13 Working with Networks and Network Visualization

In Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM), you use several different kinds of entities to manage networks in your inventory:

  • Network entities represent the network as a whole.

  • Network configurations represent the resources assigned to the network at a particular point in time.

  • Network nodes are specific locations in the network. They can represent physical or logical resources and can be associated with places and property locations.

  • Network edges represent connectivity between nodes.

You configure network entities by using the Network Visualization page, where you add network nodes and network edges. You use nodes and edges to represent entities and describe how they are implemented. For example, a network node can represent a logical device, and a network edge can represent a connectivity. See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information about this page. The Network Visualization page appears by default and can be changed to the Network Topological View page instead. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about the fields in this page.

You can also see networks in a map view. Nodes appear in the geographic locations determined by places associated with them. See "Using the Map View" for more information.

There are three types of networks in UIM. You specify the type when you define a Network specification in Design Studio.

  • An infrastructure network is a resource-based network such as SDH, ATM, Ethernet, or MPLS.

  • A packet virtual network (PVN) is collection of the interfaces and connectivities that support a packet-based connectivity service. Multipoint ethernet virtual circuits (EVCs) are examples of packet virtual networks.

  • A service network consolidates service locations, network access connectivity, and supporting virtual networks to provide a unified view of a connectivity-based service.

The network type and the network technology are interdependent. The network type is not displayed in Network Summary pages in UIM, but can be inferred from the specification on which the entity is based. For example, the Ethernet EVC Network specification, provided in the Carrier Ethernet cartridge, defines a PVN network. Similarly, the Ethernet Transport Network specification in the same cartridge defines an infrastructure network.

The network type determines the functionality that is available in the network visualization. For example, the Design Steps feature is available only for packet virtual networks and service networks.

Network entities share the features of many other entities. You can associate places and roles with them and you can include them in business interactions. See "Working with Inventory Entities" and "Working with Roles" for more information.

Network entities are topology-enabled, so you can search for them in the topology diagram using the UTIA application. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information.

See the following topics for more information about working with network and network visualizations:

Creating Networks

When you create a Network entity, the specification you use determines the possible values for other data elements. For example, if you select a Network specification that has a defined technology, then the Technology data element of the Network entity is automatically set to that value. The technology in turn can determine which Network Topology values are possible.

To create a network:

  1. In the navigation section, click Network.

  2. In the Search Results section, click Create.

    The Network - New page appears.

  3. From the Specification list, select the specification you want to use for this network.

    If the specification includes a technology, the Technology field updates to include it. The rest of the page refreshes to include any customized fields from the specification.

  4. If the ID field is available (does not include the text AUTOGENERATE), enter a unique ID for the network. The ID cannot be changed later.

  5. (Optional) In the Name and Description fields, enter a name and a description.

  6. (Optional) From the Network Topology list, select the topology that describes the network. The values you can choose from may be constrained by the technology defined by the specification.

  7. Click Save and Continue.

    The Network Summary page for the network you created appears.

  8. (Optional) Click Save and Add Another to create multiple networks.

    The network you created is saved and the Network - New page reappears.

  9. (Optional) Click Cancel to dismiss creation process.

    The Network page appears.

Selecting the Network Topology

When you create or modify a network, you can select from a number of different topologies that describe its shape and how its nodes relate to each other. The following table lists all possible values in the Network Topology list, but the technologies you can select from can be defined by the Network specification.

Topology Description

No topology selected

(Default) The Network Topology data element is not used or is not specified.


A topology in which a single backbone connection carries signals to nodes connected to it. This topology is typical of older token-ring networks.


A linear topology in which nodes are arranged sequentially, with each node connected to its adjacent node or nodes.


A topology that combines characteristics of other topologies, such as mesh and star.

Linear Add/Drop

A chain-like configuration with intermediate nodes where signals can enter and exit. Used in SONET and SDH networks.


Each node in the network is connected to every other node. A fully-meshed network is one where each node is directly connected to the others. A partially-meshed network is one where some of the connections are indirect. Meshed networks are commonly used with Ethernet, IP, MPLS, and SONET.

Multipoint to Multipoint

A network topology in which all nodes are visible and accessible to all other nodes.

For example, a multipoint Carrier Ethernet network includes three or more UNIs that are all visible and accessible to each other. A service network example is an E-LAN service.

Point to Point

The topology is linear with all edges terminating at two end nodes.

For example, a point-to-point EVC network contains exactly two UNIs. Point-to-point EVCs carry Ethernet Line (E-LINE) services.


A closed topology in which signals are passed from node to node in predictable pattern. Ring topologies are common with SONET, SDH, and Ethernet.

Rooted Multipoint

A multipoint network topology in which one node is designated as the root.

For example, in an EVC network, one UNI can be assigned a Root UNI role with the remaining UNIs assigned Leaf UNI roles. A service network example is an E-Tree service.


The network includes only a single node with no connectivity.


The network includes a hub node with leaf nodes connected to it. Also called hub-and-spoke. Commonly used with Ethernet, IP, MPLS, and SONET.


Similar to a collection of star networks in which a leaf in one star is the hub of another.


The network topology is currently unknown or unspecified.

Related Topics

Creating Networks

About Network Configurations

You can create configurations for Network entities. Network configurations are used to assign resources to networks, including custom network addresses, custom objects, and logical devices. As you create new versions of the configuration, you create a record of resource assignments and characteristics assigned to configuration items.


Network configurations do not include the network topology, so the version history does not reflect the evolution of the topology.

Network configurations have the same features and functionality as other configurations. See "Working with Entity Configurations" for more information about using configurations.

Network Configuration Page

You use the Network Configuration page to define the content for a service configuration.

See the following topics for more information about tasks you can complete in Service Configuration pages:


The sections listed in the following table are specific to the Network Configuration page. See "Entity Summary Page" for information about features that are common among all entities.

Field Description

Network Configuration Information

Displays basic information about the configuration, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the configuration is created. The Edit button is available only before the configuration is completed.

Configuration Items

Displays configuration items associated with the configuration. See "Adding Configuration Items" for information about adding new configuration items.

Network Configuration Information Page

You use the Network Configuration Information page to modify a network configuration. This page is available only before the configuration is completed.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the name of the specification used to create the configuration.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Modify the ID for the configuration. The default value is based on the ID of the parent network with an incremented version number.


Modify the name of the configuration. The default value is the same as the ID.


Displays the current status of the network configuration.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are editing the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are editing.

Start Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become active.

End Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become inactive.


Displays the name of the configuration's parent network

Network Configuration Information - New Version Page

You use the Network Configuration Information - New Version page to create new network configurations.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Network Configuration specification to use for the new configuration version.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Enter a unique ID for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the ID of the parent network with an incremented version number.


Enter a name for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the name of the parent network with an incremented version number.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become active.

End Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become inactive.

Designing a Network in the Network Topological View

You design networks in the Network Topological View page by adding nodes and edges, then choosing which entities they represent. You can also add child networks, flow interfaces, and other items to the network

When you click on the Visualization tab, the Network Visualization page appears by default. You can change this view to Network Topological View page by using the uim.ui.networkPlanAndBuild.canvas.enabled parameter in the system-config.properties file. For more information on using the parameter, see UIM System Administrator's Guide.

To learn more about the Network Visualization page see "About Network Visualization Page". To find more information about designing networks on the Network Visualization page see "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page".

The Network Topological View page includes a canvas area where the diagram is displayed. The page has a number of tools that enable you to control the topological display, including a toolbar, and an information section. Many of these features are common to all similar features in UIM. See "Working with Visualizations and Diagrams" for more information about these general features. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in the Network Topological View page.

See the following topics:

About Network Visualization Page

The Network Visualization page shows the topology graph of the chosen network.

To open the Network Visualization page:

  1. Open the Summary page for a Network entity for which you want to view the topology.

  2. Click the Visualization tab.

  3. The Network Visualization page appears. This page displays the topology graph of network.

The topology graph in the Network Visualization page consists of nodes representing different entities connected by edges representing pipes and connectivities. The area in which the topology graph appears is called the Canvas area. There is also an Actions toolbar that can be used to perform various actions in this page. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for more information on working with the topology graph.

Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page

This section provides information about the various settings to customize topology graph view and the various actions that can be performed on it.

