Trends Are Updated Behind-The-Scenes

The consumption associated with certain register reads is updated on a trend record by the TREND background process when the following conditions are true:

  • The register's read type must be Customer, Regular, or Verified .
  • If the register is subtractive, the reading's resultant consumption can't exceed the threshold capacity of the register. Note, a register's threshold capacity equals X times the register's maximum capacity (where X is the rollover threshold factor defined on Installation Options - Billing).
  • If the register read was entered online, the resultant consumption can't be outside of the high / low boundaries.
  • If the register read was uploaded by the MUP2 background process and the reading was marked for high / low checks, the resultant consumption can't be outside of the high / low boundaries

The above points mean that if you do not subject your uploaded meter reads to high / low checks AND the resultant consumption does not exceed the threshold capacity of the register AND the read type is Customer, Regular or Verified, then the trend table will be updated with the register read's consumption.

The specific trend affected by a register read is identified by the following:

  • The register's meter's service point's premise defines the trend area.
  • The register's meter's service point's SP type defines the trend class.
  • The register defines the unit of measure and time of use codes.
  • The meter read date defines the trend date.
Important: The system only updates trends with a read type of Customer, Regular or Verified. The system ignores other types of reads when it builds trend information. Refer to Meter Read - Main for more information about read type.

In addition to updating the trend data, the trend process can create To Do entries for any service point without an active service agreement where significant usage is detected.