Letter Data Area Organization

The following refers to logic supported by letter extract process C1-LTPEX – Letter Extract. Refer to The Letter Extract Processes for more information.

The letter extract records are defined using data areas. There is an organizing data area that includes a detail data area and optionally a characteristic data area. The detail data area contains the individual elements. Using the account record as an example, the organizing data area is “Account Letter Extract Record” and includes two other data areas, “Account Details Letter Extract” and “Account Characteristics Letter Extract”. This was done to:

  • Ensure that characteristic records are extracted directly after their associated record.

  • Properly sequence parent records followed by their characteristic then followed by a child record and its characteristic.

  • Allow custom extensions to the detail record. See Extending Letter Record Types for more information.

The characteristic data area is only included on objects with a characteristic collection. For consistency, objects without a characteristic record still follow same pattern with an organizing and detail data area. There are two special records, the end of letter record and the summary record that do not follow this pattern.