Designing Workflow Process Profiles

The following sections describe how to design a workflow process profile. A workflow process profile controls the type of workflow process that will be created to process your incoming notifications. If you plan to use workflow processes outside of the notification upload process, you can skip to Designing Workflow Process Templates.

You associate a workflow process profile with one or more external system. Whenever a notification is received from an external system, the system uses the workflow process profile to determine the type of workflow process to create to implement the notification.

The easiest way to design a workflow process profile is to choose a representative external system and design a workflow process profile for it by filling in the matrices below. After you've designed a profile, determine how many other external systems can use it. Then design the next external system's profile and determine who can reuse it. Repeat this process until all your external systems have a profile. Once the profiles are designed, you're ready to set up the workflow control tables.


Refer to The Big Picture Of Notification Processing for more information about how workflow processes are used to implement incoming notifications.

The topics discussed below will gradually complete the following matrix using a simple case-study. We recommend that you use the following matrix as your guide. When the matrix is complete, you're ready to set up a workflow process profile.

WF Process Criteria

Notif. Upload Type