See the following topics:

Searching and Filtering Nodes or Edges in Network Visualization Page

You can search for nodes or edges in a network in the Network Visualization Page by using the Search and Filter Topology option. You can also filter your search results to view only the nodes or edges matching the relevant criteria.

You can click on the Search icon at the top-right corner of the canvas just above the Settings icon to open the Search and Filter Topology panel on the left side of the screen. See “Changing Topology Graph Settings in Network Visualization Page” for more information about the Settings icon and its fields.

To search and filter nodes or edges in Network Visualization Page:

  1. Click on the Search icon.

    The Search and Filter Topology panel appears to the left side of the screen. There is a search bar at the top of the panel and filter options are given below it. You can use these options to filter nodes or edges according to the desired criteria. Below the search bar is a list of all the nodes and edges in a topology graph. The nodes are grouped into categories by Location, while the edges are grouped separately.

  2. (Optional) You can select any of these nodes and edges directly from the list.

    The selected nodes and edges are highlighted on the canvas.

  3. (Optional) Click on the search bar in the left panel.

    A dropdown list of nodes and edges will appear. You can choose any of these nodes or edges. You can also filter your search by applying filters.

  4. (Optional) Select a filter option below the search bar. You may select any number of filter options.

    The selected filter option appears inside the search bar. To see additional filters, click on the 'More' option.

  5. In the search bar click on the selected filter option.

    A list of values for the selected option appears.

  6. You can choose any number of options from this list.

    The filter option changes to reflect the value chosen.

  7. The searched nodes or edges are highlighted on the canvas.

Saving the Network Visualization Page as a Graphic File

You can save the visible area of the Network Visualization page as a graphic file.

To save the Network Visualization page as a graphic file:

  1. Open a network in the Network Visualization Page.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on the canvas in the Network Visualization page.

    The Save Image option appears.

  3. Select the Save Image option.

    The topology graph on the Network Visualization page is saved and downloaded as an image.

Changing Topology Graph Settings in Network Visualization Page

You can customize how the topology graph appears on the canvas by using the various settings and map views. For more information on changing map views see "Viewing Maps in Network Visualization Page".

The Settings icon appears below the Search icon at the top-right corner of the canvas. This icon opens the Settings tab at the right-side of the canvas. You use the Settings tab to customize the topology graph view on the canvas. The Settings tab has the following subtabs:

  • Display Settings
  • Advanced Settings
Changing Display Settings

You can use the Display Settings tab for customizing topology graph view through the various settings in it.

Setting Name Description
Group by Select an option to group components of the topology graph. You can group the components by state, city, postal code, district, province, location code, and circle. Each option you select provides the number of components present in each group.

Select an option from the dropdown menu to change the layout of the topology graph:

  • Custom Layout: Displays the topology in a customized layout. See "Using Custom Layout" for more information on using custom layouts.
  • Forced Layout: Displays the topology graph’s components. It is the default layout.
  • Geo Map Layout: Displays the topology graph in a geographical map view.
  • Circular Layout: Displays the topology components in a circle.
  • Grid Layout: Displays the topology components in the form of a grid.
  • Hierarchical Layout: Displays the topology components according to the hierarchy and without any overlaps.
Others This section provides controls to adjust the topological view. You can hide the links, labels, and leaf nodes and remove the node overlaps by enabling the corresponding option.
Reset Resets the display to default settings.

Related Topics

Adding Advanced Settings

Adding Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings tab contains two collapsible sections which allow you to customize topology graph view.

  • Icons: This section contains a Show Icon option that allows you to enable viewing icons on nodes in the topology graph. This option is enabled by default.

  • Geomap: This section allows you to view the topology graph over different geographical maps in the canvas. For more information of the types of maps, see “Viewing Maps in Network Visualization Page”.

Using Custom Layout

To use custom layouts:

  1. Click on the Settings icon.

    The Settings panel appears at the right side of the screen.

  2. In the Display Settings subtab, under the Layout section, select Custom Layout.

    The Save Node Confirmation pop-up window appears on the screen informing you to save coordinates using Save Coordinates icon in the Actions toolbar. Using this option allows you to change the layout of the topological graph on the canvas manually.

  3. Click OK.

    The Save Coordinates icon appears on the Actions toolbar. This icon will be visible only when the Custom Layout option is selected.

Performing Actions on the Topology Graph in Network Visualization Page

The Actions toolbar allows you to interact with the topology by performing various actions. This toolbar appears at the top of the canvas area with icons for each of the below options.

Action Icon Description
Edit This icon is shaped as a pen. This allows you to update the specification of a node. For more information see “Editing Node Information in Network Visualization Page”.
Delete This icon is shaped as a recycle bin. This deletes a selected node in the topology graph. For more information see “Removing a Node from a Network in Network Visualization Page”.
Add Edge
This icon is shaped like the capital letter Y with a plus sign next to it.

This allows you to add an edge to the topology graph. For more information see “Adding an Edge to a Network in Network Visualization Page”.
Add Node This icon has three circles connected to a line, with one circle on one side and the two circles on the other side. This allows you to add a node to the topology graph. For more information see “Adding a Node in Network Visualization Page”.
Overview tab

You use the Overview tab to view information about the entity being represented by nodes or edges in the topology graph. The fields vary depending on the entity type.

Field Description
ID Displays the ID of the entity. This field is displayed as a clickable link and takes you to the entity Summary Page. See “Opening Entity Summary Pages from Network Visualization Page” for more information.
Name Displays the name of the entity.
Spec Name Displays the specification of the entity.
Inventory Status Displays the stage in the life cycle of the entity.
Property Location Displays property location of the entity. This field is displayed as a clickable link and takes you to the Property Location Summary Page.
Place Displays the place the entity is associated with. This field is displayed as a clickable link and takes you to the Place Summary Page.
Created User Displays the name of the user who created the entity.
Created Date Displays the date the entity was created on.
Using Zoom settings and Mini-Map in Network Visualization Page

You can zoom in to view a specific component by using the zoom settings bar at the right-bottom corner of the canvas and adjust viewing scope. For viewing all components in a topology graph, you can click the Fit to Zoom icon in the zoom settings bar.

There is also a mini-map on the left-bottom corner of the canvas. It shows the position of a selected topology component in the whole graph. You can click on the collapsible legend below the mini-map to see a list of specifications with their corresponding colors and icons present in the topology graph.

Viewing Maps in Network Visualization Page

You can view the topology graph of a network over various geographical maps in the Network Visualization page. These maps are available in the Geomap option under the Advanced Settings subtab in the Settings tab. To change the map type, you can simply select one of the different types in the Advanced Settings subtab. See "Adding Advanced Settings" and "Changing Display Settings" for more information about the fields in the subtabs in the Settings tab.

You can also change the opacity of the map by using the Opacity in percentage option and control the transparency of the map. You can change this by entering the percentage of opacity in the text box with a value between 0 to 100.

For more information on customizing topology graph view, see "Changing Topology Graph Settings in Network Visualization Page".

Working with Nodes in Network Visualization Page

When you first add a node to a network in the Network Visualization page, it can be either generic and undefined or created to represent a specific entity. For generic nodes, you can select a specification, choose a represented resource, and associate places with the node to define its function and location.

See the following topics:

Adding a Node in Network Visualization Page

To add a node to a network:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. In the Actions Toolbar click on Add node icon.

    A dropdown list of resources you can add will appear.


    To add nodes for any other resource, you can to switch to Network Topology View page using the uim.ui.networkPlanAndBuild.canvas.enabled system property in the system-config.properties file. For more information on using this property see Table 5-12 in UIM System Administrator's Guide.

  3. Choose 'Node' to create a node.

    UIM adds a new node icon to the canvas.

  4. (Optional) If you choose an entity type, a dialog box opens with the corresponding Network Node entity Associate page. From here, you can either create a new entity or search for an existing entity.

  5. UIM adds a new node on the canvas.

For more information on associating a node with an entity, see “Associating a Node with an Entity in Network Visualization Page”.

Associating a Node with an Entity in Network Visualization Page

You can use nodes to represent an entity in the topology graph. The color and icon of the node depends on the type of entity it is associated to.

In addition to representing a resource, a node can be associated with a place that defines its location. See "Associating a Node with a Place in Network Visualization Page" for more information. Place associations and resource representations are independent of each other.

