Usage Request Lifecycle

The usage request business object (BO) contains the rules that govern the processing of a usage request. The base product provides the BO C1-UsageRequest which serves as a parent BO and contains the following lifecycle:

  • All usage requests are created in the initial Pending state. If the usage request was created from the batch billing process, the batch Usage Scheduled Monitor Process must be executed to transition the usage request.
  • If there are pending sync requests for the usage request's service agreement, the usage request is held in the Awaiting Data Sync state until the sync is processed.
  • Once all pending sync requests related to the usage request have been processed, the usage request transitions to the Send Request state. An enter algorithm on this transitory state is responsible for sending the usage request to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management (MDM). The base algorithm creates a JMS Queue outbound message. This outbound message is configured to not persist on the database.
  • Once the outbound message has been successfully sent, the usage request sits in the Awaiting Bill Determinants state until a response is received from MDM, or a time out is encountered.
  • When a response is received from the external system , the usage request is transitioned to either the Bill Determinants Received state, or the Error state. In the case of an error, the following occurs:
    • If the usage request was created from the batch billing process and the billing window is still open, a new usage request will be created the next time billing runs and the process is repeated. If however, the billing window is no longer open, a to do entry is created for manual follow up.
    • If the usage request was created from an online billing process, the user will be notified. The bill segment remains in the error state and the user can either delete the bill segment, or attempt to generate it again. If the bill segment is regenerated, a new usage request is created and the process is repeated.
    • The system transitions usage requests in the Bill Determinants Received state to the Bill Determinants Processed state. An enter algorithm on this final state is responsible for generating the bill segment. If the usage request was created from the batch billing process, the bill segment is frozen and the bill is completed. For online billing usage requests, the user is responsible for freezing the bill segment and completing the bill.