To Do Entries Reference A To Do Type

Every To Do entry references a To Do type. The To Do type controls the following functions:

  • The page into which a user is taken when they drill down to the related object on an entry.

  • The message associated with the To Do that appears on various pages. Note this message can be overridden for specific To Do messages by specifying a different message number in the process that creates the specific To Do entry. For example, the process that creates To Do entries associated with bill segments that are in error displays the error message rather than a generic "bill segment is in error" message.

  • The To Do entry sort keys. Note that the processes that create To Do entries are responsible for populating the sort key values.

  • Whether (and how) the To Do entry is downloaded to an external system (e.g., an email system).

  • The roles to which an entry may be reassigned.

  • The default priority of the To Do entry. Note that this value may be overridden by a Calculate Priority algorithm.

  • An indication of whether a To Do of that type may be created manually by a user.

  • The algorithms used to perform specific business rules for To Do entries of this type.

  • The characteristics applicable to the To Do.