9 Working with Equipment and Devices

In Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM), you use three different groups of entity types to represent logical and physical equipment and devices in your inventory:

  • Equipment entities represent physical units of hardware. Their hierarchies can include other Equipment entities as well as equipment holders, physical ports, and physical connectors.

  • Physical Device entities group physical resources. Physical devices can provide physical ports and connectors. Their hierarchies can contain other physical devices as well as equipment.

  • Logical Device, Device Interface, and Logical Device Account entities represent logical inventory in the network. Logical devices and logical device accounts can have configurations. Logical devices can include device interfaces.

These different types of entities can have associations that represent their relationships in the network. You can associate a physical device to a logical device. This association enables the more granular mapping of ports and connectors provided by the physical device (including equipment and physical devices in its hierarchy) to the device interfaces of the associated logical device. Equipment in a physical device hierarchy is indirectly associated to a logical device associated with the parent physical device.

See the following topics for more information about working with equipment and devices:

Working with Equipment

Equipment entities represent physical units of hardware such as cards, racks, and shelves. Equipment can provide slots (represented by Equipment Holder entities) that hold cards. Cards can occupy a single slot or multiple slots depending on how they are defined.

Equipment entities can include a hierarchy of other equipment, equipment holders (slots), physical ports, and physical connectors.

Equipment entities share many of the same features as other entities. They are topology-enabled, so you can search for them in the topology diagram using the UTIA application. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information. You can include them in inventory groups, custom involvements, reservations, and business interactions. You can also apply conditions to them, associate them with places, and manage their life cycles.

Because you might require many entities of the same type of equipment, you can create multiple Equipment entities simultaneously.

See the following topics for more information about working with equipment and equipment visualizations:

Creating an Equipment Range

In a single operation, you can create a range of Equipment entities based on the same Equipment specification. For example, you could simultaneously create a number of interface cards based on the same specification.

When you create a range of Equipment entities that automatically generate IDs, you specify only the quantity of entities to create. If the Equipment specification requires manual entry of IDs, you must specify both a starting ID and a quantity.

To create a range of Equipment entities:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Equipment.

    The Equipment Search page appears.

  2. In the Search Results section, click Create Range.

    The Equipment Range - New page appears.

  3. In the Specification list, select the Equipment specification you want to use for the entities you create.

    The page refreshes to reflect the characteristics in the selected specification.

  4. In the Starting ID field, enter the first ID to use for the entities. This is required only if the Equipment specification does not include ID autogeneration.

    The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

  5. In the Quantity field, enter the number of entities to create.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The Equipment page reappears, listing the newly created entities in a search results table.

Related Topics

Working with Equipment

About Equipment Hierarchies

Like other entity types, Equipment entities can include a hierarchy. The way you work with an equipment hierarchy is different from the way you work with other types of hierarchies, however.

You use the Equipment View page to view and manage the hierarchy. This page includes a tree view and a visualization of the equipment. See "Equipment View Page" for information about this page.

An equipment hierarchy can include:

  • Other equipment, such as a shelf in a rack

  • Equipment holders (or slots) that contain cards, such as interface cards

  • Physical ports, which are the places where communication begins or ends

  • Physical connectors, which are used to physically connect hardware for signal or power transmission

  • Parent equipment to which the selected equipment is associated

Equipment holders, physical ports, and physical connectors are defined by specifications, but you cannot work with them independently. You can work with them only in the context of Equipment entities. (Physical ports and connectors can also be provided by physical devices.)

Specifications for Equipment entities can require that equipment holders, physical ports, and physical connectors be created automatically when you create the equipment. Equipment holders can be added only automatically during the creation of an Equipment entity, but you can add ports and connectors manually. See "Adding Physical Ports and Connectors in an Equipment Hierarchy" for instructions.

You can also manually add equipment in an equipment hierarchy; for example, by adding cards to slots or shelves to racks. See "Adding Equipment to an Equipment Hierarchy" and "Adding New Equipment to an Equipment Hierarchy" for more information.

Opening the Equipment View Page

There are two ways to open the Equipment View page. One is from the Summary page of an Equipment entity. The other is from search results. If you open the Equipment View page from search results, it can include more than one Equipment entity.

When you open the Equipment View page, a visualization of the equipment is displayed automatically in the middle column.

To open the Equipment View page from a Summary page:

  1. Open the Summary page of an Equipment entity.

  2. Click the Tree View tab.

    In the Equipment View page, the tree view is in the left section. The right section can contain an equipment visualization.

To open the Equipment tree view from a search results:

  1. Search for Equipment entities.

    See "Searching for Entities" for more information.

  2. In the Search Results section, select an Equipment entity.

  3. From the Actions menu, select Tree View.

    The Tree View tab opens, displaying the Equipment View page. The tree view is in the left section. It contains top-level entries for the Equipment entities that you selected.

Working with Equipment Hierarchy

On the Tree View tab of an Equipment Summary page, the Equipment View page displays an equipment hierarchy as a collapsible table. The top-level Equipment entity is labeled with its specification name followed by its ID; child entities are labeled with their slot numbers followed by their IDs. If a slot has been assigned a value for the Native EMS Name data element, it is displayed in parentheses after the slot number.

The tree view and the visualization are synchronized. Selections you make in the tree view are reflected in the visualization. The reverse is also true. See "Selecting Entities in the Equipment View Page" for more information.

In most cases, you can perform tasks in either the tree view or the visualization (or a combination of the two). There are several tasks you can perform in only the tree view. See "Removing and Deleting Child Entities from an Equipment Hierarchy" for more information.

Selecting Entities in the Equipment View Page

To select entities in the Equipment View page:

  1. On the Tree View tab, in an Equipment View page, click the arrow icons next to child entities to expand the hierarchy and display the entity you want to select.

  2. Click an entity to select that entity.

    The entity is highlighted and the entity is surrounded by a red rectangle in the visualization.

About Equipment Visualizations

You can use a visualization of an Equipment entity to see and modify its composition. The content of the visualization is defined by the specification used to create the entity and by the type of entity. For example, the visualization for a card is different from the visualization of a rack. The visualization of a shelf with 8 slots is different from one with 12 slots.


If an entity is based on a specification that does not have a visualization defined, the equipment visualization feature is not available.

The visualization is displayed on a canvas that includes a number of tools that enable you to control the view. Many of these tools are common to other graphically based features in UIM. See "Working with Visualizations and Diagrams" for information about these tools.

Related Topics

Clearing an Equipment Visualization

Moving Shelves in an Equipment Visualization

Clearing an Equipment Visualization

You can clear the contents of an equipment visualization. When you reopen the visualization after clearing, it displays items in their last-saved positions.

To clear an equipment visualization:

  • Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  • In the toolbar, click Clear Visual.

    The visualization canvas is cleared.

Moving Shelves in an Equipment Visualization

You can move equipment of the type Shelf from one position in an Equipment visualization to another.

To move a shelf in a visualization:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Select a shelf in a visualization.

  3. Drag the shelf to a new location.

Adding Equipment to an Equipment Hierarchy

You can add existing equipment to an equipment hierarchy. For example, you can add a card that you created previously to a slot in a shelf. You can also add an existing shelf to a rack.

To add existing equipment to an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open the Equipment View page for the equipment.

    See "Equipment View Page" for more information about the fields in this page.

  2. Expand the hierarchy in the tree view to display the location where you are adding the equipment.

    For example, to add a card, display the empty slot that will hold it.

  3. Select the holder, then select Add from the Actions menu.

    The Search page appears.

  4. Search for or create an Equipment entity.

  5. In the Search Results section, select the equipment you want to add and click OK.

    The equipment is added and appears in both the tree view and the visualization. If you added a card that occupies multiple slots, cards appear in all the required slots. In the tree view, the first slot displays the card name; other required slots display the word Occupied. UIM prevents you from adding a multi-slot card if not enough contiguous slots are available.

Adding New Equipment to an Equipment Hierarchy

You can add new equipment to an equipment hierarchy. For example, you add a new card to an empty slot or a new shelf to a rack. You can use either the tree view or the visualization to add the new equipment. The following procedure demonstrates the task using the tree view.

To add new equipment to an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open the Equipment View page for the Equipment entity to whose hierarchy you are adding.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the location where you are adding the new equipment.

    For example, to add a card, display the empty slot that will hold it.

  3. Select the holder, then select Create from the Actions menu.

    The Equipment - New dialog box appears.

  4. Select the specification for the new equipment and enter any relevant optional information.

  5. Click Save and Close.

    The dialog box closes and the new equipment appears in both the tree view and the visualization. If you added a card that occupies multiple slots, cards appear in all the required slots. In the tree view, the first slot displays the card name; other required slots display the word Occupied. UIM prevents you from adding a multi-slot card if not enough contiguous slots are available.

Adding Physical Ports and Connectors in an Equipment Hierarchy

You can add physical ports and connectors to an equipment hierarchy.

  • A physical port is where communication begins or ends on a physical device or unit of equipment.

  • A physical connector links or connects hardware units for the transmission of signals or power.

You can add physical ports and connectors only if the Equipment specification is related to port or connector specifications. In some cases, this relationship requires a minimum number of ports or connectors. The minimum number is added automatically when you create an Equipment entity based on that specification. You can add additional ports and connectors up to the maximum prescribed by the relationship. Typically, the minimum and maximum values are the same because the number of ports and connectors provided by a particular type of equipment does not vary.

Physical ports and connectors are themselves defined by specifications, but you can work with them only in the context of an Equipment or Physical Device hierarchy. You can add only new physical ports and connectors. You cannot add existing ports and connectors because there is no way to create them independently.

You can add physical jumpers to connect ports in the same Equipment entity or in different entities that share the same location.

To add physical ports and connectors to an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the Equipment entity to which you are adding ports or connectors.

  3. Select the entity, then select Create Port or Create Connector from the Actions menu.

    The Physical Port - New dialog box or Physical Connector - New dialog box appears.

  4. Enter a quantity.

    You can add only the number of ports or connectors allowed by the relationship between the Equipment specification and the Port or Connector specification. If you attempt to create more, you will see an error message when you save and close the dialog box.

  5. Enter any other required or optional information.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The dialog box closes and the new ports or connectors appear in the tree view.

Moving Equipment within an Equipment Hierarchy

You can move equipment within an equipment hierarchy. For example, you can move a card from one slot to any empty slot. You can also move between different subhierarchies. If there are two racks with hierarchies in the tree view, for example, you could move a shelf from one rack to the other.

To move equipment within an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the equipment that you want to move.

  3. Select the equipment, then select Move from the Actions menu.

  4. Select the destination, then select Move To from the Actions menu.

    The tree view and visualization display the equipment in its new location.

Copying Equipment in an Equipment Hierarchy

You can copy and paste equipment in equipment hierarchies. For example, you can copy a shelf, including any slots and cards it contains, and paste it to another location in a rack. You can also copy and paste between different subhierarchies. If there are two racks with hierarchies in the tree view, you could copy a shelf from one rack and paste it in the other.

UIM creates all the new entities required, copies the characteristics of the originals, and changes the IDs. The copy process does not copy associations such as those to places and inventory groups, however.

To copy equipment in an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the equipment that you want to copy.

  3. Select the equipment, then select Copy from the Actions menu.

  4. Select the destination, then select Paste from the Actions menu.

    The tree view and visualization display the copied equipment in the new location. You can edit identifying information if necessary, but you cannot change the IDs.

Removing and Deleting Child Entities from an Equipment Hierarchy

You can remove or delete child entities from an equipment hierarchy.

Some kinds of relationships can be deleted only from the tree view.

  • Shelf to port or connector

  • Card to port or connector

  • Equipment rack to equipment shelf

  • Equipment holder to equipment card

To remove or delete a child entity from an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the child entity you want to remove or delete.

