Implementing Account Security


This section assumes you understand The Big Picture of Row Security.

When you create an account, you must define which users can access the account's information. For example,

  • If you have customers in two geographic territories, you may need to restrict access to accounts based on the office that manages each territory. For example, only users in the northern office may manage accounts in the northern territory.
  • If you have industrial and residential customers, you may need to restrict access to these different customer segments based on the skill set of the users. For example, some users are skilled in dealing with industrial customers, while others are skilled in dealing with residential customers.

By granting a user access rights to an account, you are actually granting the user access rights to the account's bills, payment, adjustments, orders, etc.


Refer to If You Do Not Practice Account Security for setup instructions if your organization doesn't practice account security.


Account security may also affect persons and premises. Refer to Persons Can Also Be Secured for how access to person information is also restricted by account security. Refer to Premises Can Also Be Secured for how access to premise information is also restricted by account security.

The topics in this section describe how to implement account security.