The Crew dashboard helps users to analyze the key metrics related to mobile workers or crews, such as productive time, utilization, timing comparison, shift timeliness, idle time, etc. Users can also drill back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler system for further details about a specific mobile worker or crew, shift, or activity.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Mobile Workforce Analytics > Crew.
The dashboard includes the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria as per requirement.
The Performance dashboard page provides details about mobile worker’s or crews’ productivity.
Productive Vs Non Productive Time
This analysis compares the productive and non productive time, for each month, at the highest level of crew hierarchy. The data is displayed for the previous 15 months.
Business users can identify the trends in productive and non productive time, and then initiate actions to bring up any low utilization percentage.
The bar graph shows the mobile worker’s or crew’s productivity time and non productivity time in each month. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the time in hours. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the productive time, non-productive time, utilization percentage, and the status of each mobile worker or crew. Mobile workers or crews are grouped under various crew hierarchy level. The data is displayed for each month.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Productivity Analysis dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Productive Time, Non-Productive Time, Utilization Percentage
Productivity Analysis
The Productivity Analysis dashboard page provides distribution details of the productive and non-productive time of mobile workers or crews.
Productive Time
This analysis shows the distribution of productive time spent by the mobile workers or crews across various productive time usage buckets.
Business users can identify the time buckets where most of the productive time is spent.
The pie chart shows the distribution of productive time of various mobile workers or crews across various time buckets.
The table shows the average time per mobile worker or crew, total duration, percentage of total productive time, and the percentage of total time for each productive time usage bucket.
Drill Down
The pie slices and the Time Bucket column link drill down to the Activity Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Shift Overview
Average Time per Crew, Total Duration, Percentage of Total Productive Time, Percentage of Total Time
Non-Productive Time
This analysis shows the distribution of non-productive time spent by the mobile workers or crews across various non-productive time usage buckets.
Business users can identify the non-productive time usage buckets where most of the non-productive time is spent. They can then focus on the corrective actions to minimize the non-productive time in those time buckets.
The pie chart shows the distribution of non-productive time of various mobile workers or crews across various non-productive time usage buckets.
The table shows the average time per mobile worker or crew, total duration, percentage of total non-productive time, and the percentage of total time for each non-productive time usage bucket.
Drill Down
The pie slices and the Time Bucket column link drill down to the Activity Details dashboard page for more details.
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Shift Overview
Average Time per Crew, Total Duration, Percentage of Total Non-Productive Time, Percentage of Total Time
Crew Comparison
The Crew Comparison dashboard page enables the user to compare mobile workers or crews across the various time usage buckets.
Crew Comparison
This analysis presents the total time spent by a mobile worker or crew in each time usage bucket across the various crew hierarchy levels.
Business users can compare the productivity between the selected mobile workers or crews in various time usage buckets. They can identify the slots where the mobile workers or crews spent the maximum time.
The table shows the time spent in each time usage bucket by each mobile worker or crew in the crew hierarchy.
The Crew-1 and Crew-2 drop down lists enable the selection of two specific mobile workers or crews.
The bar graph shows the comparison of time spent by the two selected mobile workers or crews against each time usage bucket. The X-axis represents the time usage bucket. The Y-axis represents the time in hours. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Time in Minutes for Selected Crew
Shift Timeliness
The Shift Timeliness dashboard page provides details about late starting or early ending shifts.
Late Shift Start - Trend
This analysis shows the distribution of late shift start across various late log-on time buckets, for the previous 15 months. Late shift buckets are configurable.
Business users can analyze any trends in the late log-on habits of shifts. They can also identify the late log-on time buckets that have more concentration and focus on the corrective actions there.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of late shift starts in various shift buckets. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the total number of shifts. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars and the Month column link drill down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details about the shifts in that lateness bucket.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Shift Count
Early Shift Finish - Trend
This analysis shows the distribution of shifts that finish early across various early log-off time buckets, for the previous 15 months. Early shift finish buckets are configurable.