  3. Select the child entity, then select Remove or Delete from the Actions menu.

    The child entity, including any of its own children, is removed. If you selected Delete, the child entity is also deleted from the inventory.

Related Topics

Working with Equipment

Editing Entity Information in an Equipment Hierarchy

You can edit the name, description, and characteristic values of entities in an equipment hierarchy. You cannot change an entity's specification or ID.

To edit entity information in an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the entity you want to edit.

  3. Select the entity, then select Edit from the Actions menu.

    The Equipment Information dialog box appears.

  4. Make any necessary changes and click Save and Close.

Related Topics

Working with Equipment

Refreshing Entities in an Equipment Hierarchy

You can refresh entities in an equipment hierarchy to ensure that the latest information is displayed.

To refresh an entity in an equipment hierarchy:

  1. Open an Equipment View page.

    See "Opening the Equipment View Page" for more information.

  2. Expand the hierarchy to display the entity you want to refresh.

  3. Select the entity, then select Refresh rom the Actions menu.

    The tree view and visualization display the latest information about the entity.

Related Topics

Working with Equipment

Associating Equipment to Network Locations

You can associate Equipment entities to network locations to specify their locations.

You can associate network locations manually when you create an Equipment entity or by editing an existing entity. Associations can also be made automatically by propagation through logical device, physical device, and equipment hierarchies. You cannot manually associate a network location to an Equipment entity that has already been assigned one by propagation. See UIM Concepts for more information about the rules that govern these propagations.

To associate an Equipment entity to a network location:

  1. Open the Equipment Summary page of an Equipment entity.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Equipment Information section, click Edit.

  3. In the Network Location field, enter the first few characters of a network location, then select the location you want to associate.

    The location appears in the Network Location field.

Associating Equipment to Physical Devices

You can associate an Equipment entity to a Physical Device entity to indicate that the physical device includes the equipment. The physical device can in turn be associated to a logical device.

An Equipment entity can be associated with only one physical device, but a physical device can be associated with any number of Equipment entities.

To associate an Equipment entity to a physical device:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Equipment entity to which you want to associate a physical device.

  2. Click the Associated Resources tab.

  3. In the Physical Devices section, click Associate.

    The Associate Physical Devices dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create a physical device.

  5. In the Search Results section, select a Physical Device entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Physical Devices section in the Summary page refreshes to include the entity.

Deleting Physical Device Associations from Equipment Entities

You can delete the physical device association from an Equipment entity. You can associate a different physical device only after the first association is deleted.

To delete a physical device association:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Equipment entity from which you want to remove a physical device association.

  2. Click the Associated Resources tab.

  3. In the Physical Devices section, select the physical device to delete and click Delete.

    The physical device is removed from the list.

Viewing Network Associations

You can view the networks with which an Equipment entity is associated. The association occurs when you select an Equipment entity to be represented by a node in the network.

The same Equipment entity can be represented by nodes in different networks. For each network association, you can see the network name, network description, node name, and node description.

To view Equipment entity network associations:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Equipment entity for which you want to view network associations.

  2. Click the Associated Resources tab.

  3. Expand the Network Nodes section.

    The section displays a list of network nodes with which the Equipment entity is associated.

Equipment - New Page

You use the Equipment - New page to create new Equipment entities.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select an Equipment specification.

Equipment specifications represent physical items of hardware such as racks, shelves, and cards. See UIM Concepts for more information about Equipment specifications.


If the entity specification requires a manually entered ID, enter a unique ID for the entity.

Most entity specifications are defined in Design Studio so that IDs are generated automatically. The ID field for these specifications contains the text AUTOGENERATE.

Network Location

Displays the network location associated to the Equipment entity. If no location code appears, you can enter or search for one.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes.


Enter a name for the Equipment entity.


Enter a description of the Equipment entity.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the Equipment entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the Equipment entity to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Serial Number

Enter a serial number for the Equipment entity.

Related Topics

Equipment Summary Page

Equipment Range - New Page

You use the Equipment Range - New page to create a range of new Equipment entities.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select an Equipment specification on which to base a range of Equipment entities.

Equipment specifications represent physical items of hardware such as racks, shelves, and cards. See UIM Concepts for more information about Equipment specifications.

Starting ID

Enter a starting ID for the entity. The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

This field is available only if the selected specification requires manual ID entry.


Enter the number of Equipment entities to be created.

Equipment - Information Page

You use the Equipment - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the ID generated for the entity. This field is read only.


Displays the name of the Equipment entity.


Displays the specification used to define the equipment. This field is read only.


Displays the description of the Equipment entity.

Network Location

Displays the network location associated to the Equipment entity. If no location code appears, you can enter or search for one.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the Equipment entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Vendor Name

The name of the equipment vendor.

Model Number

The equipment model number.

Logical Device

Displays a link to logical devices with which the equipment is associated.

Physical Device

Displays a link to physical devices with which the equipment is associated.

Parent Equipment

Displays the parent equipment to which the equipment is associated.

Parent Equipment Holder

Displays the parent equipment holder.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the Equipment entity to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the Equipment entity.

Related Topics

Equipment Summary Page

Equipment - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Equipment - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more Equipment entities. To enable this option, you must do the following:

  • Select a specification in the equipment search.

  • Be in the current or live business interaction context.

  • In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  • Then, select the Bulk Edit option, which opens the Equipment - Bulk Edit page.

To bulk edit the characteristics of Equipment entities:

  1. In the Equipment - Bulk Edit page, click the Add Fields button to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the available fields to the selected fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the selected fields column back to available fields. Click OK.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  3. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  4. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?
  5. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with set field values are added to all selected entities.

Related Topics

Creating Entities

Equipment Summary Page

You use the Equipment Summary page to define the content for an equipment entity. You can also view the topology diagram of the equipment, using the UTIA application, by clicking Topology. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information.

The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

Related Topics

Working with Equipment

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Equipment - Information Page" for more information.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the network nodes, custom involvements, and physical devices of the equipment.

Section Description

Network Nodes

Displays any network nodes with which an Equipment entity is associated. The association occurs when you select an Equipment entity to be represented by a node in the network.

The same Equipment entity can be represented by nodes in different networks. For each network association, you can see the network name, network description, node name, and node description.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the equipment with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Physical Devices

Displays any physical devices with which the Equipment entity is associated. See "Associating Equipment to a Physical Device Hierarchy" for more information.

A physical device is a collection of physical resources that have a common function in the inventory. See "Working with Physical Devices" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view any business interactions with which the equipment is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the inventory groups, roles, and places associated with the equipment.

Section Description

Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups to which the equipment is associated. You use the inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Working with Inventory Groups" for more information. See "Adding an Entity to an Inventory Group from the Entity Summary Page" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.


Displays any roles that are associated with the equipment.

You can associate roles with entities to define the functions they perform in your inventory. An entity can have multiple roles simultaneously, and its roles can change over time. See "Working with Roles" for more information.


Displays any places that are associated with the equipment. The association can imply that the equipment is located at the place or that there is some kind of relationship between the entities.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" for information about creating new place associations.

Tree View Tab

The Tree View tab contains the Equipment View page, which enables you to view and define an equipment hierarchy. See "Equipment View Page" for more information.

Equipment View Page

You use the Equipment View page to view and define an equipment hierarchy.

Equipment Area

The left column contains a tree view of the equipment hierarchy. You can expand the hierarchy to see, select, add, move, copy, and remove child entities. You also open the equipment visualization from the tree view. The tree view and visualization are synchronized. When you select a child entity in the tree view, that entity is also selected in the visualization. See "Working with Equipment Hierarchy" for more information.

Visualization Area

The middle column displays a canvas for the visualization of the Equipment entity and its children. You can select, add, move, copy, and remove child entities. You can also change the view. The visualization is synchronized with the tree view. When you select an item in the visualization, it is also selected in the tree view. See "About Equipment Visualizations" for more information.

Field Description


Click this button, then select an Equipment entity in the visualization area.

After you select an entity, you can perform actions on the entity. For example, you can add child entities to the equipment hierarchy.

When you select an entity, information about it is displayed in the Details section.


Click this button, then drag out an area in the diagram to zoom in on that area.


Click to move the visualization within the canvas to display another area.

When you click this button, the cursor changes to a hand, and enables you to drag the visualization to display a different area. Panning is useful when the visualization is enlarged so that only part of the visualization is viewable.

Show All

Click to refresh the diagram to the zoom level required to show all elements in the diagram.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the diagram on the current center point of the diagram.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the diagram on the current center point of the diagram.

Save Shelf Positions

Click to save the current shelf positions in the visualization. If you do not save the current positions, changes you make to the layout or position of elements are lost when you navigate away from the page.

Note: Saving positions affects only the appearance and arrangement of the visualization, not the content of the related entities.

Clear Visual

Click to clear the contents of an equipment visualization. When you reopen the visualization after clearing, it displays items in their last-saved positions

Details Area

The right column displays information about the item that is selected in the tree view and visualization. The name, ID, and specification of the selected item is shown. For cards, the ID and specification of the equipment holder is also displayed. The information is displayed as links that you can click to go to the Summary page of an entity or specification.

Working with Logical Device Entities and Logical Device Configurations

Logical Device entities and their configurations provide a functional view of resources in your inventory. Logical devices are not physical, but they can be mapped to the physical devices and the media streams that they control.

Logical device hierarchies can include other logical devices as well as device interfaces. Device interfaces define access points into the device. These interfaces can be mapped to ports and connectors on an associated physical device (or on equipment and physical devices in the hierarchy of the parent physical device).

Logical devices can also be associated with logical device accounts.

Logical device configurations represent the state of the device at a particular point in time. You can create new configuration versions to reflect changes.

Logical device entities include many of the same features as other entities. You can include them in custom involvements, reservations, business interactions, and inventory groups. You can also assign conditions to them. In addition, you can associate places with them and manage their life cycles.

See the following topics for more information about working with logical devices and logical device configurations:

Creating a Range of Logical Devices

In a single operation, you can create a range of logical devices based on the same specification. For example, you could simultaneously create a number channel banks based on the same specification.

When you create a range of logical devices that automatically generate IDs, you specify only the quantity of entities to create. If the specification requires manual entry of IDs, you must specify both a starting ID and a quantity.

To create a range of logical devices:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Logical Devices.

    The Logical Device Search page appears.

  2. In the Search Results section, click Create Range.

    The Logical Device Range - New page appears.

  3. In the Specification list, select the Logical Device specification you want to use for the entities you create.

    The page refreshes to reflect the characteristics in the selected specification.

  4. In the Starting ID field, enter the first ID to use for the entities. This is required only if the Logical Device specification does not include ID autogeneration.

    The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

  5. In the Quantity field, enter the number of entities to create.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The Logical Device page reappears, listing the newly created entities in a search results table.

Working with Logical Device Configurations

You can create configurations for Logical Device entities. Configurations enable you to create new versions as a device evolves over time. Logical device configurations can include configuration items to which you can assign the following types of resources:

  • Custom network addresses

  • Device interfaces


    Allocating a device interface to a logical device configuration is not the same as adding a device interface to a logical device. Logical devices provide device interfaces and logical device configurations consume them.

  • Custom objects

Logical device configurations have the same features and functionality as other configurations. See "Working with Entity Configurations" for more information about using configurations.

Including Logical Devices in Logical Device Hierarchies

Logical devices often include other logical devices in their hierarchies. For example, a Logical Device entity representing a router can include logical devices that represent virtual routers.

The logical devices you can include in a logical device hierarchy are governed by specification relationships. If a logical device specification includes one or more specification relationships, then only the related specifications can be included in its hierarchy. The type of relationship (Parent or Child) must be respected in the hierarchy.

In addition to other logical devices, logical device hierarchies can include a number of different entities, such as device interfaces, cross-connects, and physical device.