To associate a resource with a node:

  1. Open Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on the node and select Associate from the menu that appears.

    A list of entity types you can add appears.


    To add nodes for any other entity type, you can to switch to Network Topology View page using the uim.ui.networkPlanAndBuild.canvas.enabled system property in the system-config.properties file. For more information on using this property see Table 5-12 in UIM System Administrator's Guide.

  3. Select a resource type.

    The corresponding Network Node resource Associate dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create an entity of the type you selected.

  5. In the Search Results section, select the resource.

  6. Click OK.

    The node changes to an icon reflecting the entity type. The name of the entity is displayed below the node.

Associating a Node with a Place in Network Visualization Page

You can associate places with nodes to define their geographic location.

To associate a resource with a place:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network.

  3. Right-click on the node and select Associate from the menu that appears.

    A list of resources appears.

  4. Select a resource type.

    The corresponding Network Node resource Associate dialog box appears.

  5. Search for or create an entity of the type you selected.

  6. In the Search Results section, select the resource.

  7. Click OK.

    The node changes to an icon reflecting the entity type. The name of the entity is displayed below the node.

Viewing Node Information in Network Visualization Page

From the Network Visualization Page, you can view information about nodes and the resources they represent.

To view information about a node:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network.

  3. The Overview tab appears on the right side of canvas. See “Overview tab” for more information about the fields in this tab.

Opening Entity Summary Pages from Network Visualization Page

You can open the Summary pages of entities represented by nodes and edges in the Network Topological View page. You can then use the Summary pages to view or edit information about the entity.

To open an entity Summary page:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network.

  3. In the Overview tab, the entity ID field appears as a clickable link.

  4. Click on the entity ID.

    The corresponding entity Summary page appears.

Editing Node Information in Network Visualization Page

You can edit node information directly through Network Visualization page to add or update its specifications, name, and descriptions. The ID for a node is automatically generated and cannot be changed. To edit information of the entity represented by a node, see “Editing Entity Information from Network Visualization Page”.

To edit node information:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network.

  3. Click on the Edit icon in the Actions toolbar at the top of the canvas.

    The Network Node Information dialog box appears.

  4. From the Specification list, select a specification for the node.

  5. Enter additional required or optional information.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The topology graph refreshes. If you changed the name of the node or edge, the new name is shown.

Editing Entity Information from Network Visualization Page

To edit information of an entity represented by a node:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network.

  3. The Overview tab appears on the right-side of the canvas. See “Overview tab” for more information about the fields in this pane.

  4. Click on the ID field.

    The entity Summary page appears

  5. Click on the Edit button to edit the entity information.
Disassociating an Entity from a Node in Network Visualization Page

You can remove an entity represented by a node by disassociating it.


The disassociating process has no confirmation step. Once disassociated, you can associate the node to the same or different entity.

To disassociate an entity:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click a node representing an entity.

  3. Select Disassociate Entity from the menu that appears. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You can use this shortcut to disassociate an entity from a node.

    The resource is disassociated from the node.

Removing a Node from a Network in Network Visualization Page

You can remove a node directly from the Network Visualization page even when it represents an entity. But deleting the node will only disassociate the entity and remove it from the topology graph.

To delete a node from a network:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select the node to be deleted.

  3. In the Actions toolbar click on Delete icon.

    A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the action. If you are deleting a node with an edge, then the dialog box shows a message that the edge will be deleted along with the node.

  4. Click Proceed to delete the node.

    The node (and its associated edge) is deleted from the canvas.

Isolating, Collapsing and Expanding a Node in the Network Visualization Page

You can isolate, collapse or expand a node from a network to view only the neighboring nodes it has connections with. This option hides all other nodes not connected to the selected node, allowing you to view the selected node independently of the topology graph.


The Expand node option is only available when a node is collapsed or isolated.

To isolate, collapse and expand a node:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on a node.

  3. Select the Isolate option. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You may directly use this shortcut to isolate a node.

    Only the selected node and its associated nodes are visible.

  4. (Optional) Select the Collapse option. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You may directly use this shortcut to collapse a node.

    The nodes associated with the selected node are hidden from view.

  5. (Optional) Select the Expand option. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You may directly use this shortcut to collapse a node.

    All the hidden nodes are visible.

Disabling Links of a Node in the Network Visualization Page

You can hide all links (connectivities, pipes and edges) a node has with its neighboring nodes. This action allows you to view a particular node in relation to other nodes in the topology. This option also allows you to hide edges of nodes that are overlapping.

To hide edges of a node:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on a node.

  3. Select the Disable links option from the menu that appears. The corresponding keyboard shortcut for it also appears next to it. You may directly use this shortcut to hide all edges.

    All the links a node has with other nodes is hidden on the canvas.

Viewing Links of a Node in the Network Visualization Page

You can view all the links a node has with its neighboring nodes on the topology graph. When all the links are visible on the canvas, this option will be greyed out.

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on a node.

  3. Choose the Show link option from the menu that appears. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You can use this shortcut to perform show link action.

    Only the links of the selected node with its neighboring nodes is visible.

Working with Edges in Network Visualization Page

Edges represent connectivity between nodes in your network. An edge can represent a specific, defined connection such as a pipe or connectivity, or it can represent a more generalized connection, such as a dynamic route through another network.

In the Network Visualization page edges are represented by black lines, pipes by red lines and connectivities by green lines on the topology graph.

Adding an Edge to a Network in Network Visualization Page

To add edges to a network:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Click one of the two nodes that share an edge.

  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click the second node.

  4. In the Actions toolbar click on Add edge icon.

    A dropdown list of entity types will appear.

  5. Choose 'Edge' option to create an edge.

  6. (Optional) If you choose Pipe or Connectivity, a dialog box opens with the corresponding entity’s Search Page. From here, you can either create a new entity or search for an existing entity.

  7. An edge is created between the two nodes selected on the topology graph.

See “Associating a Pipe or Connectivity to an Edge in Network Visualization Page” for more information on associating a pipe or connectivity to an edge.

Associating a Pipe or Connectivity to an Edge in Network Visualization Page

You can associate a network edge with a pipe or connectivity. You can leave the network edge undefined if the connectivity is not known or if it is through a dynamic route in another network.

In the Network Visualization page, edges are shown as lines that connect network nodes. The line is black if the edge is not associated with a pipe or connectivity. The line is red if the edge is associated to a pipe, or green when associated with a connectivity.

To associate a pipe or connectivity with an edge:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click an edge in the topology graph.

  3. Select Associate from the menu that appears and choose Pipe or Connectivity.

    An entity Search Page appears.

  4. Search for or create an entity of the appropriate type.

  5. In the Search Results section, select the entity you want and click OK.

    The edge changes from a dotted line to a solid line.

Viewing Edge Information in Network Visualization Page

To view information of an edge in Network Visualization page:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select an edge on the network.

  3. The Overview tab appears on the right side of the canvas with information about the edge. See “Overview tab” for more information about the fields in this pane.

Editing Edge Information in Network Visualization Page

To edit edge information:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select an edge on the topology graph.

  3. Click on the Edit icon in the Actions toolbar at the top of the canvas.

    The Network Node Information dialog box appears.

  4. From the Specification list, select a specification for the edge.

  5. Enter additional required or optional information.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The topology graph refreshes.

Editing Pipe or Connectivity Information from Network Visualization Page

To edit the information of a pipe or connectivity represented by an edge:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select an edge on the network.

  3. The Overview tab appears on the right-side of the canvas. See “Overview tab” for more information about the fields in this pane.

  4. Click on the ID field.

    The entity Summary page appears.

  5. Click on the Edit button to edit the entity information.

Removing an Edge from the Network in Network Visualization Page

To remove an edge from Network Visualization page:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Select the edge to be removed.

  3. In the Actions toolbar click on Delete icon.

    A dialog box will appear asking you to confirm the action.

  4. Click Proceed to delete the edge.

  5. The edge will be removed.

Working with Subnetworks in Network Visualization Page

Nodes in a network diagram can be used to represent other networks in the topology graph as a subnetwork. These subnetworks can be added to a topology graph by adding a node and associating it to an existing network. See "Associating a Node with an Entity in Network Visualization Page" for more information.