Business users can analyze any trends in the early log-off habits of the crew shifts. They can also identify which early log-off time buckets with more concentration and focus on the corrective actions there.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of shifts that finish early in various early shift finish buckets. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the total number of shifts. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Drill Down
The graph bars and the Month column link drill down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details about the shifts in that lateness bucket.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Shift Count
Top N - Shift Timeliness
The Top N - Shift Timeliness dashboard page provides details about the top N mobile workers or crews who either start their shift late or finish their shift early.
Top N Crews with Most Late Shift Start
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews with the most number of shifts with a late start. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the percentage of shifts with late start and identify the mobile workers or crews responsible.
The bar graph shows the top N mobile workers or crews with the most late shift starts. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew, while the Y-axis represents the percentage of total shifts. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Use the slider to view the details for each mobile worker or crew.
The pie chart shows the distribution of late shifts for the selected mobile worker or crew across the lateness categories.
The table displays the total number of shifts, shifts with late start, and the percentage of total for each of the top N mobile workers or crews ranked based on the number shifts with a late start.
Drill Down
The pie chart slices drill down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details about the shifts in that lateness bucket.
The Shifts with Late Start column link drills down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Total Number of Shifts (for the crew), Shifts with Late Start, Percentage of Total
Top N Crews with Most Early Shift Finish
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews with the most number of shifts with an early finish. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can analyze the percentage of shifts with early finishes and identify the mobile workers or crews responsible.
The bar graph shows the top N mobile workers or crews with the most early finish shifts. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew, while the Y-axis represents the percentage of total shifts. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Use the slider to view the details for each mobile worker or crew.
The pie chart shows the distribution of early shift finishes for the selected mobile worker or crew across the early shift finish categories.
The table displays the total number of shifts, shifts with early finish, and the percentage of total for each of the top N mobile workers or crews ranked based on the number shifts with early finish.
Drill Down
The pie chart slices drills down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details about the shifts in that lateness bucket.
The Shifts with Early Finish column link drills down to the Shift Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Total Number of Shifts (for the crew), Shifts with Early Finish, Percentage of Total
Least Productive Time
The Least Productive Time dashboard page provides details about mobile workers or crews with least productive time.
Crew with Least Productive Time
“Productive time” is the time spent in a shift on the time usage buckets that are considered productive (configured in Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management).
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews ranked based on the least productive time. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the top mobile workers or crews with the least productive time.
The graph shows the mobile worker or crew productivity as a percentage of total. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew. The Y-axis represents the percentage of total shifts. It also displays the average productive time across mobile workers or crews. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Productive Time as % of Total = (Productive Time/Total Time)*100
The table displays the productive time for each mobile worker or crew and the respective percentage of total shifts. The crews are ranked based on the amount of productive time.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Productive Time, % of Total, Average Percentage of Productive Time
Non-Productive Time
This analysis shows the distribution of non-productive time for the mobile worker or crew selected in the Crew with Least Productive Time analysis on the same dashboard page.
Business users can identify the non-productivity of a specific mobile worker or crew and identify the time usage buckets where the mobile worker or crew spent most of the non-productive time.
Use the slider to select the specific mobile worker or crew.
The pie chart shows how the non-productivity of the selected mobile worker or crew is distributed across various non-productive time usage buckets (such as idle, log off, log on, POU, or travel).
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Percentage of Non-Productive Time spent in each time bucket
Most Productive Time
The Most Productive Time dashboard page provides details about mobile workers or crews with the most productive time.
Crew with Most Productive Time
“Productive time” is the time spent in a shift on the time usage buckets that are considered productive (configured in the Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system).
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews ranked based on the most productive time. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the top mobile workers or crews with the most productive time.
The graph shows the mobile worker or crew productivity as a percentage of total. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew. The Y-axis represents the percentage of total. It also displays the average productive time across mobile workers or crews. Hover over the bars for specific details.
Productive Time as % of Total = (Productive Time / Total Time) * 100
The table displays the productive time for each mobile worker or crew and the respective percentage of total. The crews are ranked based on the productive time.
The pie chart shows how the productivity of the selected mobile worker or crew is distributed across various time usage buckets (such as wait, POU, idle, or break).
