Business Role of a Classic TOU Map

The TOU Map Relationship Type is used for TOU maps that are linked to the service agreement. It indicates the "role" that a classic TOU Map is playing for a particular service agreement. The following are some examples of roles that a classic TOU Map may play:

  • Map for Measured Demand
  • Map for Contract Demand
  • Map for Excess Demand
  • Map for Reactive Energy

If your rate component requires a classic TOU map but the TOU map is not common to all service agreements for the rate, then the rate component must indicate a TOU Map Relationship Type. The rate component algorithm uses this information to find the appropriate classic TOU map linked to the service agreement. Refer to Classic TOU Maps Serve a Role for a Service Agreement for more information.

This is the same model used for interval profile data. Refer to Business Role of Interval Data for more information.