Equipment versus Badged Items

This is a rather confusing subject, but there are two notional types of items:

  • Equipment. An item that is considered to be "equipment" is a physical device that regulates consumption; it does NOT measure consumption. You would only define equipment if it is of interest to your organization. For example, if your organization periodically tests the pulse initiators associated with your meters, you will need to set up items for each pulse initiator and link them to their respective meters. Equipment can be linked to either a service point (e.g., a current transformer, a backflow device), a meter (e.g., a pulse initiator), or an item (e.g., the components of an installation).
  • Non Equipment. An item that is not considered to be "equipment" is a physical device that does NOT measure consumption, but impacts billing in some way (i.e., there are charges in your rates based on the number and type of items installed at a service point). Examples include street lights, light poles, and security cameras. These types of items are related to service points. Refer to Chargeable Items Must Be Associated With Service Points for information about the two types of items that may be linked to service points.

The topics that appear below provide more information about both types of items.