Workflow Event Status Reflects The Status Of The Batch Run
The system creates a workflow process each time a job stream executes. The workflow process has a separate workflow event for each batch job in the job stream. The batch jobs are submitted when the workflow process's events are activated (i.e., each workflow process event submits a specific batch job). The following diagram shows the potential state of these workflow events:
Workflow Event Lifecycle
The following points explain the relationship between a workflow event's status and the state of the corresponding batch job that it submits:
Workflow events are initially created in the Pending state. The event's batch job has not been submitted when it's in this state.
When the workflow event is activated, its activation algorithm attempts to submit a request to execute a batch job:
If there is something wrong with the activation algorithm's parameters, the event will enter the Error state. If this happens, you can:
Resubmit the batch job by changing the event's state back to Pending.
Cancel the batch job by changing the event's status to Canceled .
Skip this batch job by changing the event's status to Complete . Do this if the subsequent dependent batch jobs should proceed despite these errors.
If the batch run is submitted successfully, the workflow event enters the Waiting state (it is waiting for the batch job to complete).
When the batch job completes, the workflow event transitions into either the Complete or Error state:
If the batch run aborts due to too many errors, it transitions into the Error state. If this happens, you can:
Restart a batch job that aborted by changing the event's status back to Pending.
Cancel the batch job by changing the event's status to Canceled .
Skip this batch job by changing the event's status to Complete . Do this if the subsequent dependent batch jobs should proceed despite these errors.
If the batch run doesn't abort, due to too many errors, it transitions to the Complete state.
You can Cancel a Pending event if you don't want the batch job to be submitted.
A Pending event will be Canceled automatically by the system if the workflow process is canceled by a user.
A Waiting event will be Canceled automatically by the system if the workflow process is canceled by a user.
You can monitor the status of a workflow process's events and their related batch jobs on the Job Stream Details page.