See the following topics:

Adding a Node to a Subnetwork in Network Visualization Page

When a node in a network diagram represents a child network, you can expand the node to display the nodes and edges in the child network.

To add nodes to a subnetwork:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on a node representing a subnetwork.

  3. Select Isolate option from the menu that appears. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You can use this shortcut to perform show link action.

  4. The nodes and edges of the subnetwork are shown on the canvas.

    You can also exit the subnetwork view by clicking on the Close icon appearing on top of the Geomap icon.

  5. Click Add node icon in the actions toolbar.

    A dropdown list of resources you can add will appear.

  6. Choose 'Node' to create a node.

    UIM adds a new node icon to the canvas. For associating an entity to this node, see "Associating a Node with an Entity in Network Visualization Page".

You use the same procedure to view information about subnetwork nodes that you do for other network nodes. See "Viewing Node Information in the Network Visualization Page" for more information.

You can use the same procedure to isolate, collapse and expand a subnetwork node that you do in parent nodes. See “Isolating, Collapsing and Expanding a Node in Network Visualization Page” for more information.

Adding an Internetwork Node to a Subnetwork in Network Visualization Page

Internetwork nodes are the nodes of a subnetwork which have a connection with other networks. You can add internetwork nodes to a subnetwork in the Network Visualization page.

To add internetwork nodes to a subnetwork:

  1. Open the Network Visualization page of a network.

    See "About Network Visualization Page" for more information. See "Working with Topology Graphs in Network Visualization Page" for information about customizing and performing actions in this page.

  2. Right-click on the node representing a subnetwork and select Add Internetwork node option. The corresponding keyboard shortcut also appears next to it. You can use this shortcut to add internetwork node to a subnetwork.

    The Network Node Search dialog box appears.

  3. Search for a the node you want to add as internetwork node.

    In the Search Results section, select the desired node. You may also add any number of internetwork nodes by pressing Ctrl key from your keyboard.

  4. Click on OK.

    The subnetwork node icon refreshes to show that a new internetwork node is added.

Opening the Network Topological View Page

To open the Network Topological View page:

  1. Open the Summary page for a Network entity for which you want to view the topology.

  2. Click the Visualization tab.

    The Network Topological View subtab appears by default, which contains the Network Topological View page. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about the fields in this page.

Saving the Network Topological View as a Graphic File

You can save the visible area of the Network Topological View page as a graphic file in JPG format.

To save the Network Topological View page as a graphic file:

  1. Right-click the visualization in the Network Topological View page.

  2. In the menu that appears, select Save as Image, then Visible View.

  3. Save the file to the desired location.

Working with Nodes

When you first add a node to a network in the Network Topological View page, it is generic and undefined. You can select a specification, choose a represented resource, and associate places with the node to define its function and location.

See the following topics:

Adding Nodes to a Network

To add nodes to a network:

  1. Open the Summary page for a Network entity for which you want to view the topology.

  2. Click the Visualization tab.

    On the Network Topological View subtab, the Network Topological View page appears. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  3. In the toolbar, click the New Node button.

    UIM adds a new node icon to the canvas.

  4. (Optional) Apply a specification to the node.

    See "Adding Specifications and Identifying Information to Nodes and Edges" for more information.

Representing Resources with Nodes

You can use nodes to represent resources in your network. Separating nodes from the resources they represent makes it possible to keep up with equipment changes without having to update the network topology.

Some network node specifications limit the types of resources that can be represented by the node. For example, the DSL Network Node specification might allow representation of only DSLAM Logical Device specification entities.

If a Network Node specification does not limit representations, a node can represent a custom object, custom network address, device interface, equipment, logical device, network, place, party, physical device, or physical port.

Each entity type has a distinctive icon that replaces the generic icon displayed for nodes that do not represent resources. When you select a resource for the node to represent, the node's icon changes to reflect the entity type. You can click this icon to get information about a node's association. See "Getting Information About Nodes" for more information.

In addition to representing a resource, a node can be associated with a place that defines its location. See "Associating Places with Nodes" for more information. Place associations and resource representations are independent of each other.

To select resources represented by nodes:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a node in the network and select Represents.

    A list of resources appears.

  3. Select a resource type.

    The Network Node Associate dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create an entity of the type you selected.

  5. In the Search Results section, select the resource.

  6. Click OK.

    The node icon changes to reflect the entity type.

Removing Resources Represented by Nodes

After you remove a resource, you can select another resource to be represented by the node.

To remove a resource representation:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the network diagram, right-click the node that represents the resource to be removed.

    Nodes that represent resources have distinctive icons for the resource type. A menu appears that includes a Remove command for the resource. For example, the command Remove Logical Device appears for a node that represents a logical device.

  3. Select Remove.

    A dialog box for the entity type associated with the node appears.

  4. Select the row containing the entity and click Disassociate.

Getting Information About Nodes

From the Network Topological View page, you can get information about nodes and the resources they represent.

To get information about a node:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Select a node in the network canvas.

    For infrastructure networks, the node name and ID appear in the information section to the right of the diagram. The section also provides information about the network itself.

    For packet virtual networks and service networks, information about the flow interface represented by the node appears below the network canvas.

Opening Entity Summary Pages from the Network Topological View

You can open the Summary pages of entities represented by nodes and edges in the Network Topological View page. You can then use the Summary pages to view or edit information about the entity.

To open a Summary page:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a node and select the Summary command for the entity you want to open. For example, if the node represents a custom object, select Custom Object Summary.

    The entity Summary page replaces the Network Topological View page.

Associating Places with Nodes

You can associate places with nodes to define their geographic location. If the place associated with a node has latitude and longitude coordinates or is associated with an address that has latitude and longitude coordinates, the node can be displayed in the Map View page. See "Using the Map View" for more information.

You make place associations separately from selecting resource representations.


A network node can represent a place or it can be associated with a place. If the node represents a place, you cannot also associate a place to the node. You can, however, change a place representation to an association. If a node currently represents a place, selecting a different entity for the node to represent automatically converts the place to an association.

To associate places with nodes:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a node in the network and select Place.

    The entity Search page appears.

  3. Search for or create a Place entity.

  4. In the Search Results section, select the place.

  5. Click OK.

    The name of the associated place appears after the node name.

Maintaining Places Associated with Nodes

You can see information about a place associated with a node, remove the association, or go to the Summary page of the place.

To maintain place associations:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a node in the network that has a place association and select Maintain Place.

    Information about the place association appears.

  3. (Optional) Click Disassociate to remove the association.

  4. (Optional) Right-click the node and select Place Summary to view the Summary page for an associated place.

Working with Edges

Edges represent connectivity between nodes in your network. An edge can represent a specific, defined connection such as a pipe or connectivity, or it can represent a more generalized connection, such as a dynamic route through another network.

See the following topics for more information about working with edges:

Adding Edges to a Network

To add edges to a network:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click the Select button.

  3. Click one of the two nodes that share an edge.

  4. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click the second node.

  5. In the toolbar, click the Create Edge button.

    UIM creates the edge, represented by a dotted line between the two nodes.

  6. (Optional) Apply a specification to the edge.

    See "Adding Specifications and Identifying Information to Nodes and Edges" for instructions.

Associating Pipes, Custom Objects, and Connectivities with Edges

You can associate a network edge with one or more pipes or connectivities. You can leave the network edge undefined if the connectivity is not known or if it is through a dynamic route in another network. You can also associate a network edge with one or more Custom Object entities that define a type of connectivity not available in the default model.


In packet virtual networks, only connectivities can be associated with network edges.

In the Network Topological View page, edges are shown as lines that connect network nodes. The line is dotted if the edge is not associated with a pipe, connectivity, or custom object. The line is solid if the edge has an association with one of these entities.

Some network edge specifications limit the associations an edge can have. For example, a Network Edge specification could limit the edge to associations with T1 and T3 Pipe specification entities.

To associate a pipe, connectivity, or custom object with an edge:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click an edge in the network and select Associate Pipe, Associate Connectivity, or Associate Custom Object.

    An entity Search page appears.

  3. Search for or create an entity of the appropriate type.

  4. In the Search Results section, select the entity you want and click OK.

    The edge changes from a dotted line to a solid line.

