Service Order Activity Processing

To understand how service order activities manage the service order process, it’s important understand the lifecycle of orchestration activity business objects.

Service Order Orchestration Activity Lifecycle

All service order orchestration activity business objects share a common parent business object that defines their lifecycles. This is the Service Point Activity Orchestration business object (D1-SPActivityOrchestration). The table below outlines the lifecycle for this business object.




The initial state for orchestration activities.

An Enter algorithm sends an acknowledgement to the requesting system.

The activity is transitioned to the next state via a monitor process.


Enter algorithms perform the following:

Validate Activity Type

Validate Service Point

Check for a non-final duplicate service order request activity for the same service point.

Validation Error

If the business object fails any of the validations in the Pending state, it enters this state.

Activities in this state can be corrected and retried.


Activities discarded in other states enter this state.

Enter algorithms perform the following:

Validate that non-final child activities can be discarded without the need for a cancel activity

Cancel non-final child activities

Send a failure notification to the requesting system

Waiting for Effective Date

If an orchestration activity has a future effective date, it remains in this state until the effective date is reached.

A Monitor algorithm transitions the activity to the next state when the activity's effective date time is reached (process date time >= effective date time).

Are SP and Device Ready?

Each type of orchestration activity business object has a unique set of Enter algorithms that perform operations as appropriate for the type of service order request.

See Service Order Activity Algorithm Types for more information about these algorithms.

Activity in Progress

Orchestration activities remain in this state while their child activities are processed.

A Monitor algorithm transitions the activity to the "Are the SP and Device Ready?” state if there are no non-final child activities related to the current activity.

A Monitor algorithm validates that the orchestration activity has not been in its current state for too long, based on the Expiration Days parameter on the orchestration activity’s type and the Expiration Date/Time on the orchestration activity

An Exit algorithm resets the Expiration Date/Time on the orchestration activity such that each time the activity exits this state its Expiration Date/Time is updated.

Activity Error

If one or more child activities enters an Error state, the orchestration activity enters this state.

Activities in this state can be corrected and retried.


When an orchestration activity is retried after correction of an error condition, it enters this state.

Enter algorithms perform the following:

Check to determine if there are child service order field activities in progress that have outbound communications awaiting a response.

Transition any non-final child activity to the "Reject" state (the state defined as "Reject" on the child activity business object lifecycle. This is most often the "Discarded" state).


Orchestration activities enter this state when all child activities have successfully completed.

An Enter algorithm send a success notification to the requesting system.

Use the Business Object and Algorithm portals to view additional details about this business object and its lifecycle algorithms.

Cancel / Update Orchestration Lifecycle

The Cancel Orchestration (D1-CancelOrchestration) and Update Orchestration (D1-UpdateOrchestration) business objects have a similar lifecycle, with the following exceptions:

  • There is no "Waiting for Effective Date" state.

  • In place of the "Are SP and Device Ready?” state, they have "Cancel Specific Activity" / "Update Specific Activity" states. Enter algorithms on these states attempt to cancel or update a specific child activity.

  • In the place of "Activity In Progress" and "Activity Error" states, they have "Communication in Progress" and "Communication in Error" states.

Use the Business Object and Algorithm portals to view additional details about this business object and its lifecycle algorithms.