Customer Feedback

The Customer Feedback module is used to gather input from users and drive product improvements. Typically this module is displayed at the bottom of a widget.

Screenshot highlighting buttons and functionality that customers can use to submit feedback.

Supported Widgets: The Customer Feedback module is displayed by default on the following widgets:

The widget can also be enabled on the Data Browser. Utilities must coordinate with their Delivery Team to enable it.

Icons and Statement: The module displays icons and a statement such as, "Was this information helpful?" The exact wording will vary based on the content of the widget and each utility's configuration. For example, the module may include statements like the ones below:

  • Did this graph have what you’re looking for?
  • Did you understand this graph?
  • Did this graph have accurate information?
  • Did this graph help you understand your energy use?
  • Did this graph help you understand your energy costs?
  • Was this graph useful?
  • Did you get any helpful insight from this graph?
  • Was this information helpful?

Business customers can select one of the available icons to respond to the statement. The customer's choice is logged, and the module displays a message thanking the customer for their feedback. This message is displayed for a short period of time before being hidden from view. The feedback module is then hidden for that widget, and for the customer who provided their feedback.

Module Display: The local storage of a customer's browser is used to determine if the feedback module is displayed in a given widget. If a cookie exists for a customer's feedback for a widget, then the feedback module is hidden from view for the customer for that widget. However, the module is displayed if a cookie is not present in the customer's browser, which can occur in situations such as:

  • The browser storage has been cleared and the applicable cookie is removed.
  • The customer uses a different browser on the same device which does not yet have a feedback module cookie.
  • The customer uses a different device which does not yet have feedback module cookies for its browsers.

These scenarios allow customers to provide feedback for a widget multiple times. A customer can clear their browser storage to provide new feedback on a widget after an updated version of a widget is provided, which may change a customer's experience and satisfaction with a widget.

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