Initial Master Data Conversion

This section describes the initial master data conversion processes supported when migrating data from Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing to Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter.

Initial data conversion facilitates creation of data in Meter Data Management and Operational Device Management based on corresponding data in Customer Care and Billing. After creating master data (and its corresponding administrative data) in Customer Care and Billing, batch processing can be used to create corresponding master data (and its corresponding administrative data) in Meter Data Management and Operational Device Management. The table below lists the specific types of master data that can be converted using this process.

Customer Care and Billing Data

Meter Data Management / Operational Device Management Data

Service Point

Service Point (Node)



Service Agreement

Usage Subscription


Device (Asset)


Device (Asset)

Service Point Item History

Install Event (Asset Disposition)

Service Point Meter History

Install Event (Asset Disposition)

Meter Reads


Interval Profile

Measuring Component

Contract Options and Contract Option Events

Dynamic Options and Dynamic Options Events

CCB/MDM/ODM Data Migration Master Configuration

In addition to the above listed master data, the initial data conversion process also converts various administration data from Customer Care and Billing to Meter Data Management and Operational Device Management. The CCB/MDM/ODM Data Migration Master Configuration is used to identify how specific types of administration data are to be migrated, including:
  • Interval Meter Types: a list of Customer Care and Billing interval meter types that will be converted to Meter Data Management device types

  • Interval Profile Types: a list of Customer Care and Billing interval profile types that will be converted to Meter Data Management measuring component types

  • Tracked and Item Types: a list of Customer Care and Billing meter types and item types that will be tracked as assets and components in Operational Device Management

  • Out of Service Location Type: the Out of Service Location Type used in creating Out of Service Location for meter and item data migration

  • Out of Service Location: the Out of Service Location used on assets created from retired Customer Care & Billing meters

  • Service Agreement Types Pivot to Bill Determinants: Allows you to navigate to the Service Agreement Type portal, to review and manually update the Special Role flag to “Bill Determinants Required” for those service agreement types that should be pivoted to require bill determinants (in other words, those that require service quantities created by Meter Data Management usage transactions).

  • Inflight FA Configuration: options related to field activity related administration data, including whether or not to create Service Order Management field activity data, whether or not to include a Field Activity Type Profile on service point types, and mapping of Customer Care and Billing field activity types to Service Order Management field task types.

Refer to the embedded help for each of the above for more information about each.

Interval Profile Migration

The Interval Profile section of the master configuration should be configured to define the specific business objects to use when creating measuring component types and measuring components based on interval profiles. Interval profile measuring components should be created as "standalone" measuring components, Options include the following (values in parentheses are recommended settings):

  • Measuring Component Type BO: Defines the measuring component type business object to use when creating measuring component types based on interval profile types (D1-StandaloneIntrvlMCType).

  • Sub Type/Measuring Component BO Mapping: Maps Interval Profile Sub Types to specific measuring component business objects (D1-StandaloneInterval).

  • Migrate SA Profile: Indicates if SA Profiles should be migrated.

  • Interval Profile Relationship Type Mapping: Maps CCB Interval Profile Relationship Types to MDM Direct Channel Relationship Types (Standalone Data Request) 

Data Conversion Batch Controls

Batch controls perform processing for data conversions, including such as allocating keys to data, resolving foreign keys, and loading data.

The table below lists the batch controls used for each type of data:

Customer Care and Billing Data

Meter Data Management Data

Batch Job 

Administrative Data

Administrative Data

Migrate Admin Data (X1-MIGAD)

Service Point

Service Point

Migrate Service Point (X1-MIGSP)



Migrate Person (X1-MIGP)

Service Agreement

Usage Subscription

Migrate Service Agreement (X1-MIGSA)



Migrate Meter (X1-MIGMT)



Migrate Item (X1-MIGIT)

Interval Profile

Measuring Component

Migrate Interval Profile (X1-MIGIP)

SP Item History

Install Event

Migrate SP Item History (X1-MIGSI)

SP Meter History

Install Event

Migrate SP Meter History (X1-MIGSM)

Meter Reads


Migrate Meter Reads (X1-MIGMR)

Contract Options

Dynamic Options

Migrate Contract Options (X1-MIGCO)

Processing Modes

The data conversion batch controls listed above include parameters to control the manner in which data conversion processing is performed. These parameters include the following:
  • Low ID Override Value: Used to specify an ID value to override the low ID in the thread ID range calculation. This, along with the High ID Override Value, can be used to limit the number of records processed by each batch run.

  • High ID Override Value: Used to specify an ID value to override the high ID in the thread ID range calculation. This, along with the Low ID Override Value, can be used to limit the number of records processed by each batch run.

  • Mode: Used to specify whether the batch process will Insert or Delete data.

  • Migration Option: Used to specify the type of data migration being processed, One Time Migration or Staggered. Staggered mode inserts an ad hoc characteristic that is used to detect if the record has been changed since its initial creation (used by the “Delete” mode).

For implementations with relatively small data volumes, in which data conversion can be performed in a single set of batch processes, these jobs can be run in the “Insert” Mode using the “One Time Migration” Migration Option.

For implementations with larger data volumes, in which data conversion might require running multiple instances of each batch process, the Mode and Migration Option parameters can be used to adopt a “staggered” approach to migrating the data. This mode allows identification of data that may have been updated since its initial creation which can be deleted, and then re-inserted. Running batch processing in staggered mode involves running a series of batch process runs, as follows:
  1. Mode: Insert / Migration Option: Staggered — This performs the initial data conversion/migration, and flags records with an ad hoc characteristic noting the record’s version at the time of the migration, which is used to detect if the record has been changed since its initial creation.

  2. Mode: Delete — This removes records that have changed in production (by comparing the versions recorded in the ad hoc characteristic) as well as records that have been deleted in production.

  3. Mode: Insert / Migration Option: Staggered — This re-inserts records deleted in the previous step, including those that have changed in production since the initial migration, and inserts new records that were added in production since the initial migration.

Batch Process Sequence

The table below lists the sequence in which these migration batch processes should be executed.


Maintenance Object








Interval Profile and Interval Profile Data (see Interval Profile Migration and Converting Interval Profile Data Sets for more information.


Service Point


Service Point Item History


Service Point Meter History




Contract Option


Service Agreement


Meter Read