14 Working with Flow Identifiers

A flow identifier is a type of network address that is associated with a collection of flow interfaces that trace the path of a multipoint or point-to-point connectivity-based service through the device interfaces and connectivities. For example, flow identifiers can represent VLAN IDs for Ethernet; VPIs and VCIs for ATM; DLCIs for Frame Relay; and other virtual channel parameters such as VPLS IDs for MPLS.

Flow identifiers are defined in their specifications as provider-managed or unmanaged:

  • Provider-managed flow identifiers are created by service providers and used to manage the flow of traffic in their own network.

  • Unmanaged flow identifiers are provided by a third party (such as another service provider) or by the customer to tag the flow of traffic in the service provider network.

You can create flow identifiers one at a time or in ranges based on the identifier value. For example you could create a range of VLAN IDs with identifiers from 1 to 4095.

You can assign Flow Identifier entities to network configurations and flow interface configurations. You can also include them in reservations and apply conditions to them.

See the following topics for more information about working with flow identifiers:

Flow Identifier - New Page

You use the Flow Identifier - New page to create new flow identifiers.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Flow Identifier specification on which to base the new entity.


Select the network address domain to which the flow identifier belongs. The name of the flow identifier must be unique within the domain.

A network address domain is required for flow identifiers that are defined as provider-managed. A domain is optional for flow identifiers that are defined as unmanaged.

The network address domain cannot be changed after a flow identifier has been saved.

Resource Pool

Select a resource pool to which the flow identifier will belong. Resource pools are used when searching for flow identifiers to assign to services. A flow identifier can belong to only one resource pool.

Identifier Prefix

Enter an alphanumeric prefix for the flow identifier. This prefix is combined with the numeric identifier value to create the identifier.

Identifier Value

Enter a numeric value to be used as a tag to identify a service as data flows through the network. For example, a VLAN ID identifies traffic for a VLAN service in an Ethernet network.

The identifier value must be unique across all flow identifiers associated with the same network address domain. If the flow identifier is not associate with a network address domain, the identifier value must be unique across all flow identifiers without a domain.

Flow Identifier specifications can define minimum and maximum identifier values.

An identifier value is required for all flow identifiers, except those define as untagged.


By default, displays a name that is a combination of the identifier prefix and the identifier value. You can change the default name. The name must be unique within the selected network address domain.


Enter a description of the flow identifier.

Untagged Flow Identifier

Indicates whether the flow identifier can allow untagged frames to pass through.

  • If the Untagged Flow Identifier check box is available, you can choose to select it to create an untagged flow identifier or leave it unselected to create a tagged flow identifier.

  • If the Untagged Flow Identifier check box is not available, the specification allows you create only tagged flow identifiers.

All untagged flow identifiers are named Untagged and have no identifier value.

Provider Managed

Indicates whether the flow identifier is provider-managed or unmanaged. Provider-managed flow identifiers can belong to only one network address domain.

Stacking Level

(Read only) Identifies the encapsulation order relative to other flow identifiers associated with a flow interface. For example, a C-Tag (Level 0) is encapsulated inside an S-Tag (Level 1) or a VCI (Level 0) is encapsulated inside a VPI (Level 1). Stacking levels are oriented from the customer point of view, looking into the service provider network.

The stacking level is read only and determined by the specification on which the flow identifier is based.

Flow Identifier Range - New Page

You use the Flow Identifier Range - New page to create ranges of new flow identifiers.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Select a Flow Identifier specification on which to base the new entity.


Select the network address domain to which the flow identifier belongs. The name of the flow identifier must be unique within the domain.

A network address domain is required for flow identifiers that are defined as provider-managed. A domain is optional for flow identifiers that are defined as unmanaged.

The network address domain cannot be changed after a flow identifier has been saved.


Enter a description of the flow identifier.

Resource Pool

Select a resource pool to which the flow identifier will belong. Resource pools are used when searching for flow identifiers to assign to services. A flow identifier can belong to only one resource pool.

Identifier Prefix

Enter an alphanumeric prefix for the flow identifier. This prefix is combined with the numeric identifier value to create the identifier.

Lower Identifier Value

Enter the lower numeric value of the range. Identifier values are used as tags to identify services as data flows through the network. For example, a VLAN ID identifies traffic for a VLAN service in an Ethernet network.