To add a logical device to a logical device hierarchy:

  1. Open the Summary page of a Logical Device entity.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the place where you want to add a logical device.

  3. Select the device you want to be the parent of the logical device you are adding.

  4. Click the Add Logical Device icon in the toolbar.

    The Child Logical Device dialog box appears.

  5. Search for or create a logical device. See "Searching" for more information.

    If the logical device specification for the parent logical device has specification relationships, then the logical devices you can search for or create are limited.

  6. In the Search Results section, select a logical device, then click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the logical device appears in the hierarchy.

Cloning Logical Devices

You can clone logical devices to copy the entity along with the logical devices, physical devices, and Equipment entities in its hierarchy or with which it is associated. Cloning is different from duplication because duplication copies only the entity itself.

To clone a logical device:

  1. Do one of the following:

    • In the Search Results section of a Logical Device Search page, select a logical device and click the Clone button.

    • In the Search Results section of a Physical Device Search page, select a physical device that has a logical device association and click the Clone button.

    • In a Logical Device Summary page, select Clone from the Actions menu.

    • In the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device that has a logical device association, select Clone from the Actions menu.

    The Logical Device - Clone page appears. The page includes sections that display information about the existing logical device, some of which you can change for the cloned logical device.

  2. (Optional) In the Entity Cloning Information section, enter text in the Logical Device Name and Physical Device Name fields.

    These names are used for all entities of the relevant types created during the cloning.

  3. (Optional) In the Entity Cloning Information section, enter a prefix in the Equipment Name Prefix field.

    This prefix and an underscore character is added to the names of all Equipment entities created during the cloning.

  4. (Optional) Specify a different property location for the cloned device:

    1. In the Location for Cloned Device section, click the Select button.

      The Property Location Search page appears.

    2. Search for property locations.

    3. Select a property location, then click OK.

      The Property Location Search area closes and the Location for Cloned Device section updates to reflect the new property location.

  5. (Optional) Select devices and interfaces to exclude from cloning:

    1. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy.

      Each logical device and device interface has a check box that is selected by default.

    2. De-select any logical devices or device interfaces that you do not want to include in the cloned logical device. De-selecting a parent device in the hierarchy automatically de-selects its children.

  6. (Optional) Select mapped physical devices and equipment to exclude from cloning:

    1. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, select a logical device or device interface.

      The Mapped Physical Device Hierarchy section displays the hierarchy of mapped physical devices and associated equipment for the selected logical device or device interface. Physical devices and equipment in the hierarchy are selected unless the corresponding logical device or device interface is de-selected in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

    2. De-select any physical devices or equipment that you do not want to include in the cloned logical device.

  7. Click the Clone button.

    The Logical Device - Clone page closes and the Summary page for the cloned logical device appears.

Related Topics

Duplicating Entities

Working with Device Interfaces

A logical device can provide one or more device interfaces to represent access points into the device. The relationship between the Logical Device specification and the Device Interface specification defines the types of device interfaces that can be added. Only device interfaces related to the Logical Device specification can be added to the device. The relationship also determines the minimum and maximum number of interfaces that can be added. The minimum number of device interfaces is added automatically to a logical device when it is created in UIM. You can add additional device interfaces up to the maximum number.

Device interfaces have hierarchies. A child device interface is called a sub-device interface. The highest-level device interface in a hierarchy is called a media interface.

Device interfaces specifications determine the type and number of sub-device interfaces they can have. Device interfaces cannot exist on their own, however. They must be provided by logical devices, either directly or, in the case of sub-device interfaces, indirectly through a parent device interface.

Device Interface specifications can include rate codes that define the technology and capacity of connectivity that they can terminate. See UIM Concepts for more information about rate codes.

A device interface can also be assigned to a logical device configuration, including a configuration of a logical device other than the one that provides it.

See the following topics for more information about working with device interfaces:

Adding Device Interfaces to Logical Devices

You can add device interfaces to a logical device from the device's Summary page. You can also add interfaces to a logical device from the Summary page of another logical device whose hierarchy includes the device to which you are adding the interface. Interfaces you add to a child logical device in a parent device's Summary page automatically appear in the Summary page of the child device.


You cannot create parent/child relationships among logical devices that are associated with network locations.

You can add only new interfaces; you cannot add device interfaces that were created previously.

You can create multiple device interfaces in a single operation, provided that the maximum number of interfaces defined by the Logical Device specification is not exceeded. The device interface names increment automatically based on the values of the Rate Code, Name, Interface Number, and Quantity fields. For example, if you define the name as SL04, the interface number as 10, and the quantity as 4, UIM creates four device interfaces named DS3/SL04/10, DS3/SL04/11, DS3/SL04/12, and DS3/SL04/13.

To add a device interface to a logical device:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Logical Device entity whose hierarchy includes the device to which you want to add an interface.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device to which you want to add an interface.

    If you are adding an interface to the parent device, you do not have to expand the hierarchy.

  3. Right-click a device and select Create Device Interface.

    The Device Interface - New dialog box appears.

  4. In the Specification list, select the specification for the type of interface you want to create.

    If no specifications are listed, you cannot add an interface to the device. When you select a specification, the page refreshes to reflect the characteristics in the selected specification.

  5. (Optional) Change the value of the Quantity field to create more than one interface of the same type.

  6. Enter information into all required fields and any appropriate optional fields.

  7. Click Save and Close.

    The dialog box closes and the new interface appears in the Logical Device Hierarchy section. If the device interface specification includes a rate code, it is displayed as part of the device interface information in the hierarchy.

    If adding the interface would exceed the maximum number defined in the relationship of the Logical Device and Device Interface specifications, UIM displays an error message and the interface is not added.

Deleting Device Interfaces and Sub-Device Interfaces from Logical Devices

You can delete device interfaces and sub-device interfaces from logical devices. If deleting them would result in the device having fewer than the number of interfaces or sub-device interfaces required by the relationship between the Logical Device and Device Interface specifications, UIM displays and error message and the interfaces are not deleted.

In addition, you cannot delete a device interface that has a trail-bound cross-connect to another device interface. See UIM Concepts and "Adding an Interconnection" for more information about trail-bound cross-connects.

Deleting a device interface or sub-device interface also deletes any mappings from it to ports or connectors.

To delete a device interface or sub-device interface from a logical device:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Logical Device entity whose hierarchy includes the device that you want to delete.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to display the device interface that you want to delete.

  3. Right-click the interface and select Delete.

    The device interface is deleted.

Viewing Information About Device Interfaces

The Logical Device Hierarchy section of a Logical Device Summary page includes a list of device interfaces associated with the logical device. The list includes the name of each interface, its ID, reservation status, conditions, and assignment status. The assigned rate code (if any) appears in parentheses.

You can view additional information about a device interface by opening its Summary page. The page includes a hierarchy that you can use to view, add, and delete sub-device interfaces.

You can also view information about consumers of the interface. Although the interface may technically be assigned to a configuration item or pipe termination point, the primary consumer is shown. Primary consumers are the Service, Pipe, Place, or Logical Device entities to which the configuration items or termination points belong. For each consumer of the interface, you see the name and inventory status. The name is a link to the Summary page for the entity.

To view device interface information:

  1. Open the Summary page of the Logical Device entity whose hierarchy includes the device interface that you want to view.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the interface about which you want information.

    The interfaces appear as clickable links.

  3. Click the device interface link.

    The Device Interface Summary page appears.

  4. (Optional) In the Device Interface Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to view sub-device interfaces.

Adding Sub-Device Interfaces to Device Interfaces

You can add sub-device interfaces to device interfaces. Sub-device interfaces are virtual device interfaces used for connectivity. Sub-device interfaces can themselves have sub-device interfaces as children. A device interface can have sub-device interfaces only if its specification includes a relationship to one or more sub-device interface specifications.

You can add sub-device interfaces in the Summary page of the logical device that is the direct parent of the device interface or in the Summary page of any logical device that includes the device interface in its hierarchy.

You can also add sub-device interfaces from a device interface's own Summary page. See "Viewing Information About Device Interfaces" for information about opening Device Interface Summary pages.

To add a sub-device interface:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of the logical device whose hierarchy includes the device interface to which you want to add a sub-device interface.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device interface or sub-device interface to which you want to add a sub-device interface.

  3. Right-click the interface and select Create Sub Device Interface.

    The Device Interface - New dialog box appears.

  4. From the Specification list, select the specification for the type of sub-device interface you want to create.

    If no specifications are listed, you cannot add a sub-device interface to the interface.

    After you select a specification, the page refreshes to reflect the characteristics in the selected specification.

  5. Enter information into all required fields and any appropriate optional fields.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    The new sub-device interface appears in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

    If adding the sub-device interface would exceed the maximum number defined by the relationship of the Device Interface specifications for the parent and sub-device interface, UIM displays an error message and the sub-device interface is not added.

Working with Flow Interfaces

Flow interfaces enable you to partition media interfaces into virtual channels based on bit rate. Flow interfaces are used with flow identifiers (such as VLAN IDs) to trace the path of services through the device interfaces and connectivities in multipoint and point-to-point service arrangements.

Flow interfaces always have a device interface parent. The device interface parent must be a media interface. Flow interfaces are similar to sub-device interfaces, but can have configurations that capture their attributes.

You cannot create flow interfaces directly from the logical device or device interface hierarchy in a Summary page. Rather, you create them in the packet virtual networks. Flow interfaces are dependant entities derived from the virtual network to which they belong.

Even though you do not create flow interfaces from the logical device or device interface hierarchies, they are displayed in those hierarchies. The hierarchies include information about consumption of the flow interfaces.

Flow interfaces describe the termination type of the connectivities terminated on their parent device interfaces. There are four termination types defined in flow interface specifications:

  • Access. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity that provides access to the Provider's network, such as an Ethernet UNI Connectivity.

  • Internetwork. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity that interconnects two networks.

  • Trunk. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity between service provider equipment within the same network. This designation has no direct implication on how the port or interface is configured in the Provider's network.

  • Unknown. Indicates that the purpose of the interface is unknown.

See the following topics for more information about working with flow interfaces:

Viewing Information About Flow Interface Consumption

Logical device and device interface hierarchies that include flow interfaces display information about the consumption of the flow interfaces. The Percent Consumed column shows the percentage of the interface capacity that is consumed.

In addition, the Percent Consumed columns for flow interfaces whose consumption has reached threshold values are highlighted. By default, flow interfaces with greater than 50% consumption are highlighted in yellow and flow interfaces with greater than 80% capacity are highlighted in red. An alert icon also replaces the standard icon in affected rows.

Both the threshold values and the colors are configurable. See UIM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

To view information about flow interface consumption:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device whose hierarchy includes flow interfaces.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to display the flow interfaces.

    The Percent Consumed column and row highlighting indicate the consumption level of the flow interfaces.

Flow Interface Summary Page

You use the Flow Interface Summary page to define the content for a Flow Interface entity.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:


The sections listed in the following table are specific to the Flow Interface Summary page. See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

Section Description


Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.

The Information section includes a Logical Device area that displays information about the logical device that provides the parent device interface of the flow interface.

Flow Interface Hierarchy

Flow interfaces do not have their own hierarchies, so this displays only the flow interface itself.

IP Resources

Lists IP subnets assigned to the flow interface. Click Assign to assign a new IP subnet.

Network Nodes

Displays any network nodes that represent the flow interface.

See "Representing Resources with Nodes" for more information.

Flow Interface - Information Page

You use the Flow Interface - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the flow interface. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.


Edit the name of the flow interface.

Interface Number

Edit the interface number.

Bit Rate

Displays the bit rate associated with the rate code.

Custom Interface Number

Edit the customer interface number.


Edit the description of the flow interface.