Viewing Entities Associated to Edges

To view entities associated to an edge:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the network visualization, right-click an edge that is shown as a solid line and select Pipe Summary, Connectivity Summary, or Custom Object Summary.

    If only a single entity of the selected type is associated to the edge, its Summary page appears. If more than one entity of that type is associated with the edge, a list appears.

  3. Click a link in the list to open the Summary page for that pipe or custom object.

Removing Entity Associations from Edges

To remove an entity association from an edge:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the network diagram, right-click an edge that is shown as a solid line. select Remove.

    A list of entities appears.

  3. Select the entity to remove and click Disassociate.

    The entity association is removed. If there are no more associations, the edge changes back to a dotted line.

Automatically Creating Nodes and Edges for Pipes and Connectivities

You can automatically create nodes and edges in the Network Topological View page based on pipes or connectivities that you select. UIM creates edges associated to pipes and connectivities and nodes to represent their termination points.

As with all network nodes, the nodes that UIM creates represent parent devices, not the interfaces, ports, or other entities that they provide. For example, if a pipe is terminated on a device interface, the network node represents the logical device that provides the interface. If a pipe or connectivity is terminated on a physical device that is associated with a logical device, then the node represents the logical device. See UIM Concepts for more information about how the UIM topology represents device hierarchies.

See the following topics:

Automatically Creating Nodes and Edges for Connectivity Entities

You can automatically create nodes and edges based on existing connectivities.


If the connectivity is terminated on a property location and not on the device interface of a logical device associated to the property location, then the network node is not associated with the property location, but has the same name as the property location.

To automatically create nodes and edges for a connectivity:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click the Associate Connectivity icon.

    The Associate Connectivity dialog box appears.

  3. Enter search criteria in the Search section and click Search. See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, select one or more connectivities and click OK.

    UIM creates nodes and edges to represent the selected connectivities and their termination points. The nodes and edge are displayed in the Network Topological View page.

Automatically Creating Nodes and Edges for Pipes

You can automatically create nodes and edges based on existing pipes.

When a pipe is terminated to a network, the network node has the same name as the network but is not associated with it.

To automatically create nodes and edges for a pipe:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click the Associate Pipe icon.

    The Associate Pipe dialog box appears.

  3. Enter search criteria in the Search section and click Search. See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  4. In the Search Results section, select one or more pipes and click OK.

    UIM creates nodes and edges to represent the selected pipes and their termination points. The nodes and edge are displayed in the Network Topological View page.

Adding Flow Interfaces to Packet Virtual Networks

There are two ways to add flow interfaces to packet virtual networks:

The result is the same with both methods. The flow interface is added to the network configuration and to the network topology.

When you add a flow interface, you select a parent device interface and specify the termination type and technology values. UIM uses these values to select an appropriate specification to use for the flow interface.

If there is already connectivity terminated on the parent media interface of the flow interface you are creating and you select a termination type or technology that is incompatible with the connectivity, you see an error message. For example, if you select Internetwork as the termination type and there is network access connectivity already terminated on the media interface, UIM displays an error message.

You also set a bit rate for the flow interface. The sum of the bit rates of the flow interfaces under a media interface cannot exceed the bit rate of the media interface. For example, you cannot add more than ten 100 Mbps flow interfaces under a 1 Gbps media interface.

After you add flow interfaces to the packet virtual network, you can monitor its consumption in the hierarchy of its parent logical device and device interface. See "Viewing Information About Flow Interface Consumption".

Flow interfaces can be added automatically to network configurations and topologies in some scenarios. For example, the UIM Carrier Ethernet cartridge includes specifications that have the capability to add flow interfaces automatically.

Adding Flow Interfaces to Packet Virtual Networks from the Network Topological View

Because the only nodes that can be included in a packet virtual network are those that represent flow interfaces, the Network Topological View page toolbar includes a Flow Interface icon instead of the Insert Node icon for packet virtual networks. You use this icon to add flow interfaces and nodes to represent them. The flow interfaces you add in the Network Topological View page are added automatically to the network configuration.

To add flow interfaces to a packet virtual network from the topological view:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click Add Flow Interface.

    The Network Node Flow Interface Associate dialog box appears.

  3. In the Logical Device Search section, enter search criteria and click Search.

    The logical devices that meet your search criteria are displayed in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

  4. In the Termination Type list in the Assign Flow Interface Details section, select the termination type (Access, Trunk, Internetwork or Unknown).

  5. In the Flow Interface Bit Rate field, enter the bit rate to be used for the flow interface. The bit rate is required for Access and Internetwork flow interfaces and optional for Trunk flow interfaces.

  6. In the Technology field, select the technology.

    The valid values for technology are ATM, Frame Relay, Ethernet and IP.

  7. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand a logical device and then select a media interface to provide the flow interface you are adding. (A media interface is a device interface that is at the top level of the device interface hierarchy.)

  8. Click Create or Create and Close.

    UIM verifies that there is sufficient capacity on the selected device interface for a flow interface of the specified bit rate. If there is sufficient capacity, the flow interface is created. If there is insufficient capacity, you see an error message.

    If you clicked Create and Close, the dialog box closes and the network topology canvas includes the flow interface you added. If you clicked Create, the dialog box remains open so that you can create additional flow interfaces.

Adding Flow Interfaces to Packet Virtual Networks As Configuration Items

You can assign a flow interface to a packet virtual network by assigning it as a configuration item in the network configuration. A network configuration is added automatically when you create a packet virtual network.

To add flow interfaces to a packet virtual network as configuration items:

  1. Open the current network configuration.

    See "Opening Configurations" for more information.

  2. In the Configuration Items section, right-click Flow Interface List and select Add Config Item.

    The Choose Configuration Items to be Added dialog box appears.

  3. In the Quantity column of a Flow Interface row, select a number of interfaces to be created.

  4. Click Save and Close.

    The dialog box closes and a rows is added to the Flow Interface List folder for each interface created.

  5. Select a row in the Flow Interface List folder.

  6. In the Specification column of the selected row, select the specification of the flow interface you want to add to the network configuration.

  7. In the Actions column, click Assign.

    The Network Node Flow Interface Associate dialog box appears.

  8. In the Logical Device Search section, enter search criteria and click Search.

    The logical devices that meet your search criteria are displayed in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

  9. (Optional) In the Termination Type list in the Assign Flow Interface Details section, select the termination type (Access, Trunk, Internetwork or Unknown).

  10. In the Flow Interface Bit Rate field, enter the bit rate to be used for the flow interface. The bit rate is required for Access and Internetwork flow interfaces and optional for Trunk flow interfaces.

  11. In the Technology field, select the technology.

    The valid values for technology are ATM, Frame Relay, Ethernet and IP.

  12. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand a logical device and then select a media interface to provide the flow interface you are adding. (A media interface is a device interface that is at the top level of the device interface hierarchy.)

  13. Click Create or Create and Close.

    UIM verifies that there is sufficient capacity on the selected device interface for a flow interface of the specified bit rate. If there is sufficient capacity, the flow interface is created. If there is insufficient capacity, you see an error message.

    If you clicked Create and Close, the dialog box closes and the network topology canvas includes the flow interface you added. If you clicked Create, the dialog box remains open so that you can create additional flow interfaces.

Assigning a Bit Rate to Flow Interfaces

When you associate connectivities to a network, UIM automatically creates flow interfaces for those connectivities. The newly created flow interfaces have a bit rate of zero. Rather than setting the bit rate for each flow interface individually, you can assign a bit rate to all flow interfaces in the network or to selected flow interfaces.

If you assign a bit rate in this way to a flow interface that already had one, the old bit rate is overwritten with the new one.

To assign a bit rate to flow interfaces:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. (Optional) Select the flow interfaces to which you want to assign a bit rate.

  3. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Assign Bit Rate.

  4. In the Assign Bit Rate dialog box, enter the bit rate value and select the unit or measure.

  5. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and UIM assigns the bit rate to the selected flow interfaces or to all flow interfaces (if you did not select flow interfaces).

Adding Cross-Connects Between Flow Interfaces

You can use the Network Topological View page to add interface-bound cross-connects between two flow interfaces in packet virtual networks. UIM automatically creates edges to represent them.

There are several rules that govern when you can create a cross-connect between flow interfaces:

  • Only two flow interfaces can be selected.

