Core Control Table Setup Sequence

To implement the system, you must set up your organization's business rules in "control tables". Setting up these tables is time-consuming because we allow you to tailor many aspects of the system to meet your organization's requirements. We strongly recommend that you take the time to document how you plan to set up all of these tables before you use the following roadmap to enter the core control data. Time spent understanding the interrelationships between this data will reap the rewards of a clean system that meets your current and long term needs.

While we describe the transactions and options in more detail in other sections of this manual, use the following chart (and the remaining sections of this chapter) as your roadmap. Here we list the order in which you perform tasks and the pages you'll use to set up your system. The order is important because some information must exist before other information can be defined (i.e., many dependencies exist).

Note: Auto setup. The Auto Setup column in the following table contains suggestions to save you time. It also indicates if a control table contains information when the system is installed.
Note: You don't have to set up every control table. You need only set up those control tables that govern functions that are applicable to your organization.



Auto Setup

Global Context


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that populates global context values. The global context is used by various zones in the system to display relevant data. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Accounting Environment

Country and State

Admin, Country

Currency Codes

Admin, Currency Code

USD is automatically populated

Accounting Calendar

Admin, Accounting Calendar

GL Division

Admin, General Ledger Division

Security Environment

Application Service

Admin, Application Service

All base package transactions are automatically populated

Security Type

Admin, Security Type

User Group

Admin, User Group

Note, you won't be able to set up users at this point

One user group, ALL_​SERVICES, is automatically setup. It references all other application services and a single user called SYSUSER.


Admin, Language

ENG is automatically populated

Display Profile

Admin, Display Profile

Two display profiles are automatically setup: NORTHAM displays currencies and dates in a classic American format; EURO displays information in a classic European format

Data Access Role

Admin, Data Access Role

Access Group

Admin, Access Group


Admin, User

SYSUSER is automatically set up.

Note that you may import your users (and user groups) from an external source.

Return to User Group

You must return to your user groups and define all of their users

Customer Class Environment

Customer Class

Admin, Customer Class. At this point, you'll only be able to set up your customer class codes. You will return to these customer classes throughout the setup process to populate additional information.

Financial Transaction Environment

Work Calendar

Admin, Work Calendar

CIS Division

Admin, CIS Division

Revenue Class

Admin Revenue Class


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithm that constructs a distribution code's corresponding GL account when it is interfaced to the general ledger

Distribution Code

Admin, Distribution Code

Bank and Bank Accounts

Admin, Bank

Billable Charge Template

Admin, Billable Charge Template. Note, if you want the system to default service quantities onto billable charges created using this template, you must setup the appropriate unit of measure code, time-of-use code and/or service quantity identifier.

Billable Charge Upload Line Type

Admin, Billable Charge Line Type


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up several algorithms. These algorithms: 1) retrieve a bill segment's consumption, 2) calculate a bill segment's bill lines, 3) construct a bill segment's financial transaction, 4) cancel previously estimated bill segments

Bill Segment Type

Admin, Bill Segment Type


Admin, Algorithm. You may want to set up an algorithm that formats the Bill Segment information that is displayed throughout the system for a specific Bill Segment Type. This algorithm is plugged-in on the Bill Segment Type.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithm that constructs a payment segment's financial transaction

Payment Segment Type

Admin, Payment Segment Type


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithm that constructs an adjustment's financial transaction


Admin, Algorithm. Several plug-in spots are available to perform additional logic when processing adjustments. For example, if you have the system calculate adjustments, you must set up an adjustment generation algorithm. Refer to Adjustment Type for other available plug-in spots that may be used by your implementation.


Admin, Algorithm. You may want to set up an algorithm that formats the Adjustment information that is displayed throughout the system for a specific Adjustment Type. This algorithm is plugged-in on the Adjustment Type.


Admin, Algorithm. You may want to set up an algorithm that formats the Adjustment information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Adjustment Type

Admin, Adjustment Type

Adjustment Type Profile

Admin, Adjustment Type Profile

Approval Profile

Admin, Approval Profile. Note, an approval profile references a To Do type and one or more To Do Roles; these must be set up before you can set up the approval profile. After the approval profile(s) are set up, they must be referenced on the adjustment types that they govern.

Cancel Reason - Bill

Admin, Bill Cancel Reason

Cancel Reason - Payment

Admin, Payment Cancel Reason

Cancel Reason - Adjustment

Admin, Adjustment Cancel Reason

Tender Type

Admin, Tender Type

Tender Source

Admin, Tender Source

A/P Request Type

Admin, A/P Request Type

Issuing Center

Admin, Issuing Center. You will need to set up issuing centers if your organization assigns document numbers to bills.