Parent Device Interface

Displays the rate code defined by the specification used for this flow interface.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the device interface. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the flow interface to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Termination Type

Displays the termination type of the flow interface. The termination type when the flow interface is created in a packet virtual network.

If you add a flow interface manually by searching, you set the termination type yourself.

If you add the flow interface by associating a connectivity with the network, the termination type is set automatically based on the type of connectivity terminated on the parent device interface that terminates the connectivity.

  • Access. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity that provides access to the Provider's network, such as an Ethernet UNI Connectivity. This designation has no direct implication on how the port or interface is configured in the Provider's network.

  • Internetwork. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity that interconnects two networks

  • Trunk. Indicates that the purpose of an interface is to terminate connectivity between service provider equipment within the same network. This designation has no direct implication on how the port or interface is configured in the Provider's network

  • Unknown. Indicates that the purpose of the interface is unknown.

Terminates Packet Rider

Not used.

Logical Device Area

Logical Device

Displays the name of the logical device that provides the parent interface of the flow interface.

Device Identifier

Displays the ID of the logical device that provides the parent interface of the flow interface.

Network/Entity Location

Displays the network or network entity location of the logical device that provides the parent interface of the flow interface.

Service Location

Displays the service location of the logical device that provides the parent interface of the flow interface.

Flow Interface Configuration Information - New Version Page

You use the Flow Interface Configuration Information - New Version page to create new logical device configurations.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Flow Interface Configuration specification to use for the new configuration version. If only one configuration specification is associated with the parent Flow Interface specification, this field displays that configuration specification.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0. This field is read only.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.


Enter a unique ID for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the ID of the parent flow interface with an incremented version number.


Enter a name for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the name of the parent flow interface with an incremented version number.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become active.

Flow Interface Configuration Information Page

You use the Flow Interface Configuration Information page to modify a flow interface configuration. This page is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the name of the specification used to create the configuration.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.


Modify the ID for the configuration. The default value is based on the ID of the parent flow interface with an appended version number.


Modify the name of the configuration. The default value is the same as the ID.

Start Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become active.

Flow Interface Configuration Page

You use the Flow Interface Configuration page to define configuration items, to which you can assign resources.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

Field Description


Displays basic information about the configuration, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the configuration is created. The Edit button is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.

Configuration Items

Displays configuration items associated with the configuration. Flow identifiers such as VLAN IDs assigned in a packet virtual network to which the flow interface belongs are added automatically to the configuration. See "Adding Configuration Items" for information about adding new configuration items.

Adding Cross-Connects Between Device Interfaces

You can add cross-connects that interconnect device interfaces in a logical device. See UIM Concepts for more information about cross-connects.

To add cross-connects between device interfaces:

  1. In a Logical Device Summary page, click the General Information tab.

  2. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the logical device hierarchy to reveal the device interfaces you want to connect.

  3. Right-click the first device interface or logical device and select Cross Connect From from the context menu.

  4. Right-click the other device interface or logical device and select Cross Connect To from the context menu.

    The Cross Connect Visual dialog box appears. The dialog box includes two columns: one for your Cross Connect From selection and one for your Cross Connect To selection. Each column shows the device interfaces in the hierarchy of the devices or device interfaces you selected. If you selected device interfaces at the bottom of a hierarchy, they are shown alone.

    See "Using the Cross-Connect Visual Dialog Box" for information about the tools in the dialog box.

  5. Click the circle next to the first device interface you want to connect.

    The circle is surrounded by a black box.

  6. Ctrl-click the circle next to the second device interface you want to connect.

    The circle is surrounded by a black box.

  7. Click the Create Cross Connect button in the toolbar.

    UIM validates that the rate codes of the two device interfaces are the same or compatible. It then creates an interface-bound cross-connect. A line connects the two black boxes in the dialog box.

  8. Close the dialog box.

    The logical device hierarchy is refreshed. The two device interfaces now have icons to indicate that they are connected.

Using the Cross-Connect Visual Dialog Box

The Cross-Connect Visual dialog box includes a number of tools that you use to change the display of device interfaces.

Field Description


Click this button, then select an interface in the canvas area. Ctrl-click to select a second interface.


Click this button, then drag out an area to zoom in on.


Click to move within the canvas

When you click the Pan button, the cursor changes to a hand and enables you to drag the diagram to display a different area.

Show All

Click to refresh the canvas to the zoom level required to show all interfaces.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the display on the current center point.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the display on the current center point.

Delete Cross Connect

Click to delete the selected cross-connect.

Create Cross Connect

Click to create a cross-connect between two selected interfaces.

Associating Logical Devices to Network Locations and Network Entity Locations

You can associate logical devices to network locations and network entity locations, making the devices available for connectivity termination. A logical device with such an association is called a network device.

Network locations and network entity locations are propagated through logical device hierarchies and associations, even when the Logical Device has active consumers. See UIM Concepts for more information about the rules that govern these propagations.

To associate a logical device to a network location or network entity location:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Information section, click Edit.

  3. In the Network/Entity Location field, enter the first few characters of a network location or network entity location, then select the location you want to associate.

    The location appears in the Network/Entity Location field.

Associating Logical Devices to Service Locations

You can associate logical devices to service locations.

To associate a logical device to a service location:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Information section, click Edit.

  3. Near the Service Location Name field, click the Search icon.

    The Property Location Search dialog box appears.

  4. Click the Service Location Name check box to limit you search to property locations that have been designated as service locations.

  5. Enter additional search criteria as needed, then click Search.

  6. In the Search Results section, select a service location.

  7. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Service Location field is populated with your selection.

Associating Logical Devices to Physical Devices

You can associate logical devices to physical devices. You can make an association from a logical device's own Summary page or from the Summary page of another logical device that includes it in its hierarchy. A logical device can be associated with any number of physical devices, but a physical device can be associated with only one logical device.

This type of association makes it possible to map device interfaces provided by the logical device to ports and connectors provided by the physical device (or by equipment or physical devices in the hierarchy of the parent physical device). See "Mapping Device Interfaces to Physical Ports and Connectors" for more information.

You can also associate a logical device and a physical device from a Physical Device Summary page. See "Associating Physical Devices with Logical Devices" for more information. The association is the same whether you start from the physical device or the logical device.

To associate a logical device to a physical device:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device that you want to associate with a physical device or that includes such a device in its hierarchy.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device that you want to associate with a physical device.

  3. Select the device and click Associate Physical Devices in the toolbar.

    The Associate Physical Device dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create a physical device.

  5. In the Search Results section, select a Physical Device entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The link to the physical device appears after the logical device in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

Removing Physical Device Associations from Logical Devices

You can remove a physical device association from a logical device. Because logical devices can have any number of associations with physical devices, you do not have to unassociate a physical device before adding a new association.

The association can also be removed from the Summary page of the physical device.

To remove a physical device association from a logical device:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device from which you want to remove a physical device association.

  2. On the General Information tab, expand the hierarchy in the Logical Device Hierarchy section to show the logical device whose association you want to remove.

  3. Select the logical device, the click the Unassociate Physical Devices button in the toolbar.

    The Associate Physical Devices dialog box appears.

  4. Select a physical device and click Delete.

    The physical device is removed from the list.

Associating Logical Devices to Media Streams

You can associate logical devices to media streams from Logical Device Summary pages. A logical device can be associated with any number of media streams, and a media stream can be associated with any number of logical devices.

A media handle represents additional information (like a network-facing value) for a logical device and a media stream combination. When you associate a logical device to a media stream, you specify a value for the media handle, which identifies their association.

You can also associate a logical device and a media stream from a Media Stream Summary page. See "Associating Media Streams to Logical Devices" for more information. The association is the same whether you start from the media stream or the logical device.

To associate a logical device to a media stream:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device that you want to associate with a media stream.

  2. Click the Associated Resources tab, and then click the Grants Media Streams subtab.

  3. In the Grants Media Streams section, click Add.

    The Associate Media Streams dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create a Media Stream entity.

  5. In the Search Results section, select a Media Stream entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The link to the media stream appears in the Grants Media Streams section.

  7. (Optional) To add a media handle, select the media stream in the Grants Media Streams section and click Edit.

    The Media Handle field in the media stream's row becomes available and a Save button appears.

  8. In the Media Handle field, enter a value for the media handle.

  9. Click Save.

Removing Media Stream Associations from Logical Devices

You can remove a media stream association from a logical device Summary page. Because logical devices can have any number of associations with media streams, you do not have to unassociate a media stream before adding a new association.

The association can also be removed from the Summary page of the media stream.

To remove a media stream association from a logical device:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device from which you want to remove a media stream association.

  2. Click the Associated Resources tab, and then click the Grants Media Streams subtab.

  3. In the Grants Media Streams section, select the media stream that you want to unassociate from the logical device.

  4. Click Delete.

    The association is removed and the link to the media stream is removed from the Grants Media Streams section.

Viewing and Adding Accounts from a Logical Device Summary Page

Logical device accounts can be associated with logical devices. From a Logical Device Summary page, you can view the logical device accounts that are associated with a device in the Logical Device Accounts section. You can also add new or existing accounts to the device.

You can also associate a logical device account with a logical device from the Summary page of the account. See "Working with Logical Device Accounts" for more information.

See the following topics for more information about viewing and adding accounts from a Logical Device Summary page:

Associating Logical Device Accounts with Logical Devices

You can associate a logical device account with a logical device. The associations you can make depend on whether the specifications for the logical device and logical device account include specification relationships. If relationships exist, then you can make associations only based on the related specifications. If no relationships exist, then you can make an association with any logical device account.

To associate accounts with a logical device:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device with which you want to associate accounts.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Accounts section, click Associate.

    The Associate Logical Device Accounts dialog box appears.

  3. Search for or create a Logical Device Account entity.

  4. In the Search Results section, select a Logical Device Account entity.

  5. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Logical Device Accounts section in the Summary page refreshes to include the entity.

Deleting Logical Device Account Associations from Logical Devices

You can delete logical device accounts that are associated with a logical device. Deleting the association does not remove the account itself, just the association.

To delete logical device account associations from a logical device:

  1. Open the Logical Device Summary page of a logical device from which you want to remove an associated account.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Accounts section, select the account to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

    The selected account is removed from the list.

Logical Device - New Page

You use the Logical Device - New page to create new logical devices.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Logical Device specification.

A logical device represents a functional view of a set of resources. The logical device itself is not physical, but it can be supported by one or more physical resources that support it and act together logically to perform one or more functions.

See UIM Concepts for more information about logical devices.


If the entity specification requires a manually entered ID, enter a unique ID for the entity.

Most entity specifications are defined in Design Studio so that IDs are generated automatically. The ID field for these specifications contains the text AUTOGENERATE.

Network/Entity Location

Enter or search for a network location code or a network location code/entity code combination.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes and network entity location codes.

Service Location Name

Enter or search for a service location name. Service location is a type of property location like network location.

See UIM Concepts for more information about service locations.

Device Identifier

Available if you enter a value in the Network/Entity Location. You can enter an alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the logical device in the network to which it is associated. If you do not enter a value, UIM creates one when you save the device.


Enter a name for the logical device.


Enter a description of the logical device.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the logical device. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the logical device to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Logical Device Range - New Page

You use the Logical Device Range - New page to create a range of new Equipment entities.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select an Logical Device specification on which to base the range of logical devices.

A logical device represents a functional view of a set of resources. The logical device itself is not physical, but it can be supported by one or more physical resources that support it and act together logically to perform one or more functions.

See UIM Concepts for more information about logical devices.

Starting ID

Enter a starting ID for the entity. The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

This field is available only if the selected specification requires manual ID entry.

Network Location

Enter a valid Network Location of the entities to be created. The unique Device Identifier values are generated with the Network Location as the prefix.


Enter the number of Logical Device entities to be created.


