Referential Integrity Validation Programs
It's important to understand that only master data objects (e.g., persons, accounts, meters, premises, etc.) are validated by the object validation programs discussed above. This means that only master data objects will have their foreign keys checked for validity by the object validation programs. You must run the referential integrity programs to validate all other data.
The referential integrity validation programs highlight:
Orphaned rows because orphan rows, by definition, don't reference an object.
Invalid foreign keys on transaction data.
Validating Transaction Data. You may wonder why transaction data is not subject to the object validation routines. This is because: a) the production system only needs validation logic for master data because transaction data is not entered by users, and b) most conversions necessitate loading skeletal transaction data because the legacy system typically doesn't contain enough information to create accurate transactions in the system.
Each of the tables described under Transaction Data must be validated using the respective referential integrity validation program indicated in its Table Names section. We strongly recommend validating each table in the following steps:
Execute each table's referential integrity validation program. Refer to Submitting Referential Integrity Validation Programs for more information about the parameters supplied to these background processes.
You can view errors highlighted by this process using the FK Validation Summary transaction.
Correct the errors using SQL (you cannot use the application to correct these types of errors).
Rerun the referential integrity programs until no errors are produced.
Whenever you run a referential integrity validation program, it deletes all errors associated with its table from the referential integrity error table.
In order to highlight orphaned rows in the master data, run the referential integrity validation programs against all tables described under Master Data using the procedure described above.
When ALL referential integrity programs indicate the staging database is clean, you may now proceed to the next step - tidy balances.