Defining Rate Components
We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the information under Designing Rate Components before using this transaction.
Rate components control exactly how your bill calculation lines are calculated. Every rate component exist in respect of a given rate version . This is because the rate version defines the date on which all of its rate components become effective.
Copying, deleting, and moving rate components. You can use the rate component maintenance transaction to duplicate, delete and move rate components. However, you may find these functions are easier to do using the Rate Version Merge transaction as this transaction can copy en masse and it also updates the relevant cross-reference information if you move or delete a rate component.
The topics in this section describe how to maintain a rate component.
Don't forget to finish the rate version. After you have added all necessary rate components to a rate version, don't forget to return to Rate Version - Main and change the state of the rate version to Finished; otherwise, it cannot be used by billing.