Enter a name for the logical devices to be created.


Enter a description of the logical devices to be created.

Logical Device - Information Page

You use the Logical Device - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the logical device. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.

Network/Entity Location

Enter or search for a network location code or a network location code/entity code combination.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes and network entity codes.

Device Identifier

Displays the value entered during creation or the default created by UIM. Only used when a Network/Entity Location value is present.


Edit the name for the logical device.


Edit the description of the logical device.

Physical Device

Displays the name of the physical device associated with the logical device. The name is formatted as a link that you can use to open the Summary page for the physical device.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the logical device. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the logical device to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Logical Device - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Logical Device - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more Logical Device entities. To enable this option, you must do the following:

  • Select a specification in the logical device search.

  • Be in the current or live business interaction context.

  • In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  • Then, select the Bulk Edit option, which opens the Logical Device - Bulk Edit page.

To bulk edit the characteristics of Logical Device entities:

  1. In the Logical Device - Bulk Edit page, click the Add Fields button to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the available fields to the selected fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the selected fields column back to available fields. Click OK.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  3. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  4. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?
  5. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with set field values are added to all selected entities.

Related Topics

Creating Entities

Logical Device Summary Page

You use the Logical Device Summary page to define the content for a Logical Device entity. You can also view the topology diagram of the logical device, using the UTIA application, by clicking Topology. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information.

The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about the logical device, to view and maintain the logical device hierarchy, and to view logical device accounts associated with the logical device.

Section Description

Logical Device Information

Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Creating Entities" and "Logical Device - New Page" for more information.

Logical Device Hierarchy

Displays the entities included in the logical device hierarchy.

The toolbar includes buttons that enable you to maintain the hierarchy. Select an item in the hierarchy and do click the appropriate button:

You can also right-click in the hierarchy and select the following commands from the context menu:

Logical Device Accounts

Displays the logical device accounts associated with the logical device. See "Associating Logical Device Accounts with Logical Devices" for more information.

Total Capacity

Displays the total capacity of the logical device that you can consume. The Total Capacity of a logical device includes the bit rates of all device interfaces and flow interfaces, and the total capacities of all the child logical devices under the logical device.

Capacity Consumed

Displays the amount of capacity that is consumed from the total capacity that is available for the logical device. The capacity consumed includes the capacity consumed of all the child logical devices under the logical device. The value varies when you assign or unassign any device interfaces.

Percentage Consumed

Displays the percentage of the capacity consumed by the logical device.

Configurations Tab

You use the Configurations tab to view any configurations created for the logical device. You create configurations for Logical Device entities to create new versions as a device evolves over time. This tab displays the version, ID, name, specification, status, start and end dates of the configuration.

This tab is available only when the specification on which the logical device is based includes a reference to a Logical Device Configuration specification.

The fields that appear in the Configurations section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Adding the First Version of a Configuration to an Entity" and "Adding Additional Configuration Versions" for information about creating configurations.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the parent logical device, IP resources, network nodes, grants media streams, and custom involvements of the logical device.

Subtab Description

Parent Logical Device

Displays any associations with a parent logical device. See "Adding Parent Entities" for information about creating new associations.

IP Resources

Lists IP subnets assigned to the logical device. Click Assign to

assign a new IP subnet.

Network Nodes

Displays networks nodes that represent the logical device. The name of the network is included for each node as a link to its Summary page.

Grants Media Streams

Displays any media streams with which the logical device is associated. See "Working with Media Streams" for more information.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the logical device with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view information about assignments, references, and business interactions of the logical device.

Section Description


Lists the configurations to which the logical device has been assigned. For each assignment, you can see the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's type, and the start and end dates.


Lists the configurations to which the logical device has been referenced. For each assignment, you can see the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's type, and the start and end dates.

Business Interactions

Displays any business interactions with which the logical device is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the inventory groups, roles, and places associated with the logical device.

Section Description

Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups to which the logical device is associated. You use the inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Working with Inventory Groups" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.


Displays any roles that are associated with the logical device.

You can associate roles with entities to define the functions they perform in your inventory. An entity can have multiple roles simultaneously, and its roles can change over time. See "Working with Roles" for more information.


Displays any places that are associated with the logical device.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" and for information about creating new place associations.

Logical Device - Clone Page

You use the Logical Device - Clone page to select options when cloning logical devices.

Section Description

Existing Logical Device Information

Displays identifying information about the logical device being cloned.

Cloned Name Labels

In the Logical Device Name and Physical Device Name fields, enter names to be used for devices created as part of the cloning operation. In the Equipment Name Prefix field, enter a prefix for Equipment entities created as part of the cloning operation.

If you leave these fields empty, the original names are used for the newly created entities.

Location for Cloned Logical Device

Search for and enter a different property location for the new logical device. If you do not specify a different property location, the new logical device is created at the same property location as the original logical device.

Existing Logical Device Hierarchy

Displays the hierarchy of the logical device being cloned. You can exclude specific logical devices and device interfaces from cloning by de-selecting them in the hierarchy. De-selecting a parent logical device in the hierarchy automatically de-selects its children.

Mapped Physical Device Hierarchy

Displays mapped physical devices and associated equipment for the logical device currently selected in the Existing Logical Device Hierarchy section. Physical devices and equipment in the hierarchy are selected unless the corresponding logical device or device interface is de-selected in the Logical Device Hierarchy section.

You can exclude specific physical devices and equipment from cloning by de-selecting them in the hierarchy. De-selecting a parent in the hierarchy automatically de-selects its children.

Related Topics

Cloning Logical Devices

Device Interface - Information Page

You use the Device Interface - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the device interface. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.


Edit the name of the device interface.


Edit the description of the device interface.

Interface Number

Edit the interface number.

Vendor Interface Number

Edit the vendor interface number.

Customer Interface Number

Edit the customer interface number.

Rate Code

Displays the rate code defined by the specification used for this device interface.

Bit Rate

Displays the bit rate associated with the rate code.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the device. interface This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the device interface to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Device Interface - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Device Interface - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more Device Interface entities. To enable this option, you must do the following:

  • Select a specification in the device interface search.

  • Be in the current or live business interaction context.

  • In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  • Then, select the Bulk Edit option, which opens the Device Interface - Bulk Edit page.

To bulk edit the characteristics of Device Interface entities:

  1. In the Device Interface - Bulk Edit page, click the Add Fields button to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the available fields to the selected fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the selected fields column back to available fields. Click OK.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  3. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  4. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?
  5. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with set field values are added to all selected entities.

Related Topics

Creating Entities

Device Interface Summary Page

You use the Device Interface Summary page to define the content for a Device Interface entity. The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about the device interface, to view the logical devices with which the device interface is associate, and to view and maintain the device interface hierarchy.

Section Description

Device Interface Information

Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Creating Entities" and "Working with Device Interfaces" for more information.

Logical Device

Displays the name of the logical device to which the device interface is associated. The name is formatted as a link that you can use to open the Summary page for the logical device. See "Adding Device Interfaces to Logical Devices" for more information.

Device Interface Hierarchy

Displays the entities included in the device interface hierarchy. Right-click a device interface and do one of the following:

  • Select Create Sub Device Interface add sub-device interfaces to device interfaces. See "Adding Sub-Device Interfaces to Device Interfaces" for more information.

  • Select a sub-device interface and select Delete to remove the interface association.

Capacity Consumed

Displays the capacity consumed by the device interface.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the IP resources, network nodes, and custom involvements of the device interface.

Section Description

IP Resources

Lists IP subnets assigned to the device interface. Click Assign to

assign a new IP subnet.

Network Nodes

Displays any network nodes that represent the device interface.

See "Representing Resources with Nodes" for more information.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the device interface with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view any business interactions with which the device interface is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the roles and places associated with the device interface.

Section Description


Displays any places that are associated with the device interface.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" and for information about creating new place associations.


Displays any roles that are associated with the device interface.

You can associate roles with entities to define the functions they perform in your inventory. An entity can have multiple roles simultaneously, and its roles can change over time. See "Working with Roles" for more information.

Logical Device Configuration Information - New Version Page

You use the Logical Device Configuration Information - New Version page to create new logical device configurations.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Logical Device Configuration specification to use for the new configuration version.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Enter a unique ID for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the ID of the parent logical device with an incremented version number.


Enter a name for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the name of the parent logical device with an incremented version number.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become active.

Logical Device Configuration Information Page

You use the Logical Device Configuration Information page to modify a logical device configuration. This page is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the name of the specification used to create the configuration.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Modify the ID for the configuration. The default value is based on the ID of the parent logical device with an incremented version number.


Modify the name of the configuration. The default value is the same as the ID.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.

Start Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become active.

Logical Device Configuration Page

You use the Logical Device Configuration page to define configuration items, to which you can assign resources.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

Field Description


Displays basic information about the configuration, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the configuration is created. The Edit button is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.

Configuration Items

Displays configuration items associated with the configuration. See "Working with Configuration Items" for information about adding new configuration items.

Working with Logical Device Accounts

You use the Logical Device Account entities to represent accounts that are hosted by logical devices. Examples of logical device accounts include email accounts and RADIUS AAA accounts. Because similar logical device accounts frequently exist in large numbers on the same logical device, you can create ranges of accounts simultaneously.

You can associate a logical device account to a logical device either at the time that you create the account or later. The associations you can make depend on whether the specifications for the logical device and logical device account include specification relationships. If relationships exist, then you can make associations only based on the related specifications. If no relationships exist, then you make an association with any logical device.

In addition to working from the point of view of the logical device account, you can associate accounts from Logical Device Summary pages. See "Associating Logical Device Accounts with Logical Devices".

Logical device account entities include many of the same features as other entity types. You can include them in custom involvements, reservations, business interactions, and inventory groups. You can also assign conditions to them. In addition, you can associate places with them and manage their life cycles.

See the following topics for more information about working with logical device accounts:

Working with Logical Device Account Configurations

You can create configurations for Logical Device Account entities. Configurations enable you to create new versions as a device evolves over time. Logical device account configurations can include configuration items to which you can assign the following types of resources:

  • Custom network addresses

  • Telephone numbers

Logical device account configurations have the same features and functionality as other configurations. See "Working with Entity Configurations" for more information about using configurations.

Creating Ranges of Logical Device Accounts

You can create ranges of logical device accounts simultaneously. For example, you can create a number of email accounts.

When you create a range of logical device accounts whose specification includes autogeneration of IDs, you specify the quantity of entities to create. If the Equipment specification requires manual entry of IDs, you must specify a starting ID and a quantity. The accounts created are identical aside from their IDs

To create a range of Logical Device Account entities:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Logical Device Accounts.

    The Logical Device Account Range Search page appears.

  2. In the Search Results section, click Create Range.

    The Logical Device Account Range page appears.

  3. In the Specification list, select the Logical Device Account specification you want to use for the accounts you create.

  4. In the Starting ID field, enter the first ID to use for the entities. This is required only if the Equipment specification does not include ID autogeneration.

    The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

  5. In the Quantity field, enter the number of logical device accounts to be created.

  6. (Optional) In the Logical Device ID field, enter an ID.

    You can enter a logical device ID if you want the accounts to be associated with a logical device. Click the Search link next to the field to search for a device ID.

  7. (Optional) In the Inventory Group list, select a group to which to add the account.

  8. Click Save and Close.

  9. Click Search.

    The new account appears in a Search Results section.

Logical Device Account Range - New

You use the Logical Device Account Range - New page to create a range of new Logical Device entities.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Logical Device Account specification on which to base a range of Logical Device Account entities.

You use the Logical Device Account entities to represent accounts that are hosted by logical devices.

See UIM Concepts for more information about logical device accounts.

Starting ID

Enter a starting ID. The ID must be numeric so that it can be incremented.

This field is available only if the selected specification requires manual ID entry.