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Productive Time, % of Total, Average Percentage of Productive Time
Most Idle Time
The Most Idle Time dashboard page provides a snapshot of mobile workers or crews with the most idle time.
Crew with Most Idle Time
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews with the longest idle time in the selected crew hierarchy.
Business users can identify the top mobile workers or crews with the most idle time and investigate why these crews are spending more idle time.
The bar graph shows the mobile worker or crew idle time as a percentage of total time. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew. The Y-axis represents the percentage of total time. It also displays the average idle time for the respective mobile worker or crew. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the idle time for each mobile worker or crew and the respective percentage of total. The mobile workers or crews are ranked based on the longest idle time.
Drill Down
The graph bars drill down to the Idle Time Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Idle Time, Idle Time as % Total
Crew Overtime
The Crew Overtime dashboard page provides details about any overtime put in by a mobile worker or crew.
Top N Most Overtime
This analysis shows the top N mobile workers or crews/crew types with most overtime hours for the selected period.
Business users can identify the mobile worker or crew/crew type that had the most overtime hours in that month. They can analyze the reason for the overtime.
The Select Top N drop down displays the data by mobile worker or crew/crew type.
The bar graph shows the overtime amounts for various mobile workers or crews/crew types. The X-axis represents the mobile worker or crew/crew type. The Y-axis represents the overtime in hours. It also shows the average overtime for the mobile workers or crews/crew types. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the overtime amount, the planned shift duration, actual duration, the actual shift duration, and the overtime as a percentage of regular hours for the selected mobile worker or crew/crew type.
Drill Down
The Overtime Duration (Hrs) column link drills down to the Overtime Details dashboard page for specific details.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Overtime Duration, Planned Duration, Actual Duration, Overtime as % of Regular
Overtime Trend
This analysis displays the summary of monthly overtime and planned hours for the previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze the trends in overtime duration across the 15-month period.
The line graph shows the trend in overtime duration against the planned duration. The X-axis represents the month and year. The Y-axis represents the time in hours. Hover over the lines for specific values.
The table displays the overtime duration, planned duration, actual duration, and the total number of shifts for each month.
Drill Down
The Month column link drills down to the Overtime Details dashboard page for granular details.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Overtime Hrs, Planned Hrs
Idle Time Details
The Idle Time Details dashboard page shows the idle time details for each crew shift.
Idle Time Details
This analysis displays the details for each crew shift with their idle time and total shift time for each day for the selected month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis identify the specific details of the crew with most idle time. Users can also navigate back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler system and view specific details pertaining to overtime duration on the MWM Crew or Activity pages.
The table displays details such as idle time, total shift time, and idle time as a percentage of the total for each mobile worker or crew/crew type.
Drill Down
The Crew, Shift ID, and Activity ID column links drill back to the Crew, Crew Shift, or Activity pages in the Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system for more details about the selected mobile worker or crew.
Source Object
Crew Task Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Crew Task
Idle Time, Total Shift Time, Percentage of Total
Shift Details
The Shift Details dashboard page displays the shift details.
Shift Details
This analysis displays the log-on log-off details for each shift along with indicators for late start and early finish for the selected month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to navigate back to the source Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management/ Oracle Real-Time Scheduler system and view specific details pertaining to shifts on the MWM Crew Shift page.
The table displays details such as late start, early finish, log on and log off cities, and log on and log off postal codes for each shift.
Drill Down
The Crew Shift column link drills back to the Crew Shift page in the Oracle Utilities Mobile Workforce Management system for more details about the selected crew shift.
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Late Start, Early Finish
Overtime Details
The Overtime Details dashboard page displays the overtime details for each crew.
Overtime Details
This analysis displays the overtime details for each mobile worker or crew in the crew hierarchy. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can use this detail-level analysis to view crew level overtime details at day level.
The table displays details, such as planned shift duration, actual shift duration, overtime duration, and percentage of planned duration for each mobile worker or crew in the crew hierarchy.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Completed Shift Fact
OAS Subject Area
MWM - Completed Shift
Planned Duration, Actual Duration, Overtime Duration, Percentage of Planned Duration