Identifier values must be unique across all flow identifiers associated with the same network address domain. If a flow identifier is not associated with a network address domain, the identifier value must be unique across all flow identifiers without a domain.

Flow Identifier specifications can define minimum and maximum identifier values.

An identifier value is required for all flow identifiers, except those define as untagged.

Upper Identifier Value

Enter the upper numeric value of the range.

Excluded Identifier Values

Enter identifier values from within the specified range that should not be created. Specify ranges by using hyphens. Separate multiple discontinuous values with commas.

Include Untagged Flow Identifier

If the specification enables the creation of untagged flow identifiers, select to create an untagged flow identifier in addition to the range you are creating. The untagged flow identifier is named Untagged and has no identifier value.

Provider Managed

Indicates whether the flow identifier is managed by the service provider rather than by you. Provider-managed flow identifiers can belong to only one network address domain.

Stacking Level

(Read only) Identifies the encapsulation order relative to other flow identifiers associated with a flow interface. For example, a C-Tag (Level 0) is encapsulated inside an S-Tag (Level 1) or a VCI (Level 0) is encapsulated inside a VPI (Level 1). The stacking levels are from the customer point of view looking into the service provider network.

The stacking level is read only and determined by the specification on which the flow identifier is based.

Flow Identifier - Summary Page

You use the Flow Identifier - Summary page to view information about a flow identifier. The Summary page contains an Information section and an Assignments section.

See the following topics for more information about summary pages:

You use this command on the Information section to modify a flow identifier.

Command Description


Click to open the Information page, where you can edit the flow identifier name and description.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the flow identifier ID. The ID is a combination of the network address domain, a delimiter (# by default), and the identifier value. For example, if the network address domain is North and the identifier value is 256, the default ID is North#256.

If the flow identifier has no domain, the ID is the identifier value alone.

The ID is unique among all flow identifiers in the database.


Displays the specification used to create the flow identifier.


Displays the network address domain to which the flow identifier belongs.


Displays a description of the flow identifier.

Resource Pool

Displays the resource pool to which the flow identifier belongs.


By default, displays a name that is a combination of the identifier prefix and the identifier value. You can change the default value. The name must be unique within the selected network address domain.

Inventory Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of the flow identifier. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about inventory statuses.

Assignment Status

Displays the stage in the life cycle of a specific assignment of the flow identifier to another entity. This field is read only.

See UIM Concepts for more information about assignment statuses.

Provider Managed

Indicates whether the flow identifier is managed by the service provider rather than by you. Provider-managed flow identifiers can belong to only one network address domain.

Stacking Level

Displays the encapsulation order relative to other flow identifiers associated with a flow interface. For example, a C-Tag (Level 0) is encapsulated inside an S-Tag (Level 1) or a VCI (Level 0) is encapsulated inside a VPI (Level 1).

The stacking level is read only and determined by the specification on which the flow identifier is based.


List the configurations and connectivity design versions to which the flow identifier has been assigned. For each assignment, you can see the entity to which the assignment has been made, that entity's type, and the start and end dates.

Related Topics

Searching for Entities

Flow Identifier - Information Page

You use the Flow Identifier - Information page to edit the information that appears in the Summary page Information section. Only the name and description are editable by default.


The fields that appear on this page are determined by the specification used to create the entity. The specification is created in Design Studio. The fields in the following table are common to most specifications of this type.

Field Description


Displays the specification used to define the flow identifier. This field is read only.


Displays the network address domain to which the flow identifier belongs.

Resource Pool

Displays the resource pool to which the flow identifier belongs.


Displays the ID generated or entered when the entity was created. This field is read only.


Edit the name for the flow identifier. By default, displays a name that is a combination of the identifier prefix and the identifier value. You can change the default value. The name must be unique within the selected network address domain.


Edit the description of the flow identifier.

Provider Managed

Indicates whether the flow identifier is managed by the service provider rather than by you. Provider-managed flow identifiers can belong to only one network address domain.

Stacking Level

Displays the encapsulation order relative to other flow identifiers associated with a flow interface. For example, a C-Tag (Level 0) is encapsulated inside an S-Tag (Level 1) or a VCI (Level 0) is encapsulated inside a VPI (Level 1).

The stacking level is read only and determined by the specification on which the flow identifier is based.