Admin, Installation Options - Framework and Admin, Installation Options. Many fields on the installation record impact the financial transaction environment. Refer to the description of the Billing and Financial Transaction tabs and the Messages tab in the Framework page for more information.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that distributes payments.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that handles overpayment situations.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up an algorithm if specific customers can have individual bill due dates.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up an algorithm if you want the system to delete bills that contain only information about historical payments.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up an algorithm if you want the system to levy a non-sufficient funds charge if a payment is canceled due to non-sufficient funds.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that formats the bill information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that formats the payment information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that defaults the amount when a payment is manually added. This algorithm also calculates the amount of an automatic payment for a bill for an account with an active auto pay option. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. Refer to Customer Class for other available plug-in spots that may be used by your implementation to perform additional logic when processing payments and bills.

Return to Customer Class

Admin, Customer Class. You will need to plug-in the algorithms defined above on your customer classes.

Budget Environment


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up several algorithms at this time: How To Calculated The Recommended Budget Amount, How To Periodically True Up A Customer's Budget Amount, The Circumstances When The System Should Highlight A Customer As Having An Anomalous Budget.

Budget Plan

Admin, Budget Plan


Admin, Algorithm. Budget eligibility is set at the SA type level. You will need to set up an override budget eligibility algorithm if some service agreements for an SA type are not eligible for budget based on certain conditions.

Customer Environment

Account Management Group

Admin, Account Management Group. Note, you will probably have to set up To Do Type and To Do Roles before you can setup account management groups. Refer to Assigning A To Do Role for more information on how account management groups may be used to define an entry's role.

Account Relationship

Admin, Account Relationship Type

Alert Type

Admin, Alert Type

Bill Message

Admin, Bill Message


Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a bill in a PDF (for the purpose of online display), you will need to create an algorithm that formats the extract records that are sent to your bill image software.

Bill Route Type

Admin, Bill Route Type

Contract Quantity Type

Admin, Contract Quantity Type


Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a letter in a PDF (for the purpose of online display), you will need to create an algorithm that formats the extract records that are sent to your letter image software.

Letter Template

Admin, Letter Template

Customer Contact Class

Admin, Customer Contact Class

Customer Contact Type

Admin, Customer Contact Type

Conservation Programs

Admin, Conservation Program. You will need to set up conservation programs if your organization provides rebates to customers based on eligibility and verification of newly purchased appliances and hardware that are rated to conserve the demand for energy.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up the algorithms that determine if person ID's are in a predefined format.

Person Identifier Type

Admin, Person Identifier Type


Admin, SIC Code

Tax Exempt Type

Admin, Tax Exempt Type


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up the algorithms that determine if phone numbers are in a predefined format.

Phone Type

Admin, Phone Type.

Person Relationship Type

Admin, Person Relationship Type.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that formats the person information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm to validate a person's name. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You can override the system's standard account information string by setting up an algorithm that produces this string of information. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a bill in a PDF for the purpose of online display, you will need to create an algorithm that renders this PDF. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Installation Options. Many fields on the installation record impact the Customer Environment. Refer to the description of the Main, Person, and Account tabs for more information.



Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a statement in a PDF (for the purpose of online display), you will need to create an algorithm that formats the extract records that are sent to your statement image software.

Statement Route Type

Admin, Statement Route Type

Statement Cycle

Admin, Statement Cycle


Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a statement in a PDF for the purpose of online display, you will need to create an algorithm that renders this PDF. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Automatic Payment (EFT) Environment


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm to create automatic payments. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Tender Source

Admin, Tender Source

Note: earlier, you created tender sources for the remittance processor and your cash drawers. At this point, you'll need to add at least one tender source for automatic payments. Why? Because automatic payments get linked to a tender control (which, in turn, gets linked to a tender source) when they are interfaced out of the system.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the appropriate automatic payment date calculation algorithm to populate the extract, GL interface and payment dates on automatic payments.

Auto Pay Route Type

Admin, Auto Pay Route Type

Tender Type

Admin, Tender Type

Note: earlier, you created tender types for things like cash, checks, etc. At this point, you'll need to add a tender type for each type of automatic payments (e.g., direct debt, credit card, etc.).

Work Calendar

Admin, Work Calendar. You need only set up additional work calendars if the auto pay sources (i.e., the financial institutions) have different working days than does your organization


Admin, Algorithm. If you need to validate the customer's bank account or credit card number, you will need to set up the appropriate validation algorithms.

Auto Pay Source Type

Admin, Auto Pay Source Type


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up an algorithm if your customers can define a maximum withdrawal limit on their autopay options.

Return to Customer Class

Admin, Customer Class. You should plug-in the Autopay Over Limit Algorithm in each appropriate customer class.

Deposit Environment


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up several algorithms at this time: The Definition Of A Good Customer, When To Refund A Deposit To A Customer, When To Recommend An Additional Deposit, How / When To Calculate Interest, How To Generate The Recommended Deposit Amount.