  • For Access and Internetwork flow interfaces, the two flow interfaces can be provided by different media interfaces on the same logical device or on media interfaces of different logical devices that share a common parent.

  • An internetwork interface can be cross-connected only to a trunk interface.

  • A trunk interface can be cross-connected to any other interface, including another trunk interface.

  • An access interface can be connected to an internetwork or trunk interface, but not to another access interface.

The UIM Carrier Ethernet cartridge includes specifications and rulesets that have the ability to create cross-connects automatically. When you create an Access flow interface and then a Trunk flow interface on the same device, UIM creates a cross-connect automatically.

To add a cross-connect between flow interfaces:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Select a flow interface node.

  3. Press and hold the Ctrl key and select a second node that represents a flow interface provided by the same media interface.

  4. In the toolbar, click the Create Flow Interface Interconnect button.

    UIM creates the cross-connect and represents it with a dotted line between the two nodes.

  5. (Optional) Apply a specification to the edge.

    See "Adding Specifications and Identifying Information to Nodes and Edges" for instructions.

Adding Connectivities to Packet Virtual Networks

When you add connectivities to packet virtual networks, UIM automatically creates nodes and edges in packet virtual networks. You can add only existing packet connectivity entities.

When you select a connectivity, UIM creates one or two flow interfaces to be represented as a node or nodes in the Network Topological View page. Two flow interfaces are created unless the selected connectivity is a network access connectivity. In that case, only the flow interface for the device interface on the Z location (the network location side) is created and added as a node to the network canvas.

The automatically created flow interfaces have a bit rate of zero. You must assign a different bit rate to these flow interfaces or to all flow interfaces in the network. See "Assigning a Bit Rate to Flow Interfaces" for more information.

If an access or internetworking flow interface is added and a trunk flow interface already exists for the same logical device, UIM automatically adds a cross connect between the two flow interfaces.

The connectivities are added as references to the network configuration. They are not assigned to the configuration.

After you add flow interfaces to the packet virtual network, you can monitor its consumption in the hierarchy of its parent logical device and device interface. See "Viewing Information About Flow Interface Consumption".

See the following topics:

Adding Connectivities to Packet Virtual Networks from the Network Topological View

To add a connectivity from the Network Topological View page:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click the Associate Connectivity icon.

    The Associate Connectivity dialog box appears.

  3. Enter search criteria in the Search section and click Search. Because you are working in a packet virtual network, the Specifications list displays only packet connectivity specifications.

  4. In the Search Results section, select a connectivity and click OK.

    The node or nodes and edge are displayed on the Network Topological View page. UIM creates one or two flow interfaces and references them on the packet virtual network configuration.

Associating Connectivities to Packet Virtual Networks as Configuration Items

To add a connectivity as a network configuration item:

  1. Open the current network configuration.

    See "Opening Configurations" for more information.

  2. In the Configuration Items section, right-click Connectivity List and select Add Config Item.

    The Choose Configuration Items to be Added dialog box appears.

  3. In the Quantity column of a Connectivity row, select a number of interfaces to be created.

  4. Click Save and Close.

    The dialog box closes and a row is added to the Connectivity List folder for each interface created.

  5. Select a row in the Connectivity List folder.

  6. In the Resource Specification column of the selected row, select the specification of the connectivity you want to add to the network configuration.

  7. In the Actions column, click Reference.

    The Connectivity search dialog box appears, with the specification you selected already entered as a search criterion.

  8. Enter additional search criteria in the Search section and click Search.

  9. In the Search Results section, select a connectivity and click OK.

    The connectivity ID appears in the selected row in the connectivity list. The connectivity and its termination points are also added as an edge and two nodes to the Network Topological View page.

Assigning Flow Identifiers in the Network Topological View

You can assign and reference flow identifiers while you are designing packet virtual networks. You can assign flow identifiers to the network as a whole or to individual flow interfaces.

  • If you assign a flow identifier to the network as a whole, UIM assigns the flow identifier to the network configuration and adds it as a reference on all flow interfaces in the network.

  • If you reference a flow identifier to an individual flow interface, UIM adds the flow identifier reference to that flow interface only.

To assign a flow identifier to the network:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Assign Flow Identifier.

    The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

  3. Search for and select a flow identifier.

    UIM assigns and references the flow identifier.

To reference a flow identifier to a selected flow interface:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a flow interface and select Assign Flow Identifier.

    The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

  3. Search for and select a flow identifier.

    UIM references the flow identifier to the flow interface.

Unassigning Flow Identifiers in the Network Topological View

You can unassign and dereference flow identifiers while you are designing packet virtual networks. You can unassign flow identifiers from the network as a whole or from individual flow interfaces.

If you unassign the flow interface from the network as a whole, UIM unassigns the flow identifier from the network configuration and removes references to it on all flow interfaces in the network.

If de-reference a flow identifier from an individual flow interface, UIM removes the flow identifier reference on that flow interface only.

To assign flow identifiers in the topological view:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a packet virtual network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. (Optional) Select one or more flow interfaces.

  3. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Unassign Flow Identifier.

    The Flow Identifier Search page appears.

  4. Search for and select a flow identifier.

    UIM unassigns and de-references the flow identifier based on your selections in the network.

Working with Child Networks

Nodes in a network diagram can represent child networks that are part of a larger parent network structure. Representing child networks as single nodes makes it possible to keep the parent network diagram relatively simple.

You can drill down to see details about a child network, and you can also create edges between nodes in a child network and nodes in other locations.

See the following topics for more information about working with child networks:

Viewing Nodes in Child Networks

When a node in a network diagram represents a child network, you can expand the node to display the nodes and edges in the child network. You can edit nodes within the child network.

You can have multiple child networks expanded at the same time in the network diagram.

To view nodes in a child network:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Click the asterisk to the upper-right of the cloud-shaped icon for a child network.

    The cloud icon is replaced by a rectangle containing the nodes in the child network.

  3. When you are finished working with the child network, click the asterisk in the upper-right of the rectangle to collapse the node.

Creating Edges Involving Nodes in Child Networks

When a child network is expanded in a parent network diagram, you can create edges involving the child network's nodes. All of the following situations are supported:

  • Edges between nodes within the child network

  • Edges between a node in the child network and a node in the parent network

  • Edges between nodes in two separate child networks

Edges to nodes in an expanded child network are connected to the appropriate individual nodes. When the child network is collapsed, however, these edges are connected to the network node. If there are multiple edges to different nodes in a child network from the same source, only a single edge is displayed.

You use the same procedure to create edges in child networks that you do in parent networks. See "Adding Edges to a Network" for more information.

Adding Specifications and Identifying Information to Nodes and Edges

You can assign or change the specification assigned to a node and also change the automatically generated node name and ID. If the Network specification has relationships with Network Node or Network Edge specifications, you must choose one of those specifications.

Some node or edge specifications include additional, customized fields into which you enter information. Specifications can also limit the kinds of resources you can associate with nodes.

To add specifications and identifying information to a node or edge:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. Right-click a node in the network and select Edit Node.

    The Network Node page or the Network Edge page appears.

  3. From the Specification list, select a specification for the node or edge.

  4. Enter additional required or optional information.

  5. Click Save and Close.

    The network diagram refreshes. If you changed the name of the node or edge, the new name is shown.

Removing Nodes and Edges from a Network

You can remove nodes and edges that are no longer needed.


The removal process includes no confirmation step and is not reversible.

To remove nodes and edges from a network:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page for a network.

    See "Opening the Network Topological View Page" for more information. See "Network Topological View Page" for information about fields in this page.

  2. In the toolbar, click the Select button.

  3. Click a node or edge.

    Press and hold the Ctrl key to select multiple elements.

  4. In the toolbar, click the Delete button.

    The selected elements are removed.

Using the Map View

If UIM has been configured to support maps, you can view nodes and edges visually on a map. Nodes appear on the map based on the valid latitude and longitude of places, property locations, or network entity code associated with them. Edges appear as lines connecting nodes.

By default, nodes are represented by icons that represent various entity types. You can find the icons and the corresponding entities using the Map Legend option on the Toolbar. You can customize these icons by creating the specifications in Design Studio. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information.