Enter the number of Logical Device Account entities to be created.

Logical Device

Enter or search for a logical device with which the logical device accounts will be associated.

Inventory Group

Enter or search for an inventory group with which the logical device accounts will be associated.

Adding or Changing Device Associations for Existing Accounts

After a logical device account has been created, you can associate it to a device or change an existing association. A logical device account association can also be made or changed from the Summary page of the logical device.

To add or change a logical device account association:

  1. Open the Logical Device Account Summary page.

    If the account is already associated to a device, the device's name and ID are displayed in the Logical Device Account Information section.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Account Information section, click Edit.

    The Logical Device Account Information page appears.

  3. In the Logical Device ID field, enter or change the device's ID.

    If you do not know the new ID, click the Search link next to the field and search for the device.

    The Logical Device Search page appears. Search for the device or create a new device. See "Searching for Entities" and "Creating Entities" for more information.

  4. Click Save and Close.

    UIM changes the association and redisplays the Logical Device Account Summary page, now including the new device ID.

Logical Device Accounts - New Page

You use the Logical Device Accounts - New page to create new logical device accounts.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Logical Device Account specification to use for the accounts you create.

You use the Logical Device Account entities to represent accounts that are hosted by logical devices.

See UIM Concepts for more information about logical device accounts.


If the entity specification requires a manually entered ID, enter a unique ID for the entity.

Most entity specifications are defined in Design Studio so that IDs are generated automatically. The ID field for these specifications contains the text AUTOGENERATE.


Enter a name for the logical device account.


Enter a description of the logical device account.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the logical device account. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the life cycle status of the assignment of the logical device account to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Logical Device ID

(Optional) Enter an ID to associate the account with a logical device. Click Search to locate a specific ID.

Logical Device Name

Displays the name of an associated logical device. This field is automatically populated after you enter a value in Logical Device ID.

Logical Device Accounts- Information Page

You use the Logical Device Accounts - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the logical device account. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.


Edit the name of the logical device account.


Edit the description of the logical device account.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the logical device account. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the logical device account to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Logical Device ID

Edit the ID to associate the account with a logical device. Click Search to locate a specific ID.

Logical Device Name

Displays the name of an associated logical device. This field is read only.

Logical Device Account Summary Page

You use the Logical Device Account Summary page to define the content for a Logical Device Account entity. The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

You use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Logical Device - Information Page" for more information.

Configurations Tab

You use the Configurations tab to view any configurations created for the logical device account. You create configurations for Logical Device Account entities to create new versions as a device evolves over time. This tab displays the version, ID, name, specification, status, start and end dates of the configuration.

This tab is available only when the specification on which the logical device is based includes a reference to a Logical Device Account Configuration specification.

The fields that appear in the Configurations section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Adding the First Version of a Configuration to an Entity" and "Adding Additional Configuration Versions" for information about creating configurations.

Associated Resources Tab

You use the Associated Resources tab to view any custom associations defined for the logical device account with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

You use the Consumers tab to view any business interactions with which the logical device account is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

You use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the places and inventory groups associated with the logical device account.

Section Description


Displays any places that are associated with the logical device account.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" and for information about creating new place associations.

Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups to which the logical device account is associated. You use the inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Working with Inventory Groups" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.

Logical Device Account Configuration Information - New Version Page

You use the Logical Device Account Configuration Information - New Version page to create new logical device account configurations.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Logical Device Account Configuration specification to use for the new configuration version.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Enter a unique ID for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the ID of the parent logical device account with an incremented version number.


Enter a name for the configuration or accept the default. The default value is based on the name of the parent logical device account with an incremented version number.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.

Start Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become active.

End Date

Enter the date on which the configuration will become inactive.

Logical Device Account Configuration Information Page

You use the Logical Device Account Configuration Information page to modify a logical device account configuration. This page is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the name of the specification used to create the configuration.

See UIM Concepts for more information about configuration specifications.


Modify the ID for the configuration. The default value is based on the ID of the parent logical device account with an incremented version number.


Modify the name of the configuration. The default value is the same as the ID.

Previous Configuration

Displays the version number of the previous configuration, if any. If you are creating the first configuration version, this value is 0.


Displays the sequential version number of the configuration you are creating.

Start Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become active.

End Date

Modify the date on which the configuration will become inactive.

LD Account

Displays a link for the parent logical device account.

Logical Device Account Configuration Page

You use the Logical Device Account Configuration page to define configuration items, to which you can assign resources.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

Field Description


Displays basic information about the configuration, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the configuration is created. The Edit button is available only before the configuration is completed or canceled.

Configuration Items

Displays configuration items associated with the configuration. See "Working with Configuration Items" for information about adding new configuration items.

Working with Physical Devices

A physical device is a collection of physical resources that have a common function in the inventory. Physical device hierarchies can include other physical devices, equipment, physical ports, and physical connectors. For information about working with hierarchies, see "Working with Entity Hierarchies".

Physical devices are the counterparts of logical devices, so you can associate physical and logical devices. You can also map the ports and connectors in physical devices to the device interfaces in a logical device with which it is associated. See "Mapping Device Interfaces to Physical Ports and Connectors" for more information.

Physical Device entities share many of the same features as other entity types. You can include them in custom involvements, reservations, and inventory groups. You can also assign conditions to them. In addition, you can associate places with them and manage their life cycles.

See the following topics for more information about working with physical devices:

Working with Ports and Connectors

A physical device can provide one or more ports or connectors. Physical ports are places where communication begins or ends on a physical device. Physical connectors are items to physically connect hardware units for signal or power transmission.

The relationships between the specification for a physical device and specifications for ports and connectors defines the types of device ports and connectors that can be added. Only ports and connectors related to the Physical Device specification can be added to the device. The relationships also define the minimum and maximum quantities that can be added.

The minimum number of ports or connectors is added automatically to a physical device when it is created. You can add additional ports or connectors up to the maximum number.

Although you can work with them only in the context of physical devices and Equipment entities, ports and connectors are themselves defined by specifications and have Summary pages. They share some of the same features as other entity types:

  • You can include physical ports in custom involvements and reservations. You can also assign roles and conditions to them. In addition, you can view the networks in which a port is included.

  • You can include physical connectors in custom involvements and reservations. You can also assign conditions to them.

See the following topics for more information about working with ports and connectors:

Adding a Port or Connector to a Physical Device Hierarchy

You can add ports or connectors in the Hierarchy section of a physical device's own Summary page or from the Summary page of another physical device whose hierarchy includes it. Ports and connectors you add to a child physical device in a parent device's Summary page automatically appear in the Summary page of the child device.

You can add physical jumpers to connect ports in the same Equipment entity or in different entities that share the same location.

You can add only new ports and connectors; you cannot add previously created ports or connectors.

To add a port or connector to a physical device hierarchy:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page for a physical device whose hierarchy includes the device to which you want to add a port or connector.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device to which you want to add a port or connector.

    If you are adding a port or connector to the parent device, you do not have to expand the hierarchy.

  3. Right-click a device and select Create Port or Create Connector.

    The Physical Port - New or Physical Connector - New dialog box appears.

  4. In the Specification list, select the specification for the type of port or connector you want to create.

    If no specifications are listed, you cannot add a port or connector to the device. When you select a specification, the page refreshes to reflect the characteristics in the selected specification.

  5. (Optional) Change the value of the Quantity field to create more than one port or connector of the same type.

  6. Enter information into all required fields and any appropriate optional fields.

  7. Click Save and Close.

    The new port or connector appears in the Physical Device Hierarchy section.

    If adding the port or connector would exceed the maximum number defined by the relationship between the Physical Device specification and the Port specification or the Connector specification, UIM displays an error message and does not add any ports or connectors.

Viewing Information About Ports and Connectors

For physical ports, you can view a list of networks in which the port is associated. The association occurs when you select a port to be represented by a node in the network. The same port can be represented by nodes in different networks. For each network association, you can see the network name, network description, node name, and node description.

To view port or connector information:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page for a physical device whose hierarchy includes the device whose port or connector information you want to view.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the port or connector whose information you want to view.

    The ports and connectors are clickable links.

  3. Click the port or connector.

    The Physical Port Summary or Physical Connector Summary page appears. For physical ports only, the Networks section includes a list of the networks with which the port is associated.

Alternatively, you can view physical port information from Resources > Physical Ports on the left navigation pane from UIM landing page. You can search physical ports directly to view their specification, assignment status, and inventory status.

To view list of physical ports:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Physical Ports.

    The Physical Port search page appears.

  2. The Search section displays search fields for the port’s default characteristics.

    To change the default search criteria, click on the Add Fields button.

  3. Enter data in the search fields and click Search.

    The Search Results appear in the table below.

  4. Click on the port you want to view.

    The Physical Port – Information page will appear.

Deleting a Port or Connector from a Physical Device Hierarchy

You can delete ports and connectors from physical devices. If deleting the ports or connectors would result in the device having fewer than the number required by the relationship between the Physical Device specification and the Port or Connector specification, UIM prevents the deletion.

To delete a port or connector from a physical device hierarchy:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page for a physical device whose hierarchy includes the device from which you want to delete a port or connector.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the port or connector to delete.

  3. Right-click a port or connector and select Delete.

    The port or connector is deleted.


    If the port has multiple device interfaces associated, select only the required device interface you want to select as a termination point.
Deleting a Physical Port

Alternatively, you can also delete a port directly from the UIM landing page only if the port is unassigned.


System throws an error when you try to delete a port that has been assigned to a connectivity/entity.

To delete a port from the UIM landing page:

  1. In the Inventory - Resources group of the navigation section, click Physical Ports.

    The Physical Port search page appears.

  2. Click on the Search button to get a list of all the physical ports.

  3. Choose the port you want to delete and click on Delete icon at the top of the table.

    A Delete Confirmation window will pop-up, asking to confirm action.

  4. Click on Yes to delete the port.

Maintaining Equipment in Physical Device Hierarchies

There are two ways of adding and removing equipment in a Physical Device Summary page:

  • In the Physical Device Hierarchy section

  • In the Equipment section

In addition, an Equipment entity can be associated with a physical device from the equipment's Summary page. See "Associating Equipment to Physical Devices" for more information. The relationship is the same whether it starts from the equipment or from the physical device.

Equipment entities can be included in only one physical device hierarchy. You can include an Equipment entity in a physical device hierarchy only if it or any of its parents in an equipment hierarchy is not already included in another physical device hierarchy. For example, if a shelf Equipment entity is included in a physical device hierarchy, none of the racks that it holds can be included in another physical device hierarchy.

See the following topics for more information about maintaining equipment in physical device hierarchies:

Associating Equipment to a Physical Device Hierarchy

To associate equipment to a physical device hierarchy:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device that you want to associate with an Equipment entity or that includes such a device in its hierarchy.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device that you want to associate with an Equipment entity.

  3. Select the device and click Associate Equipment on the toolbar.

    The Associate Equipment dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create an Equipment entity.

  5. In the Search Results section, select an Equipment entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The Physical Devices Hierarchy section in the Summary page refreshes to include the entity. The Equipment section is also update to reflect the new association.

Removing Equipment Associations from a Physical Device Hierarchy

Removing an equipment association from a physical device hierarchy does not delete the Equipment entity.

To remove an equipment association from a physical device hierarchy:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of the physical device from which you want to remove an Equipment entity association.

  2. On the General Information tab, expand the hierarchy in the Physical Device Hierarchy section to display the Equipment entity association that you want to remove.

  3. Select the Equipment entity association and click Remove Equipment in the toolbar.

    The association is removed and the link to the Equipment entity is removed from the Physical Device Hierarchy section. The Equipment section in the Summary page is also updated.

Associating Equipment to a Physical Device from the Equipment Section

To associate equipment to a physical device from the Equipment section:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device that you want to associate with an Equipment entity.

