Notification Upload Staging - Main

Use this page to define common attributes of notification upload staging records. Open this page using Menu > Workflow and Notification > Notification Upload Staging > Search.

Description of Page

The Upload Staging ID is the unique identifier of the notification upload staging (NUS) record.

Status shows the state of the NUS record. Potential values are: Pending, Complete, Error. To have the system reprocess a record that's in Error, change the status back to Pending. The system will revalidate the record the next time the notification upload process executes.

Create Date and Time are just that.

External System identifies the sender of the notification.

Notification Upload Type identifies the transaction type of the notification.

Extension identifies the type of notification upload staging extension record that contains the details of this notification upload. Valid values: No Extension , Sample Extension Record. You would use No Extension when you plan to define the data related to the NUS record in the characteristic collection or in the context collection rather than in an extension table. If your notification upload type indicates a navigation option associated with your extension record, a drill down button is enabled adjacent to this field.


Default Note. The extension value defaults from the value specified on the notification upload type.

The values for this field are customizable using the Lookup table. This field name is NT_​UP_​EXTSN_​FLG.

If a Workflow Process has been created for this NUS record, information about the workflow process will be displayed.

This bottom of this page contains a tree that shows the various objects linked to the notification upload staging record along with information about the workflow process, if one has been created for the NUS. You can use this tree to both view high-level information about these objects and to transfer to the respective page in which an object is maintained.