolbar, in an A or Z location of the connectivity being designed, or in a connectivity segment, click the Unassign Flow Identifier icon.

    The flow identifier is unassigned and de-referenced.

Working with the Connectivity Design Visualization

You can view a schematic visualization of a connectivity design in the Schematic subtab of the Connectivity Design tab. The visualization represents the same information shown in tabular form in the Design subtab. You can choose to view the current design or a previous design version.

The visualization uses icons to represent the various elements of the connectivity design. The icons are a combination of those used in network visualizations and those used in the Design subtab. See "Connectivity Design Tab" and "Network Topological View Page" for illustrations of the icons.

The Schematic subtab includes tools that you use to control the view. Many of these tools are common to all similar features in UIM. See "Working with Visualizations and Diagrams" for more information.

See the following topics:

Opening a Connectivity Design Visualization

The Schematic subtab in the Connectivity Design tab contains a visualization of the connectivity design that is shown in tabular form in the Design subtab.

To open the connectivity design visualization:

  1. Open the Summary page of a connectivity.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab, then click the Schematic subtab.

    The current connectivity design is displayed visually in the tab.

  3. (Optional) Select a previous connectivity design version in the Design Versions list.

    The selected connectivity design version is displayed visually in the tab.

Highlighting a Connectivity Path

If a connectivity design includes two paths, both are shown in the connectivity design visualization. You can highlight either of the two paths to make it more visible.

To highlight a path in the connectivity design visualization:

  1. In the Connectivity Design tab, click the Schematic subtab.

  2. Click the Path 1 or Path 2 link.

    The path whose link you clicked is highlighted in green. Clicking the other path link toggles the highlighting.

Viewing Termination Details

The connectivity design visualization displays A and Z network locations as well as devices or network locations on which connectivities are terminated. Devices and network locations are shown as icons. You can expand the icons to view more detailed termination information. For example, you can expand a device to see the device interfaces on which connectivities are terminated and any interconnections between those interfaces.

You can view termination details for individual devices and locations or for all devices and locations in the visualization.

To view termination details for a single device or locations:

  1. In Connectivity Design tab, click the Schematic subtab.

    The connectivity design visualization appears.

  2. Click the plus icon in a device or location icon.

    The icon expands into a box shape.

  3. Hover the mouse cursor over the device or location to view the label that shows device interface and physical port details.

  4. Click the minus icon to collapse the box to an icon.

To view all termination details:

  1. In the toolbar, click Open Subgraphs.

    All termination points in the visualization expand to show their resource termination.

  2. Click Close Subgraphs to collapse all the termination points.

Viewing Connectivity Design in Map View

You can view connectivity design in a map from the Map View page. The Map View page for a Connectivity uses the default settings present in topologyProcess.properties file.

To open the Map View page and view the connectivity design on a map:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. Click the Map View tab under the Connectivity Design tab.

    The Map View page appears.

  4. Use the Map View page of a connectivity to view the trail connectivity and all its design segments in all paths.

    See "Map View Page" for more information.


    You cannot make any changes to the connectivity from the Map View page, but you can use tools to control the map display. You can make any changes to the connectivity from the Connectivity Design tab.
  5. Double-click on any location in the map to view the corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates.
Viewing a Connectivity Hierarchy

You can view all the layers in a connectivity hierarchy using the Hierarchy subtab in the Connectivity Design tab.

To view the connectivity hierarchy:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Connectivity Design tab.

  3. Click the Hierarchy tab under the Connectivity Design tab.

    The hierarchy of the current design connectivity appears.

  4. From the Paths list, select the path you want to view.

    The path you selected is highlighted in green. Selecting any other path toggles the highlighting.

  5. Click the plus icon in a device or location icon.

    The icon expands into a box shape showing all the cross connects.


    To close the box, click the minus icon.
  6. Select an element in the hierarchy diagram and navigate to the information section on the right of the page.

    The name and ID of the entity appears.


    You can view the corresponding entity summary page by clicking on the link from the information section.
  7. In the upper-right corner of the page, click Design Versions.

    The Design Versions dialog box appears, displaying a list of current and previous versions.


    You can create a new version from the Design Versions dialog box by clicking Create New Version.

Configuring Capacity of Channelized Connectivity

You use the Capacity tab in the Connectivity Details page to configure the signal structure of a channelized connectivity based on the rate code applied to it. You select from the channel structures that are valid for the rate code and technology applied to the connectivity. You can configure a the entire signal structure automatically or you can configure the channels individually.

See the following topics:

Working with the Capacity Hierarchy Display

The capacity hierarchy shows the signal structure with rate codes displayed as linked nodes. You can change many aspects about the display, including the number and arrangement of nodes and levels.