For nodes and edges to appear on a map, they must be associated with a place, property location, or network entity code that is associated with an address that includes a latitude and longitude. See "Working with Places and Place Configurations" for more information about latitude and longitude.

The information in the Map View page is read only (you cannot make changes to the network composition from the Map View page). See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about configuring map support.

See the following topics:

Opening the Network Map View

To open a Map View page for a network, you must have set up a map profile for the network. See "Working with Map Profiles" for more information.

To open the Map View page and view a network on a map:

  1. Open the Summary page for a Network entity for which you want to view on a map.

  2. Click the Visualization tab, and then click the Map View subtab.

    The Map View page appears, displaying the network on the map specified by the appropriate map profile. Nodes are represented by icons and edges by solid or dotted lines. See "Map View Page" for more information about the fields in this page.

  3. Double-click on any location in the map to view the corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates.

Getting Information about Nodes in the Map View

You can click any node in the Map View page to view information about the node. By default, you can see the node name, node ID, resource ID, resource name, place ID, and place name. The Map View page can be customized using the Map Builder tool.

You can also open the Summary pages of resources represented by and places, property locations, or network entity codes associated with nodes. For nodes that represent child networks, you can open a separate Map View page of that network, or you can click Sub Networks from the Toolbar that displays the child networks available in the parent network.

You can view all the nodes with same latitude and longitude coordinates under Multiple Nodes. You can also open the Summary pages of all the nodes in a Multiple Node.

When getting information about the nodes in a Map View page:

Opening Summary Pages for Associated Resources and Places

You can open the Summary page for a resource represented by a node or a place associated with it.

To open a Summary page from a node:

  1. Open the Map View page. See "Opening the Network Map View".

  2. Right-click a node (other than a node that represents a network) in the map.

  3. Select Place Summary or (if the node represents a resource) the command that corresponds to the resource type. For example, select Logical Device Summary.

    The Summary page for the place or resource appears.

  4. Select Zoom To Country, Zoom To City, or Zoom To Street to zoom into the corresponding country, city, or street in which the node exists.

  5. Select Zoom Out to go back to the world map view.

Opening Map Views of Child Networks

You can open a separate Map View page for child networks from the Map View page of the parent network.

To open a Map View page of a child network:

  1. In the Map View page, right-click a node that represents a network and select Network Map View. See "Opening the Network Map View".

    A separate window opens with a map of the child network.

Viewing Information About Child Network Entities in the Map View

You can view the child network entities of a network in the Map View page.

To view the child network entities:

  1. Open the Map View page. See "Opening the Network Map View".

  2. Click Sub Networks from the toolbar that exists on the top-right corner.

    The entities associated with the child network appear in the map.

  3. Click on an entity to view the information about it.

  4. (Optional) Right-click on an entity and select an option from the context menu to view the corresponding information.

Viewing Multiple Nodes with Same Location

You can view multiple nodes that are in the same location, with same latitude and longitude coordinates, under a single Multiple Node from the Map View. You can also navigate to the corresponding summary pages of all the associated nodes under a Multiple Node.

To view multiple nodes with same location:

  1. Open the Map View page. See "Opening the Network Map View".

  2. Right-click on a Multiple Node in the map.

  3. Select Place Summary or (if the node represents a resource) the command that corresponds to the resource type. For example, select Logical Device Summary.

    The Summary page for the place or resource appears.


    If the node is a Multiple Node, the corresponding resource option does not appear.
  4. Select Associated Nodes.

    The Inventory Association List page appears, containing the list of all nodes with same location.

  5. (Optional) Click a node in the list to see the detailed information about it.

    The Summary page of the node appears.

  6. Select Zoom To Country, Zoom To City, or Zoom To Street to zoom into the corresponding country, city, or street in which the node exists.

  7. Select Zoom Out to go back to the world map view.

  8. Click Close to close the menu.

Getting Information About Edges in the Map View

You can click an edge in a map to get information about the edge. By default, you see the edge ID. You can also open a list of pipes represented by an edge. From this list, you can go to the Summary pages of the pipes.

To get information about edges in the map view:

  1. Open the Map View page. See "Opening the Network Map View".

  2. (Optional) For Networks, right-click an edge and select Associated Pipes.

    The Associated Pipe List page appears, containing a list of all the pipes associated with the edge.


    For other entity Map View pages, right-click an edge and select Connectivity Summary or Pipe Summary that navigates you to the corresponding summary page.
  3. (Optional) Click a pipe's link in the list to see detailed information about it.

    The Summary page for the pipe appears.

Working with Map Profiles

UIM uses a map profile to determine which map to display when you open the Map View page for a network. For example, for a national network, you may want to open a map of the entire country; for a local network, you may want to open a city map.

The map profile also determines the map center and zoom level, along with other parameters. Entering some of this information requires knowledge of how mapping has been enabled on your system. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for information about setting up mapping.

You must save a map profile for a network before you can view a map of that network. See "Setting Up Map Profiles" for more information.

Setting Up Map Profiles

To set the map profile:

  1. Open the Summary page for a Network entity for which you want to define a map profile.

  2. Open the Map Profile tab under the Visualization tab.

    The Map Profile page appears.

  3. Enter or change values as needed.

  4. Click Save.

    The new values are stored.

Map Profile Page

You use the Map Profile page to define characteristics of the Map View page, such as the map to display, the map center, the zoom level, and so forth.

Field Description

Base Map

Enter the name of the map that is displayed for the network. See your system administrator for a list of available maps. The default is ELOCATION_MAP.

Application Datasource

Enter the UIM data source location. The default is UIMDATA.

Map Tile Server URL

Enter the URL used for an external mapping service, such as the Oracle Map Service. The Oracle Map Server URL appears by default. Leave this field blank if you are using an internal map rather than a map service.


Enter the copyright text to appear on the map.

The default is: Copyright \u00a9 2007, 2021 Oracle Corp

Zoom Level

Enter the zoom level of the map when it opens. Values range from 0 to 9 and correspond to the increments on the zoom slider in the Map View page.

Map Center Latitude

Enter the latitude on which the base map is centered. This value defaults to the center of all the nodes in the network.

Map Center Longitude

Enter the longitude on which the base map is centered. This value defaults to the center of all the nodes in the network.

Map View Page

Use the Map View page to view nodes and edges visually on a map. You cannot make changes from the Map View page, but you can use tools to control the map display.

Field Description


Move the slider in the upper-left corner up or down to increase or decrease the zoom area of the map.


Click to view the map legend. This button is in the lower-right corner of the map


Displays the scale in both kilometers and miles. This button is located in the lower-left corner.


Click any of the pan directional arrows to move the map in the direction of the arrow. These buttons are located in the upper-left corner.

Center Map

Right-click a node in the map and select to re-center the orientation of the map.

Show Edges

Hide Edges

Right-click a node in the map and select to hide or displays edges.

Toolbar section

The Toolbar section enables you to view the map using the following options:

  • Clear option clears all markings that you added to the map using toolbar.

  • Circle option marks a circle with any required radius on the map and highlights all the nodes within the circle.

  • Rectangle option marks a rectangle on the map and highlights all the nodes within the rectangle.

  • Redline option enables you to draw any shape on the map to mark the corresponding area.

  • Distance option enables you to draw line(s) on the map and provides the actual distance of the line(s). You can draw connected lines that provides Total Distance of all the connected lines and Sub Distance of the latest line.

  • Zoom option enables you to select any area and zoom in to the map.

  • Magnifier option enables you to hover the mouse cursor over the map to enhance the view of an area.

  • Overview Map option enables you to view a small overview map, which initially appears zoomed out by a factor of three. The overview map appears in the lower-right corner of the map.

  • Legend option shows the list of icons and the corresponding entities.

  • Print Map option enables you to print the map.

  • White Board option enables you to enter any customized text on the map upon selecting an area or a location. The Add Text page provides multiple options to customize the text style.

Network - New Page

You use the Network - New page to create new networks.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Network specification.

You can represent your networks in UIM without creating Network specifications in Design Studio; however, using Network specifications allows you to capture custom information about a network.

If you do not use a Network specification to define the new network, you must manually enter a value in the Network ID field.

Network ID

If the entity specification requires a manually entered ID, enter a unique ID for the entity.