  2. Click the Equipment tab.

  3. In the Equipment section, click Associate.

    The Associate Equipment dialog box appears.

  4. Search for or create an Equipment entity

  5. In the Search Results section, select an Equipment entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The Equipment section in the Summary page refreshes to include the entity. The Physical Device Hierarchy also refreshes to reflect the association of the Equipment entity.

Deleting an Equipment Association from a Physical Device Equipment Section

Deleting an equipment association from a physical device hierarchy does not delete the Equipment entity.

To delete an equipment association from a physical device Equipment section:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device from which you want to remove an Equipment entity association.

  2. Click the Equipment tab.

  3. In the Equipment section, select the Equipment entity that you want to remove and click Delete.

    The Equipment entity no longer appears in the Equipment section. The Physical Device Hierarchy is also updated.

Associating Physical Devices to Network Locations

You can associate physical devices to network locations to specify their geographic positions.

You can associate network locations manually when you create a physical device or by editing an existing entity. Associations can also be made automatically by propagation through logical device, physical device, and equipment hierarchies. You cannot manually associate a network location to a physical device that has already been assigned one by propagation. See UIM Concepts for more information about the rules that govern these propagations.

To associate a physical device to a network location:

  1. Open a Physical Device Summary page.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Information section, click Edit.

  3. In the Network Location field, enter the first few characters of a network location, then select the location you want to associate.

    The location appears in the Network Location field.

Associating Physical Devices with Logical Devices

You can associate physical devices to logical devices from a physical device Summary page or from the Summary page of another physical device that includes it in its hierarchy. A physical device can be associated with only one logical device. In addition, child and parent physical devices cannot be associated with the same logical device. A logical device, however, can be associated with any number of physical devices.

This type of association makes possible the mapping of device interfaces provided by the logical device to ports and connectors provided by the physical device (or by equipment or physical devices in the hierarchy of the parent physical device). See "Mapping Device Interfaces to Physical Ports and Connectors" for more information.

You can also associate a physical device and a logical device from a Logical Device Summary page. The association is the same whether you start from the physical device or from the logical device.

To associate a physical device to a logical device:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device that you want to associate with a logical device or that includes such a device in its hierarchy.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the device that you want to associate with a logical device.

  3. Select the device and then click the Associate Logical Device in the toolbar.

    The Associate Logical Device page appears.

  4. Search for or create a Logical Device entity.

  5. In the Search Results section, select a Logical Device entity.

  6. Click OK.

    The Physical Device Hierarchy section in the Summary page refreshes to include a reference to the entity.

Removing Logical Device and Physical Device Associations

You can remove a logical device association from a physical device. Removing the association removes any port or connector mappings enabled by it.

To remove a logical device association from a physical device:

  1. Open the Physical Device Summary page of a physical device from which you want to unassociate a logical device.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select the physical device and then click Unassociate Logical Device in the toolbar.

    The association is removed and the reference to the logical device is removed from the Physical Device Hierarchy section.

Physical Device - New Page

You use the Physical Device - New page to create new physical devices.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Physical Device specification.

Physical devices are the counterpart of logical devices. They are aggregations of physical resources that can include other physical devices and equipment.

The Physical Device specification can include Physical Port and Physical Connector specifications. In most cases, however, physical ports and connectors are configured with equipment and not with physical devices.

See UIM Concepts for more information about Physical Device specifications.


If the entity specification requires a manually entered ID, enter a unique ID for the entity.

Most entity specifications are defined in Design Studio so that IDs are generated automatically. The ID field for these specifications contains the text AUTOGENERATE.

Network Location

Enter or search for a network location code.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes.


Enter a name for the physical device.


Enter a description of the physical device.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the physical device. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the physical device to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Serial Number

Enter a serial number for the physical device.

Physical Address

Enter a physical address for the physical device.

Physical Location

Enter a physical location for the physical device.

Physical Device - Information Page

You use the Physical Device - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the physical device. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.


Displays the name of the physical device.


Displays the description of the physical device.

Network Location

Displays the network location associated to the physical device. If no location code appears, you can enter or search for one.

See UIM Concepts for more information about network location codes.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the physical device. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the physical device to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Physical Address

Displays the physical address of the physical device.

Physical Location

Displays the physical location of the physical device.

Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the physical device.

Physical Device - Bulk Edit Page

You use the Physical Device - Bulk Edit page to edit the characteristics of one or more Physical Device entities. To enable this option, you must do the following:

  • Select a specification in the physical device search.

  • Be in the current or live business interaction context.

  • In the Search Results section, select one or more entities.

  • Then, select the Bulk Edit option, which opens the Physical Device - Bulk Edit page.

To bulk edit the characteristics of Physical Device entities:

  1. In the Physical Device - Bulk Edit page, click the Add Fields button to select the characteristics fields to display.

    The Add Fields page appears.

  2. Use the arrow buttons to move fields from the available fields to the selected fields column to select the fields to display and edit. You can also move fields from the selected fields column back to available fields. Click OK.


    If there are no characteristics for the selected specification, the page columns appear empty. In this case, you need to add characteristics to the specification. See UIM Concepts for information on characteristics.

    The selected characteristics appear in the bulk edit page.

  3. Enter values in the relevant fields for the characteristics.

  4. Click Save And Close.

    The following confirmation message is displayed:

    You are about to update all the selected entities of specification specificationName. The following characteristics values will be updated.
    Do you want to proceed?
  5. Click Yes.

    The characteristics with set field values are added to all selected entities.

Related Topics

Creating Entities

Physical Device Summary Page

You use the Physical Device Summary page to define the content for a Physical Device entity. You can also view the topology diagram of the physical device, using the UTIA application, by clicking Topology. See "Working with the Inventory Topology" for more information.

The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

See "Entity Summary Page" for information about Summary page fields that are common among all entities.

General Information Tab

Use the General Information tab to view and edit basic information about the physical device and to view and maintain the physical device hierarchy.

Section Description

Physical Device Information

Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Creating Entities" and "Physical Device - New Page" for more information.

Physical Device Hierarchy

Displays the entities included in the physical device hierarchy. Physical devices can include other physical devices, equipment, physical ports, and physical connectors.

The toolbar includes buttons that enable you to maintain the hierarchy. Select an item in the hierarchy and do click the appropriate button:

You can also right-click in the hierarchy and select the following commands from the context menu:

Associated Resources Tab

Use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the parent physical device, network nodes, custom involvements, and equipment of the physical device.

Subtab Description

Parent Physical Device

Displays any associations with a parent physical device.

Network Nodes

Displays networks nodes that represent the physical device. The name of the network is included for each node as a link to its Summary page.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the physical device with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.


Displays any equipment in the physical device hierarchy. See "Associating Equipment to a Physical Device from the Equipment Section" for information about creating new associations.

Consumers Tab

Use the Consumers tab to view any business interactions with which the physical device is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

Use the Groups and Infrastructure tab to view information about the inventory groups, roles, and places associated with the physical device.

Section Description

Inventory Groups

Displays any inventory groups to which the physical device is associated. You use the inventory groups to organize entities for a particular purpose.

The fields that appear in the Inventory Group section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Working with Inventory Groups" for information about associating entities with an inventory group.


Displays any roles that are associated with the physical device.

You can associate roles with entities to define the functions they perform in your inventory. An entity can have multiple roles simultaneously, and its roles can change over time. See "Working with Roles" for more information.


Displays any places that are associated with the physical device. The association can imply that the physical device is located at the place or that there is some kind of relationship between the entities.

The fields that appear in the Places section are common among multiple entities. See "Entity Summary Page" for more information. See "Associating Places to Entities" and for information about creating new place associations.

Physical Port - Information Page

The General Information tab of the Physical Port Summary page has the following sections:

  • Physical Port Information

  • Physical Device

You use the Physical Port Information section to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this section are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the physical port. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated for the physical port. This field is read only.


Edit the name of the physical port.


Edit the description of the physical port.

Port Number

Edit the port number of the physical port.

Vendor Port Name

Edit the vendor port name of the physical port.

Customer Port Name

Edit the customer port name of the physical port.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the physical port. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the physical port to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.


Displays the equipment name the physical port is associated to. This field is read only. Clicking on it takes you to the corresponding Equipment Summary page.

The Physical Device Section provides details about the physical device the port is associated to.

Field Description

Physical Device

Displays the physical device associated with the port. This field is read only.

Physical Address

Displays the address of the physical device. This field is read only.

Network Location

Displays the network location of the physical device. This field is read only.

Physical Location

Displays the location of the physical device. This field is read only.

Physical Port Summary Page

You use the Physical Port Summary page to define the content for a physical port. The page is arranged into several tabs, each of which is used for a different purpose:

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

General Information Tab

Use the General Information tab to view basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Physical Port - Information Page" for more information.

Associated Resources Tab

Use the Associated Resources tab to view information about the network nodes and custom involvements of the physical port.

Section Description

Network Nodes

Displays networks nodes that represent the physical port. The name of the network is included for each node as a link to its Summary page.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the physical port with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Consumers Tab

Use the Consumers tab to view any business interactions with which the physical port is associated. See "Working with Business Interactions" for more information.

Groups and Infrastructure Tab

Use the Consumers tab to view any roles with which the physical port is associated. See "Working with Roles" for more information.

Physical Connector - New Page

You use the Physical Connector Summary page to define the content for a physical connector.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a specification to use to define the new physical connector.


(Optional) Enter a unique ID for the physical connector.


(Optional) Enter a name for the physical connector.


(Optional) Enter a description for the physical connector.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the physical connector. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the physical connector to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.


Enter the number of physical connectors to create.

Physical Connector - Information Page

You use the Physical Connector - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the physical connector. This field is read only.


Displays the ID generated for the physical connector. This field is read only.


Edit the name of the physical connector.


Edit the description of the physical connector.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the physical connector. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the physical connector to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Physical Connector Summary Page

You use the Physical Connector Summary page to define the content for a physical connector.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

Section Description

Physical Connector Information

Displays basic information about the entity, most of which was defined when you created the entity. Click Edit to change this information. Some data elements, such as the ID, cannot be changed after the entity is created. See "Physical Connector - Information Page" for more information.

Custom Involvements

Displays any custom associations defined for the physical connector with entities that are not otherwise associated. See "Working with Custom Involvements" for more information.

Mapping Device Interfaces to Physical Ports and Connectors

You can map device interfaces to physical ports or connectors in associated physical and logical devices. The mapping can extend to the ports and connectors of equipment that is associated to a physical device with which a logical device is associated. The mapping can be done from the Summary page of either the physical device or the logical device in the association.

You can choose to let UIM perform the mapping automatically or you can do it manually.

A device interface can be mapped to multiple ports and connectors, but a port or connector can be mapped to only one device interface.

See the following topics for more information about mapping device interfaces to physical ports and connectors:

Automatically Mapping Device Interfaces to Ports or Connectors

If specific interfaces do not require mapping to specific ports or connectors, you can map them automatically. UIM maps currently unmapped interfaces to currently unmapped ports or connectors based on their order in their hierarchies.

To automatically map device interfaces to ports or connectors:

  1. Open a Logical Device Summary or Physical Device Summary page of a device that is associated with a logical or physical counterpart or one whose hierarchy includes such a device.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy or Physical Device Hierarchy section, select the device that includes the association, then click the Maintain Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The Device Mappings page appears.

  3. Expand the logical device hierarchy and select the logical device that contains the interfaces you want to map.

  4. In the upper-right of the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select either Ports or Connectors.

  5. Expand the physical device hierarchy and select the physical device or equipment that includes the ports or connectors you want to map.

    If you select a physical device, only the ports or connectors directly provided by the device will be mapped. If you select an Equipment entity, ports or connectors provided by equipment or by equipment below it in the hierarchy will be mapped.

