Payment Arrangement Eligibility

An account’s eligibility for payment arrangement is typically checked at the start of the request process. Based on the results of these eligibility checks, a user can determine whether or not the payment arrangement request can proceed.

Since the eligibility rules can vary across implementations, the base product provides plug-in spots on the Payment Arrangement Request Type (C1–PARequestType) business object for eligibility checking:
  • The PA Request Type – Eligibility Criteria algorithm spot is responsible for checking specific conditions or activity on the account, to determine payment arrangement eligibility. Algorithms of this type commonly return a simple Pass/Fail result. The base product supplies a sample algorithm that checks the account’s past broken payment arrangements.

  • The PA Request Type — Criteria Assessment algorithm spot is responsible for taking the results of the execution of PA Request Type – Eligibility Criteria algorithms and determining the overall result, which is whether or not the account is eligible for payment arrangement. The base product supplies two sample algorithms for this spot:
    • One algorithm type checks for at least one Fail result from the PA Request Type – Eligibility Criteria algorithms and if it finds one, returns an Ineligible result

    • Another algorithm type simply returns an Eligible result. This is for implementations that do not need PA Request Type – Eligibility Criteria algorithms. This default algorithm would be the only algorithm to plug in.