Service Point - Main Information

This page contains basic service point information. Use Menu > Customer Information > Service Point > Search to open this page.

Description of Page

Service Point information and SP ID are displayed on every page. These values only appear after the service point exists on the database. The ID is a system assigned random number that stays with a service point for life. The Service Point information is a concatenation of important details about the service point and its premise.

Enter the Premise ID of the premise at which the service point is located.

Indicate the SP Type. A service point's SP type controls the following:

  • It defines the type of service delivered at the SP.
  • It defines the service point as metered or item-based.
  • It plays a part in how consumption at the service point is estimated for high / low and missing read purposes.
  • It defines characteristics that are the same for all of its service points.
  • It defines the type of field activities that may be performed at its service points.
  • It defines the type of meters that may be installed at its service points.
  • It defines the type of service agreements that may pay for service at its service points.
  • It defines the types of equipment that may be linked to its service points.

Refer to Setting Up Service Point Types for more information about SP types.

Use the Service Point Status to indicate if the service point is In Service or Abolished. SP status controls whether the service point can be linked to new service agreements.


The values for the SP status field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is SP_​STATUS_​FLG.

If the Service Point Status is In Service, the Abolished Date is gray; otherwise, it contains the date the service point was abolished.

Specify the Install Date. This is the date of the installation of the service point at the premise. It is not the date of installation of any meters or other physical device(s) at the service point.

The following service point information will not be displayed for all SP Types. If the SP Type allows external service requests, portions of this information will be hidden for adding service points. All of these fields will be hidden for maintaining an existing service point that allows external service requests:

  • Use the Service Point Source Status to define whether the service point is connected to the source of power. Valid values are: Connected and Disconnected. If the source status is disconnected, use Disconnect Location to specify where service was severed. Source status impacts the type of field activity created for the service point under various circumstances. For example, if a customer wants to start service at a service point that is disconnected, a field activity that reconnects the service point would be generated. Refer to Setting Up Field Activity Type Profiles for more information about automated field activity generation.
  • Use Location to define where the service point is located on the premise. If needed, Location Details may be used to clarify the location at the premise.
  • If the SP Type uses a service route, specify the Service Cycle, Service Route, and Service Cycle / Route Sequence to define the logical position of the service point in the meter reader's route.
  • At the bottom of this page is a tree that shows the various objects linked to a service point. You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.