Understanding Device Discovery

Learn about how device discovery works in Oracle Communications Unified Assurance.

About Device Discovery

Device discovery is the process of connecting Unified Assurance to the devices on your network. Devices is a general term, and can include physical or virtual machines, interfaces, or anything the software interacts with. After discovering devices and adding them to the database, you can leverage the full Unified Assurance monitoring capabilities, including fault management, performance management, and topology views.

You can leverage the discovery microservice pipeline to automatically discover and add devices by sending discovery and inventory requests directly from your network to the REST API for Unified Assurance microservices.

Alternatively, you can set up device discovery using the Unified Assurance user interface, as described in Discovering Devices in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide.

About the Discovery Microservice Pipeline

The discovery microservice pipeline consists of the following components:

The pipeline adds data to the Neo4j Graph database and the MySQL Assure1 database. All other pipelines related to devices rely on the discovery pipeline; without discovered devices, there is nothing to monitor for events, performance, or topology.

The following flows use the pipeline:

Device Discovery Flow

The following figure shows the discovery flow.

Discovery Flow

Description of microservice-discovery-flow.png

For simplicity, the image groups the poller microservices and topics, and shows single arrows representing communication between them. In the actual flow, there are separate subflows connecting separate microservices and topics for each device type. For example, for SNMP-enabled devices, the Discovery Service publishes the request to the snmp-poller-zoneX topic, to which the SNMP poller coordinator subscribes, and individual SNMP poller workers poll the devices and publish the response to the discovery-service-zoneX topic.

The flow is as follows:

  1. Through the REST API interface on your network, submit a POST request to the Discovery Service at the /discovery/request/create REST API endpoint. The request must contain discovery configuration settings, configuration details about SNMP, ICMP, or REST configuration, and lists or ranges of IPs to perform discovery on.

  2. The Discovery Service publishes the discovery request to the Pulsar topics for the ping, SNMP, and VMware pollers.

  3. The poller coordinators for the Ping, SNMP, and VMware Poller microservices, which are subscribed to the topics, read the discovery request from the topics.

  4. The poller coordinators assign workers to devices.

  5. The poller workers poll the devices for connection information.

  6. The poller workers publish status information to the discovery service topic.

  7. The Discovery Service, which is subscribed to the discovery service topic, reads the status from the topic.

Adding to Inventory Flow

After devices have been discovered, they can be added to the Unified Assurance Graph and Event databases. The following figure shows the inventory flow.

Inventory FLow

Description of microservice-inventory-flow.png

The flow is as follows:

  1. Through the REST API interface on your network, you check the status of discovery jobs by submitting a GET request to the Discovery Service at the /discovery/request/status/ REST API endpoint.

  2. For discovery jobs marked as completed in the status request response, you get the discovery results by submitting a GET request to the Discovery Service at the /discovery/request/result/ REST API endpoint.

  3. You convert the discovery results response to the format expected for adding the devices to the inventory. You can do this automatically by sending a POST request to the Discovery Service at the /inventory/translate/ REST API endpoint. This endpoint populates default data for expected fields, such as poll times.

    You can alternatively handle this step manually, using your desired values instead of the defaults. Ensure that your payload matches the expected input format for the POST request at the /inventory REST API endpoint. See REST API for Unified Assurance Microservices for request details.

  4. Using the discovery results to select discovered devices, you send a POST request with device inventory information to the Discovery Service at the /inventory REST API endpoint so that the devices can be added to the Graph and Assure1 databases further down the pipeline.

  5. The Discovery Service publishes the inventory request to the Pulsar topic for the DOM Processor microservice.

  6. The DOM Processor, which is subscribed to the topic, reads the inventory request.

  7. The DOM Processor normalizes the device data and inserts the devices into the Assure1 database.

  8. The DOM Processor publishes the normalized device data to the graph sink topic.

  9. The Graph Sink microservice, which is subscribed to the topic, reads the device topology data.

  10. The Graph Sink adds the device topology to the Graph database.

The devices are now monitored by the pollers at configured intervals.

Rediscovery and Updating Inventory Flows

Rediscovery and updating the inventory are handled similarly to discovery and adding to inventory, but by calling different API endpoints.

For rediscovery, you submit a POST request at the /rediscovery endpoint, containing discovery configuration settings, configuration details about SNMP, ICMP, or REST configuration, and lists or ranges of IPs to perform rediscovery on. The data flows through the pipeline in the same was as for the Device Discovery flow.

