Rate Schedule - Register Rules
When a meter measures something in a unit of measure that has to be converted into a different unit of measure before it can be rated, you must link register rules to the rate. A good example is when a meter measures gas in cubic feet, but the rate contains prices in therms.
When a rate schedule has register rules, the system executes each rule's algorithm before it calculates charges. These register rules convert measured consumption so that the rate is supplied with consumption in the manner that it expects.
For more information about register rules, refer to Setting Up Register Rules.
The Rate Schedule Merge page enables you to build the register rule collection for your rate schedule by copying collections from existing rate schedules.
Select Menu > Rates > Rate Schedule > Search and navigate to the Register Rule page to link register rules to a rate.
Description of Page
Enter a Register Rule for every type of register rule to be executed before consumption is rated. The Sequence number is important when you have multiple rules linked to the rate, as it defines the order in which the rules will be executed.
Register Rules are not allowed on subsidiary rate schedules.
Where Used
Billing uses this information to create or adjust service quantities at billing time.