Storeroom Inventory
The Storeroom Inventory dashboard helps users to analyze the key metrics related to the devices available in storerooms. The analyses included in this dashboard help users to understand the trends about the inventory stocks, device receipt volume, and the device usage volume. The analyses also provide a detailed insight into the aging of inventory by looking into their age distribution, 15 month trend, and the top storerooms with aging inventory. Users can drill back to the source Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management system for further details about a specific device or location.
To access this dashboard:
1. Go to the Home page.
2. Select Dashboards > Operational Device Analytics > Storeroom Inventory.
The dashboard provides the following dashboard pages. The data for current calendar year and month is displayed by default. You may modify the criteria per requirement.
The Overview dashboard page provides a snapshot of the inventory status.
Devices in Storage
This analysis shows the monthly trend in the number of devices available in storerooms. The data is shown for the last 15 months.
If an installed device becomes defective (repaired or retired) it needs to be replaced with another device available in the storerooms. Business users can analyze the storeroom inventory and record the availability of spare devices which can replace the installed devices in case of defects.
The bar graph shows the number of devices available in the storeroom. The data is shown per month, for previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the month. The Y-axis represents the number of devices in store. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table displays the number of devices in the storeroom, the devices installed, and the replacement capability per installed device. The data is displayed for the previous 15 months.
Replacement Capability per Installed Device = In Store Devices / Installed Devices
Note: If the number of installed devices is zero, then replacement capability per installed device is same as the number of in store devices.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Devices In Storage, Devices Installed, Replacement Capability
Receipt Volume
This analysis shows the monthly trend of number of devices received by the utility. These devices may or maybe not moved into storerooms based on the results of the acceptance tests that are done. The data is displayed for previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze how many devices were received in shipment and will be subjected for acceptance testing.
The bar graph shows the number of devices received in a shipment per month, in the previous 15 months. The X-axis represents the year and month. The Y-axis represents the number of devices. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Location Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Asset Location
Number of Devices Received
Usage Volume
This analysis shows the quantity of devices that are moved from the storerooms and installed in the field. The data is displayed for each month, for previous 15 months.
Business users can analyze trends in the quantity of devices that are being installed on the field.
The bar graph shows the number of devices in use (installed). The X-axis represents the year and month. The Y-axis represents the number of devices. Hover over the bars for specific values.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Asset Location Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Asset Location
Number of Devices Installed
Top 10 Highest Inventories
This analysis shows a list of top 10 device models with high inventory stock. The models are ranked based on the replacement capability. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the device models that are ample in the inventory. They can focus on maintaining inventory for other models.
The table displays the model and manufacturer details of the devices available in store and installed at customer location. It also shows the replacement capability if an installed device becomes defective. The models are ranked based on the replacement capability.
Replacement Capability Per Installed Device = In Store / Installed
Note: If the number of installed devices is zero, then replacement capability per installed device is same as the in store devices.
Rank = Rank (Replacement Capability Per Installed Device)
Drill Down
The In Stores column link drills down to the Inventory Age and Storeroom Details dashboard pages for respective details. The Installed column link drills down to the Installed Age and Installed Details dashboard pages.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Installed, In Store, Replacement Capability Per Installed Device
Top 10 Lowest Inventories
This analysis shows a list of top 10 device models with low inventory stock. The models are ranked based on the replacement capability. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the device models that are very low on stock. They can focus on maintaining inventory for these models.
The table displays the model and manufacturer details of the devices available in store and installed at customer location. It also shows the replacement capability if an installed device becomes defective. The models are ranked based on the replacement capability.
Replacement Capability Per Installed Device = In Store / Installed
Note: If the number of installed devices is zero, then replacement capability per installed device is same as the number of in store devices.
Rank = Rank(1/Replacement Capability Per Installed Device)
Drill Down
The In Stores column link drills down to the Inventory Age and Storeroom Details dashboard pages for respective details. The Installed column link drills down to the Installed Age and Installed Details dashboard pages for respective details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Installed, In Store, Replacement Capability Per Installed Device
Inventory Age
The Inventory Age dashboard page focuses on the inventory age of the devices.
Inventory by Age MonthlyTrend
The “inventory by age” indicates how long the devices were kept in storeroom.
This analysis shows a monthly trend of inventory for previous 15 months. For a given month it shows the inventory stock classified by the various in store age buckets.
Business users can analyze the trend in which devices are moving in and out of inventory. More inventories will mean more devices are available for installing at new locations or for replacing the defective installed devices. And, too much aging inventory would mean maintenance costs can possibly increase.
The stacked bar graph shows the number of devices available in inventory. They are categorized by various in store age buckets (such as 0-30, 31-60, 61-90, >90 days). X-axis represents the month and year. Y-axis represents the devices in store. Hover over the bars for values.
The X-axis label broadcasts the data to the Inventory by Age analysis on the same page.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
In Store device count sliced by in store age buckets
Inventory by Age
This analysis shows the inventory distribution sliced by various age buckets in the selected month. The data is based on the month selected in the Inventory by Age MonthlyTrend analysis.
In situations where devices are retained for longer in the storeroom, business users can analyze the reasons for their retention. Aging inventory would mean maintenance costs can possibly increase.
The pie chart shows the distribution of devices in store as percentage of the overall total sliced across various age buckets.
Drill Down
No drill down
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
In store device count sliced by in store age buckets
Top 10 Storerooms by Inventory
This analysis shows the top 10 storerooms with maximum inventory stock. It also shows the device counts sliced by the in store age buckets in those storerooms. The data is displayed for the selected month.
Business users can identify the storerooms with maximum unutilized devices in the respective inventory age buckets. They can propose business suggestions on moving the devices from these storerooms to those with fewer devices.
The bar graph shows the number of devices in a storeroom in various age buckets. The X-axis represents the rank of the storeroom. The Y-axis represents the device count across storerooms. Hover over the bars for specific values.
The table shows the total number of devices in a storeroom for each of the in store age bucket. The storerooms are ranked based on the number of devices in store.
Drill Down
The age bucket column link drills down to the Storeroom Details dashboard page for specific device details.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Total device count in a storeroom, In store device count in each age bucket
Storeroom Details
The Storeroom Details dashboard page provides detailed information about devices in storerooms and their inventory ages.
Storeroom Details
This analysis shows a list of top 100 devices sorted by their in store ages. The data is displayed for the selected month.
The devices at the top of the list are the ones with highest in store age in the specific storeroom. Business users can analyze the reason for retaining those devices in the storeroom for such longer periods.
The table displays the device type, manufacturer, and model details of the devices in each storeroom. It also shows the inventory age (in days) of each device. It shows the rank for each device based on the inventory age.
Drill Down
The Device column link drills back to the Asset page in the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management system. The Address column link drills back to the Location page in the Oracle Utilities Operational Device Management system.
Source Object
Operational Device Snapshot Fact
OAS Subject Area
ODM - Operational Device Snapshot
Inventory Age (In Days)