For updating the inventory, you can submit a PATCH request or a PUT request at the /inventory endpoint, depending on the situation, and the data flows through the pipeline in the same way as for the Adding to Inventory flow.

About Pipeline Components

This section provides details for the various pipeline components mentioned in the flows. Some components, like the pollers and the Graph Sink microservice, are also used by other pipelines.

REST API Endpoints

The REST API endpoints are your interface with the Discovery Service, where you send all requests to start the pipeline flows.

There are endpoints for creating discovery jobs, getting status of all or specific jobs, getting results for all or specific jobs, adding to and updating the inventory, translating inventory data to create defaults, and creating rediscovery jobs.

You are responsible for configuring the connections and requests from your network to the REST API, including determining when to check status and make inventory requests, and ensuring that the requests are in the expected format with all the required information.

For details about the REST API, including all available endpoints and expected request and response formats, see REST API for Unified Assurance Microservices.

Discovery Service Microservice

The Discovery Service microservice is the main component of all flows in the device discovery pipeline. It is responsible for managing device discovery by:

It subscribes to the discovery-service-zoneX Pulsar topic where the pollers publish discovery status, and publishes to the ping-poller-zoneX, snmp-poller-zoneX, vmware-poller-zoneX, and dom-processor-zoneX topics.

Poller Microservices

As part of the Device Discovery and Rediscovery flows of the discovery microservice pipeline, the poller microservices are responsible for establishing the initial connection with devices and polling them at regular intervals for availability. The pollers use a worker-coordinator design to balance workloads and allow for scaling. The coordinators control the workload, schedules, and balancing for the workers and can integrate with other microservices through Pulsar topics. The workers perform discovery and status polling tasks and send results back to the coordinator and to specified locations, such as Pulsar topics.

Load balancing and scaling are managed with Kubernetes Event-Driven Autoscaling (KEDA). See Autoscaling in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide for more information.

The poller microservices subscribe to the ping-poller-zoneX, snmp-poller-zoneX, and vmware-poller-zoneX Pulsar topics where the Discovery Service publishes discovery request data, and publish to the discovery-service-zoneX topic.

Other microservices also use these pollers. For example, as part of the event microservice pipeline, the pollers publish device availability updates to the assure1/discovery/rca topic. This topic is read by the Root Cause Analysis Availability Engine microservice, which analyzes outage events to determine their root cause. For more information about root cause analysis, see RCA Availability Engine in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide.

How Poller Workers are Assigned

Poller coordinators assign poller workers to either discovery tasks or polling tasks. By default there are a minimum of two poller workers, with one assigned to discovery and one assigned to polling.

Autoscaling adjusts the total number of poller workers automatically according to the current polling worker throughput. You can set which percentage of poller workers are assigned to discovery tasks using the DISCOVERY_WORKERS_PERCENTAGE configuration parameter for the poller coordinators, and adjust this setting as needed. For example:

Generally, when calculating the number of discovery workers based on the percentage, numbers after the decimal place in the result are ignored. However, unless you set the percent to 0 or 100, there will always be at least one of each type of worker. For example, if you set the percent to 10%:


Autoscaling is decided based on polling worker throughput, not discovery worker throughput. If you are increasing discovery workers for provisioning and want to increase discovery throughput, you can temporarily disable autoscaling and manually increase the minimum and maximum replica counts in the microservices where you need increased throughput. See Autoscaling in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide for information about setting the replica counts and disabling autoscaling for microservices.

See the discussion of the following pollers for details about the discovery worker percentage configuration parameter:

DOM Processor Microservice

As part of the Adding to Inventory and Updating Inventory flows in the discovery microservice pipeline, the DOM Processor microservice is responsible for:

It subscribes to the dom-processor-zoneX Pulsar topic where the Discovery Service publishes device data.

Graph Sink Microservice

As part of the discovery microservice pipeline, the Graph Sink microservice is responsible for adding discovered devices to the Graph database and updating them when they are rediscovered. It subscribes to the assure1/graph/sink Pulsar topic where the DOM Processor microservice publishes device topology data.

It is part of the Adding to Inventory Flow and the Rediscovery and Updating to Inventory Flows.

For more information about installing and configuring the microservices in this pipeline, see the following topics in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide:

For information about the discovery REST API, see REST API for Unified Assurance Microservices.

For information about setting up device discovery using the UI, see Discovering Devices in Unified Assurance Implementation Guide.