Contract Option Type - Main

Contract Option Type defines control information required for contract options. Open Admin > Consumption > Contract Option Type > Add to define your contract option types.


This page will not be available if Complex Billing module is turned off.

Description of Page

Enter a unique Contract Option Type ID and Description.

Indicate whether you Allow Overlap of the effective period for contract events linked to contract options of this type.

If the installation record indicates that Seasonal Time Shift is required, then you must enter the appropriate Seasonal Time Shift record applicable for the contract option event data.

Select a Characteristic Type that may be used on contract options of this type. The characteristic type's Description appears adjacent.

The following fields should be defined for each characteristic type:

Sequence This field controls the order in which the characteristics appear on the contract option page.

Required Turn this switch on if this type of characteristic must be defined on all contract options of this type.

Default Turn this switch on if this characteristic type should automatically appear in the characteristic scroll area of contract options of this type.

Characteristic Value If a characteristic value can default for contract options of this type, specify the default value in this field.