Configuring Admin Data
This section describes the admin data setup in Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service related to the integration. The Admin menus can be configured to be grouped alphabetically or by functional groups. The descriptions that follow will include both groupings.
Feature Configuration
This section describes the feature configuration details for the integration. The following Feature Configurations are available in Admin menu > [F or General] > Feature Configuration.
Customer Information Options
Option Type: Use Legacy Person Phone and Email
This should be set to ‘N’. The extract for Person will only consider the person contact details feature.
Note: Most of the legacy Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service deployment is using the classic phone email feature. There is an existing upgrade job (C1-INPUS - Create Person Contact from Person Phone/Email) that will move the classic phone/email details to the new contact details. For more information, see the Prerequisites section.
Schema Constants
Set up the following schema constants, if not yet configured. The values should be a valid Person Contact Type.
The following list shows sample values set for the respective Person Contact Type:
Business Phone: BUSN
Home Phone: HOME
Mobile Phone: CELL
Email Contact Type: EMAIL
Maintenance Object Audit Configuration
To capture incremental changes to the person, service point, and service agreement, an MO Audit algorithm must be plugged into the appropriate maintenance object.
For the Person Maintenance Object:
1. Navigate to the “PERSON” maintenance object and click the Algorithms tab.
2. Add a new System Event.
3. Select “Audit” as the System Event and “C1_DAPERSYNC” as the algorithm.
For the SP Maintenance Object:
1. Navigate to the “SP” maintenance object and click the Algorithms tab.
2. Add a new System Event.
3. Select “Audit” as the System Event and “C1_DASPSYNC” as the algorithm.
For the SA Maintenance Object:
1. Navigate to the “SA” maintenance object and click Algorithms tab.
2. Add a new System Event.
3. Select “Audit” as the System Event and “C1_DASASYNC” as the algorithm.