How To Remove Unwanted Adjustments (or Payments) From A Completed Bill

If the system (or a user) has created adjustments that have been swept onto a recently completed bill but you don't want them to appear on the bill (e.g., the system generated a late payment charge but you want to forgive it) perform the following steps:

  • Cancel the adjustment ( Adjustment - Main Information).
  • Navigate to the Bill - Main page.
  • Click the Reopen button to reopen the previously completed bill.
  • Click the Complete button to recomplete the bill. When the bill is recompleted, the system will see that an adjustment that was swept onto the bill when it was originally completed has been canceled and it will mark the adjustment for suppression on the printed bill.

You can remove unwanted payments using an analogous approach - Cancel the payment, Reopen the bill, Complete the bill.


Cannot reopen historical bills. You may only reopen an account's most recent bill because recompleting the bill causes the ending-balance to change, and we don't want this to happen to historical bills.