See the following topics:

Opening and Closing Levels

When you first open the capacity hierarchy, only the top-level node is displayed, even if additional levels exist. You must open levels to see the nodes they contain. You must open each successive level individually.

To open a level:

  1. Navigate to Capacity tab of the Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the small triangle on the bottom or side of a node.

    The triangle expands and displays a plus sign.

  3. Click the plus sign.

    The next level in the hierarchy appears.

To close a level:

  1. In the Capacity tab, click the small triangle on the bottom or side of a node that connects to the lower level.

    The triangle expands and displays a minus sign.

  2. Click the minus sign.

    The next lower level in the hierarchy (and any lower levels that are displayed) is no longer visible.

Viewing Hidden Nodes in a Level

A level in a hierarchy can contain many nodes, not all of which are visible at the same time. (The number of visible nodes depends on the zoom level and layout of the display.) You can move through the nodes at a level by using controls in the display.

To view hidden nodes in a level:

  1. Navigate to Capacity tab of the Connectivity Details page.

  2. Place the cursor over the arrowhead at the end of a line that connects the nodes in a level.

    The arrowhead expands into a triangle icon and a triangle-and-line icon.

  3. Click the triangle icon to move to the next or previous group of nodes. Click the triangle-and-line icon to move to the first or last group of nodes in the level.

Isolating Nodes

You can isolate a node, thereby hiding other nodes. This feature is useful when the hierarchy is complex and contains many nodes and levels.

To isolate a node:

  1. Navigate to Capacity tab of the Connectivity Details page.

  2. Expand the display so that more than one node is shown.

  3. Place the cursor over the small triangle projecting from the side of the node opposite to the line that connects it to other nodes.

    The triangle expands to show an apostrophe icon.

  4. Click the apostrophe icon.

    All nodes disappear except for the one whose icon you clicked.

  5. Click the apostrophe icon again to return to the full display of nodes.

Viewing Node Information

Each node displays information about the connectivity or channel it represents. Each node has two pages that you switch between:

  • The first page includes the Express Configuration link and the check box that determines whether a channel is available for consumption.

  • The second page displays information about channelization and the percent of capacity that is available for consumption.

To switch node pages:

  • Click the arrow button on either side of the node. Alternatively, click the square icons in the node. The squares represent the node's pages.

Changing the Capacity Hierarchy Layout

You can choose from several layouts that determine how the capacity hierarchy is arranged:

  • Vertical, Top Down. Nodes are arranged vertically with the highest level at the top.

  • Horizontal, Left to Right. Nodes are arranged horizontally, with the highest level at the left.

  • Tree. Nodes are arranged in a vertically-oriented tree structure, with lower levels as branches from higher levels.

  • Radial. Nodes are arranged radially, with the highest level at the center.

  • Circle. Nodes are arranged with the highest level at the center and lower levels arranged in circles around it.

To change the capacity hierarchy layout:

  1. Navigate to Capacity tab of the Connectivity Details page.

  2. In the Capacity tab, click the Layout icon in the control section.

    A column of layout icons appears below the control section.

  3. Click a layout icon.

    The layout icons disappear and the capacity hierarchy is rearranged.

  4. Click Save or Save and Close.

Zooming In the Capacity Hierarchy

You can zoom in and out of the capacity hierarchy. This feature is particularly useful when a large, complex hierarchy is displayed. You can also set the zoom level to automatically fit the page.

To zoom in the capacity hierarchy:

  • In the Capacity tab, do one of the following:

    • Slide the zoom indicator in the control section up or down to change the zoom level.

    • Click the + or button to zoom incrementally.

To set the zoom level automatically:

  • In the Capacity tab, click the Zoom to Fit icon in the control section.

    The capacity hierarchy zooms in or out to fit in the page.

Moving In the Capacity Hierarchy Display

You can use the pan control to move through the capacity hierarchy display to view different areas. You can also recenter the display automatically.

To move in the capacity hierarchy display:

  • In the Capacity tab, click an arrow in the pan control to move in the corresponding direction. You can simultaneously rotate the control to reorient the display after panning.


    The control moves the viewing area, not the hierarchy itself. So clicking the left arrow means that the display appears to move to the right across the screen.

To recenter the display automatically:

  • In the Capacity tab, click the dot in the middle of the pan control.

    The capacity hierarchy display is recentered.

Changing Channel Availability

A check mark in the first page of a node icon indicates whether the channel represented by the node is available for consumption.

  • If a check mark is visible, the channel is available for consumption.

  • If no check mark is visible, the channel has been multiplexed and is not available for consumption as a whole.