  6. Click Auto Map.

    The page refreshes and the IDs of mapped interfaces and ports or connectors appear in the Mapped To column of the Logical Device Hierarchy or Physical Device Hierarchy sections.

Manually Mapping Device Interfaces to Multiple Ports and Connectors

If you do not want to map all unmapped device interfaces automatically, you can map multiple selected device interfaces to ports and connectors. By default, UIM maps interfaces with ports and connectors based on their order in their hierarchies, but you can change the order for mapping.

To manually map device interfaces to ports and connectors:

  1. Open a Logical Device Summary page or a Physical Device Summary page of a device that is associated with a logical or physical counterpart.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy or Physical Device Hierarchy section, select the device that includes the association, then click the Maintain Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The Device Mappings page appears.

  3. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to reveal the interfaces you want to map, then select those interfaces.

    To select all unmapped interfaces in a device, select that device in the hierarchy. Interfaces that have already been mapped include the ID of their mapped port or connector in the Mapped To column.

  4. In the Logical Mapping Candidates section, click the down arrow.

    The device interfaces you selected are listed in the Logical Mapping Candidates section. They are ordered sequentially based on their position in the hierarchy.

  5. In the upper-right of the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select either Ports or Connectors.

  6. Expand the physical device hierarchy and select the physical device or equipment that includes the ports or connectors you want to map.

    If you select a physical device, only the ports or connectors directly provided by the device can be mapped. If you select an Equipment entity, ports or connectors provided by equipment or by equipment below it in the hierarchy can be mapped.

    Ports or connectors that have already been mapped include the ID of their mapped interface in the Mapped To column in their entry in the hierarchy.

  7. Expand the physical device or equipment hierarchy and select one or more ports or connectors. To select all unmapped ports or connectors in a device, select that device in the hierarchy

  8. In the Physical Mapping Candidates section, click the downward-facing arrow.

    The ports or connectors you selected are listed in the Physical Mapping Candidates section. They are ordered sequentially based on their position in the hierarchy.

  9. Edit the sequence numbers in the Logical Mapping Candidates section so that the numbers of corresponding interfaces and ports or connectors match.

  10. Press Enter after editing each number to reorder the list.

  11. When the two lists are ordered so that the logical and physical mapping candidates have matching numbers, click Save Mapping Candidates.

    The Logical Mapping Candidates and Physical Mapping Candidates sections are cleared. The IDs of mapped interfaces and ports or connectors appear in the Mapped To column in the Logical Device Hierarchy and Physical Device Hierarchy sections.

Manually Mapping a Single Device Interface to Multiple Ports and Connectors

You can manually map a specific device interface in a logical device hierarchy to one or more ports or connectors in an associated physical device hierarchy.

To manually map a device interface to ports and connectors:

  1. Open a Logical Device Summary page or a Physical Device Summary page of a device that is associated with a logical or physical counterpart.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy or Physical Device Hierarchy section, select the device that includes the association, then click the Maintain Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The Device Mappings page appears.

  3. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy and select a device interface. Device interfaces that have already been mapped include either the ID of a port or connector or a link that lists the number of ports and connectors in the Mapped To column.

  4. In the Logical Mapping Candidates section, click the down arrow.

    The selected device interface appears in the Logical Mapping Candidates section.

  5. In the upper-right of the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select either Ports or Connectors.

  6. Expand the physical device hierarchy and select the physical device or equipment that includes the ports or connectors you want to map.

    If you select a physical device, only the ports or connectors directly provided by the device can be mapped. If you select an Equipment entity, ports or connectors provided by equipment or by equipment below it in the hierarchy can be mapped.

    Ports or connectors that have already been mapped include the ID of their mapped interface in the Mapped To column in their entry in the hierarchy.

  7. Expand the physical device or equipment hierarchy and select one or more ports or connectors. To select all unmapped ports or connectors in a device, select that device in the hierarchy

  8. In the Physical Mapping Candidates section, click the downward-facing arrow.

    The ports or connectors you selected are listed in the Physical Mapping Candidates section. They are ordered sequentially based on their position in the hierarchy.

  9. Click Save Mapping Candidates.

    The Logical Mapping Candidates and Physical Mapping Candidates sections are cleared. Information about the mapping appears in the Mapped To column in the Logical Device Hierarchy and Physical Device Hierarchy sections.

Manually Mapping Multiple Device Interfaces to a Single Physical Port

To map multiple device interfaces to a single physical port:

  1. Open a Physical Device summary page of a device that is associated with a logical counterpart.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select the device that includes the association, then click the Maintain Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The Device Mappings page appears.

  3. In the Logical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy and select the device interfaces you want to map. Device interfaces that have already been mapped include either the ID of a port or connector or a link that lists the number of ports and connectors in the Mapped To column.

  4. In the Logical Mapping Candidates section, click the down arrow.

    The selected device interfaces appears in the Logical Mapping Candidates section.

  5. In the upper-right of the Physical Device Hierarchy section, select a Port or a Connector.

  6. Expand the physical device or equipment hierarchy and select a port or a connector.

  7. In the Physical Mapping Candidates section, click the downward-facing arrow.

    The port or the connector you selected is listed in the Physical Mapping Candidates section.

  8. Click Save Mapping Candidates.

    The Logical Mapping Candidates and Physical Mapping Candidates sections are cleared. Information about the mapping appears in the Mapped To column in the Logical Device Hierarchy and Physical Device Hierarchy sections.

Removing Mappings

You can remove mappings one at a time from individual device interfaces, ports, or connectors. You can also remove mappings for groups of interfaces, ports, or connectors.

See the following topics for more information about removing device interface mappings:

Removing Individual Mappings

You can remove the mapping for an individual device interface, port, or connector. An interface, port, or connector that is mapped displays the ID of its counterpart in the Mapped To column in the Logical Device Hierarchy section or the Physical Device Hierarchy section.

To remove an individual mapping:

  1. Open a Logical Device Summary page or a Physical Device Summary page of a device that is associated with a logical or physical counterpart.

  2. On the General Information tab, expand the logical device hierarchy or physical device hierarchy to display the interface, port, or connector whose mapping you want to remove.

  3. Select the interface, port, or connector and then click the Remove Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The mappings are removed. The ID of the mapped interface, port, or connector no longer appears in the Mapped To column

Removing Mappings for a Logical or Physical Device

You can remove some or all of the mappings of the interfaces, ports, or connectors in a physical or logical device and its children.

To remove device interface mappings for a logical or physical device:

  1. Open a Logical Device Summary page or a Physical Device Summary page of a device that is associated with a logical or physical counterpart.

  2. On the General Information tab, in the Logical Device Hierarchy section or the Physical Device Hierarchy section, expand the hierarchy to display the device or equipment whose mappings you want to remove.

    To remove mappings from more than one device, display a device that is a parent to all of those devices.

  3. Select the interface, port, or connector and then click the Remove Mappings button in the toolbar.

    The Associated Mappings dialog box appears, listing all the interfaces, ports, or connectors that have mappings.

  4. Select the interfaces, ports, or connectors whose mappings you want to remove and click Remove.

    The mappings are removed. The IDs of the mapped interfaces, ports, or connectors no longer appear in the Mapped To column.

Adding Physical Jumpers Between Device Interfaces

You can add physical jumpers that interconnect device interfaces provided by a single logical device or among device interfaces provided by different logical devices. Physical jumpers represent physical connections such as twisted pair jumpers, fiber patches, or coax patch cables. They participate in the end-to-end connectivity of pipes and channelized connectivities.

Physical jumpers can connect only media interfaces (the highest level in a device interface hierarchy). The interfaces are not required to have rate codes, but if they both do, the rate codes must match or be compatible.

See UIM Concepts for more information about physical jumpers.

To add a physical jumper between device interfaces:

  1. In a Logical Device Summary page, select Physical Jumper from the Related Pages menu.

    The Physical Jumper page appears. The page includes a canvas in which the logical device is represented by an icon.

  2. Click the asterisk in the logical device icon.

    The icon is replaced with a box that shows the top-level device interfaces provided by the device.

  3. Do one of the following:

    For a physical jumper between interfaces on the same device:

    1. Click a device interface icon.

    2. Ctrl-click another device interface icon.

    For a physical jumper between interfaces on different devices:

    1. Click the Select Device Interfaces button in the toolbar.

      The Associate Device Interface dialog box appears.

    2. Search for and select a device interface, then click OK.

      The dialog box closes and an icon for the logical device that provides the selected interface appears in the visualization.

    3. Click the asterisk in the new logical device icon.

      The icon is replaced with a box that shows the interface you selected.

    4. Click a device interface in one logical device.

    5. Ctrl-click a device interface in the other logical device.

  4. Click the Create Physical Jumper button in the toolbar.

    If both interfaces have a rate code, UIM validates them. It then creates a physical jumper between them. A line connects the device interfaces. When unexpanded logical device icons are displayed, a line connects their icons.

Adding Physical Jumpers Between Ports

You can add physical jumpers that interconnect ports provided by Equipment or Physical Device entities. The ports can be on the same physical device or equipment or on physical devices and equipment at the same location. Physical jumpers represent physical connections such as wire or fiber optic cables. They participate in the end-to-end connectivity of pipes and channelized connectivities.

If the ports are mapped to device interfaces and both device interfaces have a rate code, the rate codes must match or be compatible.

See UIM Concepts for more information about physical jumpers.

To add a physical jumper between ports:

  1. In a Physical Device or Equipment Summary page, select Physical Jumper from the Related Pages menu.

    The Physical Jumper page appears. The page includes a visualization canvas in which the physical device or equipment is represented by an icon.

  2. Click the asterisk in the physical device or equipment icon.

    The icon is replaced with a box that shows the ports provided by the device or equipment.

  3. Do one of the following:

    For a physical jumper between ports on the same device or equipment:

    1. Click a port icon.

    2. Ctrl-click another port icon.

    For a physical jumper between interfaces on different devices or equipment:

    1. Click the Select Ports button in the toolbar.

      The Associate Port dialog box appears.

    2. Search for and select a port, then click OK.

      The dialog box closes and an icon for the physical device or equipment that provides the selected port appears in the visualization.

    3. Click the asterisk in the new physical device or equipment icon.

      The icon is replaced with a box that shows the port you selected.

    4. Click a port in one physical device or equipment.

    5. Ctrl-click a port in the other physical device or equipment

  4. Click the Create Physical Jumper button in the toolbar.

    UIM a physical jumper between the ports and displays a line between them in the visualization. When unexpanded icons are displayed, a line connects their icons.

Physical Jumper Page

You use the Physical Jumper page to add physical jumpers between ports (for Equipment and Physical Device entities) and between device interfaces (for Logical Device entities).

The Physical Jumper page includes a canvas and a toolbar with a number of icons, many shared with other visualizations.

Toolbar Icon Description


Click this button, then select elements in the canvas. Ctrl-click to select additional elements.


Click this button, then drag out an area to zoom in on.


Click to move within the canvas

When you click the Pan button, the cursor changes to a hand and enables you to drag the diagram to display a different area.

Show All

Click to refresh the canvas to the zoom level required to show all elements.

Zoom In

Click to enlarge the display on the current center point.

Zoom Out

Click to reduce the size of the display on the current center point.

Select Device Interfaces

(When opened from Logical Device Summary pages.) Click to search for and select device interfaces to add to the canvas.

Select Ports

(When opened from Physical Device and Equipment Summary pages.) Click to search for and select ports to add to the visualization.

Delete Physical Jumper

Click to delete the selected physical jumper.

Create Physical Jumper

Click to create a physical jumper between two selected interfaces.

The Overview section to the right of the page enables you see the entire canvas at a glance. The Details section enables you get information about selected elements. See "Using the Overview Section" and "Getting Information About Elements" for more information.