Deposit Class

Admin, Deposit Class

Non Cash Deposit Type

Admin, Non Cash Deposit Type

Field Work Environment

Field Activity Type and Steps

Admin, Field Activity Type

Field Activity and Field Order Cancellation Reason

Admin, Fieldwork Cancel Reason

Field Activity Type Profiles

Admin, Field Activity Type Profile


Field activities for Start/Stop will only be created if the SA Type linked to the service point has a SASP field work creation algorithm. Refer to the SA Type section below.


Admin, Algorithm. If you have software that's capable of reconstructing an image of a field order in a PDF for the purpose of online display, you will need to create an algorithm that renders this PDF. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Credit & Collections Environment (if you collect on overdue bills (as opposed to overdue debt), you will NOT set up these tables; refer to Overdue Processing - Set Up Tasks for the list of control tables required to collect on overdue bills)


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up algorithms if you have non-standard collection events.

Collection Event Type

Admin, Collection Event Type


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up a collection process cancellation algorithm if your organization allows individual service agreements to be removed from a collection process if they are paid (rather than performing cancellation based on all SAs in a debt class).

Collection Process Template

Admin, Collection Process Template

Collection Class

Admin, Collection Class


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up several algorithms at this time: Collection process cancellation criteria, Severance process cancellation criteria, and Override arrears due to pay plans.

Debt Class

Admin, Debt Class

Write Off Debt Class

Admin, Write Off Debt Class


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up Collection Condition algorithms.

Collection Class Control

Admin, Collection Class Control


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up algorithms if you have non-standard severance events.

Severance Event Type

Admin, Severance Event Type


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up a severance process cancellation algorithm if your organization allows a severance process to be canceled when the related service agreement is paid (rather than performing cancellation based on all SAs in a debt class).

Severance Process Template

Admin, Severance Process Template


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up several algorithms at this time: How to refer debt to a collection agency, How to transfer debt to another active service agreement, How to write down small amounts of debt, and How to refund credit balances to a customer.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up algorithms if you have non-standard write-off events.

Write Off Event Type

Admin, Write Off Event Type (Note, you'll have to wait until you have defined your SA Types before you can set up the Write Off Events because SA Type is a necessary parameter to write off debt).

Write Off Process Template

Admin, Write Off Process Template

Write Off Control

Admin, Write Off Control

Collection Agency

Admin, Collection Agency. Note, each collection agency references a person therefore you must set up a person for each agency before you can enter collection agency information.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up algorithms if you have special logic that should be executed when a pay plan is canceled.

Pay Plan Type

Admin, Pay Plan Type

Payment Method

Admin, Payment Method

Third Party Payor

Admin, Third Party Payor. Note, you must create an account before you can create a third party payor.


Admin, Installation. Several fields on the installation record impact the Credit & Collections Environment.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to setup an algorithm that's called when a user write-off debt real time.

Return to Customer Class

Admin, Customer Class. You should plug-in the Autopay Over Limit Algorithm in each appropriate customer class.

Services and Characteristics

Service Type

Admin, Service Type


Admin, Algorithm. If you have ad hoc characteristic types, you may need to set up the algorithms that control how they are validated

Foreign Key Reference

Admin, FK Reference. If you have foreign key characteristic types, you may need to set up foreign key references to control how the user selects the characteristic values (and how the foreign key values are validated).

All base package FK references are automatically populated

Characteristic Type and Values

Admin, Characteristic Type

Meter and Item Environment

Refer to the Meter Data Management Table Setup Sequence for control tables used with Meter Data Management, and configure the control tables as specified in this section.

Premise and Service Point Environment

Premise Type

Admin, Premise Type


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm to format the standard premise info that appears throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up an algorithm that formats the service point information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up the algorithms that determine if geographic ID's are in a predefined format.

Geographic Type

Admin, Geographic Type

Service Point Type

Admin, SP Type. [Note - you won't be able to define the SP Type's SA Types until after you define the SA Types or the FA Type Profiles until after you define the Field Activity Type Profiles.]

Bill and Service Cycle Environment

Bill Cycle, Bill Cycle Schedule

Admin, Bill Cycle

Bill Period, Bill Period Schedule

Admin, Bill Period

Rate Environment


Admin, Frequency

Service Quantity Identifier

Admin, Service Quantity Identifier

Algorithm Type

Admin, Algorithm Type. If you create new pre-processing calculation rules, you must set up an algorithm type for each such rule (the algorithm type defines the types of parameters that are passed to the calculation rule).

All base package algorithm types are automatically populated

Bill Factor

Main, Rates, Bill Factor

Algorithm Type

Admin, Algorithm Type. If you create new Register Rules you must set up an algorithm type for each such rule (the algorithm type defines the types of parameters that are passed to the register rule).

