Financial Transactions On A Payment

Open Menu > Financial Query > Financial Transactions On A Payment to view the financial transactions on a payment.


You can also open this page using the go to buttons that prefix the financial transaction summaries on Payment - Main.

Description of page

Payment Id is the system-assigned unique identifier of the payment.

Account ID is the payment's account.

The area beneath Account ID provides you with options that control which financial transactions appear in the grid. The following points describe the various options:

  • Use the SA Filter to define the types of service agreements whose financial transactions appear in the grid. The following options are available:
    • Address. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Address, City and/or Postal code.
    • All. Use this option if you do not wish to restrict financial transactions based on service agreement attributes.
    • Geographic Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service agreements are linked to service points associated with a given Geo Type and Value.
    • SA ID. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those of a specific service agreement.
    • SA Type. Use this option to restrict financial transactions to those whose service agreements are linked to a given CIS Division and SA Type.
  • Use Match Event Status Filter to restrict the financial transactions based on the status of their match event. This filter only appears if the payment's account is an open-item customer. The following options are available:
    • All. This option shows all financial transactions.
    • Balanced. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is balanced.
    • Disputed. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is disputed.
    • Unbalanced. This option shows all financial transactions whose match event is unbalanced.
    • Unmatched. This option shows all financial transactions that are not linked to a match event.

Don't forget to click the search button after changing the filters or after selecting a new Payment Id.

The grid that follows contains the financial transactions that match your search criteria. The following information is displayed:

  • Match Event Status shows the status of the financial transaction's match event. This column only appears if the account is an open-item customer.
  • FT Type displays the type of financial transaction. Click on the hyperlink to transfer to Financial Transaction - Main. On this page, you can change certain aspects of the FT in question.
  • Accounting Date is the date the system uses to determine the financial transaction's accounting period in your general ledger.
  • Current Amount contains the financial transaction's effect on the service agreement's current balance.
  • Payoff Amount contains the financial transaction's effect on the service agreement's payoff balance. The Payoff Amount will be dim if it equals the Current Amount.
  • Show on Bill indicates if information about the financial transaction appears on the customer's bill.
  • SA Information contains a summary of the respective service agreement.
  • Financial Transaction ID is the system-assigned unique identifier of the financial transaction.

At the bottom of the page is a summary of the financial transactions that match the search criteria.