How To Correct a Data Set in Error
A data set is in error only if an error is found by a validation algorithm or by a data derivation algorithm. Because there is no limit to the number of validation and data derivation algorithms that you create, there may be just as many ways to resolve these errors. This section describes a typical situation.
Resolving a Derivation Error
Because the derivation algorithms are creating new data sets, the error is not with the data set being created, but with source data that the algorithm is using to create the new data set.
The following describes the steps involved with fixing an error found by a creation algorithm (IPFCSACS) supplied with the system.
Review the To Do entries generated as a result of interval data exceptions.
The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. You may also drill down to the Data Set page to view the error.
On the Data Set page, the status is Error and the error message is displayed at the bottom. You probably have to fix a source interval data curve. This is common source of errors in derived data. One possible error is that data is missing from a source curve.
The following describes the steps to fix a source interval data profile:
The error indicates that the problem is with the DEMANDKW profile relationship type. Use the context menu button adjacent to the owner SA to Go To Service Agreement. You are taken directly to the Service Agreement Interval Info page. Determine the profile associated with the DEMANDKW relationship type.
Choose Go To Interval Data from the context menu for the appropriate Interval Profile ID and find the data set with the missing interval. Verify all the missing intervals that need to be fixed. (Note that the error message only reports the first missing interval it finds. There may be more.)
Once you have determined the missing intervals, create a new data set for the profile, and enter the missing interval data.
Existing completed data records should not be changed. If an existing data record is incorrect, you should always add a new data set, with the current date and time, and enter the corrected value for the interval. This is important because the interval data records are the audit records for an existing bill. Refer to Auditing Your Interval Pricing Bill Lines for more information.
Once you have filled in the missing intervals, you may navigate back to the Service Agreement Interval Info page to run the data derivation again. (Note, you may also wait for the SA Interval Profile Creation background process to run.)
When the Data Derivation is finished, view the Interval Data page for the profile with the derived data. You should notice that your Error data set is no longer there.
Resolving a Validation Error
The validation algorithms are validating data in existing data sets. The data set in error is marked and the chances are great that the error is with this data.
The following describes the steps involved with fixing an error found by the validation algorithm (IPFVDS-SMP) supplied with the system.
Review the To Do entries generated as a result of interval data exceptions.
The information displayed with the To Do entry provides details of the error. Drill down to the detail of the record on the Interval Data.
Fix the error and change the status of the data set to Pending . The next time the validation algorithm runs, it revalidates this data.