Most entity specifications are defined in Design Studio so that IDs are generated automatically. The ID field for these specifications contains the text AUTOGENERATE.


Enter a name for the network.


Enter a description of the network.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the network. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the network to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.


Displays the technology used for the network. This field is read only.

Network - Information Page

You use the Network - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to create the entity. This field is read only.

Network ID

Displays the unique ID generated for the entity. This field is read only.


Edit the name for the network.


Edit the description of the network.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the network. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the network to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.


Displays the technology used for the network. This field is read only.

Network Summary Page

You use the Network Summary page to define the content for a network. The page is arranged into tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view basic information about the Network entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Creating Entities" and "Network - New Page" for more information.

Configurations Tab

You use the Configurations tab to view any network configurations created for the entity. You use network configurations to assign resources to networks.

This section is available only when the specification on which the network is based includes a reference to a Network Configuration specification.

The fields that appear in the Configurations section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Adding the First Version of a Configuration to an Entity" and "Adding Additional Configuration Versions" for information about creating configurations.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the associated logical devices, associated pipes and connectivities, IP resources, and network nodes of the logical device.

Subtab Description

Associated Logical Devices

(Infrastructure networks only) Displays a list of logical devices represented by nodes in the network. See "Representing Resources with Nodes" for more information.

Associated Pipes/Connectivities

Displays a list of the pipes and connectivities represented by edges in the network.

IP Resources

Lists IP subnets assigned to the network. Click Assign to assign a new IP subnet.

Network Nodes

Displays a list of the nodes in the network. See "Adding Nodes to a Network" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view information about assignments, references, and business interactions of the network.

Section Description


Lists the configurations to which the network has been assigned. For each assignment, you can see the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's type, and the start and end dates.


Lists the configurations to which the network has been referenced. For each assignment, you can see the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's type, and the start and end dates.

Business Interactions

Displays any business interactions with which the network is associated.

See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the places and roles associated with the network.

Section Description


Displays any places that are associated with the network. The association can imply that some part of the network is located at the place or that there is some kind of relationship between the entities.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" for information about creating new place associations.


Displays any roles that are associated with the network.

You can associate roles with entities to define the functions they perform in your inventory. An entity can have multiple roles simultaneously, and its roles can change over time. See "Assigning a Role in an Entity Summary Page" for more information.

Visualization Tab

You use the Visualization tab to add network nodes and network edges to a network, to select a map profile, and to view a network geographically on a map.

Subtab Description

Network Topological View

This tab contains the Network Topological View page, which enables you to configure network entities visually. See "Network Topological View Page" for more information.

Map Profile

This tab contains the Map Profile page, which enables you to define characteristics of the Map View page. See "Map Profile Page" for more information.

Map View

This tab contains the Map View page, which enables you to view a network geographically on a map. See "Map View Page" for more information.

Network Topological View Page

You use the Network Topological View page to configure network entities visually. You add network nodes and network edges and select entities that they represent.

The following icons represent entities in the Network Topological View page:

The following controls appear in the Network Topological View page:

Control Description

Design Steps

(Packet Virtual Networks only) Click to open a menu with the following commands:

  • Validate Design

  • Save New Version

  • Complete Design

See "Validating and Completing a Service or Packet Virtual Network in the Network Topological View" for information about using these commands.


Click this button, then select an entity in the canvas area.

After you select an entity, you can perform actions on the entity. For example, you can associate resources to nodes in a network diagram.

When you select an entity, information about it is displayed in the Information section.


Click this button, then drag out an area in the diagram to zoom in on that area.


Click to move the diagram within the canvas to display another area.

When you click the Pan button, the cursor changes to a hand and enables you to drag the diagram to display a different area. Panning is useful when the diagram is enlarged so that only part of the diagram is viewable.

Show All

Click to refresh the diagram to the zoom level required to show all elements in the diagram.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the diagram on the current center point of the diagram.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the diagram on the current center point of the diagram.

New Node

Click to add a new node to a network. See "Adding Nodes to a Network" for more information.

Flow Interface

(Packet virtual networks only) Click to add a new network node that represents a flow interface.

Create Edge

Select two nodes then click Create Edge to add a new edge to the network. See "Adding Edges to a Network" for more information.

Associate Pipe

Click to search for a pipe to be represented by new nodes and an edge.

Associate Connectivity

Click to search for a connectivity to be represented by new nodes and an edge.

Create Flow Interface Interconnect

Click to add an interconnect between two selected nodes that represent flow interfaces. This action creates a network edge as well as the actual interconnect.

Perform Label Layout

Click to rearrange overlapping labels for improved legibility.


Click to remove elements from the diagram. When an element represents an actual inventory resource rather than an item that exists only in the context of the diagram or visualization, deleting it does not delete the entity from inventory.


Click to save the current positions in the diagram. If you do not save the current positions, changes you make to the layout or position of elements are lost when you navigate away from the page.

Note: Saving positions affects only the appearance and arrangement of the diagrams, not the content of the related entities.

Resize Canvas

Click to expand the canvas to its maximum size.

Filter Nodes and Edges

Click to filter nodes and edges using the following Filter Criteria:
  • Role Name

  • Technology

  • Rate Code


Click to search for entities within the topology diagram by entering the following search criteria:

  • Entity Type

  • Name

Spring Embedder Layout

Click to arrange elements with no edge crossings or very few edge crossings. For example, this layout is useful for depicting small- and medium-sized networks.

Random Layout

Click to arrange the elements randomly, with random-length edges.

Uniform Length Edges Layout

Click to arrange elements in the topology to create edges of approximately equal length while minimizing edge crossings. The initial position of nodes affects the layout. This layout is useful, for example, for visualizing WANs.

Networks with a star topology are automatically displayed in this layout.

Tree Layout

Click to arrange elements orthogonally in levels depending on their relationships.

Hierarchical Layout

Click to arrange elements without overlaps into horizontal or vertical levels, such that the majority of links are short and flow uniformly in the same direction.

Circular Layout

Click to arrange elements in a circle.

Networks with a ring topology are automatically displayed in this layout.

Topological Mesh Layout

Click to arrange elements such that mesh relationships are visible.

This layout is valid only in networks whose topologies include a loops, such as a mesh topology. You see an error message if you try to apply it to an invalid network.

Networks with a mesh topology are automatically displayed in this layout.

Grid Layout

Click to arrange elements in the form of a grid.


Click to add the following preferences to the topological diagram:

  • Canvas Size

  • Hide Edge Labels

  • Hide Node Labels


Click to print the topology diagram.

Information area

(Infrastructure networks only) Displays information about the element selected in the Network Topological View page Canvas area, including:

  • Information about the entire network represented in the Canvas area

  • The name, ID, and object type

  • Information about the parent network, when the selected element in the Network Topological View page Canvas area represents a child network

Details area

(Packet virtual networks and service networks only) Displays information about the flow interface represented by the selected node. Information includes:

  • Flow Interface ID

  • Flow Interface Bit Rate

  • Termination Type

  • Device Interface

  • Logical Device

  • Network Entity Location

  • Network Location Address

Validating and Completing a Service or Packet Virtual Network in the Network Topological View

When a packet or service network design is in place, you can validate, save, and complete the design. After the design is complete, it can no longer be modified.

See the following topics:

Validating the Design

You can validate a service or packet virtual network design to ensure that it is complete and correct. During the validation, UIM checks:

  • That all service locations associated with the network (parent) service are present in the service network.

  • That there is a connectivity between each service location and associated network device.

  • That all connectivities have completed design versions.

To validate the service network or packet virtual network design:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page of the service network. See "Opening the Network Topological View Page".

  2. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Validate Design.

    UIM validates the design and displays either a confirmation message or a list of errors to correct.

Completing the Design

When you complete a network design, the network configuration version is set to Completed. Changes to this version are no longer allowed.

To complete a service network or packet virtual network design:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page of the service network. See "Opening the Network Topological View Page".

  2. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Complete Design.

    UIM validates the design. If the validation succeeds, UIM completes the current design.

Creating a New Version

You can create a new design version only after the previous version has been completed.

To create a service network or packet virtual network design version:

  1. Open the Network Topological View page of the service network. See "Opening the Network Topological View Page".

  2. Click Design Steps in the toolbar, then select Create New Version.

    UIM creates a new version of the design.