Understanding Service Eligibility

A service eligiblity criterion has four components:
  • The value to compare.
  • The comparison method, which consists of an operator and a comparison value.
  • Action to take, based on the comparison results. The result can be any of: True, False or Insuffiicent Data. For each result, the possible actions are: Eligible, Not Eligible, Check Next Condition.
  • The SA Type(s) and any applicable Start Options that are eligible for start / stop when the comparison results in an Eligible action.

The base product provides a CS Request Type Svc Eligibility Criteria business object (C1-CSRTSvcEligCriteria) for configuring service criteria. Refer to the business object configuration in the application for more information

The following describe the functionality that this business object supports:

Criteria Basis and Comparison Method

The Criteria Basis on CS Request Type Service Eligibility Criteria determines the value to compare:
  • Question Response uses the response to a question that is configured on the CS Request Type.
  • Derive Value Algorithm retrieves a field or characteristic value from an existing object, such as Person, Account or Premise. The base product provides algorithms to retrieve: an attribute from Account, an attribute from Premise and a characteristic value from Person / Account / Premise / SP / SA. Refer to the algorithm types for the CS Request Type Svc Criteria - Derive Value algorithm entity, for details.

The Criteria Comparison defines the operator to use and the value to compare with either question response or algorithm-derived value. The base product supports the operators: =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, Between and In. The comparison value is a free-form string, which should contain comma-separate values when the operator is Between or In.

Configuring Eligible SA Types and Start Options

At least one Eligible SA Type must be configured on a service eligibility criterion. If configuring multiple SA Types, designate one of them as the default. Configure any applicable Start Option(s) and designate one as the default.

Applying Service Eligibility Criteria

The Apply Svc Criteria plug-in on the Customer Service Request Type BO is responsible for processing service eligibility criteria, given input: the selected SPs and SAs to start / stop, list of question responses and the service task ID.

The Apply Service Eligibility Criteria (C1CSRTAPSEC) base algorithm reads the service eligibility criteria and performs the criteria comparisons for each.

The Apply Svc Criteria plug-in spot is invoked from the common service script for response processing, Process Question Responses (C1ProQstnRsp). The Process Services to Start and Process Services to Stop operations of the Start Stop Transfer Tasks IWS calls this script to apply the service eligibility criteria using the question responses capture from self-service. Refer to this IWS' specifications for more details.