All base package algorithm types are automatically populated


Main, Rates, Rate Schedule

Calculation Group

Main, Rates, Calculation Group


Admin, Algorithm. If you use algorithms to dynamically change step boundaries, calculate prices, or implement calculation rule eligibility rules, you must set up these algorithms.

Calculation Rule

Main, Rates, Calculation Rule

Bill Factor Value

Main, Rates, Bill Factor Values

Bill Factor Interval Values

Main, Rates, BF Interval Values

Item Type SQ Estimate

Admin, Item Type SQ Estimate

Degree Day

Admin, Degree Days

Late Payment Environment


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithm that determine if customers in a customer class are eligible for late payment charges


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithm that levies late payment charges for customers in a customer class

Return to Customer Class

Admin, Customer Class. You will need to plug-in the late payment charge algorithms set up above.

SA Configuration


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithms that determine:

• How to calculate the late payment charge amount for service agreements of a given type

• Special criteria to be tested before a service agreement is severed.

• How to create field activities for service agreements of a given type.

• Special processing that should take place prior to the completion of a bill that references service agreements of a given type.

• Special processing that should take place during completion of a bill that references service agreements of a given type.

• Special processing that should take place when service agreements of a given type are created.

• Special processing that should take place when a financial transaction is frozen for service agreements of a given type.


Admin, Algorithm. You may want to set up an algorithm that formats the SA information that is displayed throughout the system. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.


Admin, Algorithm. You may want to set up an algorithm that formats the SA information that is displayed throughout the system for a specific SA Type. This algorithm is plugged-in on the SA Type.


Admin, Algorithm. If you want a Control Central alert to highlight when the current account has any stopped service agreement(s), you will need to set up the algorithm that does this. This algorithm is plugged-in on the installation record.

Service Agreement Type

Admin, SA Type

Terms and Conditions

Admin, Terms and Conditions

SA Type Start Options

Admin, SA Type Start Option

Update SP Types with initial SA types and with FA Type Profiles

Admin, SP Type

SA Relationships

SA Relationship Type

Admin, SA Relationship Type

Service Provider

Admin, Service Provider. Note, you must create a person before you can create a service provider. If you have financial relationships (you bill for them or they bill for you), you must also create an account and a financial settlement service agreement before you can create the service provider.

SA Type / SA Relationship

Admin, SA Type SA Relationship Type

Service Provider.

Admin, Service Provider. Note, you must create a person before you can create a service provider.

Sales and Marketing

Order Hold Reason

Admin, Order Hold Reason

Order Cancel Reason

Admin, Order Cancel Reason

And more...

Refer to Campaign and Package Setup Sequence for additional setup requirements

Service Credit Membership


Admin, Algorithm. You may need to set up algorithms for the service credit membership type and service credit event type to control behavior for the service credit membership and its events.

Credit Unit

Admin, Credit Unit. If your service credits record non-monetary units.

Service Credit Membership Type

Admin, Service Credit Membership Type

Service Credit Event Type

Admin, Service Credit Event Type

Membership Inactive Reasons

Admin, SC Membership Inactive Reason

Wrap Up


Admin, Algorithm. You will need to set up the algorithms that determine:

#x2022; Special alerts on Control Central (assuming you have special alerts)

Installation Options

Admin, Installation Options - Framework and Admin, Installation Options. At this point, it's a good idea to double-check everything on the installation record.

Postal Default

Admin, Postal Code Default

If you have cash drawers you will also need to set up the following information:

If you upload payments from an external source (e.g., a remittance processor or lock box), you must set up the following information:

  • Create a person and account to which the system will link payments with invalid account. Refer to Phase 3 - Create Payment Events, Tenders, Payments and Payment Segments for information about the process that books invalid payments to this account. Refer to How To Transfer A Payment From One Account To Another for how a user transfers the payment from the invalid account to the correct account (once known).
  • Create a service agreement for this account. This service agreement will reference your payment suspense SA type. The system needs this service agreement so that it can distribute the invalid account's payment (and this is necessary so that cash will reflect the payment). Refer to Payment Upload Error Segmentation for more information.
  • Update the tender source associated with the respective source of payments to indicate the service agreement created in the previous step should be used for payments with invalid accounts. Refer to Setting Up Tender Sources for more information.
  • Because the payment upload process simply books payments that reference invalid accounts to the account associated with the suspense service agreement on the payment's tender source, this account should belong to a customer class with the appropriate payment distribution algorithms. This may entail creating a new customer class that will only be used on suspense accounts. This customer class would need the following algorithms:
  • We'd recommend using a simple payment distribution algorithm like PYDIST-PPRTY (distribute payment based on SA type's payment priority).
  • We'd recommend using an overpayment distribution algorithm like OVRPY-PPRTY (distribute overpayment to highest priority SA type).

The remaining sections describe additional control tables that must be set up for specific functional areas.