Defining Case Management Options
Case management functionality is a highly configurable tool your organization can use to manage many situations, including (but certainly not limited to) the following:
a high-bill complaint,
a bankruptcy,
an inspection of a premise,
a customer's request for literature,
an application for new service,
a contractor's request to extend a line,
a customer's rejection of a quote,
a customer's request to change service providers on a future date,
the processing of a market message in a deregulated environment,
... (the list is only limited by your time and imagination)
Obviously the steps involved in the resolution of the above cases are very different. The topics in this section describe how to configure the system to manage your cases as per your organization's desires.
Separate module. The Case Management functionality is associated with a separate module. If the Case Management module is not applicable to your business you may turn it off. Refer to Turn Off A Function Module for more information.
Refer to Case Management for a description of how end-users use cases.