Maintaining Trends

All trend data is updated by the system and should not require modification. However, if you need to view or change this information, open Meter Read, Trend.

Description of Page

A separate trend is maintained for every combination of Trend Area, Trend Class, Unit of Measure, and Time of Use code. The Unit of Measure's Measures Peak Qty is displayed adjacent. Each trend contains a separate record for each day on which consumption was measured.

Note: Load functionality. If you enter this page in "add mode" (i.e., you do not select a trend using the search dialog) and you enter a combination of Trend Area, Trend Class, Unit of Measure and Time of Use code that already has trend information, a button will appear adjacent to Trend Area. This button is called " Load" and, if clicked, will cause the information in the following grid to become populated with the respective trend information.

Use the Read Date to indicate the starting point for the display of the trend data. Keep in mind that the data is displayed in reverse chronological order.

The following fields display:

Read Date The date on which the consumption information was recorded in the system.

Thread Nbr The system-generated identifier for a group of trend consumption records (rows) used to calculate a trend estimate. Simply enter a value of 1 if you are entering a trend.

Total Service Quantity The total amount of consumption recorded on the read date.

Number of Units For non-peak units of measure (e.g., CCF, therm, kWh), this contains the number of days in which the total service quantity was consumed. For peak units of measure (e.g., kW, kVar), this contains the number of meter reads.

Number of Reads The total number of reads whose consumption was recorded on the trend.

Average Consumption This equals the total service quantity divided by the number of units.