If you want to multiplex a channel that is currently available for consumption, you must deselect the check box. You cannot change the availability of a channel that has already been assigned.

To change channel availability:

  1. In the Capacity tab, expand a level to display the node for the channel you want to multiplex.

  2. De-select the check mark in node.

    The channel is no longer available for consumption.

  3. From the list, select a multiplexing option and click OK.

    The dialog box closes and UIM configures the signal structure based on your selection. Hierarchy levels above the lowest level are marked as unavailable.

  4. Click Save or Save and Close.

Configuring Capacity Automatically

You can configure the signal structure of connectivity or channel automatically by using the Express Configuration feature. You select the lowest-level channel you want to configure. UIM determines the most efficient signal structure that includes that channel level. It creates any channels or processing signals that are required.

To configure capacity automatically:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Capacity tab.

  3. If necessary, open a level to display the connectivity or channel you want to configure.

  4. Click the Express Configuration link in the connectivity or channel node.

    The Express Configuration dialog box appears.

  5. From the list, select an option.

  6. From the Quantity list, select an option.


    For SDH technology, you can select the quantity only for VC4 node.
  7. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and UIM configures the signal structure based on your selection. Hierarchy levels about the lowest level are marked as unavailable.

Configuring Capacity Manually

If you do not want the signal structure of a connectivity to be uniformly configured at all levels, you can configure the connectivity's capacity manually. When you manually configure capacity, you work on individual nodes and levels one at a time until the entire signal structure is complete.

To configure capacity manually:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Capacity tab.

  3. Expand the hierarchy to display the connectivity or channel you want to configure.

  4. If necessary, deselect the check mark.

  5. Click the Express Configuration link in the node.

    The Express Configuration dialog box appears.

  6. From the list, select an option.

  7. From the Quantity list, select an option.


    For SDH technology, you can select the quantity only for VC4.
  8. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and UIM configures the signal structure based on your selection. Hierarchy levels about the lowest level are marked as unavailable.

  9. Repeat steps 3 through 6 for each node you want to configure.

Removing a Capacity Configuration

You can remove a capacity configuration if the connectivity or channel has not been assigned.

To remove a configuration:

  1. Open a Connectivity Details page.

  2. Click the Capacity tab.

  3. Expand the hierarchy to display the connectivity or channel whose capacity configuration you want to remove.

  4. Click the Express Configuration link.

    The Express Configuration dialog box appears.

  5. Select Remove Configuration, then click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the capacity configuration is removed.

Viewing Channels in a Channelized Connectivity

You use the Channels tab in the Connectivity Details page to view the channel hierarchy of a channelized connectivity. The channel hierarchy is based on the signal architecture determined by the connectivity's rate code and the channel configuration you select in the Capacity tab. For some technologies, such as SONET, SDH, and DWDM, the channel hierarchy includes signals that organize how the connectivity is channelized.

To view channels:

  1. Open the Connectivity Details page of a channelized connectivity.

  2. Click the Channels tab.

    A table listing the top-level channels is displayed. For channels that have been enabled, the channel ID, inventory status, and connectivity identifier are shown.

  3. Expand the hierarchy to view additional channels.

  4. (Optional) To see detailed information about an enabled channel, right-click it and select Navigate to Assigned Connectivity Details.

    The Connectivity Details page for the selected channel appears. You can return to the original page by using the Recent Items menu.

Viewing Riders in a Packet Connectivity

You use the Riders tab in the Connectivity Details page to view connectivities or pipes that are enabled by or ride a packet connectivity.

To view riders:

  1. Open the Connectivity Details page of a packet connectivity.

  2. Click the Riders tab.

    A table is displayed with the connectivity at the top. If the connectivity has riders, a triangle indicates that you can expand the row.

  3. Expand the top-level row to see a list of riders.

  4. To see detailed information about a rider, right-click it and select View Assigned Connectivity Details.

    The Connectivity Details or Pipe Summary page for the selected connectivity or pipe appears. You can return to the original page by using the Recent Items menu.

Viewing Information About Consumption of Packet Connectivity with Riders

You can view information about the consumption of capacity of packet connectivities with riders.

When you search for packet connectivities, the search results include highlighting for connectivities whose consumption has reached threshold values. By default, the Bit Rate column for packet connectivities with greater than 50% consumption are highlighted in yellow and packet connectivities with greater than 80% capacity are highlighted in red.

Both the threshold values and the colors are configurable. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

To view information about flow interface consumption:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device whose hierarchy includes flow interfaces.

  2. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to display the flow interfaces.

    The Percent Consumed column and row highlighting indicate the consumption level of the flow interfaces.