Holding Events

You can prevent a pending event with a trigger date on / before the current date from activating by plugging-in a Hold Event Activation plug-in on the overdue process template. This might prove useful, for example, if you want to suspend an overdue process while a case used to investigate the assertion of a customer is outstanding. Then, when the case closes, the overdue process can start up where it left off.

This technique would prove useful, for example, if your users can grant ad hoc suspend periods (e.g., if a customer wants a few extra days to pay before a cutoff). To do this, create a case type that has two states: Open and Close. Make sure to set up the Open state to have an automatic transition algorithm to close the case after X days. Then, all a user has to do is create a case of this type when they want to provide a suspend period. When the suspend period is over and payment isn't received, the case will close and the overdue process will start up where it left off.